/* * Descent 3 * Copyright (C) 2024 Parallax Software * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . --- HISTORICAL COMMENTS FOLLOW --- * $Logfile: /DescentIII/Main/editor/rotateroom.cpp $ * $Revision: $ * $Date: 2003-08-26 03:57:38 $ * $Author: kevinb $ * * * $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ * * 7 9/01/98 12:04p Matt * Ripped out multi-face portal code * * 6 4/08/98 12:10p Jason * fixed bug where portal faces would get splintered * * 5 12/23/97 1:33p Samir * Added pserror.h * * 4 8/01/97 12:50p Jason * added code to support scaling of rooms/faces/edges * * 3 7/31/97 4:37p Jason * rotate room now triangulates non-planar faces * * 2 7/31/97 3:31p Jason * added functions to rotate portal rooms * * 1 7/31/97 10:35a Jason * file for rotating rooms * * $NoKeywords: $ */ #include "RotateRoom.h" #include "d3edit.h" #include "selectedroom.h" #include "erooms.h" #include "pserror.h" void RotateRooms(angle p, angle h, angle b) { int checkfaces[MAX_FACES_PER_ROOM]; int checkcount = 0; matrix rotmat, roommat; vector rotpoint, portal_normal; int t, v, i, k; int marked_portalnum = -1; int cur_portalnum = -1; if (Curroomp == Markedroomp || Markedroomp == NULL) { OutrageMessageBox("You do not have a valid room marked."); return; } for (i = 0; i < Markedroomp->num_portals; i++) { if (Markedroomp->portals[i].croom == (Curroomp - Rooms)) { marked_portalnum = i; break; } } if (marked_portalnum == -1) { OutrageMessageBox("The marked room is not connected to the current room!"); return; } for (i = 0; i < Curroomp->num_portals; i++) { if (Curroomp->portals[i].croom == (Markedroomp - Rooms)) { cur_portalnum = i; break; } } if (cur_portalnum == -1) { OutrageMessageBox("The marked room is not connected to the current room!"); return; } // Save the list so we can use it SaveRoomSelectedList(); Curroomp->portals[cur_portalnum].croom = -1; // detach base SelectConnectedRooms(Curroomp - Rooms); Curroomp->portals[cur_portalnum].croom = Markedroomp - Rooms; // Make sure valid rooms are selected if (IsRoomSelected(Markedroomp - Rooms)) { RestoreRoomSelectedList(); OutrageMessageBox("Cannot rotate: rooms connect back to base room."); return; } // Compute point & matrix for rotation ComputePortalCenter(&rotpoint, Curroomp, cur_portalnum); vm_AnglesToMatrix(&rotmat, p, h, b); // get desired rotation face *fp = &Curroomp->faces[Curroomp->portals[cur_portalnum].portal_face]; ComputeNormal(&portal_normal, fp->num_verts, fp->face_verts, Curroomp->verts); portal_normal *= -1.0; // reverse it! vm_VectorToMatrix(&roommat, &portal_normal, NULL, NULL); rotmat = roommat * ~rotmat * ~roommat; // get rotation relative to start room // Now rotate all the points for (i = 0; i < N_selected_rooms; i++) { room *rp = &Rooms[Selected_rooms[i]]; for (v = 0; v < rp->num_verts; v++) { if (rp == Curroomp) { face *fp = &Curroomp->faces[Curroomp->portals[cur_portalnum].portal_face]; for (t = 0; t < fp->num_verts; t++) if (v == fp->face_verts[t]) goto Skipit; } rp->verts[v] = ((rp->verts[v] - rotpoint) * rotmat) + rotpoint; Skipit:; } // Rotate all the normals for (t = 0; t < rp->num_faces; t++) rp->faces[t].normal = rp->faces[t].normal * rotmat; } // Now I guess we're done RestoreRoomSelectedList(); // Go through face list and build a list of faces that touch the vertices // that make up the portal we're modifying... fp = &Curroomp->faces[Curroomp->portals[cur_portalnum].portal_face]; for (i = 0; i < fp->num_verts; i++) { int checkvert = fp->face_verts[i]; for (t = 0; t < Curroomp->num_faces; t++) { face *fp = &Curroomp->faces[t]; for (int l = 0; l < Curroomp->num_portals; l++) if (Curroomp->portals[l].portal_face == t) goto skipface; for (v = 0; v < fp->num_verts; v++) { if (fp->face_verts[v] == checkvert) { for (k = 0; k < checkcount; k++) { if (checkfaces[k] == t) break; } if (k == checkcount) { checkfaces[checkcount] = t; checkcount++; } } } skipface:; } } // Now fix them! if (checkcount > 0) FixConcaveFaces(Curroomp, checkfaces, checkcount); // If the rotated seg is floating, recompute uvs for connected seg // CalcFloatUVs(&Segments[baseseg],baseside); // Set flags World_changed = 1; return; } /* //Move a floating segment (and all the segments attached to it) //Parameters: dx,dy - how much to move the segment, releative to its right & up vectors void MoveFloatSegment(float dx,float dy) { uint8_t selected_vert[MAX_VERTICES]; matrix segmat; vector deltav; int baseseg,baseside; int s,v,i; segment *segp; if (! (Cursegp->sides[Curside].flags & SDF_FLOATING)) { OutrageMessageBox("Curseg/Curside must be floating for this operation."); return; } //Save the list so we can use it SaveSelectedList(); //Select all segments for rotation baseseg = Cursegp->children[Curside]; Cursegp->children[Curside] = -1; //detach base SelectConnectedSegs(Cursegp-Segments); Cursegp->children[Curside] = baseseg; //re-attach base baseside = FindConnectSide(Cursegp,&Segments[baseseg]); //Make sure valid segments are selected if (IsSelected(baseseg)) { RestoreSelectedList(); OutrageMessageBox("Cannot rotate: segments connect back to base segment."); return; } //Flag vertices to rotate for (v=0;vverts[v]] = 1; } //Check and fix any selected verts used by non-selected segments for (s=0,segp=Segments;s<=Highest_segment_index;s++,segp) if (! segp->flags & SF_UNUSED_SEGMENT) { for (v=0;vverts[v]; if (selected_vert[vertnum]) { //shared vert! int new_vertnum; new_vertnum = AddDuplicateVertex(&Vertices[segp->verts[v]]); selected_vert[vertnum] = 0; //old is not in list selected_vert[new_vertnum] = 1; //new is in list //Go through selected list, & remap verts for (i=0;iverts[v] == vertnum) segp->verts[v] = new_vertnum; } } } } //Compute the delta vector ExtractMatrixFromSeg(Cursegp,Side_opposite[Curside],&segmat); deltav = segmat.uvec * dy + segmat.rvec * dx; //Now translate all the points for (v=0;vchildren[s])) { count++; attside = s; } // rotside = 0; // while ((destseg->children[destside] != seg-Segments) && (destside < MAX_SIDES_PER_SEGMENT)) // destside++; rotside = Side_opposite[attside]; // Return if passed in segment is connected to other than 1 segment. if (count != 1) return 1; vm_AnglesToMatrix(&rotmat, p,h,b); ComputeCenterPointOnSide(&rotpoint,seg,attside); ExtractMatrixFromSeg(seg,rotside,&segmat); //get this segment's orientation rotmat = segmat * ~rotmat * ~segmat; //get rotation relative to start segment // remap free vertices to the new orientation for (v = 0; v < 4; v++) { Vertices[seg->verts[Side_to_verts[rotside][v]]] = ((Vertices[seg->verts[Side_to_verts[rotside][v]]] - rotpoint) * rotmat) + rotpoint; } // Now rotate the surface normals and the objects in the segments for (o=seg->objects;o!=-1;o=Objects[o].next) Objects[o].pos = ((Objects[o].pos - rotpoint) * rotmat) + rotpoint; for (side=0;sidesides[side].normals[0] = seg->sides[side].normals[0] * rotmat; seg->sides[side].normals[1] = seg->sides[side].normals[1] * rotmat; } // Fix up modified segment ValidateSegment(seg); // Warn user if segment broken WarnIfConcaveSegment(seg); // Set flags World_changed = 1; return 0; } */