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2024-04-16 03:43:29 +00:00
* $Logfile: /DescentIII/Main/mac/macdatabase.cpp $
* $Revision: $
* $Date: 2003/08/26 03:58:15 $
* $Author: kevinb $
* Mac Database objects functions
* $Log: macdatabase.cpp,v $
* Revision 2003/08/26 03:58:15 kevinb
* initial 1.5 import
* 3 10/21/99 1:55p Kevin
* Mac Merge!
* 2 7/28/99 2:51p Kevin
* 3 5/15/97 2:34 PM Jeremy
* made database return user name or default user name if no user name in
* database
* 2 5/15/97 1:50 AM Jeremy
* correct and more complete implementation of macOSDatabase object which
* uses the mac resource manager to store entries in the application
* preferences file (used like the windows registry file)
* 1 4/11/97 4:12 PM Jeremy
* initial checkin
* $NoKeywords: $
// ANSI Headers
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
// Macintosh Headers
#include <Files.h>
#include <Processes.h>
#include <Folders.h>
#include <Script.h>
#include <Resources.h>
#include <Errors.h>
// MacPlayLib Headers
#include "PString.h"
#include "File Utils.h"
// Descent 3 Headers
#include "mono.h"
#include "pserror.h"
#include "gameos.h"
//#define ASSERT(x)
//#define mprintf(x)
//#define _MAX_FNAME 32
//#define _MAX_DIR 32
//typedef unsigned long ulong;
//#include <Fonts.h>
//#include <Windows.h>
//#include <Menus.h>
//#include <TextEdit.h>
//#include <Dialogs.h>
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Internal Data Types
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class CDatabaseErr
CDatabaseErr(char* inErrStr = NULL, OSErr inMacErr = noErr)
mErrStr = inErrStr;
mMacErr = inMacErr;
char* mErrStr;
OSErr mMacErr;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Functions
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
mprintf((0, "Creating mac database object\n"));
mInitted = false;
mAppSignature = '????';
memset(mPrefsFileName, 0, sizeof(mPrefsFileName));
memset(mPrefsFolderName, 0, sizeof(mPrefsFolderName));
mPrefsFileType = '????';
memset(&mPrefsFileSpec, 0, sizeof(mPrefsFileSpec));
mPrefsFileRefNum = -1;
mprintf((0, "Destroying mac database object\n"));
bool success = false;
OSErr err = noErr;
ProcessSerialNumber myPSN;
ProcessInfoRec myInfo;
// Get information about the current process (this app)
err = GetCurrentProcess(&myPSN);
memset(&myInfo, 0, sizeof(myInfo));
myInfo.processInfoLength = sizeof(myInfo);
err = GetProcessInformation(&myPSN, &myInfo);
if (!err)
bool prefsSuccess = false;
mAppSignature = myInfo.processSignature;
prefsSuccess = FillOutPrefsInfo();
if (prefsSuccess)
success = true;
mInitted = true;
return mInitted;
// read either an integer or string from the current record
osMacDatabase::read(const char *label, char *entry, int *entrylen)
return ReadDataFromResourceFork(label, entry, entrylen);
osMacDatabase::read(const char *label, int *entry)
int intSize = sizeof(int);
return ReadDataFromResourceFork(label, entry, &intSize);
// read either an integer or string from the current record
osMacDatabase::ReadDataFromResourceFork(const char* label, void* entry, int* entrylen)
short saveResFile = CurResFile();
OSErr err = noErr;
bool success = false;
//<2F> Start by terminating the entry in case anything goes wrong
((char*) entry)[0] = 0;
//<2F> Open the resource file (must be closed later)
mPrefsFileRefNum = FSpOpenResFile(&mPrefsFileSpec, fsRdWrPerm);
if (mPrefsFileRefNum == -1)
err = ResError();
if (err)
throw (CDatabaseErr("An error occurred opening the prefs file resource fork.", err));
//<2F> Switch to the prefs file's resource fork
err = ResError();
if (err)
throw (CDatabaseErr("Could not switch to database resource file.", err));
//<2F> Convert the name string from a c to a pascal style string
Str255 labelPStr = "\p";
CPstrcpy(labelPStr, (char*) label);
//<2F> See if this resource exists in the prefs file database
Handle dataHandle = nil;
dataHandle = Get1NamedResource(kMacDatabaseResourceType, labelPStr);
err = ResError();
if (err == resNotFound)
mprintf((0, "Could not find label %s in the database.\n", label));
throw (CDatabaseErr("Entry does not exist.", err));
else if (err)
mprintf((0, "LABEL: %s\n", label));
throw (CDatabaseErr("Error getting label %s from the database.", err));
//<2F> Lock the handle down in memory
//<2F> Copy the data to the buffer passed in by the database user
// Note! Only copies up to as many bytes as specified by entrylen initially, returns the
// actual size of the data in entrylen on completion
int dataSize = GetHandleSize(dataHandle);
*entrylen = (*entrylen < dataSize) ? *entrylen : dataSize;
BlockMove(*dataHandle, entry, *entrylen);
//<2F> Unlock the memory handle
success = true;
catch (CDatabaseErr databaseErr)
mprintf((0, "An error occurred reading from the mac resource database: %d\n", databaseErr.mMacErr));
mprintf((0, databaseErr.mErrStr));
mprintf((0, "\n"));
success = false;
mPrefsFileRefNum = -1;
//<2F> Restore the original resource file
return success;
// write either an integer or string to a record.
osMacDatabase::write(const char *label, char *entry, int entrylen)
return WriteDataToResourceFork(label, entry, entrylen);
osMacDatabase::write(const char *label, int *entry)
return WriteDataToResourceFork(label, entry, sizeof(int));
osMacDatabase::WriteDataToResourceFork(const char* label, void* entry, int entrylen)
short saveResFile = CurResFile();
OSErr err = noErr;
bool success = false;
//<2F> Open the resource file (must be closed later in destructor)
mPrefsFileRefNum = FSpOpenResFile(&mPrefsFileSpec, fsRdWrPerm);
if (mPrefsFileRefNum == -1)
err = ResError();
if (err)
throw (CDatabaseErr("An error occurred opening the prefs file resource fork.", err));
//<2F> Switch to the prefs file's resource fork
err = ResError();
if (err)
throw (CDatabaseErr("Could not switch to database resource file.", err));
//<2F> Convert the name string from a c to a pascal style string
Str255 labelPStr = "\p";
CPstrcpy(labelPStr, (char*) label);
//<2F> See if this resource already exists in the prefs file database
Handle oldHandle = nil;
oldHandle = Get1NamedResource(kMacDatabaseResourceType, labelPStr);
err = ResError();
if (err && (err != resNotFound))
throw (CDatabaseErr("Could not check if database entry already exists.", err));
if (oldHandle != nil) // If this resource exists, then delete it
//<2F> Now delete the old resource
err = ResError();
if (err)
throw (CDatabaseErr("Could not get delete previously existing database entry", err));
//<2F> Write the changes to disk
err = ResError();
if (err)
throw (CDatabaseErr("Could add write mac database resource to disk.", err));
//<2F> Create a handle to store the entry in
Handle entryH = nil;
entryH = NewHandleClear(entrylen);
if (!entryH)
throw (CDatabaseErr("Could not allocate memory for new database entry", nilHandleErr));
//<2F> Lock the handle down in memory
//<2F> Copy the new entry data to a handle to be added as a named resource
BlockMove(entry, *entryH, entrylen);
//<2F> Get a unique ID for this resource
short entryResID = 0;
entryResID = Unique1ID(kMacDatabaseResourceType);
//<2F> Add the resource to the database
AddResource(entryH, kMacDatabaseResourceType, entryResID, labelPStr);
err = ResError();
if (err)
throw (CDatabaseErr("Could not add entry to mac database resource file.", err));
//<2F> Write the changes to disk
err = ResError();
if (err)
throw (CDatabaseErr("Could add write mac database resource to disk.", err));
//<2F> Unlock the memory handle
//<2F> Dispose of the memory handle
success = true;
catch (CDatabaseErr databaseErr)
mprintf((0, "An error occurred writing to the mac resource database: %d\n", databaseErr.mMacErr));
mprintf((0, databaseErr.mErrStr));
mprintf((0, "\n"));
success = false;
mPrefsFileRefNum = -1;
//<2F> Restore the original resource file
return success;
// get the current user's name from the os
osMacDatabase::get_user_name(char* buffer, ulong* size)
bool success = false;
success = read("user name", buffer, (int*) size);
if (!success)
mprintf((0, "Error reading user name from data base!\n"));
mprintf((0, "Using default name\n"));
char defaultName[100] = "MacUser";
strncpy(buffer, defaultName, *size);
*size = strlen(defaultName) + 1;
// creates an empty classification or structure where you can store information
osMacDatabase::create_record(const char *pathname)
bool result = false;
return result;
// set current database focus to a particular record
osMacDatabase::lookup_record(const char *pathname)
bool result = false;
return result;
ProcessSerialNumber thePSN;
ProcessInfoRec thePIR;
FSSpec appSpec;
OSErr theErr = noErr;
bool success = false;
//<2F> Get information about the current process (this app)
theErr = GetCurrentProcess(&thePSN);
thePIR.processName = nil;
thePIR.processInfoLength = sizeof(ProcessInfoRec);
thePIR.processAppSpec = &appSpec;
theErr = GetProcessInformation(&thePSN, &thePIR);
if (!theErr)
//<2F> Make sure the constructed name will not overflow the maximum file/folder length
Str31 fileTag = "\p Prefs";
Str31 folderTag = "\p Preferences";
int fileTagLength = (int) fileTag[0];
int folderTagLength = (int) folderTag[0];
Str255 tempAppName ="\p";
int tempAppNameLength = 0;
//<2F> Shorten the app name length until it will fit into the file name
tempAppNameLength = tempAppName[0];
while (fileTagLength + tempAppNameLength >= _MAX_FNAME)
tempAppName[0] = tempAppNameLength;
//<2F> Construct the Prefs File Name
Pstrcpy(mPrefsFileName, tempAppName);
Pstrcat(mPrefsFileName, fileTag);
//<2F> Shorten the app name length until it will fit into the folder name
tempAppNameLength = tempAppName[0];
while (folderTagLength + tempAppNameLength >= _MAX_DIR)
tempAppName[0] = tempAppNameLength;
//<2F> Construct the Prefs Folder Name
Pstrcpy(mPrefsFolderName, tempAppName);
Pstrcat(mPrefsFolderName, folderTag);
success = true;
return success;
long newDirID = 0;
short prefVRefNum = 0;
long prefDirID = 0;
OSErr theErr = noErr;
bool success = false;
//<2F> Find the System "Preferences" folder
theErr = FindFolder(kOnSystemDisk, kPreferencesFolderType, kCreateFolder, &prefVRefNum, &prefDirID);
//<2F> Find (or make) the app prefs folder in the Preferences folder
mPrefsFileSpec.vRefNum = prefVRefNum;
mPrefsFileSpec.parID = prefDirID;
Pstrcpy(, mPrefsFolderName);
theErr = NormalizeFolderSpec(&mPrefsFileSpec);
if (theErr)
if (theErr != fnfErr)
// A Real Error Occurred
throw (CDatabaseErr("An Error occurred getting at the preferences folder", theErr));
//<2F> Create the app prefs folder in the Preferences folder
theErr = FSpDirCreate(&mPrefsFileSpec, smCurrentScript, &newDirID);
if (theErr)
throw (CDatabaseErr("Error creating preferences folder", theErr));
mPrefsFileSpec.parID = newDirID;
//<2F> At this point we should have a valid FSSpec for items inside the app prefs folder
Pstrcpy(, mPrefsFileName);
//<2F> If we make it here OK, create Preferences file if necessary
theErr = FSpCreate(&mPrefsFileSpec, mAppSignature, mPrefsFileType, smCurrentScript);
//<2F> If there was no error, then file did not already exist,
// and we must create the resource map in the file
if (!theErr)
FSpCreateResFile(&mPrefsFileSpec, mAppSignature, mPrefsFileType, smCurrentScript);
theErr = ResError();
if (theErr)
throw (CDatabaseErr("An error occurred creating the prefs file resource map.", theErr));
if (theErr != dupFNErr) // If the error is not "duplicate file error" then there is a problem
// We have a real error
throw (CDatabaseErr("An error occurred creating the prefs file.", theErr));
success = true;
catch (CDatabaseErr databaseErr)
mprintf((0, "ERROR in osMacDatabase::InitPrefsFile: %d\n", databaseErr.mMacErr));
mprintf((0, databaseErr.mErrStr));
success = false;
return success;