/* * Descent 3 * Copyright (C) 2024 Parallax Software * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #if !defined(AFX_ROBOTEDITWEAPONSDIALOG_H__2878E6E1_1A46_11D1_97A6_004095AA4FAE__INCLUDED_) #define AFX_ROBOTEDITWEAPONSDIALOG_H__2878E6E1_1A46_11D1_97A6_004095AA4FAE__INCLUDED_ #if _MSC_VER >= 1000 #pragma once #endif // _MSC_VER >= 1000 // RobotEditWeaponsDialog.h : header file // #include "object.h" #include "polymodel.h" #include "objinfo.h" #include "robotfirestruct.h" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // RobotEditWeaponsDialog dialog class RobotEditWeaponsDialog : public CDialog { private: void NewWBSelected(void); // Construction public: RobotEditWeaponsDialog(otype_wb_info static_wb[], poly_model *pm, CWnd* pParent = NULL); // standard constructor void GetData(void); // Dialog Data //{{AFX_DATA(RobotEditWeaponsDialog) enum { IDD = IDD_ROBOT_WEAPON_DIALOG }; CString m_current_gb; float m_mask_latency_0; float m_mask_latency_1; float m_mask_latency_2; float m_mask_latency_3; float m_mask_latency_4; float m_mask_latency_5; float m_mask_latency_6; float m_mask_latency_7; UINT m_num_masks; float m_turret_speed; CString m_total_gb_text; CString m_total_gp_text; CString m_num_turrets_text; BOOL m_gp77; BOOL m_gp76; BOOL m_gp75; BOOL m_gp74; BOOL m_gp73; BOOL m_gp72; BOOL m_gp71; BOOL m_gp70; BOOL m_gp67; BOOL m_gp66; BOOL m_gp65; BOOL m_gp64; BOOL m_gp63; BOOL m_gp62; BOOL m_gp61; BOOL m_gp60; BOOL m_gp56; BOOL m_gp57; BOOL m_gp55; BOOL m_gp54; BOOL m_gp53; BOOL m_gp52; BOOL m_gp51; BOOL m_gp50; BOOL m_gp47; BOOL m_gp46; BOOL m_gp45; BOOL m_gp44; BOOL m_gp43; BOOL m_gp42; BOOL m_gp41; BOOL m_gp40; BOOL m_gp37; BOOL m_gp36; BOOL m_gp35; BOOL m_gp34; BOOL m_gp33; BOOL m_gp32; BOOL m_gp31; BOOL m_gp30; BOOL m_gp27; BOOL m_gp26; BOOL m_gp25; BOOL m_gp24; BOOL m_gp23; BOOL m_gp22; BOOL m_gp21; BOOL m_gp20; BOOL m_gp17; BOOL m_gp16; BOOL m_gp15; BOOL m_gp14; BOOL m_gp13; BOOL m_gp12; BOOL m_gp11; BOOL m_gp10; BOOL m_gp07; BOOL m_gp06; BOOL m_gp05; BOOL m_gp04; BOOL m_gp03; BOOL m_gp02; BOOL m_gp01; BOOL m_gp00; float m_reaction_time; CString m_turret_reaction_time_text; CString m_turret_fov_text; CString m_turret_spr_text; CString m_current_turret_combo; CString m_turret_sobj_text; float m_view_cone_angle; float m_max_distance; float m_xz_plane_angle; CString m_weapon_0_text; CString m_weapon_1_text; CString m_weapon_2_text; CString m_weapon_4_text; CString m_weapon_3_text; CString m_weapon_5_text; CString m_weapon_6_text; CString m_weapon_7_text; CString m_fire_sound_0_text; CString m_fire_sound_1_text; CString m_fire_sound_2_text; CString m_fire_sound_3_text; CString m_fire_sound_4_text; CString m_fire_sound_5_text; CString m_fire_sound_6_text; CString m_fire_sound_7_text; float m_energy_usage; float m_ammo_usage; BOOL m_spray_check; float m_fire0_cycle_time; float m_fire1_cycle_time; float m_fire2_cycle_time; float m_fire3_cycle_time; float m_fire4_cycle_time; float m_fire5_cycle_time; float m_fire6_cycle_time; float m_fire7_cycle_time; float m_fire0_end_tick; float m_fire1_end_tick; float m_fire2_end_tick; float m_fire3_end_tick; float m_fire4_end_tick; float m_fire5_end_tick; float m_fire6_end_tick; float m_fire7_end_tick; float m_fire0_fire_tick; float m_fire1_fire_tick; float m_fire2_fire_tick; float m_fire3_fire_tick; float m_fire4_fire_tick; float m_fire5_fire_tick; float m_fire6_fire_tick; float m_fire7_fire_tick; float m_fire0_start_tick; float m_fire1_start_tick; float m_fire2_start_tick; float m_fire3_start_tick; float m_fire4_start_tick; float m_fire5_start_tick; float m_fire6_start_tick; float m_fire7_start_tick; BOOL m_random_check; BOOL m_guided; BOOL m_gpq0; BOOL m_gpq1; BOOL m_gpq2; BOOL m_gpq3; BOOL m_gpq4; BOOL m_gpq5; BOOL m_gpq6; BOOL m_gpq7; BOOL m_custom_view_cone_check; BOOL m_onoff_check; BOOL m_custom_max_dist; BOOL m_user_timeout; BOOL m_force_fvec_check; BOOL m_aim_fvec_check; BOOL m_force_target_check; //}}AFX_DATA int m_current_wb_index; int m_current_turret_index; int m_current_aiming_point; int m_anim_type; otype_wb_info *m_obj_static_wb; poly_model *m_obj_pm; // Copy all necessary data void GetWBData(object_info *obj_info); void UpdateDialog(); void UpdateTurretInfo(); // Overrides // ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides //{{AFX_VIRTUAL(RobotEditWeaponsDialog) protected: virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX); // DDX/DDV support //}}AFX_VIRTUAL // Implementation protected: // Generated message map functions //{{AFX_MSG(RobotEditWeaponsDialog) virtual BOOL OnInitDialog(); afx_msg void OnKillfocusGbNumMasksEdit(); afx_msg void OnSelendokCurretTurretCombo(); afx_msg void OnSelendokCurrentGbCombo(); //}}AFX_MSG DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() }; //{{AFX_INSERT_LOCATION}} // Microsoft Developer Studio will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line. #endif // !defined(AFX_ROBOTEDITWEAPONSDIALOG_H__2878E6E1_1A46_11D1_97A6_004095AA4FAE__INCLUDED_)