
171 lines
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!/!Level strings for level4.d3l
!/!Notes on Localizing This File
!/!Line Tokens:
!/! Each non-blank line begins with one of the following tokens that
!/! identifies it as either a comment or a string in a particular
!/! language:
!/! !/! = comment (optional)
!/! !=! = English version of string
!/! !G! = German version of string
!/! !S! = Spanish version of string
!/! !I! = Italian version of string
!/! !F! = French version of string
!/! 1. There must be an English version of each string.
!/! 2. All text when translated should stay very near the
!/! length of the English version, unless otherwise noted.
!/! 3. The maximum length of any line is 1024 characters.
!/! 4. All %s,%d,%f and similar tokens MUST stay in the string.
!/! In the game, these tokens will be replaced by:
!/! %s = another string
!/! %d = an integer number
!/! %f = a floating point number (a number with a decimal point)
!/! These tokens MUST stay in the same relative order (i.e. in the
!/! string "%s got %d points" the %s must always come before the %d).
!/!Special Characters:
!/! Special characters can be inserted in strings with the following tokens:
!/! \t = tab
!/! \n = newline
!/! \0 - \255 = specific ASCII character
!/!Goal 0 Name
!=!Get to the Train Station
!F!Aller <20> la gare
!S!Acude a la estaci<63>n de tren
!G!Zur U-Bahnstation gelangen
!I!Vai alla stazione ferroviaria
!/!Goal 0 Item Name
!=!Train Station
!S!Estaci<63>n de tren
!I!Stazione ferroviaria
!/!Goal 0 Description
!=!Get past the subway trains and to the train station
!F!Passez les m<>tros et allez jusqu'<27> la gare.
!S!Pasa por delante de los trenes del metro y ve a la estaci<63>n de tren
!G!Gelangen Sie an den U-Bahnen vorbei zur Bahnstation.
!I!Oltrepassa la metropolitana e vai alla stazione ferroviaria
!/!Goal 1 Name
!=!Find the entrance to the Sewers
!F!Trouver l'entr<74>e des <20>gouts
!S!Busca la entrada a las cloacas
!G!Den Eingang zur Kanalisation finden
!I!Cerca l'ingresso delle fogne
!/!Goal 1 Item Name
!=!Sewer Entrance
!F!Entr<74>e des <20>gouts
!S!Entrada a las cloacas
!G!Eingang zur Kanalisation
!I!Ingresso delle fogne
!/!Goal 1 Description
!=!Find the Sewer Entrance somewhere in the city
!F!Trouvez l'entr<74>e des <20>gouts quelque part dans la ville.
!S!Busca en alguna parte de la ciudad la entrada a las cloacas
!G!Finden Sie den Eingang zur Kanalisation irgendwo in der Stadt.
!I!Trova l'ingresso delle fogne in qualche punto della citt<74>
!/!Goal 2 Name
!=!Find PTMC Tower
!F!Trouver la tour de la PTMC
!S!Busca la torre del PTMC
!G!Den PTMC-Turm finden
!I!Trova la torre PTMC
!/!Goal 2 Item Name
!=!PTMC Tower
!F!Tour de la PTMC
!S!Torre del PTMC
!I!Torre PTMC
!/!Goal 2 Description
!=!Find the PTMC Tower where you can upload the data
!F!Trouvez la Tour de la PTMC d'o<> vous pourrez transf<73>rez les donn<6E>es.
!S!Busca la torre del PTMC donde puedes transmitir los datos
!G!Finden Sie den PTMC-Turm. Sie k<>nnen dort die Daten einspielen.
!I!Trova la torre PTMC dove potrai trasmettere i dati
!/!Goal 3 Name
!=!Upload the data to Suzuki
!F!Transf<73>rer les donn<6E>es <20> Suzuki
!S!Transmite los datos a Suzuki
!G!Die Daten an Suzuki <20>bertragen
!I!Trasmetti i dati a Suzuki
!/!Goal 3 Item Name
!=!Upload Interface
!F!Interface de transfert
!S!Interfaz de transmisi<73>n
!I!Interfaccia di trasferimento
!/!Goal 3 Description
!=!Place the data cartridge in the Upload Interface to upload the data to Suzuki
!F!Placez la cartouche de donn<6E>es dans l'interface de donn<6E>es pour transf<73>rer les donn<6E>es <20> Suzuki.
!S!Coloca el cartucho de datos en la interfaz de transmisi<73>n y transmite los datos a Suzuki
!G!Plazieren Sie die Datenkassette in der <20>bertragungsschnittstelle, um die Daten an Suzuki zu <20>berspielen.
!I!Colloca la cartuccia dati nell'interfaccia di trasferimento per trasmettere i dati a Suzuki
!/!Goal 4 Name
!=!Give the Data to Suzuki and Return Safely
!F!Apporter les donn<6E>es <20> Suzuki et rentrer
!S!Dale a Suzuki los datos y regresa a salvo
!G!Die Daten an Suzuki <20>bergeben
!I!Passa i dati a Suzuki e torna indietro
!/!Goal 4 Item Name
!=!PTMC Tower
!F!Tour de la PTMC
!S!Torre PTMC
!I!Torre PTMC
!/!Goal 4 Description
!=!Give the Dr. Sweitzer's Research Data to Suzuki as proof of PTMC's plan
!F!Donnez les donn<6E>es de recherche du Dr. Sweitzer <20> Suzuki.
!S!Dale a Suzuki los datos de la investigaci<63>n del Dr. Sweitzer como prueba del plan del PTMC
!G!<21>bergeben Sie Schweitzers Forschungsdaten als Beweis f<>r den Plan der PTMC an Suzuki.
!I!Passa i dati delle ricerche del dottor Swetzer a Suzuki come prova del piano del PTMC
!/!Goal 5 Name
!=!Defeat the PTMC Mercenaries
!F!Battre les soldats de la PTMC
!S!Derrota a los mercenarios de la PTMC
!G!Die PTMC-S<>ldner besiegen
!I!Sconfiggi i mercenari del PTMC
!/!Goal 5 Item Name
!=!PTMC Mercenaries
!F!soldats de la PTMC
!S!Mercenarios de la PTMC
!I!Mercenari del PTMC
!/!Goal 5 Description
!=!Destroy the PTMC Mercenaries to avoid getting captured
!F!D<>truisez les soldats de la PTMC pour <20>viter d'<27>tre captur<75>.
!S!Destruye a los mercenarios de la PTMC para evitar que te capturen
!G!Zerst<73>ren Sie die PTMC-S<>ldner, um eine Gefangennahme zu vermeiden.
!I!Distruggi i mercenari del PTMC e cerca di non farti catturare