This is the Descent 3 open source engine, licensed under [GPL-3.0]( It includes the '1.5' patch written by Kevin Bentley and Jeff Slutter several years ago and brought to a stable condition by the Descent community.
There is no "release" yet. The current milestone is "1.5 Stable", which is meant to more or less be Descent 3 as it might have been if the 1.5 patch had made it to retail years ago. Artifacts can be downloaded from the [Actions]( tab.
Purchase Descent 3 from a reputable source, such as [GOG]( or [Steam](, and install it, then replace the main binary with the newly built `Descent3` binary under `${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/Descent3/*/Descent3[.exe]`.
If still using the Descent 3 launcher, copy your `Descent3.exe` binary to your install folder and rename it `main.exe` (back up your old one). Otherwise, drop in `Descent3.exe` and play!
Right-click, click Show Package Contents. Back up your `Descent3` binary and drop your built `Descent3` binary into the install (Contents/MacOS) folder.
#### Linux
Back up your `Descent3` binary and drop your built `Descent3` binary into the install folder.
## Building
Build steps below assume you have already cloned the repository and entered it locally.
Anyone can contribute! We have an active Discord presence at [Descent Developer Network]( If you are interested in maintaining the project on a regular basis, please contact Kevin Bentley.