
280 lines
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!/!Current Restrictions:
!/!Maximum Line Length: 1024 characters
!/!Maximum Number of Lines Per String: 8 Lines
!/! Lines that begin with:
!/! !/! == comments (optional)
!/! !=! == English version of string
!/! !G! == German version of string
!/! !S! == Spanish version of string
!/! !I! == Italian version of string
!/! !F! == French version of string
!/! Note to localizers: All text when translated should stay very near the length of the
!/! English version, unless otherwise noted.
!/! Note to localizers: All %s,%d,%f and similar tokens MUST stay in the string, they will get replaced by:
!/! %s = another string
!/! %d = an integer value
!/! %f = a floating point number (a number with a decimal point)
!/! They may be moved around the string, but MUST stay in the same order (i.e. "%s got %d points" the %s must always come before %d)
!/! \t = insert a tab
!/! \n = force a newline
!/! \0-\255 = insert the number directly into byte
!/!========================= HUD Death Messages =================================================
!/! Note: if it states that victim is first, then the first %s will be replaced by the nickname of the victim,
!/! else the first nickname will be the name of the killer.
!/!0: Name of the Entropy game (might not want to Localize)
!/!1: Kill message
!=!%s was killed by %s
!G!%s wurde von %s get<65>tet
!S!%s ha sido asesinado por %s
!I!%s <20> stato ucciso da
!F!%s a <20>t<EFBFBD> tu<74> par %s.
!/!2: suicide message
!=!%s killed himself
!G!%s vernichtete sich selbst
!S!%s se ha suicidado
!I!%s si <20> suicidato
!F!%s s'est tu<74>.
!/!3: pilot label
!/!4: score label
!/!5: Kills label
!/!6: Deaths label
!G!Verlorene Leben
!/!7: suicides label
!/!8: ping label
!/!9: hud message displayed when you don't have enough kills to pickup a virus
!=!You can't carry this virus yet
!G!Sie k<>nnen den Virus noch nicht aufnehmen
!S!A<>n no puedes llevarte este virus
!I!Non puoi ancora raccogliere questo virus
!F!Vous ne pouvez pas encore prendre ce virus.
!/!10: hud message when you destroy a virus
!=!Virus Destroyed
!G!Virus zerst<73>rt
!S!Virus destruido
!I!Virus distrutto
!F!Virus d<>truit
!/!11: Hud message displayed if you can't kill the virus
!=!You can't kill this virus
!G!Sie k<>nnen den Virus nicht vernichten
!S!No puedes matar el virus
!I!Non puoi eliminare questo virus
!F!Vous ne pouvez pas tuer ce virus.
!/!12: Hud message when a team takes over another teams room (first %s is player name, second %s is team name and third %s is the type of room)
!=!%s Took Over A %s Team's %s Room
!G!%s <20>bernimmt vom %sen Team einen %s-Raum
!S!%s ha conquistado al equipo %s una sala %s
!I!%s ha tolto alla squadra %s una sala %s
!F!%s a vol<6F> <20> l'<27>quipe %s la salle %s
!/!13: The stand-in name used in the above string (for the first %s) if the pilot isn't known
!/!14: Hud display string (team scores)
!=!%s Team: %d
!G!%ses Team: %d
!S!Equipo %s: %d
!I!Squadra %s: %d
!F!Equipe %s: %d
!/!15: Header string for save game stats file (first %s will be the name of the game, %d is the level number)
!=!Entropy\nGame: %s\nLevel: %d\n
!G!Entropie\nSpiel: %s\nLevel: %d\n
!S!Entrop<6F>a\nPartida: %s\nNivel: %d\n
!I!Entropia\nPartita: %s\nLivello: %d\n
!F!Entropie\nPartie: %s\nNiveau: %d\n
!/!16: Team name string (%s is replaced by the name of the team)
!=!%s Team
!G!%ses Team
!S!Equipo %s
!I!Squadra %s
!F!Equipe %s
!/!17: Current level rankings in the save stats
!=!Current Level Rankings\n
!G!Derzeitiger Rang\n
!S!Clasificaci<63>n de nivel actual\n
!I!Classifica livello corrente\n
!F!Classement Niveau Actuel\n
!/!18: Scores in the saved stats header
!=!Rank Name Score Kills Deaths Suicides
!G!Rang Name Punkte Absch<63>sse Verl. Leben Selbstmorde
!S!Nombre de rango Puntuaci<63>n Bajas Muertes Suicidios
!I!Pos Nome Punteggio Ucc Morti Suicidi
!F!Rang Nom Score Victimes Morts Suicides
!/!19: Individual stats in the save game stats header
!=!\nIndividual Stats\n
!G!\nIndividuelle Statistik\n
!S!\nEstad<61>sticas individuales\n
!I!\nStatisiche individuali\n
!F!\Stats personnelles\n
!/!20: Time in game (%s is replaced by a generated string that describes the time..already localized in dmfc.str)
!=!Total Time In Game: %s
!G!Gesamte Spielzeit: %s
!S!Tiempo total de partida:%s
!I!Tempo totale partita: %s
!F!Dur<75>e de la partie: %s
!/!21: Individual save stats header
!=!Callsign: Kills: Deaths:
!G!Erkennungsname: Absch<63>sse: Verl. Leben:
!S!Llamada: Bajas: Muertes:
!I!Chiamato: Ucc Morti
!F!Indicatif: Victimes: Morts:
!/!22: Hud scores for a team (%d is how many rooms they own)
!=!%s Team(%d)
!G!%ses Team(%d)
!S!Equipo %s (%d)
!I!Squadra %s (%d)
!F!Equipe %s(%d)
!/!23: Hud display for your current virus load
!=!Virus Load: %d/%d
!G!Virus Ladung: %d/%d
!S!Carga de virus: %d/%d
!I!Carica virus: %d%d
!F!Chargement virus: %d/%d
!/!24: Welcome message when you join the game
!=!Welcome To Entropy, %s
!G!Willkommen zu Entropie, %s
!S!Bienvenido a Entrop<6F>a, %s
!I!Benvenuto a Entropia, %s
!F!Bienvenue <20> Entropie, %s
!/!25: Join message telling you what team you are on
!=!You're on the %s Team
!G!Sie sind im %sen Team
!S!Est<73>s en el equipo %s
!I!Sei nella squadra %s
!F!Vous <20>tes dans l'<27>quipe %s
!/!26: Hud message when a player joins the game
!=!%s Has Joined The %s Team
!G!%s hat sich dem %sen Team angeschlossen
!S!%s se ha unido al equipo %s
!I!%s <20> entrato nella squadra %s
!F!%s a rejoint l'<27>quipe %s
!/!27: Hud message displayed when you save the stats
!=!Stats saved
!G!Statistik gespeichert!
!S!Estad<61>sticas guardadas!
!I!Satistiche salvate!
!F!Stats enregistr<74>es
!/!28: Start game hotspot in game config
!=!Start Game
!G!Spiel starten
!S!Comenzar partida
!I!Inizia partita
!F!Lancer la partie
!/!29: Virus credit->kill ratio in game config
!=!Virus Credit/Kill
!G!Virus Credit/Abschuss
!S!Cr<43>ditos/Bajas de virus
!I!Crediti/Uccisioni del virus
!F!Cr<43>dits/Victimes du Virus
!/!30: name of the game in the stats screen
!/!31: HUD Name for Virus
!/!32: HUD message when you pickup a virus
!=!You picked up a virus
!F!Vous avez attrap<61> un virus
!I!Hai raccolto un virus
!G!Sie haben einen Virus aufgehoben
!S!Hab<61>is recogido un virus
!/!Shorted versions of Kills,Deaths,Suicides