/* * Descent 3 * Copyright (C) 2024 Parallax Software * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . --- HISTORICAL COMMENTS FOLLOW --- * $Logfile: /DescentIII/Main/editor/WireframeGrWnd.cpp $ * $Revision: $ * $Date: 2003-08-26 03:57:39 $ * $Author: kevinb $ * * Wireframe view of mine * * $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ * * 29 4/03/99 5:22p Matt * Don't render wireframe when editor rendering disabled * * 28 2/05/99 3:49p Jason * added more types to color coded topographical window * * 27 2/05/99 3:37p Jason * added/fixed features for the designers * * 26 2/03/99 1:11p Matt * Changed the paletted room current faces to be stored in a separate * array, instead of in the room structure. * * 25 1/20/99 10:50a Jason * added new terrain * * 24 1/15/99 7:52p Chris * Updated ObjSetPos() to include a f_update_attach_children flag * * 23 10/04/98 1:25p Matt * * 22 9/23/98 12:30p Jason * fixed memory overwrite bug * * 21 5/20/98 3:48p Matt * Added suport for variable-depth face selection in wireframe view. * * 20 5/01/98 3:51p Jason * sped up terrain rendering by precaching all megacell lod bitmaps * * 19 4/23/98 6:53p Jason * changed wireframe map to work with new bitmap changes * * 18 4/23/98 6:38p Jason * made bitmaps use 1555 format * * 17 2/05/98 3:18p Matt * Renamed GetSegmentFromPoint() to GetCellFromPoint() * * 16 2/05/98 2:57p Matt * Changed code to use ObjSetPos() * * 15 2/04/98 6:23p Matt * Changed object room number to indicate a terrain cell via a flag. Got * rid of the object flag which used to indicate terrain. * * 14 12/03/97 6:21p Jason * made selections undoable * * 13 10/15/97 5:20p Jason * did a HUGE overhaul of the bitmap system * * 12 10/03/97 3:39p Matt * Added separate sets of wireframe view variables for mine & room views * * 11 9/17/97 11:34a Matt * Ripped out segment code * * 10 9/08/97 4:13p Jason * added colored lighting for the terrain * * 9 9/06/97 3:21p Matt * Reset cur portal when room changes * * 8 9/04/97 4:39p Matt * Added includes needed as a result of removing includes from d3edit.h * * 7 8/29/97 5:14p Matt * Switched segment selection function to do rooms instead * * 6 8/21/97 3:45p Matt * Reset curedge & curvert when changing curroom & curface * * 5 8/06/97 11:43a Jason * made lightmaps work correctly in the terrain * * 4 7/29/97 12:18p Matt * Made wireframe search work for rooms & faces * * 3 7/22/97 7:08p Matt * Cleaned up D3EditState, moving some vars in and some out, and renaming * and changing a few others * * 32 6/19/97 11:32a Jason * fixed bug where you could draw into the topo map even if you weren't * viewing terrain * * 31 6/12/97 12:43p Jason * fixed simple bug where bottom-right edges were being included in * terrain selection * * 30 6/11/97 2:11p Jason * made magnification actually zoom into the texture you're looking at * * 29 5/22/97 5:16p Jason * added "drawing" on the topo map * * 28 5/21/97 3:39p Jason * added terrain editing stuff * * 27 5/19/97 5:10p Jason * changes for our new abstracted renderer code * * 26 5/15/97 4:37p Jason * fixed some terrain bugs * * 25 5/15/97 3:27a Jason * implemented terrain magnification * * 24 4/11/97 4:20p Jason * now draws the player on the wireframe terrain window * * 23 4/10/97 4:39p Jason * Made selection manager stuff work with terrain topographical map * * 22 3/31/97 5:58p Matt * Revamped mine update flags * * 21 3/20/97 5:54p Matt * Made box selection code ignore very small boxes so normal mouse clicks * would work * * 20 3/20/97 5:01p Matt * Added new select-from-box code * * 19 3/20/97 3:02p Samir * Implemented Selection Manager in Wireframe window. * * 18 3/20/97 11:55a Jason * changes for terrain editing/drawing * * 17 3/02/97 4:25p Matt * Added shift-click to select/deselect segments in the wireframe window * * 16 2/28/97 2:21p Samir * You can drag a box within the wireframe window. * * 15 2/27/97 4:26p Matt * Fixed curseg selection status messages * * 14 2/19/97 5:37p Matt * Added code to set curseg from clicking in wireframe window * * 13 1/30/97 6:26p Samir * Minor change to drawing caption text * * 12 1/23/97 4:56p Samir * Handles saving screen positions of windows and tileability. * * 11 1/21/97 12:43p Samir * Floatable-resizable view * * $NoKeywords: $ */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "editor.h" #include "WireframeGrWnd.h" #include "3d.h" #include "gametexture.h" #include "drawworld.h" #include "moveworld.h" #include "selectedroom.h" #include "terrain.h" #include "bitmap.h" #include "erooms.h" #include "gr.h" #include "mono.h" #include "ddio.h" #include "SelManager.h" #include "room.h" #include "lighting.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CWireframeGrWnd CWireframeGrWnd::CWireframeGrWnd() : CGrWnd("WireframeScreen") { m_Movable = FALSE; m_x1 = m_y1 = 0; m_y2 = TERRAIN_DEPTH; m_x2 = TERRAIN_WIDTH; } CWireframeGrWnd::~CWireframeGrWnd() {} void DrawIntoTopoMap(int x, int y); void CWireframeGrWnd::GetHighlightedRect(int *left, int *top, int *right, int *bottom) { *left = m_HighlightedRect.left; *top = m_HighlightedRect.top; *right = m_HighlightedRect.right; *bottom = m_HighlightedRect.bottom; } BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CWireframeGrWnd, CWnd) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CWireframeGrWnd) ON_WM_CREATE() ON_WM_DESTROY() ON_WM_SIZE() ON_WM_PAINT() ON_WM_MOVE() ON_WM_SYSCOMMAND() ON_WM_NCACTIVATE() ON_WM_NCPAINT() ON_WM_LBUTTONDOWN() ON_WM_MOUSEMOVE() ON_WM_LBUTTONUP() ON_WM_RBUTTONDOWN() //}}AFX_MSG_MAP END_MESSAGE_MAP() //??extern void RenderWireFrame (grViewport *my_viewport); //??extern void RenderTexFrame (grViewport *); extern bool Disable_editor_rendering; void CWireframeGrWnd::Render() { // Don't do a thing if these objects aren't created yet if (!m_grScreen) return; if (!m_grViewport) return; if (Disable_editor_rendering) return; if (Editor_view_mode == VM_TERRAIN) DrawTerrainWorld(m_grViewport, &Wireframe_view->target, &Wireframe_view->orient, Wireframe_view->dist); else DrawWorld(m_grViewport, &Wireframe_view->target, &Wireframe_view->orient, Wireframe_view->dist, 0, Wireframe_view->rad); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CWireframeGrWnd message handlers BOOL CWireframeGrWnd::Create(RECT &rect, BOOL movable, CWnd *pParent) { RECT new_rect; DWORD dwstyle; dwstyle = (movable ? GRWND_STYLE : GRWND_STATIC_STYLE); ::CopyRect(&new_rect, &rect); ::AdjustWindowRect(&new_rect, dwstyle, FALSE); // We want this window to start at rect.left, rect.top. if (new_rect.left < rect.left) { int offx; offx = rect.left - new_rect.left; new_rect.left += offx; new_rect.right += offx; } if (new_rect.top < rect.top) { int offy; offy = rect.top - new_rect.top; new_rect.top += offy; new_rect.bottom += offy; } ::CopyRect(&rect, &new_rect); m_grCreated = TRUE; m_Movable = movable; lstrcpy(m_Name, "Wireframe"); return CWnd::Create(NULL, m_Name, dwstyle, rect, pParent, IDC_WIREFRAME_WND); } int CWireframeGrWnd::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct) { if (CGrWnd::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1) return -1; theApp.wireframe_view = this; return 0; } void CWireframeGrWnd::OnDestroy() { CGrWnd::OnDestroy(); theApp.wireframe_view = NULL; } void CWireframeGrWnd::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy) { CGrWnd::OnSize(nType, cx, cy); // TODO: Add your message handler code here if (m_Movable) { // Don't change these values if this is a static window D3EditState.wirescr_w = cx; D3EditState.wirescr_h = cy; } } void CWireframeGrWnd::OnPaint() { CPaintDC dc(this); // device context for painting // Draw what's on the screen back page to the desktop m_grScreen->flip(); draw_tile_caption(&dc); } void CWireframeGrWnd::OnMove(int x, int y) { CGrWnd::OnMove(x, y); // must do this because actual (left,top) of window should be from title bar, not client if (m_Movable) { // Don't change these values if we aren't movable RECT rect; GetWindowRect(&rect); GetParent()->ScreenToClient(&rect); D3EditState.wirescr_x = rect.left; D3EditState.wirescr_y = rect.top; } } // Given an x,y mouse point, returns the terrain cell number at that point int CWireframeGrWnd::GetCellFromPoint(int x, int y) { int width = m_grViewport->width(); int height = m_grViewport->height(); float xstep = (float)(m_x2 - m_x1) / (float)width; float ystep = (float)(abs(m_y2 - m_y1)) / (float)height; int destx = xstep * x; int desty = ystep * y; destx += m_x1; desty += m_y1; desty = (TERRAIN_DEPTH - 1) - desty; // flip due to origin difference return (desty * TERRAIN_WIDTH + destx); } void CWireframeGrWnd::OnSysCommand(UINT nID, LPARAM lParam) { // TODO: Add your message handler code here and/or call default switch (nID) { case SC_CLOSE: D3EditState.wirescr_visible = 0; break; } CWnd::OnSysCommand(nID, lParam); } BOOL CWireframeGrWnd::OnNcActivate(BOOL bActive) { return CGrWnd::OnNcActivate(bActive); } void CWireframeGrWnd::OnNcPaint() { CGrWnd::OnNcPaint(); } void CWireframeGrWnd::draw_tile_caption(CDC *dc) { if (!m_Movable) { dc->SetBkMode(TRANSPARENT); dc->SetTextColor(RGB(192, 192, 192)); if (Editor_view_mode == VM_TERRAIN) dc->TextOut(10, 10, "Topographical", lstrlen("Topographical")); else dc->TextOut(10, 10, m_Name, lstrlen(m_Name)); } } // These functions handle special mouse operations within the wireframe window void EndWireframeSel(editorSelectorManager *esm); void CWireframeGrWnd::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { if (Editor_view_mode == VM_TERRAIN) { if (KEY_STATE(KEY_LCTRL)) { int cellnum = GetCellFromPoint(point.x, point.y); vector pos; ComputeTerrainSegmentCenter(&pos, cellnum); ObjSetPos(Viewer_object, &pos, MAKE_ROOMNUM(cellnum), NULL, false); State_changed = 1; } else if (KEY_STATE(KEY_LSHIFT)) { int seg = GetCellFromPoint(point.x, point.y); Terrain_tex_seg[Terrain_seg[seg].texseg_index].tex_index = D3EditState.texdlg_texture; World_changed = 1; } else SelManager.StartSelection(this, EndWireframeSel, point.x, point.y); } else // mine or room mode { int found_segnum, found_facenum; int find_mode = FM_CLOSEST; // See if we're clicking on the current face found_segnum = ROOMNUM(Curroomp); found_facenum = Curface; if (WireframeFindRoomFace(m_grViewport, point.x, point.y, &found_segnum, &found_facenum, FM_SPECIFIC)) { find_mode = FM_NEXT; } find_again:; if (WireframeFindRoomFace(m_grViewport, point.x, point.y, &found_segnum, &found_facenum, find_mode)) { if (KEY_STATE(KEY_LSHIFT) || KEY_STATE(KEY_RSHIFT)) { // ctrl + click means toggle select state int newstate; newstate = ToggleRoomSelectedState(found_segnum); State_changed = 1; EditorStatus("Room %d %s", found_segnum, newstate ? "selected" : "deselected"); } else { if (Editor_view_mode == VM_ROOM) { ASSERT(found_segnum == D3EditState.current_room); Current_faces[D3EditState.current_room - FIRST_PALETTE_ROOM] = found_facenum; EditorStatus("Current face set to %d", found_facenum); } else { Curroomp = &Rooms[found_segnum]; Curface = found_facenum; Curedge = Curvert = 0; Curportal = -1; EditorStatus("Current room:face set to %d:%d", ROOMNUM(Curroomp), Curface); } State_changed = 1; } } else if (find_mode == FM_NEXT) { find_mode = FM_CLOSEST; goto find_again; } // no more dragging, but something is highlighted. // so we will redraw world if mouse is pressed SelManager.StartSelection(this, EndWireframeSel, point.x, point.y); } CWnd::OnLButtonDown(nFlags, point); } void CWireframeGrWnd::OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { if (Editor_view_mode == VM_TERRAIN) DrawIntoTopoMap(point.x, point.y); CWnd::OnMouseMove(nFlags, point); } void CWireframeGrWnd::OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { CWnd::OnLButtonUp(nFlags, point); } // How big a box needs to be before we recognize it #define MIN_BOX_SIZE 3 void EndWireframeSel(editorSelectorManager *esm) { int left, top, right, bot; int n; esm->GetSelectedRect(&left, &top, &right, &bot); if ((right - left < MIN_BOX_SIZE) || (bot - top < MIN_BOX_SIZE)) return; if (Editor_view_mode == VM_TERRAIN) { int i; if (!(KEY_STATE(KEY_RALT))) { for (i = 0; i < TERRAIN_WIDTH * TERRAIN_DEPTH; i++) TerrainSelected[i] = 0; Num_terrain_selected = 0; } RECT rect; int x1, y1, x2, y2; esm->m_OwnerWnd->GetWindowRect(&rect); esm->m_OwnerWnd->ScreenToClient(&rect); theApp.wireframe_view->GetMagCoords(&x1, &y1, &x2, &y2); float xstep = (float)(x2 - x1) / (float)rect.right; float ystep = (float)(abs(y2 - y1)) / (float)rect.bottom; left *= xstep; right *= xstep; top *= ystep; bot *= ystep; left += x1; right += x1; top += y1; bot += y1; // We switch top and bottom due to the fact that our origin is in the bottom // left instead of the top left bot = (TERRAIN_DEPTH - 1) - bot; top = (TERRAIN_DEPTH - 1) - top; int t; int state = 1; if (KEY_STATE(KEY_RALT)) state = 0; for (i = bot; i <= top; i++) { for (t = left; t <= right; t++) { if (!state) { if (TerrainSelected[i * TERRAIN_WIDTH + t]) Num_terrain_selected--; TerrainSelected[i * TERRAIN_WIDTH + t] = 0; } else { TerrainSelected[i * TERRAIN_WIDTH + t] = 1; Num_terrain_selected++; } } } if (KEY_STATE(KEY_LALT)) { theApp.wireframe_view->SetMagCoords(left, (TERRAIN_DEPTH - 1) - top, right, (TERRAIN_DEPTH - 1) - bot); } World_changed = 1; } else { if (!(KEY_STATE(KEY_LCTRL) || KEY_STATE(KEY_RCTRL))) // ctrl + select means add to list ClearRoomSelectedList(); n = SelectRoomsInBox(NULL, left, top, right, bot); EditorStatus("%d rooms selected", n); } esm->EndSelection(); } void CWireframeGrWnd::DrawPlayerOnTerrain() { static int lastx = -1, lastz = -1; static uint16_t last_color; int seg = GetTerrainCellFromPos(&Viewer_object->pos); if (seg < 0) return; int x = seg % TERRAIN_WIDTH; int z = seg / TERRAIN_WIDTH; // x-=(m_x1); // z-=m_y1; z = (TERRAIN_DEPTH - 1) - z; RECT rect; GetWindowRect(&rect); ScreenToClient(&rect); float xstep = (float)(m_x2 - m_x1) / (float)(rect.right - rect.left); float ystep = (float)(abs(m_y2 - m_y1)) / (float)(rect.bottom - rect.top); m_grViewport->lock(); x = (float)x / xstep; z = (float)z / ystep; if (x < 0 || x > rect.right) goto getout; if (z < 0 || z > rect.bottom) goto getout; if (lastx != -1 && lastx < (rect.right - rect.left) && lastz < (rect.bottom - rect.top)) m_grViewport->setpixel(last_color, lastx, lastz); lastx = x; lastz = z; last_color = m_grViewport->getpixel(lastx, lastz); m_grViewport->setpixel(GR_RGB(255, 255, 255), x, z); getout: m_grViewport->unlock(); m_grScreen->flip(); } void DrawPlayerOnWireframe() { if (theApp.wireframe_view) theApp.wireframe_view->DrawPlayerOnTerrain(); } void CWireframeGrWnd::GetMagCoords(int *x1, int *y1, int *x2, int *y2) { *x1 = m_x1; *x2 = m_x2; *y1 = m_y1; *y2 = m_y2; } void CWireframeGrWnd::SetMagCoords(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { m_x1 = x1; m_x2 = x2; m_y1 = y1; m_y2 = y2; } // Redraws only one terrain cell in the wireframe view void CWireframeGrWnd::DrawTerrainCell(int seg) { grSurface *cur_surf; uint16_t *destptr; int i, t, x, y; int segx = seg % TERRAIN_WIDTH; int segz = seg / TERRAIN_WIDTH; cur_surf = m_grViewport->lock(); destptr = (uint16_t *)cur_surf->data(); int rowsize = cur_surf->rowsize() / 2; int x1, y1, x2, y2; theApp.wireframe_view->GetMagCoords(&x1, &y1, &x2, &y2); fix xstep = IntToFix(x2 - x1) / cur_surf->width(); fix ystep = IntToFix(abs(y2 - y1)) / cur_surf->height(); float cellwidth = 1.0 / FixToFloat(xstep); float cellheight = 1.0 / FixToFloat(ystep); int ystart = cellheight * (((TERRAIN_DEPTH - 1) - segz) - y1); int xstart = cellwidth * (segx - x1); cellheight = ceil(cellheight); cellwidth = ceil(cellwidth); x = segx; y = segz; // flip due to origin difference uint16_t fadepixel = 0; int bm_handle = GameTextures[Terrain_tex_seg[Terrain_seg[(y * TERRAIN_WIDTH + x)].texseg_index].tex_index].bm_handle; uint16_t pix = *bm_data(bm_handle, 0); if (TerrainSelected[y * TERRAIN_WIDTH + x]) { int red = ((fadepixel >> 10) & 0x1f) << 3; int green = ((fadepixel >> 5) & 0x1f) << 3; int blue = (fadepixel & 0x1f) << 3; red <<= 2; green <<= 2; blue <<= 2; red = std::min(255, red); green = std::min(255, green); blue = std::min(255, blue); fadepixel = GR_RGB16(red, green, blue); } for (i = 0; i < (int)cellheight; i++) for (t = 0; t < (int)cellwidth; t++) { destptr[(i + ystart) * rowsize + t + xstart] = fadepixel; } m_grViewport->unlock(); } /* // draws a topographical representation of our terrain in the wireframe window void CWireframeGrWnd::DrawTerrainWorld(grViewport *vp,vector *view_target,matrix *view_orient,float view_dist) { grSurface *cur_surf; uint16_t *destptr; int lightval; int i,t; cur_surf=vp->lock(); destptr=(uint16_t*)cur_surf->data(); int rowsize=cur_surf->rowsize()/2; int x1,y1,x2,y2; theApp.wireframe_view->GetMagCoords (&x1,&y1,&x2,&y2); fix xstep=IntToFix(x2-x1)/cur_surf->width(); fix ystep=IntToFix(abs(y2-y1))/cur_surf->height(); fix u=IntToFix (x1); fix v=IntToFix (y1); for (i=0;iheight();i++,v+=ystep,u=IntToFix(x1)) for (t=0;twidth();t++,u+=xstep) { int x,y; x=FixToInt (u); y=FixToInt (v); y=(TERRAIN_DEPTH-1)-y; // flip due to origin difference uint16_t fadepixel; int bm_handle=GameTextures[Terrain_seg[y*TERRAIN_WIDTH+x].tex_index].bm_handle; lightval=(Terrain_seg[y*TERRAIN_WIDTH+x].light)*(MAX_TEXTURE_SHADES-1); uint16_t pix; pix=*bm_data(bm_handle,0); fadepixel=(TexShadeTable16[lightval][pix>>8])+TexShadeTable8[lightval][pix & 0xFF]; if (TerrainSelected[y*TERRAIN_WIDTH+x]) { int red=(fadepixel>>11)<<3; int green=((fadepixel >> 5)&0x3f)<<2; int blue=(fadepixel & 0x1f)<<3; red<<=2; green<<=2; blue<<=2; red=std::min(255,red); green=std::min(255,green); blue=std::min(255,blue); fadepixel=GR_RGB16(red,green,blue); } destptr[i*rowsize+t]=fadepixel; } vp->unlock(); }*/ // draws a topographical representation of our terrain in the wireframe window void CWireframeGrWnd::DrawTerrainWorld(grViewport *vp, vector *view_target, matrix *view_orient, float view_dist) { grSurface *cur_surf; uint16_t *destptr; float lightval; int i, t; cur_surf = vp->lock(); destptr = (uint16_t *)cur_surf->data(); int rowsize = cur_surf->rowsize() / 2; int x1, y1, x2, y2; theApp.wireframe_view->GetMagCoords(&x1, &y1, &x2, &y2); fix xstep = IntToFix(x2 - x1) / cur_surf->width(); fix ystep = IntToFix(abs(y2 - y1)) / cur_surf->height(); fix u = IntToFix(x1); fix v = IntToFix(y1); fix subx, suby; for (i = 0; i < cur_surf->height(); i++, v += ystep, u = IntToFix(x1)) for (t = 0; t < cur_surf->width(); t++, u += xstep) { int x, y; x = FixToInt(u); y = FixToInt(v); y = (TERRAIN_DEPTH - 1) - y; // flip due to origin difference uint16_t fadepixel; int bm_handle = GameTextures[Terrain_tex_seg[Terrain_seg[y * TERRAIN_WIDTH + x].texseg_index].tex_index].bm_handle; lightval = Ubyte_to_float[(Terrain_seg[y * TERRAIN_WIDTH + x].l)]; uint16_t pix; uint16_t *data = bm_data(bm_handle, 0); int w = bm_w(bm_handle, 0); subx = (u & 0xFFFF) * w; suby = (v & 0xFFFF) * bm_h(bm_handle, 0); subx >>= 16; suby >>= 16; pix = data[suby * w + subx]; ddgr_color pix32 = GR_16_TO_COLOR(pix); int pred = (GR_COLOR_RED(pix32) * lightval); int pgreen = (GR_COLOR_GREEN(pix32) * lightval); int pblue = (GR_COLOR_BLUE(pix32) * lightval); fadepixel = GR_RGB16(pred, pgreen, pblue); if (TerrainSelected[y * TERRAIN_WIDTH + x]) { int red = ((fadepixel >> 10) & 0x1f) << 3; int green = ((fadepixel >> 5) & 0x1f) << 3; int blue = (fadepixel & 0x1f) << 3; red <<= 2; green <<= 2; blue <<= 2; red = std::min(255, red); green = std::min(255, green); blue = std::min(255, blue); fadepixel = GR_RGB16(red, green, blue); } if (Terrain_seg[y * TERRAIN_WIDTH + x].objects != -1) { object *obj = &Objects[Terrain_seg[y * TERRAIN_WIDTH + x].objects]; if (obj->type == OBJ_ROBOT) fadepixel = GR_RGB16(255, 0, 0); else if (obj->type == OBJ_POWERUP) fadepixel = GR_RGB16(0, 128, 255); else if (obj->type == OBJ_PLAYER || obj->type == OBJ_GHOST) fadepixel = GR_RGB16(0, 255, 0); else if (obj->type == OBJ_CLUTTER) fadepixel = GR_RGB16(255, 0, 255); } destptr[i * rowsize + t] = fadepixel; } vp->unlock(); } void CWireframeGrWnd::OnRButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { if (Editor_view_mode == VM_TERRAIN) { m_x1 = 0; m_y1 = 0; m_x2 = TERRAIN_WIDTH; m_y2 = TERRAIN_DEPTH; State_changed = 1; } CWnd::OnRButtonDown(nFlags, point); } // Lets the user draw free hand into the topographical map void DrawIntoTopoMap(int x, int y) { int i, t, segx, segz; if (KEY_STATE(KEY_LSHIFT)) { int seg = theApp.wireframe_view->GetCellFromPoint(x, y); if (seg < 0 || seg >= TERRAIN_WIDTH * TERRAIN_DEPTH) Int3(); // get Jason for (i = -1; i <= 1; i++) { for (t = -1; t <= 1; t++) { segx = seg % TERRAIN_WIDTH; segz = seg / TERRAIN_WIDTH; if ((segz + i) < 0 || segz + i >= TERRAIN_DEPTH) continue; if ((segx + t) < 0 || segx + t >= TERRAIN_WIDTH) continue; segz += i; segx += t; Terrain_tex_seg[Terrain_seg[(segz * TERRAIN_WIDTH) + segx].texseg_index].tex_index = D3EditState.texdlg_texture; theApp.wireframe_view->DrawTerrainCell((segz * TERRAIN_WIDTH) + segx); } } theApp.wireframe_view->Invalidate(); } }