![d3 (1)](https://github.com/DescentDevelopers/Descent3/assets/47716344/82ba0911-ee32-4565-84ee-b432c215ab95) This is the Descent 3 open source engine, licensed under [GPL-3.0](https://github.com/DescentDevelopers/Descent3?tab=GPL-3.0-1-ov-file). It includes the '1.5' patch written by Kevin Bentley and Jeff Slutter several years ago and brought to a stable condition by the Descent community. In order to use this, you must provide your own game files. See the **Usage** section for details. ## Version 1.5 Notes There is no "release" yet. The current milestone is "1.5 Stable", which is meant to more or less be Descent 3 as it might have been if the 1.5 patch had made it to retail years ago. Artifacts can be downloaded from the [Actions](https://github.com/DescentDevelopers/Descent3/actions) tab. The milestone needs testing on all platforms. Please report issues when found. ## Usage Purchase Descent 3 from a reputable source, such as [GOG](https://www.gog.com/game/descent_3_expansion) or [Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/273590/Descent_3/), and install it, then replace the main binary with the newly built `Descent3` binary under `${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/Descent3/*/Descent3[.exe]`. See your platform below: #### Windows If still using the Descent 3 launcher, copy your `Descent3.exe` binary to your install folder and rename it `main.exe` (back up your old one). Otherwise, drop in `Descent3.exe` and play! #### MacOS Right-click Descent3.app, click Show Package Contents. Back up your `Descent3` binary and drop your built `Descent3` binary into the install (Contents/MacOS) folder. #### Linux Back up your `Descent3` binary and drop your built `Descent3` binary into the install folder. ## Building Build steps below assume you have already cloned the repository and entered it locally. #### Building - Windows Requires Visual Studio 2022 and C++ Tools (cmake and vcpkg) Install and configure vcpkg: ```sh git clone https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg.git cd vcpkg && bootstrap-vcpkg.bat setx VCPKG_ROOT="C:\path\to\vcpkg" setx PATH=%VCPKG_ROOT%;%PATH% ``` Build Descent 3: ```sh cmake --preset win -D ENABLE_LOGGER=[ON|OFF] cmake --build --preset win --config [Debug|Release] ``` #### Building - MacOS ```sh brew bundle install cmake --preset mac -D ENABLE_LOGGER=[ON|OFF] cmake --build --preset mac --config [Debug|Release] ``` #### Building - Linux (Ubuntu) ```sh sudo apt update sudo apt install -y --no-install-recommends ninja-build cmake g++ libsdl2-dev libncurses-dev zlib1g-dev cmake --preset linux -D ENABLE_LOGGER=[ON|OFF] cmake --build --preset linux --config [Debug|Release] ``` #### Building - Linux (Fedora) ```sh sudo dnf update --refresh sudo dnf install -y ninja-build cmake gcc-c++ SDL2-devel ncurses-devel zlib-devel cmake --preset linux -D ENABLE_LOGGER=[ON|OFF] cmake --build --preset linux --config [Debug|Release] ``` ## Contributing Anyone can contribute! We have an active Discord presence at [Descent Developer Network](https://discord.gg/GNy5CUQ). If you are interested in maintaining the project on a regular basis, please contact Kevin Bentley.