////////////////////////////////////////////// // D.A.L.L.A.S. Generated Message Table File ////////////////////////////////////////////// NEXT_MESSAGE_ID_NUMBER 45 // Message List BLANK= CenterLavaCrank=GUIDEBOT: "Center lava pump engaged." DravisDoor=Dravis Stronghold door opened! End= EnergyCenterBroken=GUIDEBOT: "Energy Center not functional due to power shortage." EnergyCentersOnline=GUIDEBOT: "All Energy Centers Online!" FuseFound=Backup Reactor Fuse HellionIntroduction=Hellion Assault Mech InnerDoorsDenied=GUIDEBOT: "Access to Inner Stronghold Denied. Passkey required." InnerDoorsUnlock=GUIDEBOT: "You now have access to the Inner Stronghold." InnerStrongholdKey=Inner Stronghold Key IntroCameraText=Venus - Dravis' Stronghold LeftLavaCrank=GUIDEBOT: "Left lava pump engaged." MagicMatCenSwitches=GUIDEBOT: "Security MatCens in all 5 perimeter sectors have been turned off. Access to Armory granted." MatCenSwitchAOff=GUIDEBOT: "Security MatCens 1 and 5 power decreased." MatCenSwitchAOn=GUIDEBOT: "Security MatCens 1 and 5 power increased." MatCenSwitchBOff=GUIDEBOT: "Security MatCens 4 and 5 power decreased. Security MatCen 3 turned on." MatCenSwitchBOn=GUIDEBOT: "Security MatCens 4 and 5 power increased. Security MatCen 3 turned off." MatCenSwitchCOff=GUIDEBOT: "Security MatCen 3 power decreased. Security MatCen 2 turned on." MatCenSwitchCOn=GUIDEBOT: "Security MatCen 3 power increased. Security MatCen 2 turned off." MatCenSwitchDOff=GUIDEBOT: "Security MatCen 5 turned on." MatCenSwitchDOn=GUIDEBOT: "Security MatCen 5 turned off." MatCenSwitchEOff=GUIDEBOT: "Security MatCens 2 and 3 power decreased. Security MatCen 1 turned on." MatCenSwitchEOn=GUIDEBOT: "Security MatCens 2 and 3 power increased. Security MatCen 1 turned off." MatCenSwitchFOff=GUIDEBOT: "Security MatCens 2 and 4 power decreased." MatCenSwitchFOn=GUIDEBOT: "Security MatCens 2 and 4 power increased." MatCenSwitchGOff=GUIDEBOT: "Security MatCen 5 power decreased. Security MatCen 4 turned on." MatCenSwitchGOn=GUIDEBOT: "Security MatCen 5 power increased. Security MatCen 4 turned off." PowerRestored=GUIDEBOT: "Old Backup Reactor Fuse replaced. Power to Energy Centers restored." ReactorBroken=GUIDEBOT: "This Reactor needs a new Fuse. The Reactor's current Fuse is broken." RightLavaCrank=GUIDEBOT: "Right lava pump engaged." TNTDispenserCenter=GUIDEBOT: "Producing medium-yield mining explosive device." TNTDispenserLeft=GUIDEBOT: "Producing low-yield mining explosive device." TNTDispenserLeftBroken=GUIDEBOT: "The mechanism is jammed beyond repair." TNTDispenserRight=GUIDEBOT: "Producing high-yield mining explosive device." TNTElevatorActivated=GUIDEBOT: "Elevator activated." TNTRockWall=GUIDEBOT: "Your weapons won't budge these boulders." TNTRockwalldestroyed=GUIDEBOT: "A cave entrance has been opened."