2024-05-02 18:45:12 +00:00
!/!Level strings for levels2.d3l
!/!Notes on Localizing This File
!/!Line Tokens:
!/! Each non-blank line begins with one of the following tokens that
!/! identifies it as either a comment or a string in a particular
!/! language:
!/! !/! = comment (optional)
!/! !=! = English version of string
!/! !G! = German version of string
!/! !S! = Spanish version of string
!/! !I! = Italian version of string
!/! !F! = French version of string
!/! 1. There must be an English version of each string.
!/! 2. All text when translated should stay very near the
!/! length of the English version, unless otherwise noted.
!/! 3. The maximum length of any line is 1024 characters.
!/! 4. All %s,%d,%f and similar tokens MUST stay in the string.
!/! In the game, these tokens will be replaced by:
!/! %s = another string
!/! %d = an integer number
!/! %f = a floating point number (a number with a decimal point)
!/! These tokens MUST stay in the same relative order (i.e. in the
!/! string "%s got %d points" the %s must always come before the %d).
!/!Special Characters:
!/! Special characters can be inserted in strings with the following tokens:
!/! \t = tab
!/! \n = newline
!/! \0 - \255 = specific ASCII character
!/!Goal 0 Name
!=!Destroy the Research Center
!G!Das Forschungszentrum zerst<73>ren
!F!D<>truire le Centre de Recherches
!S!Destruir el Centro de Investigaci<63>n
!I!Distruggi il Centro di ricerca
!/!Goal 0 Item Name
!=!Research Center
!F!centre de recherches
!S!Centro de Investigaci<63>n
!I!Centro di ricerca
!/!Goal 0 Description
!=!Destroy the Weapons Research Center and escape!
!F!D<>truisez le Centre de Recherches sur les Armes et <20>chappez-vous !
!G!Zerst<73>ren Sie das Waffenforschungszentrum und fl<66>chten Sie!
!S!<21>Destruye el Centro de Investigaci<63>n de Armas y escapa!
!I!Distruggi il Centro di ricerca sulle armi e fuggi
!/!Goal 1 Name
!=!Destroy Blue Key Forcefield Generators
!F!D<>truire les g<>n<EFBFBD>rateurs
!G!Die 'Blauer Schl<68>ssel'-Kraftfeldgeneratoren zerst<73>ren
!S!Destruye el generador del campo de fuerza de la llave azul
!I!Distruggi i generatori del campo di forza della chiave azzurra
!/!Goal 1 Item Name
!=!Forcefield Generators
!F!G<>n<EFBFBD>rateurs du champ de force
!S!Generadores del campo de fuerza
!I!Generatori del campo di forza
!/!Goal 1 Description
!=!Destroy the Blue Key Forcefield Generators to gain access to the Blue Key
!F!D<>truisez les g<>n<EFBFBD>rateurs du champ de force qui renferme la cl<63> bleue pour acc<63>der <20> la cl<63> bleue.
!G!Zerst<73>ren Sie die 'Blauer Schl<68>ssel'-Kraftfeldgeneratoren, um zum blauen Schl<68>ssel zu kommen
!S!Destruye los generadores del campo de fuerza de la llave azul para tomar la llave.
!I!Distruggi i generatori del campo di forza e recupera la chiave azzurra
!/!Goal 2 Name
!=!Destroy Red Key Forcefield Generators
!F!D<>truire les g<>n<EFBFBD>rateurs
!G!Die 'Roter Schl<68>ssel'-Kraftfeldgeneratoren zerst<73>ren
!S!Destruye los generadores del campo de fuerza de la llave roja
!I!Distruggi i generatori del campo di forza della chiave rossa
!/!Goal 2 Item Name
!=!Forcefield Generators
!F!G<>n<EFBFBD>rateurs du champ de force
!S!Generadores del campo de fuerza
!I!Generatori del campo di forza
!/!Goal 2 Description
!=!Destroy the Red Key Forcefield Generators to gain access to the Red Key
!F!D<>truisez les g<>n<EFBFBD>rateurs du champ de force qui renferme la cl<63> rouge pour acc<63>der <20> la cl<63> rouge.
!G!Zerst<73>ren Sie die 'Roter Schl<68>ssel'-Kraftfeldgeneratoren, um zum roten Schl<68>ssel zu kommen
!S!Destruye los generadores del campo de fuerza de la llave roja para tomar la llave.
!I!Distruggi i generatori del campo di forza e recupera la chiave rossa
!/!Goal 3 Name
!=!Acquire the Blue Key
!F!prendre la cl<63> bleue
!G!Den blauen Schl<68>ssel beschaffen
!S!Obten la llave azul
!I!Recupera la chiave azzurra
!/!Goal 3 Item Name
!=!Blue Key
!F!cl<63> bleue
!G!Blauer Schl<68>ssel
!S!Llave azul
!I!Chiave azzurra
!/!Goal 3 Description
!=!Acquire the Blue Key
!F!prendre la cl<63> bleue
!G!Beschaffen Sie den blauen Schl<68>ssel
!S!Obten la llave azul
!I!Recupera la chiave azzurra
!/!Goal 4 Name
!=!Acquire the Red Key
!F!prendre la cl<63> rouge
!G!Den roten Schl<68>ssel beschaffen
!S!Obten la llave roja
!I!Recupera la chiave rossa
!/!Goal 4 Item Name
!=!Red Key
!F!cl<63> rouge
!G!Roter Schl<68>ssel
!S!Llave roja
!I!Chiave rossa
!/!Goal 4 Description
!=!Acquire the Red Key
!F!Prenez la cl<63> rouge.
!G!Beschaffen Sie den roten Schl<68>ssel
!S!Obten la llave roja
!I!Recupera la chiave rossa
!/!Goal 5 Name
!=!Destroy Reactor Forcefield Generators
!F!D<>truire les g<>n<EFBFBD>rateurs du champ de force
!G!Die Reaktor-Kraftfeldgeneratoren zerst<73>ren
!S!Destruye los generadores del campo de fuerza del reactor
!I!Distruggi i generatori del campo di forza del reattore
!/!Goal 5 Item Name
!=!Forcefield Generators
!F!G<>n<EFBFBD>rateurs du champ de force
!S!Generadores del campo de fuerza
!I!Generatori del campo di forza
!/!Goal 5 Description
!=!Destroy the Reactor Forcefield Generators to gain access to the Reactor
!F!D<>truisez les g<>n<EFBFBD>rateurs du champ de force pour acc<63>der au r<>acteur.
!G!Zerst<73>ren Sie die Reaktor-Kraftfeldgeneratoren, um zum Reaktor zu kommen
!S!Destruye los generadores del campo de fuerza del reactor para llegar al reactor.
!I!Distruggi i generatori del campo di forza e accedi al reattore
!/!Goal 6 Name
!=!Destroy the Reactor
!F!D<>truire le r<>acteur
!G!Den Reaktor zerst<73>ren
!S!Destruye el reactor
!I!Distruggi il reattore
!/!Goal 6 Item Name
!=!Reactor Core
!F!coeur du r<>acteur
!S!N<>cleo del reactor
!I!Nucleo del reattore
!/!Goal 6 Description
!=!Destroy the Reactor to begin the self-destruct sequence of the Weapons Research Center
!F!D<>truisez le r<>acteur pour d<>clencher la s<>quence d'auto-destruction du Centre de Recherches sur les Armes.
!G!Zerst<73>ren Sie den Reaktor, um die Selbstzerst<73>rungssequenz des Waffenforschungszentrums zu starten
!S!Destruye el reactor para iniciar la secuencia de autodestrucci<63>n del Centro de Investigaciones de Armas
!I!Distruggi il reattore per avviare la sequenza di autodistruzione del Centro di ricerca sulle armi
!/!Goal 7 Name
!=!Escape the Research Center
!F!Quitter le Centre de Recherches
!G!Aus dem Forschungszentrum fl<66>chten
!S!Escapa del Centro de Investigaciones
!I!Scappa dal Centro di ricerca
!/!Goal 7 Item Name
!=!Escape Tube
!F!Tunnel de sortie
!S!Tunel de escape
!I!Tunnel di fuga
!/!Goal 7 Description
!=!Escape from the Research Center
!F!Quitter le Centre de Recherches
!G!Fl<46>chten Sie aus dem Forschungszentrum
!S!Escapa del Centro de Investigaciones
!I!Scappa dal Centro di ricerca