/* * Descent 3 * Copyright (C) 2024 Parallax Software * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . --- HISTORICAL COMMENTS FOLLOW --- * $Logfile: /DescentIII/Main/D3Launch/BitmapButtonEx.cpp $ * $Revision: $ * $Date: 2003-08-26 03:56:51 $ * $Author: kevinb $ * * * * $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ * * 25 11/05/98 2:16p Nate * Added keyboard support * * 24 10/30/98 12:09p Nate * Fixed clicking on light problem. * * 23 10/18/98 5:53p Nate * * 22 10/08/98 6:23p Nate * Fixed a few bugs. * * 21 10/02/98 7:08p Nate * Added animation button support. * * 20 10/01/98 11:51a Nate * Fixed the 256-color text problem (finally...) * * 19 9/30/98 5:21p Nate * * 18 9/22/98 12:12p Nate * Fixed logo text problem. * * 17 9/22/98 11:33a Nate * Added support for logo button text. * * 16 9/18/98 6:47p Nate * * 15 9/18/98 6:32p Nate * * 14 9/18/98 5:19p Nate * Made the bitmap button font look a *little* better * * 13 9/14/98 3:55p Nate * Removed debugging output from Button drawing * * 12 9/14/98 3:48p Nate * DrawItem now uses a CClientDC, and AutoLoad is no longer needed (Setup * now handles all necessary attachment and sizing tasks) * * 11 9/13/98 2:39p Nate * Added re-selecting of default bitmaps and palettes for the device * contexts. * * 10 9/10/98 5:17p Nate * Added text messages which can be drawn on top of the button. * * 9 9/03/98 6:57p Nate * Fixed StretchBlt() problem by doing some 256 color conversions * * 8 9/02/98 6:41p Nate * Sped up button drawing in 256 color * * 7 9/01/98 7:15p Nate * Major Revision #2 * * 6 8/31/98 6:44p Nate * Major Revision * * 5 8/24/98 7:06p Nate * Added new AutoUpdate features, and fixed display glitches * * 4 8/12/98 9:21a Nate * Fixed "gray-button-background" flicker * * 3 8/10/98 10:44a Nate * Added Language selection support * * 2 8/05/98 11:54a Nate * Initial Version * * $NoKeywords: $ */ // BitmapButtonEx.cpp : implementation file // #include "stdafx.h" #include "D3Launch.h" #include "BitmapButtonEx.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif // Text position values for the standard option button #define LEFTBUTTON_TEXT_XOFFSET 85 #define RIGHTBUTTON_TEXT_XOFFSET 85 #define BUTTON_TEXT_YOFFSET 17 #define BUTTON_TEXT_WIDTH 132 #define BUTTON_TEXT_HEIGHT 17 // Text position values for the logo button #define TOPBUTTON_TEXT_XOFFSET 86 #define TOPBUTTON_TEXT_YOFFSET 80 #define TOPBUTTON_TEXT_WIDTH 135 #define TOPBUTTON_TEXT_HEIGHT 17 // Define text colors for button states #define UP_TEXT_COLOR PALETTERGB(162,167,204) #define UP_TEXT_SHADOW_COLOR PALETTERGB(139,146,190) #define DOWN_TEXT_COLOR PALETTERGB(255,255,255) #define DOWN_TEXT_SHADOW_COLOR PALETTERGB(192,192,192) #define LIT_TEXT_COLOR PALETTERGB(255,255,255) #define LIT_TEXT_SHADOW_COLOR PALETTERGB(192,192,192) #define DISABLED_TEXT_COLOR PALETTERGB(128,128,128) #define DISABLED_TEXT_SHADOW_COLOR PALETTERGB(128,128,128) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CBitmapButtonEx CBitmapButtonEx::CBitmapButtonEx() { m_MouseOverBtn=FALSE; m_Hidden=FALSE; m_TextMessage=""; // Default to no string message m_Orientation=LEFT_ORIENTED_BTN; // Default to left orientation m_AnimBitmaps=NULL; m_NumAnimFrames=0; m_CurrAnimFrame=0; m_IgnoreDisabled=FALSE; } CBitmapButtonEx::~CBitmapButtonEx() { // Delete the allocated bitmaps if(m_AnimBitmaps!=NULL) delete[] m_AnimBitmaps; // Detach this from the button object Detach(); } BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CBitmapButtonEx, CBitmapButton) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CBitmapButtonEx) ON_WM_ERASEBKGND() //}}AFX_MSG_MAP END_MESSAGE_MAP() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CBitmapButtonEx message handlers // Draw the button void CBitmapButtonEx::DrawItem(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDrawItemStruct) { // TODO: Add your code to draw the specified item CBitmap *bitmap; CPalette *palette; COLORREF old_color, new_color, new_shadow_color; CFont *old_font=NULL; CBitmap *old_bitmap=NULL; CPalette *old_palette=NULL; int old_mode=0; UINT old_alignment=0; // If button is hidden, don't draw it if(m_Hidden) return; // Get button's state and draw appropriate bitmap if(m_AnimBitmaps!=NULL) { bitmap=&m_AnimBitmaps[m_CurrAnimFrame]; new_color=DOWN_TEXT_COLOR; new_shadow_color=DOWN_TEXT_SHADOW_COLOR; } else if(lpDrawItemStruct->itemState & ODS_SELECTED) { bitmap=&m_DownBitmap; new_color=DOWN_TEXT_COLOR; new_shadow_color=DOWN_TEXT_SHADOW_COLOR; } else if(!m_IgnoreDisabled && lpDrawItemStruct->itemState & ODS_DISABLED) { bitmap=&m_DisabledBitmap; new_color=DISABLED_TEXT_COLOR; new_shadow_color=DISABLED_TEXT_SHADOW_COLOR; } else if(m_MouseOverBtn || lpDrawItemStruct->itemState & ODS_FOCUS) { bitmap=&m_MouseBitmap; new_color=LIT_TEXT_COLOR; new_shadow_color=LIT_TEXT_SHADOW_COLOR; } else { bitmap=&m_UpBitmap; new_color=UP_TEXT_COLOR; new_shadow_color=UP_TEXT_SHADOW_COLOR; } // Use the Application default palette (speeds things up in 256 color) palette=&theApp.m_palette; //RECT rect=lpDrawItemStruct->rcItem; // Obtain the client window for this button CClientDC *dc; try { dc=new CClientDC(this); } catch(CResourceException) { OutputDebugString("Could not get ClientDC for bitmap button!\n"); } CDC memDC; CRect crect; GetClientRect(&crect); BITMAP m_bmInfo; // Bitmap info bitmap->GetObject(sizeof(BITMAP), &m_bmInfo); // Select and realize the palette if( dc->GetDeviceCaps(RASTERCAPS) & RC_PALETTE && palette->m_hObject != NULL ) { old_palette=dc->SelectPalette( palette, TRUE ); dc->RealizePalette(); } if(memDC.CreateCompatibleDC(dc)==0) OutputDebugString("CreateCompatibleDC() failed.\n"); if((old_bitmap=memDC.SelectObject( bitmap )) == NULL) OutputDebugString("SelectObject() failed!\n"); dc->StretchBlt( 0, 0,crect.Width(),crect.Height(), &memDC, 0, 0, m_bmInfo.bmWidth,m_bmInfo.bmHeight,SRCCOPY ); // If the button contains a text message, display it if(!m_TextMessage.IsEmpty()) { //old_font = (CFont *)dc->SelectStockObject( ANSI_VAR_FONT ); old_font = dc->SelectObject( &m_btn_font ); old_mode=dc->SetBkMode(TRANSPARENT); old_alignment=dc->SetTextAlign(TA_CENTER | TA_TOP); old_color=dc->SetTextColor(new_shadow_color); dc->ExtTextOut( m_TextStartPoint.x-1,m_TextStartPoint.y, ETO_CLIPPED,&m_TextClipBox,m_TextMessage,NULL); dc->SetTextColor(new_color); //dc->Rectangle(&m_TextClipBox); dc->ExtTextOut( m_TextStartPoint.x,m_TextStartPoint.y, ETO_CLIPPED,&m_TextClipBox,m_TextMessage,NULL); //dc->DrawText(m_TextMessage,&m_TextClipBox,DT_CENTER); dc->SetTextColor(old_color); dc->SetTextAlign(old_alignment); dc->SetBkMode(old_mode); if(old_font!=NULL) dc->SelectObject(old_font); } if(old_bitmap!=NULL) memDC.SelectObject(old_bitmap); if(old_palette!=NULL) dc->SelectPalette(old_palette,FALSE); if(memDC.DeleteDC()==0) OutputDebugString("DeleteDC() failed!\n"); delete dc; //CBitmapButton::DrawItem(lpDrawItemStruct); } // Sets up the button for use bool CBitmapButtonEx::Setup(UINT nID, CWnd *parent, int orient /*=LEFT_ORIENTED_BTN*/) { CString res_name, title; if(parent==NULL) return FALSE; // Let the bitmap class set things up for us // NOTE:this function will also cause a redundant loading of bitmaps // since CBitmapButton will store copies for itself, however, // it is this funciton which automatically sets up the button's // size, position, etc. from the resources... //AutoLoad(nID,parent); // Attach this button instance to the proper button resource HWND hwnd; parent->GetDlgItem(nID,&hwnd); if(Attach(hwnd)==0) OutputDebugString("Attach() failed!\n"); // Setup the text alignment values m_Orientation = orient; // Fill in text parameters for different button orientations int width, height; if(m_Orientation==TOP_ORIENTED_BTN) { // top oriented button m_TextStartPoint.x=int(TOPBUTTON_TEXT_XOFFSET*DlgWidthModifier); m_TextStartPoint.y=int(TOPBUTTON_TEXT_YOFFSET*DlgHeightModifier); width=int(TOPBUTTON_TEXT_WIDTH*DlgWidthModifier); height=int(TOPBUTTON_TEXT_HEIGHT*DlgHeightModifier); } else if(m_Orientation==LEFT_ORIENTED_BTN) { // left oriented button m_TextStartPoint.x=int(LEFTBUTTON_TEXT_XOFFSET*DlgWidthModifier); m_TextStartPoint.y=int(BUTTON_TEXT_YOFFSET*DlgHeightModifier); width=int(BUTTON_TEXT_WIDTH*DlgWidthModifier); height=int(BUTTON_TEXT_HEIGHT*DlgHeightModifier); } else { // right oriented button m_TextStartPoint.x=int(RIGHTBUTTON_TEXT_XOFFSET*DlgWidthModifier); m_TextStartPoint.y=int(BUTTON_TEXT_YOFFSET*DlgHeightModifier); width=int(BUTTON_TEXT_WIDTH*DlgWidthModifier); height=int(BUTTON_TEXT_HEIGHT*DlgHeightModifier); } // Now compute the text bounding box from the button parameters m_TextClipBox.left=m_TextStartPoint.x - (width/2); m_TextClipBox.top=m_TextStartPoint.y; m_TextClipBox.right=m_TextClipBox.left+width; m_TextClipBox.bottom=m_TextClipBox.top+height; // Set the font for the normal option buttons m_btn_font.CreateFont( int(14*DlgHeightModifier), int(8*DlgWidthModifier), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, PROOF_QUALITY, 0, _T("Arial Bold") ); // Set the font for the logo buttons m_logobtn_font.CreateFont( int(14*DlgHeightModifier), int(8*DlgWidthModifier), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, PROOF_QUALITY, 0, _T("Arial Bold") ); // Load the bitmaps and palettes that we will use Load(nID,parent); // Resize the buttons to match the proportions of the dialog BITMAP bm; m_UpBitmap.GetObject(sizeof(BITMAP), &bm); SetWindowPos(NULL,0,0,int(bm.bmWidth*DlgWidthModifier),int(bm.bmHeight*DlgHeightModifier),SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOZORDER); return TRUE; } // Sets up the animation button for use bool CBitmapButtonEx::AnimSetup(UINT nID, CWnd *parent, int num_frames) { CString res_name, title; if(num_frames==0) return FALSE; if(parent==NULL) return FALSE; // Let the bitmap class set things up for us // NOTE:this function will also cause a redundant loading of bitmaps // since CBitmapButton will store copies for itself, however, // it is this funciton which automatically sets up the button's // size, position, etc. from the resources... //AutoLoad(nID,parent); // Set the number of frames m_NumAnimFrames=num_frames; // Attach this button instance to the proper button resource HWND hwnd; parent->GetDlgItem(nID,&hwnd); if(Attach(hwnd)==0) OutputDebugString("Attach() failed!\n"); // Load the bitmaps and palettes that we will use AnimLoad(nID,parent); // Resize the buttons to match the proportions of the dialog BITMAP bm; m_AnimBitmaps[0].GetObject(sizeof(BITMAP), &bm); SetWindowPos(NULL,0,0,int(bm.bmWidth*DlgWidthModifier),int(bm.bmHeight*DlgHeightModifier),SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOZORDER); return TRUE; } // Loads the bitmaps for the button given // U - up position // D - down position // M - lit (mouse is over it) position // X - disabled bool CBitmapButtonEx::Load(UINT nID, CWnd *parent) { CString res_name, title; if(parent==NULL) return FALSE; parent->GetDlgItemText(nID, title); OutputDebugString("title ="); OutputDebugString(title); OutputDebugString("\n"); res_name.Format("%s%s",title,"U"); GetBitmapAndPalette(res_name,&m_UpBitmap,NULL); res_name.Format("%s%s",title,"D"); GetBitmapAndPalette(res_name,&m_DownBitmap,NULL); res_name.Format("%s%s",title,"M"); GetBitmapAndPalette(res_name,&m_MouseBitmap,NULL); res_name.Format("%s%s",title,"X"); GetBitmapAndPalette(res_name,&m_DisabledBitmap,NULL); return(TRUE); } // Loads the animation bitmaps for the button given // Format: nameX where X is the frame # bool CBitmapButtonEx::AnimLoad(UINT nID, CWnd *parent) { CString res_name, title; int j; if(parent==NULL) return FALSE; parent->GetDlgItemText(nID, title); OutputDebugString("title ="); OutputDebugString(title); OutputDebugString("\n"); // Allocate bitmap objects if(m_NumAnimFrames==0) return FALSE; m_AnimBitmaps=new CBitmap[m_NumAnimFrames]; if(m_AnimBitmaps==NULL) return FALSE; // Load in the bitmaps for(j=0; j