/* * Descent 3 * Copyright (C) 2024 Parallax Software * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . --- HISTORICAL COMMENTS FOLLOW --- * $Logfile: /DescentIII/Main/monsterball/monsterball.cpp $ * $Revision: $ * $Date: 2003/08/26 03:58:29 $ * $Author: kevinb $ * * Monmsterball Multiplayer game * * $Log: monsterball.cpp,v $ * Revision 2003/08/26 03:58:29 kevinb * initial 1.5 import * * * 43 9/24/01 3:17p Matt * Only show results for two teams, since there are always only two teams. * * 42 9/24/01 2:28p Matt * Allowed room for longer team name on results screen. * * 41 9/13/01 5:30p Matt * Added a team member list to the stats display. * * 40 10/21/99 2:46p Kevin * Macintosh merge! * * 39 8/17/99 5:53p Jeff * track ranks on PXO * * 38 7/15/99 1:18a Jeff * fixed up $scores * * 37 7/12/99 2:27p Jeff * fixed PLR to only display the team label for the disconnected list if * there are people in the list * * 36 7/11/99 6:55p Jeff * fixed PLR so it doesn't go off the screen on long lists and active * players in the game are shown first * * 35 5/23/99 3:04a Jason * fixed bug with player rankings not being updated correctly * * 34 5/13/99 5:08p Ardussi * changes for compiling on the Mac * * 33 5/12/99 11:04p Jeff * dmfc and multiplayer games now have endian friendly packets (*whew*) * * 32 5/12/99 11:29a Jeff * changed for loop variable for sanity... * * 31 5/09/99 6:20a Jeff * improved Entropy (added sounds, max virii per room). Fixed rendering * bugs for other multiplayer dlls. * * 30 5/08/99 3:54p Jeff * fixed Post level results screen. Fixed welcome messages. Fixed save * stats to file generation * * 29 5/08/99 5:07a Jeff * a little touch ups on PLR (needs work) * * 28 5/07/99 1:45p Jeff * don't count dedicated server in team size count * * 27 4/30/99 7:37p Jeff * cool effects when you score * * 26 4/28/99 4:24a Jeff * added safety checks to prevent crashes * * 25 4/27/99 3:44p Jeff * fixed requirement keywords * * 24 4/23/99 6:15p Jeff * fixed double calls to GameClose * * 23 4/23/99 12:43p Jeff * forgot to call CloseGame * * 22 4/22/99 7:15p Jeff * changed requirement strings * * 21 4/21/99 5:34p Jeff * added requirements * * 20 4/19/99 6:23p Jeff * Linux compile * * 19 3/31/99 5:49p Jeff * fixed bug of displaying icon accidently * * 18 3/27/99 4:53p Jeff * player rankings in multiplayer games implemented. Fixed join message * so it doesn't get cut off * * 17 3/19/99 5:42p Jeff * high res font fixups * * 16 3/19/99 12:54p Jeff * base support for requesting the number of teams for a multiplayer game * * 15 3/17/99 12:23p Jeff * converted DMFC to be COM interface * * 14 2/11/99 6:09p Jeff * localized * * 13 2/11/99 12:49a Jeff * changed names of exported variables * * 12 2/10/99 1:48p Matt * Changed object handle symbolic constants * * 11 2/09/99 3:32p Jeff * table file parser takes quotes strings for force keywords * * 10 2/05/99 7:03p Jeff * table file parsing macros put in * * 9 1/31/99 7:26p Matt * Renamed a bunch of functions to have HUD capitalized * * 8 1/24/99 8:32p Jeff * a bunch of updates to get 100% up to date, added individual scoring. * * 7 1/21/99 11:16p Jeff * exported vecmat functions * * 6 1/20/99 8:05p Jeff * fixed some bugs * * 5 1/20/99 2:28p Jeff * * 4 1/19/99 9:54p Jeff * improvements added...very complete * * 3 1/19/99 5:34p Jeff * updated monsterball * * 2 1/18/99 12:06a Jeff * updated to get 90% of base functionality in * * $NoKeywords: $ */ #include #include "gamedll_header.h" #include "idmfc.h" #include "monsterball.h" #include #include "monsterstr.h" #include IDMFC *DMFCBase = NULL; static IDmfcStats *dstat = NULL; static room *dRooms; static object *dObjects; static player *dPlayers; static vis_effect *dVisEffects; ////////////////////////////////// // defines #define SPID_NEWPLAYER 0 #define SPID_HITINFO 1 #define MONSTERBALL_ID_NAME "Monsterball" #define MONSTERBALL_SND_SCORE "Extra life" #define MONSTERBALL_SND_PICKUP "IGotIt" #define MONSTERBALL_SND_HIT "Monsterball Hit" #define MONSTERBALL_LOSE "Drop unknown " /* $$TABLE_SOUND "Extra life" $$TABLE_GENERIC "Monsterball" $$TABLE_SOUND "IGotIt" $$TABLE_SOUND "Monsterball Hit" $$TABLE_SOUND "Drop unknown " */ #define SCORE_DRAGIN 3 #define SCORE_HITIN 1 #define MAX_MONSTERBALL_VEL 120.0f ////////////////////////////////// // Structs struct tPlayerStat { int Score[2]; int BadScore[2]; }; static int pack_pstat(tPlayerStat *user_info, uint8_t *data); static int unpack_pstat(tPlayerStat *user_info, uint8_t *data); int pack_pstat(tPlayerStat *user_info, uint8_t *data) { int count = 0; MultiAddInt(user_info->Score[0], data, &count); MultiAddInt(user_info->Score[1], data, &count); MultiAddInt(user_info->BadScore[0], data, &count); MultiAddInt(user_info->BadScore[1], data, &count); return count; } int unpack_pstat(tPlayerStat *user_info, uint8_t *data) { int count = 0; user_info->Score[0] = MultiGetInt(data, &count); user_info->Score[1] = MultiGetInt(data, &count); user_info->BadScore[0] = MultiGetInt(data, &count); user_info->BadScore[1] = MultiGetInt(data, &count); return count; } struct weapon_collide_info { vector rotvel; vector velocity; vector pos; matrix orient; float mass; float size; }; struct { int id, room; int objhandle; int owner_handle; int icon; vector pos; } Monsterball_info; ////////////////////////////////// // Globals static int SortedPLRPlayers[DLLMAX_TEAMS][MAX_PLAYER_RECORDS]; static int TeamScores[DLLMAX_TEAMS]; static int SortedTeams[DLLMAX_TEAMS]; static int SortedPlayers[MAX_PLAYER_RECORDS]; static int NumOfTeams = 2; static int WhoJustScored = -1, WhoJustScoredTimer = -1; static int GoalRooms[DLLMAX_TEAMS]; static int Highlight_bmp; static int LastHitPnum = -1; static bool players_sorted = false; // the Sorted*[] have been sorted static bool DisplayPowerBBlink = true; static bool DisplayScoreBlink = true; static bool DisplayScoreScreen = false; static bool display_my_welcome = false; static bool monsterball_info_set = false; /////////////////////////////////////////////// // localization info static char **StringTable; static int StringTableSize = 0; static const char *_ErrorString = "Missing String"; const char *GetStringFromTable(int d) { if ((d < 0) || (d >= StringTableSize)) return _ErrorString; else return StringTable[d]; } /////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////// // Prototypes static void DisplayHUDScores(struct tHUDItem *hitem); static void DisplayStats(void); static void GetGameStartPacket(uint8_t *data); static void SendGameStartPacket(int pnum); static bool GetMonsterballInfo(int id); static void SortTeams(void); static void DisplayWelcomeMessage(int player_num); static void OnTimerScore(void); static void OnTimer(void); static void OnTimerScoreKill(void); static void OnTimerKill(void); static void OnTimerRegen(void); static void OnTimerRegenKill(void); static void SaveStatsToFile(char *filename); static void SortPlayerSlots(int *sorted_list, int count); static void SendLastHitInfo(void); static void GetLastHitInfo(uint8_t *data); static void HandlePickupPowerball(object *owner); static void HandleLosePowerball(bool play_sound); static void HandleMonsterballCollideWithObject(object *ball, object *player, vector *point, vector *normal); static void HandleMonsterballCollideWithWeapon(object *ball, weapon_collide_info *winfo, vector *point, vector *normal); static void bump_object(object *object0, vector *rotvel, vector *velocity, vector *pos, matrix *orient, float mass, float size, vector *collision_point, vector *collision_normal, float rot_scale, float vel_scale); static void DoMonsterballScoreEffect(void); static void OnClientPlayerEntersGame(int player_num); static bool ValidateOwner(int *pnum, object **obj); void DetermineScore(int precord_num, int column_num, char *buffer, int buffer_size) { player_record *pr = DMFCBase->GetPlayerRecord(precord_num); if (!pr || pr->state == STATE_EMPTY) { buffer[0] = '\0'; return; } tPlayerStat *stat = (tPlayerStat *)pr->user_info; if (column_num == 2) { snprintf(buffer, buffer_size, "%d", (stat) ? stat->Score[DSTAT_LEVEL] : 0); } else { snprintf(buffer, buffer_size, "%d", (stat) ? stat->BadScore[DSTAT_LEVEL] : 0); } } void TeamScoreCallback(int team, char *buffer, int buffer_size) { ASSERT(team >= 0 && team < DLLMAX_TEAMS); snprintf(buffer, buffer_size, " %d", TeamScores[team]); } void ShowStatBitmap(int precord_num, int column_num, int x, int y, int w, int h, uint8_t alpha_to_use) { player_record *pr = DMFCBase->GetPlayerRecord(precord_num); if (!pr || pr->state != STATE_INGAME) return; int pnum; object *owner; if (!ValidateOwner(&pnum, &owner)) return; // the owner is still valid if (pnum == pr->pnum) { DLLRenderHUDQuad(x + 2, y, 10, 10, 0, 0, 1, 1, Monsterball_info.icon, alpha_to_use, 0); } } #define NUM_TEAMS 2 // This function gets called by the game when it wants to learn some info about the game void DLLFUNCCALL DLLGetGameInfo(tDLLOptions *options) { options->flags = DOF_MAXTEAMS | DOF_MINTEAMS; options->max_teams = NUM_TEAMS; options->min_teams = NUM_TEAMS; strcpy(options->game_name, TXT_GAMENAME); strcpy(options->requirements, "MINGOALS2,GOALPERTEAM,SPEC1"); } // Initializes the game function pointers void DLLFUNCCALL DLLGameInit(int *api_func, uint8_t *all_ok, int num_teams_to_use) { *all_ok = 1; DMFCBase = CreateDMFC(); if (!DMFCBase) { *all_ok = 0; return; } dstat = CreateDmfcStats(); if (!dstat) { *all_ok = 0; return; } DMFCBase->LoadFunctions(api_func); // Setup event handlers DMFCBase->Set_OnCanChangeTeam(OnCanChangeTeam); DMFCBase->Set_OnClientPlayerDisconnect(OnClientPlayerDisconnect); DMFCBase->Set_OnPlayerEntersObserver(OnPlayerEntersObserver); DMFCBase->Set_OnClientPlayerKilled(OnClientPlayerKilled); DMFCBase->Set_OnServerObjectShieldsChanged(OnServerObjectShieldsChanged); DMFCBase->Set_OnGameStateRequest(OnGameStateRequest); DMFCBase->Set_OnServerGameCreated(OnServerGameCreated); DMFCBase->Set_OnClientLevelStart(OnClientLevelStart); DMFCBase->Set_OnPlayerConnect(OnPlayerConnect); DMFCBase->Set_OnInterval(OnInterval); DMFCBase->Set_OnHUDInterval(OnHUDInterval); DMFCBase->Set_OnKeypress(OnKeypress); DMFCBase->Set_OnServerCollide(OnServerCollide); DMFCBase->Set_OnClientCollide(OnClientCollide); DMFCBase->Set_OnServerPlayerChangeSegment(OnServerPlayerChangeSegment); DMFCBase->Set_OnClientPlayerChangeSegment(OnClientPlayerChangeSegment); DMFCBase->Set_OnServerObjectChangeSegment(OnServerObjectChangeSegment); DMFCBase->Set_OnClientObjectChangeSegment(OnClientObjectChangeSegment); DMFCBase->Set_OnSaveStatsToFile(OnSaveStatsToFile); DMFCBase->Set_OnLevelEndSaveStatsToFile(OnLevelEndSaveStatsToFile); DMFCBase->Set_OnDisconnectSaveStatsToFile(OnDisconnectSaveStatsToFile); DMFCBase->Set_OnPLRInterval(OnPLRInterval); DMFCBase->Set_OnPLRInit(OnPLRInit); DMFCBase->Set_OnPrintScores(OnPrintScores); DMFCBase->Set_OnClientPlayerEntersGame(OnClientPlayerEntersGame); // setup arrays dRooms = DMFCBase->GetRooms(); dObjects = DMFCBase->GetObjects(); dPlayers = DMFCBase->GetPlayers(); dVisEffects = DMFCBase->GetVisEffectArray(); netgame_info *Netgame = DMFCBase->GetNetgameInfo(); Netgame->flags |= (NF_TRACK_RANK); DMFCBase->GameInit(NumOfTeams); DLLCreateStringTable("monster.str", &StringTable, &StringTableSize); DLLmprintf(0, "%d strings loaded from string table\n", StringTableSize); // add the death and suicide messages DMFCBase->AddDeathMessage(TXT_KILLEDA, true); DMFCBase->AddSuicideMessage(TXT_SUICIDEA); // setup the Playerstats struct so DMFC can handle it automatically when a new player enters the game DMFCBase->SetupPlayerRecord(sizeof(tPlayerStat), (int (*)(void *, uint8_t *))pack_pstat, (int (*)(void *, uint8_t *))unpack_pstat); // register special packet receivers DMFCBase->RegisterPacketReceiver(SPID_NEWPLAYER, GetGameStartPacket); DMFCBase->RegisterPacketReceiver(SPID_HITINFO, GetLastHitInfo); DMFCBase->SetNumberOfTeams(NumOfTeams); DMFCBase->AddHUDItemCallback(HI_TEXT, DisplayHUDScores); Monsterball_info.icon = DLLbm_AllocLoadFileBitmap("PowerballIcon.ogf", 0, BITMAP_FORMAT_1555); if (Monsterball_info.icon == -1) Monsterball_info.icon = BAD_BITMAP_HANDLE; DisplayScoreScreen = false; // TableFileAdd("Monsterball.Gam"); Highlight_bmp = DLLbm_AllocBitmap(32, 32, 0); if (Highlight_bmp > BAD_BITMAP_HANDLE) { uint16_t *data = DLLbm_data(Highlight_bmp, 0); if (!data) { // bail on out of here *all_ok = 0; return; } for (int x = 0; x < 32 * 32; x++) { data[x] = GR_RGB16(50, 50, 50) | OPAQUE_FLAG; } } // Initialize the Stats Manager // ---------------------------- tDmfcStatsInit tsi; tDmfcStatsColumnInfo pl_col[8]; char gname[20]; strcpy(gname, TXT_STATGAMENAME); tsi.flags = DSIF_SHOW_PIC | DSIF_SHOW_OBSERVERICON | DSIF_SEPERATE_BY_TEAM; tsi.cColumnCountDetailed = 0; tsi.cColumnCountPlayerList = 8; tsi.clbDetailedColumnBMP = NULL; tsi.clbDetailedColumn = NULL; tsi.clbPlayerColumn = DetermineScore; tsi.clbPlayerColumnBMP = ShowStatBitmap; tsi.DetailedColumns = NULL; tsi.GameName = gname; tsi.MaxNumberDisplayed = NULL; tsi.PlayerListColumns = pl_col; tsi.SortedPlayerRecords = SortedPlayers; tsi.clTeamLine = TeamScoreCallback; pl_col[0].color_type = DSCOLOR_TEAM; pl_col[0].title[0] = '\0'; pl_col[0].type = DSCOL_BMP; pl_col[0].width = 15; pl_col[1].color_type = DSCOLOR_TEAM; strcpy(pl_col[1].title, TXT_PILOT); pl_col[1].type = DSCOL_PILOT_NAME; pl_col[1].width = 110; pl_col[2].color_type = DSCOLOR_TEAM; strcpy(pl_col[2].title, TXT_POINTS); pl_col[2].type = DSCOL_CUSTOM; pl_col[2].width = 51; pl_col[3].color_type = DSCOLOR_TEAM; strcpy(pl_col[3].title, TXT_BLUNDERS); pl_col[3].type = DSCOL_CUSTOM; pl_col[3].width = 64; pl_col[4].color_type = DSCOLOR_TEAM; strcpy(pl_col[4].title, TXT_KILLSSHORT); pl_col[4].type = DSCOL_KILLS_LEVEL; pl_col[4].width = 41; pl_col[5].color_type = DSCOLOR_TEAM; strcpy(pl_col[5].title, TXT_DEATHSSHORT); pl_col[5].type = DSCOL_DEATHS_LEVEL; pl_col[5].width = 41; pl_col[6].color_type = DSCOLOR_TEAM; strcpy(pl_col[6].title, TXT_SUICIDESSHORT); pl_col[6].type = DSCOL_SUICIDES_LEVEL; pl_col[6].width = 41; pl_col[7].color_type = DSCOLOR_TEAM; strcpy(pl_col[7].title, TXT_PING); pl_col[7].type = DSCOL_PING; pl_col[7].width = 40; dstat->Initialize(&tsi); } // Called when the DLL is shutdown void DLLFUNCCALL DLLGameClose() { if (Monsterball_info.icon > BAD_BITMAP_HANDLE) DLLbm_FreeBitmap(Monsterball_info.icon); DLLDestroyStringTable(StringTable, StringTableSize); if (dstat) { dstat->DestroyPointer(); dstat = NULL; } if (DMFCBase) { DMFCBase->GameClose(); DMFCBase->DestroyPointer(); DMFCBase = NULL; } } bool OnCanChangeTeam(int pnum, int newteam) { if (!DMFCBase->OnCanChangeTeam(pnum, newteam)) return false; int p; if (!ValidateOwner(&p, NULL)) return true; if (p == pnum) return false; return true; } void OnHUDInterval(void) { dstat->DoFrame(); DMFCBase->DisplayOutrageLogo(); DMFCBase->OnHUDInterval(); } void OnInterval(void) { SortPlayerSlots(SortedPlayers, MAX_PLAYER_RECORDS); players_sorted = true; SortTeams(); if (DMFCBase->GetLocalRole() == LR_SERVER) { // make sure velocity of the ball isn't more than MAX_MONSTERBALL_VEL object *ball; if (!DLLObjGet(Monsterball_info.objhandle, &ball)) { // blah! FatalError("MONSTERBALL IS MISSING\n"); } float mag = DLLvm_GetMagnitudeFast(&ball->mtype.phys_info.velocity); if (mag > MAX_MONSTERBALL_VEL) { ball->mtype.phys_info.velocity /= mag; ball->mtype.phys_info.velocity *= MAX_MONSTERBALL_VEL; } } DMFCBase->OnInterval(); } void OnKeypress(int key) { dllinfo *Data = DMFCBase->GetDLLInfoCallData(); switch (key) { case K_F7: DisplayScoreScreen = !DisplayScoreScreen; DMFCBase->EnableOnScreenMenu(false); dstat->Enable(DisplayScoreScreen); break; case K_PAGEDOWN: if (DisplayScoreScreen) { dstat->ScrollDown(); Data->iRet = 1; } break; case K_PAGEUP: if (DisplayScoreScreen) { dstat->ScrollUp(); Data->iRet = 1; } break; case K_F6: DisplayScoreScreen = false; dstat->Enable(false); break; case K_ESC: if (DisplayScoreScreen) { dstat->Enable(false); DisplayScoreScreen = false; Data->iRet = 1; } break; } DMFCBase->OnKeypress(key); } // The server has just started, so clear out all the stats and game info void OnServerGameCreated(void) { DMFCBase->OnServerGameCreated(); tPlayerStat *stat; player_record *pr; int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYER_RECORDS; i++) { pr = DMFCBase->GetPlayerRecord(i); if (!pr) continue; stat = (tPlayerStat *)pr->user_info; if (stat) { stat->Score[DSTAT_LEVEL] = stat->Score[DSTAT_OVERALL] = 0; stat->BadScore[DSTAT_LEVEL] = stat->BadScore[DSTAT_OVERALL] = 0; } } for (i = 0; i < NumOfTeams; i++) { TeamScores[i] = 0; } } void OnServerCollide(object *me_obj, object *it_obj, vector *point, vector *normal) { if (!me_obj || !it_obj) { DMFCBase->OnServerCollide(me_obj, it_obj, point, normal); return; } // check to see if the collision was with the Monsterball if (me_obj->handle == Monsterball_info.objhandle) { LastHitPnum = -1; switch (it_obj->type) { case OBJ_PLAYER: { if (DMFCBase->IsPlayerAlive(it_obj->id)) { LastHitPnum = it_obj->id; // call the event on the client so they can do any physics sim DMFCBase->CallClientEvent(EVT_CLIENT_GAMECOLLIDE, DMFCBase->GetMeObjNum(), DMFCBase->GetItObjNum(), -1, true); DMFCBase->CallOnClientCollide(me_obj, it_obj, point, normal); } } break; case OBJ_WEAPON: { object *parent; DLLGetUltimateParentForObject(&parent, it_obj); if (parent->type == OBJ_PLAYER) { LastHitPnum = parent->id; } weapon_collide_info winfo; winfo.rotvel.x = it_obj->mtype.phys_info.rotvel.x; winfo.rotvel.y = it_obj->mtype.phys_info.rotvel.y; winfo.rotvel.z = it_obj->mtype.phys_info.rotvel.z; winfo.velocity.x = it_obj->mtype.phys_info.velocity.x; winfo.velocity.y = it_obj->mtype.phys_info.velocity.y; winfo.velocity.z = it_obj->mtype.phys_info.velocity.z; winfo.pos.x = it_obj->pos.x; winfo.pos.y = it_obj->pos.y; winfo.pos.z = it_obj->pos.z; winfo.orient.fvec.x = it_obj->orient.fvec.x; winfo.orient.fvec.y = it_obj->orient.fvec.y; winfo.orient.fvec.z = it_obj->orient.fvec.z; winfo.orient.uvec.x = it_obj->orient.uvec.x; winfo.orient.uvec.y = it_obj->orient.uvec.y; winfo.orient.uvec.z = it_obj->orient.uvec.z; winfo.orient.rvec.x = it_obj->orient.rvec.x; winfo.orient.rvec.y = it_obj->orient.rvec.y; winfo.orient.rvec.z = it_obj->orient.rvec.z; winfo.mass = it_obj->mtype.phys_info.mass; winfo.size = it_obj->size; HandleMonsterballCollideWithWeapon(me_obj, &winfo, point, normal); } break; } } // check to see if the collision was between a player and another player, who has the powerball if (me_obj->type == OBJ_PLAYER && (it_obj->type == OBJ_PLAYER || it_obj->type == OBJ_WEAPON)) { if (it_obj->type == OBJ_PLAYER && !DMFCBase->IsPlayerAlive(it_obj->id)) { // the collided player isn't alive } else { int p; if (ValidateOwner(&p, NULL)) { if (p == me_obj->id) { // the player has the powerball DMFCBase->CallClientEvent(EVT_CLIENT_GAMECOLLIDE, DMFCBase->GetMeObjNum(), DMFCBase->GetItObjNum(), -1, true); DMFCBase->CallOnClientCollide(me_obj, it_obj, point, normal); } } } } DMFCBase->OnServerCollide(me_obj, it_obj, point, normal); } void OnClientPlayerDisconnect(int player_num) { int p; if (ValidateOwner(&p, NULL)) { if (p == player_num) { HandleLosePowerball(true); } } DMFCBase->OnClientPlayerDisconnect(player_num); } void OnPlayerEntersObserver(int pnum, object *piggy) { int p; if (ValidateOwner(&p, NULL)) { if (p == pnum) { HandleLosePowerball(true); } } DMFCBase->OnPlayerEntersObserver(pnum, piggy); } void OnClientPlayerKilled(object *killer_obj, int victim_pnum) { int p; if (ValidateOwner(&p, NULL)) { if (p == victim_pnum) { HandleLosePowerball(true); } } DMFCBase->OnClientPlayerKilled(killer_obj, victim_pnum); } void HandleLosePowerball(bool play_sound) { static int sound = -1; object *owner; if (!ValidateOwner(NULL, &owner)) return; object *ball; if (!DLLObjGet(Monsterball_info.objhandle, &ball)) { // blah! FatalError("MONSTERBALL IS MISSING\n"); } if (play_sound) { if (sound == -1) sound = DLLFindSoundName(IGNORE_TABLE(MONSTERBALL_LOSE)); if (sound != -1) DLLPlay2dSound(sound, 1); } if (DMFCBase->GetLocalRole() == LR_SERVER) DLLUnattachFromParent(ball); Monsterball_info.owner_handle = OBJECT_HANDLE_NONE; } void HandlePickupPowerball(object *owner) { static int sound = -1; if (sound == -1) sound = DLLFindSoundName(IGNORE_TABLE(MONSTERBALL_SND_PICKUP)); if (sound != -1) DLLPlay2dSound(sound, MAX_GAME_VOLUME / 2); if (DMFCBase->GetLocalRole() == LR_SERVER) { // if it was a player, attach the ball to the player object *bobj; if (!DLLObjGet(Monsterball_info.objhandle, &bobj)) { FatalError("Monster Ball not found\n"); } bool ret = DLLAttachObject(owner, 0, bobj, 0, true); if (!ret) { // blah! mprintf(0, "COULDN'T ATTACH MONSTERBALL TO PLAYER!!!!!!\n"); } } Monsterball_info.owner_handle = owner->handle; } void OnClientCollide(object *me_obj, object *it_obj, vector *point, vector *normal) { // three things can happen in here // 1) The collision is between the ball (with no owner) and a player // 2) The collision is between the owner and another player or weapon // 3) The collision is between the ball and a robot if (me_obj && me_obj->type == OBJ_PLAYER) { // case 2: me_obj = owner // Result: The owner is to lose the monsterball HandleLosePowerball(true); DMFCBase->OnClientCollide(me_obj, it_obj, point, normal); return; } if (me_obj && me_obj->type == OBJ_ROBOT) { if (it_obj->type == OBJ_ROBOT) { // case 3: me_obj = monsterball it_obj = robot if (DMFCBase->GetLocalRole() == LR_SERVER) { // do the physics on the Monsterball HandleMonsterballCollideWithObject(me_obj, it_obj, point, normal); } } if (it_obj->type == OBJ_PLAYER) { // case 1: me_obj = monsterball it_obj = player // Result: The player is to pickup the monsterball (as long as it has no owner) int p = 0; if (!ValidateOwner(&p, NULL) && p != it_obj->id) { ASSERT(it_obj->type == OBJ_PLAYER); // HandlePickupPowerball(it_obj); HandleMonsterballCollideWithObject(me_obj, it_obj, point, normal); } } DMFCBase->OnClientCollide(me_obj, it_obj, point, normal); return; } DMFCBase->OnClientCollide(me_obj, it_obj, point, normal); } void OnServerObjectShieldsChanged(object *obj, float amount) { if (!obj) return; if (obj->handle == Monsterball_info.objhandle) { obj->shields += amount; } } void OnServerObjectChangeSegment(object *obj, int newseg, int oldseg) { if (!obj) { DMFCBase->OnServerObjectChangeSegment(obj, newseg, oldseg); return; } if (obj->type == OBJ_ROBOT && obj->handle == Monsterball_info.objhandle) { // this is the monster ball, see if it's going into a goal room bool is_goal = false; for (int i = 0; i < NumOfTeams; i++) { if (newseg == GoalRooms[i]) { is_goal = true; break; } } if (is_goal && !ValidateOwner(NULL, NULL)) { // it's a team goal SendLastHitInfo(); DMFCBase->CallClientEvent(EVT_CLIENT_GAMEOBJCHANGESEG, DMFCBase->GetMeObjNum(), DMFCBase->GetItObjNum(), -1, true); DMFCBase->CallOnClientObjectChangeSegment(obj, newseg, oldseg); } } DMFCBase->OnServerObjectChangeSegment(obj, newseg, oldseg); } void OnClientObjectChangeSegment(object *obj, int newseg, int oldseg) { static int sound = -1; if (!obj) { DMFCBase->OnClientObjectChangeSegment(obj, newseg, oldseg); FatalError("INVALID OBJECT PASSED INTO OnClientObjectChangeSegment()"); return; } int team = -1; for (int i = 0; i < NumOfTeams; i++) { if (newseg == GoalRooms[i]) { team = i; break; } } if (team < 0 || team >= NumOfTeams) { FatalError("NOT A GOAL ROOM\n"); return; } if (sound == -1) sound = DLLFindSoundName(IGNORE_TABLE(MONSTERBALL_SND_SCORE)); if (sound != -1) DLLPlay2dSound(sound, MAX_GAME_VOLUME * 0.66f); DoMonsterballScoreEffect(); DLLvm_MakeVectorZero(&obj->mtype.phys_info.velocity); DLLvm_MakeIdentity(&obj->orient); DLLObjSetPos(obj, &Monsterball_info.pos, Monsterball_info.room, NULL, false); if (!DMFCBase->CheckPlayerNum(LastHitPnum)) { if (SCORE_HITIN == 1) { DLLAddHUDMessage(TXT_SCOREONE, DMFCBase->GetTeamString(team)); } else { DLLAddHUDMessage(TXT_SCOREMULTI, DMFCBase->GetTeamString(team), SCORE_HITIN); } } else { int last_hit_team = dPlayers[LastHitPnum].team; char *callsign = dPlayers[LastHitPnum].callsign; tPlayerStat *stat = (tPlayerStat *)DMFCBase->GetPlayerRecordData(LastHitPnum); if (last_hit_team != team) { // he scored for the other team!!! if (SCORE_HITIN == 1) { DLLAddHUDMessage(TXT_BLUNDERSCORE, callsign, DMFCBase->GetTeamString(team)); } else { DLLAddHUDMessage(TXT_BLUNDERMULTISCORE, callsign, SCORE_HITIN, DMFCBase->GetTeamString(team)); } if (stat) { stat->BadScore[DSTAT_LEVEL]++; stat->BadScore[DSTAT_OVERALL]++; } } else { // good score! if (SCORE_HITIN == 1) { DLLAddHUDMessage(TXT_PLAYERSCORE, callsign, DMFCBase->GetTeamString(team)); } else { DLLAddHUDMessage(TXT_PLAYERMULTISCORE, callsign, DMFCBase->GetTeamString(team), SCORE_HITIN); } if (stat) { stat->Score[DSTAT_LEVEL]++; stat->Score[DSTAT_OVERALL]++; } } } TeamScores[team] += SCORE_HITIN; // do killgoal check int goal; if ((DMFCBase->GetScoreLimit(&goal)) && (DMFCBase->GetLocalRole() == LR_SERVER)) { if (TeamScores[team] >= goal) DMFCBase->EndLevel(); } // Set a Timer to display if (WhoJustScoredTimer != -1) DMFCBase->KillTimer(WhoJustScoredTimer); WhoJustScoredTimer = DMFCBase->SetTimerInterval(OnTimerScore, 0.5f, 5.0f, OnTimerScoreKill); WhoJustScored = team; DMFCBase->OnClientObjectChangeSegment(obj, newseg, oldseg); } void OnServerPlayerChangeSegment(int player_num, int newseg, int oldseg) { if (player_num == -1) return; if (newseg == GoalRooms[DMFCBase->GetPlayerTeam(player_num)]) { // check to see if a player dragged the ball into the goal int p; if (ValidateOwner(&p, NULL)) { // a player currently has the monsterball if (p == player_num) { // it's this player DMFCBase->CallClientEvent(EVT_CLIENT_GAMEPLAYERCHANGESEG, DMFCBase->GetMeObjNum(), DMFCBase->GetItObjNum(), -1); DMFCBase->CallOnClientPlayerChangeSegment(player_num, newseg, oldseg); } } } DMFCBase->OnServerPlayerChangeSegment(player_num, newseg, oldseg); } void OnClientPlayerChangeSegment(int player_num, int newseg, int oldseg) { // If we get here, than a player dragged the powerball into their goal static int sound = -1; object *bobj; int p; // if we got here than the player with the Monsterball has entered his team's goal! if (DMFCBase->IsPlayerDedicatedServer(player_num)) return; // dedicated server if (!ValidateOwner(&p, NULL)) { return; } if (p != player_num) return; HandleLosePowerball(false); if (!DLLObjGet(Monsterball_info.objhandle, &bobj)) { FatalError("MonsterBall Is Missing!\n"); } DLLObjSetPos(bobj, &Monsterball_info.pos, Monsterball_info.room, NULL, false); if (SCORE_DRAGIN == 1) DLLAddHUDMessage(TXT_SCOREONE, DMFCBase->GetTeamString(dPlayers[player_num].team)); else DLLAddHUDMessage(TXT_SCOREMULTI, DMFCBase->GetTeamString(dPlayers[player_num].team), SCORE_DRAGIN); TeamScores[dPlayers[player_num].team] += SCORE_DRAGIN; if (sound == -1) sound = DLLFindSoundName(IGNORE_TABLE(MONSTERBALL_SND_SCORE)); if (sound != -1) DLLPlay2dSound(sound, MAX_GAME_VOLUME / 2); // do killgoal check int goal; if ((DMFCBase->GetScoreLimit(&goal)) && (DMFCBase->GetLocalRole() == LR_SERVER)) { if (TeamScores[dPlayers[player_num].team] >= goal) DMFCBase->EndLevel(); } // Set a Timer to display if (WhoJustScoredTimer != -1) DMFCBase->KillTimer(WhoJustScoredTimer); WhoJustScoredTimer = DMFCBase->SetTimerInterval(OnTimerScore, 0.5f, 5.0f, OnTimerScoreKill); WhoJustScored = dPlayers[player_num].team; } // The server has started a new level, so clear out any scores needed to be reset void OnClientLevelStart(void) { DMFCBase->OnClientLevelStart(); tPlayerStat *stat; int i; player_record *pr; for (i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYER_RECORDS; i++) { pr = DMFCBase->GetPlayerRecord(i); if (pr) stat = (tPlayerStat *)pr->user_info; else stat = NULL; if (stat) { stat->Score[DSTAT_LEVEL] = 0; stat->BadScore[DSTAT_LEVEL] = 0; } } for (i = 0; i < NumOfTeams; i++) { TeamScores[i] = 0; GoalRooms[i] = DLLGetGoalRoomForTeam(i); } LastHitPnum = -1; DLLMultiPaintGoalRooms(NULL); DLLmprintf(0, "Getting Monsterball info\n"); if (!GetMonsterballInfo(DLLFindObjectIDName(IGNORE_TABLE(MONSTERBALL_ID_NAME)))) { FatalError("Error finding Monsterball room\n"); } if (DMFCBase->GetLocalRole() == LR_SERVER) { int objnum = DLLObjCreate(OBJ_ROBOT, Monsterball_info.id, Monsterball_info.room, &Monsterball_info.pos, NULL, OBJECT_HANDLE_NONE); if (objnum == -1) FatalError("Unable to create Monsterball"); dObjects[objnum].mtype.phys_info.rotdrag = 5.0f; DLLMultiSendObject(&dObjects[objnum], 1, true); Monsterball_info.objhandle = dObjects[objnum].handle; Monsterball_info.owner_handle = OBJECT_HANDLE_NONE; monsterball_info_set = true; } else { DMFCBase->RequestGameState(); } players_sorted = false; } // A New Player has entered the game, so we want to send him a game status packet that // has information about the game void OnGameStateRequest(int player_num) { SendGameStartPacket(player_num); DMFCBase->OnGameStateRequest(player_num); } // A new player has entered the game, zero their stats out void OnPlayerConnect(int player_num) { tPlayerStat *stat = (tPlayerStat *)DMFCBase->GetPlayerRecordData(player_num); if (stat) { stat->Score[DSTAT_LEVEL] = 0; stat->Score[DSTAT_OVERALL] = 0; stat->BadScore[DSTAT_LEVEL] = 0; stat->BadScore[DSTAT_OVERALL] = 0; } DMFCBase->OnPlayerConnect(player_num); } // A new player has entered the game, zero there stats out void OnClientPlayerEntersGame(int player_num) { DMFCBase->OnClientPlayerEntersGame(player_num); if (player_num != DMFCBase->GetPlayerNum()) DisplayWelcomeMessage(player_num); else display_my_welcome = true; } bool compare_slots(int a, int b) { int ascore, bscore; player_record *apr, *bpr; tPlayerStat *astat, *bstat; apr = DMFCBase->GetPlayerRecord(a); bpr = DMFCBase->GetPlayerRecord(b); if (!apr) return true; if (!bpr) return false; if (apr->state == STATE_EMPTY) return true; if (bpr->state == STATE_EMPTY) return false; astat = (tPlayerStat *)apr->user_info; bstat = (tPlayerStat *)bpr->user_info; if ((apr->state == STATE_INGAME) && (bpr->state == STATE_INGAME)) { // both players were in the game ascore = (astat) ? astat->Score[DSTAT_LEVEL] : 0; bscore = (bstat) ? bstat->Score[DSTAT_LEVEL] : 0; return (ascore < bscore); } if ((apr->state == STATE_INGAME) && (bpr->state == STATE_DISCONNECTED)) { // apr gets priority since he was in the game on exit return false; } if ((apr->state == STATE_DISCONNECTED) && (bpr->state == STATE_INGAME)) { // bpr gets priority since he was in the game on exit return true; } // if we got here then both players were disconnected ascore = (astat) ? astat->Score[DSTAT_LEVEL] : 0; bscore = (bstat) ? bstat->Score[DSTAT_LEVEL] : 0; return (ascore < bscore); } void SortPlayerSlots(int *sorted_list, int count) { int tempsort[MAX_PLAYER_RECORDS]; int i, t, j; for (i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYER_RECORDS; i++) { tempsort[i] = i; } for (i = 1; i <= MAX_PLAYER_RECORDS - 1; i++) { t = tempsort[i]; // Shift elements down until // insertion point found. for (j = i - 1; j >= 0 && compare_slots(tempsort[j], t); j--) { tempsort[j + 1] = tempsort[j]; } // insert tempsort[j + 1] = t; } // copy the array over memcpy(sorted_list, tempsort, count * sizeof(int)); } void OnPLRInit(void) { monsterball_info_set = false; // for the next level SortPlayerSlots(SortedPlayers, MAX_PLAYER_RECORDS); // Now fill in the final structure of sorted names int TeamCount[DLLMAX_TEAMS]; player_record *pr; int team, i; for (i = 0; i < DLLMAX_TEAMS; i++) TeamCount[i] = 0; for (i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYER_RECORDS; i++) { int slot = SortedPlayers[i]; pr = DMFCBase->GetPlayerRecord(slot); if (pr->state != STATE_EMPTY) { if (DMFCBase->IsPlayerDedicatedServer(pr)) continue; // skip dedicated server team = (pr->state == STATE_INGAME) ? dPlayers[pr->pnum].team : pr->team; if (team >= NumOfTeams) team = 0; SortedPLRPlayers[team][TeamCount[team]] = slot; TeamCount[team]++; } } for (i = 0; i < DLLMAX_TEAMS; i++) { if (TeamCount[i] < MAX_PLAYER_RECORDS) SortedPLRPlayers[i][TeamCount[i]] = -1; } DMFCBase->OnPLRInit(); } void OnPLRInterval(void) { DMFCBase->OnPLRInterval(); int TeamCol = 35; int NameCol = 190; int PointCol = 280; int BlunderCol = 340; int KillsCol = 410; int DeathsCol = 450; int SuicidesCol = 490; int y = 40; int slot; player_record *pr; tPlayerStat *stat; DLLgrtext_SetFont((DMFCBase->GetGameFontTranslateArray())[SMALL_UI_FONT_INDEX]); int height = DLLgrfont_GetHeight((DMFCBase->GetGameFontTranslateArray())[SMALL_UI_FONT_INDEX]) + 1; // print out header DLLgrtext_SetColor(GR_RGB(255, 255, 150)); DLLgrtext_Printf(NameCol, y, TXT_PILOT); DLLgrtext_Printf(PointCol, y, TXT_POINTS); DLLgrtext_Printf(BlunderCol, y, TXT_BLUNDERS); DLLgrtext_Printf(KillsCol, y, TXT_KILLSSHORT); DLLgrtext_Printf(DeathsCol, y, TXT_DEATHSSHORT); DLLgrtext_Printf(SuicidesCol, y, TXT_SUICIDESSHORT); y += height; bool has_members; bool doing_connected = true; do_disconnected_folk: for (int team = 0; team < NUM_TEAMS; team++) { // process this team bool show_team_label; show_team_label = false; if (!doing_connected) { int temp_idx; temp_idx = 0; while (SortedPLRPlayers[team][temp_idx] != -1) { int pnum = DMFCBase->WasPlayerInGameAtLevelEnd(SortedPLRPlayers[team][temp_idx]); if (pnum == -1) { show_team_label = true; break; } temp_idx++; } } else { show_team_label = true; } if (show_team_label) { // is there anyone on this team? DLLgrtext_SetColor(DMFCBase->GetTeamColor(team)); DLLgrtext_Printf(TeamCol, y, TXT_HUDDISPLAY, DMFCBase->GetTeamString(team), TeamScores[team]); } has_members = false; for (int index = 0; index < MAX_PLAYER_RECORDS; index++) { // get the player num slot = SortedPLRPlayers[team][index]; if (slot == -1) // we are done with this team break; pr = DMFCBase->GetPlayerRecord(slot); if (pr && pr->state != STATE_EMPTY) { if (DMFCBase->IsPlayerDedicatedServer(pr)) continue; // skip dedicated server int pnum = DMFCBase->WasPlayerInGameAtLevelEnd(slot); if ((doing_connected && pnum == -1) || (!doing_connected && pnum != -1)) continue; // we're not handling them right now if (pnum != -1) { DLLgrtext_SetColor(DMFCBase->GetTeamColor(team)); } else { DLLgrtext_SetColor(GR_RGB(128, 128, 128)); } char tempbuffer[40]; strcpy(tempbuffer, pr->callsign); DMFCBase->ClipString(PointCol - NameCol - 10, tempbuffer, true); // valid player stat = (tPlayerStat *)pr->user_info; DLLgrtext_Printf(NameCol, y, "%s", tempbuffer); DLLgrtext_Printf(PointCol, y, "%d", (stat) ? stat->Score[DSTAT_LEVEL] : 0); DLLgrtext_Printf(BlunderCol, y, "%d", (stat) ? stat->BadScore[DSTAT_LEVEL] : 0); DLLgrtext_Printf(KillsCol, y, "%d", pr->dstats.kills[DSTAT_LEVEL]); DLLgrtext_Printf(DeathsCol, y, "%d", pr->dstats.deaths[DSTAT_LEVEL]); DLLgrtext_Printf(SuicidesCol, y, "%d", pr->dstats.suicides[DSTAT_LEVEL]); y += height; has_members = true; if (y >= 440) goto quick_exit; } } // end for // on to the next team if (!has_members) y += height; // on to the next line if (y >= 440) goto quick_exit; } // end for if (doing_connected) { doing_connected = false; goto do_disconnected_folk; } quick_exit:; } void OnPrintScores(int level) { char buffer[256]; char name[50]; size_t t; size_t pos[7]; size_t len[7]; for (int i = 0; i < NumOfTeams; i++) { snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s:%d\n", DMFCBase->GetTeamString(i), TeamScores[i]); DPrintf(buffer); } memset(buffer, ' ', 256); pos[0] = 0; t = len[0] = 20; // give ample room for pilot name pos[1] = pos[0] + t + 1; t = len[1] = strlen(TXT_POINTS); pos[2] = pos[1] + t + 1; t = len[2] = strlen(TXT_BLUNDERS); pos[3] = pos[1] + t + 1; t = len[3] = strlen(TXT_KILLS); pos[4] = pos[2] + t + 1; t = len[4] = strlen(TXT_DEATHS); pos[5] = pos[3] + t + 1; t = len[5] = strlen(TXT_SUICIDES); pos[6] = pos[4] + t + 1; t = len[6] = strlen(TXT_PING); memcpy(&buffer[pos[0]], TXT_PILOT, strlen(TXT_PILOT)); memcpy(&buffer[pos[1]], TXT_POINTS, len[1]); memcpy(&buffer[pos[2]], TXT_BLUNDERS, len[2]); memcpy(&buffer[pos[3]], TXT_KILLS, len[3]); memcpy(&buffer[pos[4]], TXT_DEATHS, len[4]); memcpy(&buffer[pos[5]], TXT_SUICIDES, len[5]); memcpy(&buffer[pos[6]], TXT_PING, len[6]); buffer[pos[6] + len[6] + 1] = '\n'; buffer[pos[6] + len[6] + 2] = '\0'; DPrintf(buffer); int slot; player_record *pr; int pcount; if (level < 0 || level >= MAX_PLAYER_RECORDS) pcount = MAX_PLAYER_RECORDS; else pcount = level; int sortedplayers[MAX_PLAYER_RECORDS]; DMFCBase->GetSortedPlayerSlots(sortedplayers, MAX_PLAYER_RECORDS); for (int i = 0; i < pcount; i++) { slot = sortedplayers[i]; pr = DMFCBase->GetPlayerRecord(slot); tPlayerStat *stat; if ((pr) && (pr->state != STATE_EMPTY)) { if (DMFCBase->IsPlayerDedicatedServer(pr)) continue; // skip dedicated server snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s%s:", (pr->state == STATE_DISCONNECTED) ? "*" : "", pr->callsign); name[19] = '\0'; stat = (tPlayerStat *)pr->user_info; memset(buffer, ' ', 256); t = strlen(name); memcpy(&buffer[pos[0]], name, (t < len[0]) ? t : len[0]); snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%d", (stat) ? stat->Score[DSTAT_LEVEL] : 0); t = strlen(name); memcpy(&buffer[pos[1]], name, (t < len[1]) ? t : len[1]); snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%d", (stat) ? stat->BadScore[DSTAT_LEVEL] : 0); t = strlen(name); memcpy(&buffer[pos[2]], name, (t < len[2]) ? t : len[2]); snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%d", pr->dstats.kills[DSTAT_LEVEL]); t = strlen(name); memcpy(&buffer[pos[3]], name, (t < len[2]) ? t : len[3]); snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%d", pr->dstats.deaths[DSTAT_LEVEL]); t = strlen(name); memcpy(&buffer[pos[4]], name, (t < len[3]) ? t : len[4]); snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%d", pr->dstats.suicides[DSTAT_LEVEL]); t = strlen(name); memcpy(&buffer[pos[5]], name, (t < len[4]) ? t : len[5]); if (pr->state == STATE_INGAME) snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%.0f", (DMFCBase->GetNetPlayers())[pr->pnum].ping_time * 1000.0f); else strcpy(name, "---"); t = strlen(name); memcpy(&buffer[pos[6]], name, (t < len[6]) ? t : len[6]); buffer[pos[6] + len[6] + 1] = '\n'; buffer[pos[6] + len[6] + 2] = '\0'; DPrintf(buffer); } } } void SaveStatsToFile(char *filename) { CFILE *file; DLLOpenCFILE(&file, filename, "wt"); if (!file) { DLLmprintf(0, "Unable to open output file\n"); return; } // write out game stats #define BUFSIZE 150 char buffer[BUFSIZE]; char tempbuffer[25]; int sortedslots[MAX_PLAYER_RECORDS]; player_record *pr, *dpr; tPInfoStat stat; int count, p; tPlayerStat *st; // sort the stats DMFCBase->GetSortedPlayerSlots(sortedslots, MAX_PLAYER_RECORDS); SortTeams(); count = 1; snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), TXT_SAVESTATSA, (DMFCBase->GetNetgameInfo())->name, (DMFCBase->GetCurrentMission())->cur_level); DLLcf_WriteString(file, buffer); for (p = 0; p < NumOfTeams; p++) { int team_i = SortedTeams[p]; memset(buffer, ' ', BUFSIZE); snprintf(tempbuffer, sizeof(tempbuffer), TXT_SAVESTATSTEAM, DMFCBase->GetTeamString(team_i)); memcpy(&buffer[0], tempbuffer, strlen(tempbuffer)); snprintf(tempbuffer, sizeof(tempbuffer), "[%d]", TeamScores[team_i]); memcpy(&buffer[20], tempbuffer, strlen(tempbuffer)); buffer[20 + strlen(tempbuffer)] = '\0'; DLLcf_WriteString(file, buffer); } // Write team members DLLcf_WriteString(file, ""); // blank line for (int t = 0; t < NumOfTeams; t++) { int team_i = SortedTeams[t]; snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), TXT_SAVESTATSTEAM, DMFCBase->GetTeamString(team_i)); strncat(buffer, ":", sizeof(buffer) - strlen(buffer) - 1); DLLcf_WriteString(file, buffer); for (p = 0; p < MAX_PLAYER_RECORDS; p++) { pr = DMFCBase->GetPlayerRecord(sortedslots[p]); if (pr && pr->state != STATE_EMPTY) { if (DMFCBase->IsPlayerDedicatedServer(pr)) continue; // skip dedicated server if (pr->team == team_i) { // Check if current team snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), " %s", pr->callsign); DLLcf_WriteString(file, buffer); } } } } DLLcf_WriteString(file, ""); // blank line snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s", TXT_SAVESTATSB); DLLcf_WriteString(file, buffer); snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s", TXT_SAVESTATSC); DLLcf_WriteString(file, buffer); strcpy(buffer, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); DLLcf_WriteString(file, buffer); for (p = 0; p < MAX_PLAYER_RECORDS; p++) { pr = DMFCBase->GetPlayerRecord(sortedslots[p]); if (pr && pr->state != STATE_EMPTY) { if (DMFCBase->IsPlayerDedicatedServer(pr)) continue; // skip dedicated server st = (tPlayerStat *)pr->user_info; memset(buffer, ' ', BUFSIZE); snprintf(tempbuffer, sizeof(tempbuffer), "%d)", count); memcpy(&buffer[0], tempbuffer, strlen(tempbuffer)); snprintf(tempbuffer, sizeof(tempbuffer), "%s%s", (pr->state == STATE_INGAME) ? "" : "*", pr->callsign); memcpy(&buffer[5], tempbuffer, strlen(tempbuffer)); snprintf(tempbuffer, sizeof(tempbuffer), "%d[%d]", (st) ? st->Score[DSTAT_LEVEL] : 0, (st) ? st->Score[DSTAT_OVERALL] : 0); memcpy(&buffer[34], tempbuffer, strlen(tempbuffer)); snprintf(tempbuffer, sizeof(tempbuffer), "%d[%d]", (st) ? st->BadScore[DSTAT_LEVEL] : 0, (st) ? st->BadScore[DSTAT_OVERALL] : 0); memcpy(&buffer[42], tempbuffer, strlen(tempbuffer)); snprintf(tempbuffer, sizeof(tempbuffer), "%d[%d]", pr->dstats.kills[DSTAT_LEVEL], pr->dstats.kills[DSTAT_OVERALL]); memcpy(&buffer[55], tempbuffer, strlen(tempbuffer)); snprintf(tempbuffer, sizeof(tempbuffer), "%d[%d]", pr->dstats.deaths[DSTAT_LEVEL], pr->dstats.deaths[DSTAT_OVERALL]); memcpy(&buffer[67], tempbuffer, strlen(tempbuffer)); snprintf(tempbuffer, sizeof(tempbuffer), "%d[%d]", pr->dstats.suicides[DSTAT_LEVEL], pr->dstats.suicides[DSTAT_OVERALL]); memcpy(&buffer[78], tempbuffer, strlen(tempbuffer)); size_t pos = 78 + strlen(tempbuffer) + 1; if (pos < BUFSIZE) buffer[pos] = '\0'; buffer[BUFSIZE - 1] = '\0'; DLLcf_WriteString(file, buffer); count++; } } DLLcf_WriteString(file, TXT_SAVESTATSD); count = 1; for (p = 0; p < MAX_PLAYER_RECORDS; p++) { pr = DMFCBase->GetPlayerRecord(p); if (pr && pr->state != STATE_EMPTY) { if (DMFCBase->IsPlayerDedicatedServer(pr)) continue; // skip dedicated server // Write out header snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%d) %s%s (%s)", count, (pr->state == STATE_INGAME) ? "" : "*", pr->callsign, DMFCBase->GetTeamString(pr->team)); DLLcf_WriteString(file, buffer); size_t length = strlen(buffer); memset(buffer, '=', length); buffer[length] = '\0'; DLLcf_WriteString(file, buffer); // time in game snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), TXT_TIMEINGAME, DMFCBase->GetTimeString(DMFCBase->GetTimeInGame(p))); DLLcf_WriteString(file, buffer); if (DMFCBase->FindPInfoStatFirst(p, &stat)) { snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s", TXT_SAVESTATSE); DLLcf_WriteString(file, buffer); if (stat.slot != p) { memset(buffer, ' ', BUFSIZE); dpr = DMFCBase->GetPlayerRecord(stat.slot); if (dpr) { strncpy(tempbuffer, DMFCBase->GetTeamString(dpr->team), sizeof(tempbuffer)); memcpy(buffer, tempbuffer, strlen(tempbuffer)); strcpy(tempbuffer, dpr->callsign); memcpy(&buffer[6], tempbuffer, strlen(tempbuffer)); snprintf(tempbuffer, sizeof(tempbuffer), "%d", stat.kills); memcpy(&buffer[36], tempbuffer, strlen(tempbuffer)); snprintf(tempbuffer, sizeof(tempbuffer), "%d", stat.deaths); memcpy(&buffer[46], tempbuffer, strlen(tempbuffer)); size_t pos = 46 + strlen(tempbuffer) + 1; if (pos < BUFSIZE) buffer[pos] = '\0'; buffer[BUFSIZE - 1] = '\0'; DLLcf_WriteString(file, buffer); } } while (DMFCBase->FindPInfoStatNext(&stat)) { if (stat.slot != p) { memset(buffer, ' ', BUFSIZE); dpr = DMFCBase->GetPlayerRecord(stat.slot); if (dpr) { strcpy(tempbuffer, dpr->callsign); memcpy(buffer, tempbuffer, strlen(tempbuffer)); snprintf(tempbuffer, sizeof(tempbuffer), "%d", stat.kills); memcpy(&buffer[30], tempbuffer, strlen(tempbuffer)); snprintf(tempbuffer, sizeof(tempbuffer), "%d", stat.deaths); memcpy(&buffer[40], tempbuffer, strlen(tempbuffer)); size_t pos = 40 + strlen(tempbuffer) + 1; if (pos < BUFSIZE) buffer[pos] = '\0'; buffer[BUFSIZE - 1] = '\0'; DLLcf_WriteString(file, buffer); } } } } DMFCBase->FindPInfoStatClose(); DLLcf_WriteString(file, ""); // skip a line count++; } } // done writing stats DLLcfclose(file); DLLAddHUDMessage(TXT_STATSSAVED); } #define ROOTFILENAME "MonsterBall" void OnSaveStatsToFile(void) { char filename[256]; DMFCBase->GenerateStatFilename(filename, ROOTFILENAME, false); SaveStatsToFile(filename); } void OnLevelEndSaveStatsToFile(void) { char filename[256]; DMFCBase->GenerateStatFilename(filename, ROOTFILENAME, true); SaveStatsToFile(filename); } void OnDisconnectSaveStatsToFile(void) { char filename[256]; DMFCBase->GenerateStatFilename(filename, ROOTFILENAME, false); SaveStatsToFile(filename); } ////////////////////////////////////////////// // NON-DMFC Functions ////////////////////////////////////////////// void DisplayHUDScores(struct tHUDItem *hitem) { if (display_my_welcome) { DisplayWelcomeMessage(DMFCBase->GetPlayerNum()); display_my_welcome = false; } if (!monsterball_info_set || !players_sorted || DisplayScoreScreen) // interval hasn't been called yet or we are display the stats return; int height = DLLgrfont_GetHeight((DMFCBase->GetGameFontTranslateArray())[HUD_FONT_INDEX]) + 3; int y, x, team, p; uint8_t alpha = DMFCBase->ConvertHUDAlpha((uint8_t)255); if (!ValidateOwner(&p, NULL)) { p = -1; } y = (DMFCBase->GetGameWindowH() / 2) - ((height * 2) / 2); x = 510; team = DMFCBase->GetMyTeam(); DLLRenderHUDText(DMFCBase->GetTeamColor(team), 255, 0, x, 0, TXT_SAVESTATSTEAM, DMFCBase->GetTeamString(team)); int powerteam = -1; if (p != -1) powerteam = DMFCBase->GetPlayerTeam(p); int myteam = DMFCBase->GetMyTeam(); int team_count; // determine coordinates to use here // we'll use a virtual width of 85 pixels on a 640x480 screen // so first determine the new width int name_width = 100.0f * DMFCBase->GetHudAspectX(); int score_width = DLLgrtext_GetTextLineWidth("888"); int name_x = DMFCBase->GetGameWindowW() - name_width - score_width - 10; int score_x = DMFCBase->GetGameWindowW() - score_width - 5; int icon_size = height - 3; int icon_x = name_x - icon_size - 3; DLLgrtext_SetAlpha(alpha); char name[256]; for (int i = 0; i < NumOfTeams; i++) { team = SortedTeams[i]; if ((WhoJustScored != team) || (DisplayScoreBlink)) { if (team == myteam && Highlight_bmp > BAD_BITMAP_HANDLE) { // draw the highlite bar in the background DLLrend_SetAlphaValue(alpha * 0.50f); DLLrend_SetZBufferState(0); DLLrend_SetTextureType(TT_LINEAR); DLLrend_SetLighting(LS_NONE); DLLrend_SetAlphaType(AT_CONSTANT_TEXTURE); DLLrend_DrawScaledBitmap(name_x - 2, y - 2, score_x + score_width + 2, y + height - 1, Highlight_bmp, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1.0, -1, NULL); DLLrend_SetZBufferState(1); } team_count = 0; for (int q = 0; q < DLLMAX_PLAYERS; q++) { if (DMFCBase->CheckPlayerNum(q) && dPlayers[q].team == team && !DMFCBase->IsPlayerDedicatedServer(q)) team_count++; } DLLgrtext_SetColor(DMFCBase->GetTeamColor(team)); snprintf(name, sizeof(name), TXT_HUDSCORE, team_count, DMFCBase->GetTeamString(team)); DMFCBase->ClipString(name_width, name, true); DLLgrtext_Printf(name_x, y, name); DLLgrtext_Printf(score_x, y, "[%d]", TeamScores[team]); } y += height; } } void GetLastHitInfo(uint8_t *data) { int size = 0; LastHitPnum = (int8_t)MultiGetByte(data, &size); } void SendLastHitInfo(void) { int size = 0; uint8_t data[MAX_GAME_DATA_SIZE]; DMFCBase->StartPacket(data, SPID_HITINFO, &size); MultiAddByte(LastHitPnum, data, &size); DMFCBase->SendPacket(data, size, SP_ALL); } void GetGameStartPacket(uint8_t *data) { int i, count = 0; // team scores for (i = 0; i < DLLMAX_TEAMS; i++) { TeamScores[i] = MultiGetInt(data, &count); } // who has the Monsterball int8_t temp; temp = (int8_t)MultiGetByte(data, &count); if (temp == -1) { Monsterball_info.owner_handle = OBJECT_HANDLE_NONE; } else { if (DMFCBase->CheckPlayerNum(temp)) Monsterball_info.owner_handle = dObjects[dPlayers[temp].objnum].handle; else Monsterball_info.owner_handle = OBJECT_HANDLE_NONE; } monsterball_info_set = true; temp = (int8_t)MultiGetByte(data, &count); NumOfTeams = temp; // we need to find the objnum of the Monsterball...it is there somewhere DLLmprintf(0, "Looking for Monsterball in level\n"); int objnum = -1; for (i = 0; i < MAX_OBJECTS; i++) { if ((dObjects[i].type == OBJ_ROBOT) && (dObjects[i].id == Monsterball_info.id)) { // here it is objnum = i; break; } } DLLmprintf(0, "Monsterball %s\n", (objnum == -1) ? "Not Found" : "Found"); if (objnum == -1) { FatalError("Couldn't Find Monsterball when it should be there"); } Monsterball_info.objhandle = dObjects[objnum].handle; } void SendGameStartPacket(int pnum) { int i, count = 0; uint8_t data[MAX_GAME_DATA_SIZE]; DMFCBase->StartPacket(data, SPID_NEWPLAYER, &count); // add the team scores for (i = 0; i < DLLMAX_TEAMS; i++) { MultiAddInt(TeamScores[i], data, &count); } int8_t temp; int p; // who has the Monsterball if anyone if (ValidateOwner(&p, NULL)) { temp = p; } else { temp = -1; } MultiAddByte(temp, data, &count); // number of teams temp = NumOfTeams; MultiAddByte(temp, data, &count); // we're done DLLmprintf(0, "Sending Game State to %s\n", dPlayers[pnum].callsign); DMFCBase->SendPacket(data, count, pnum); } bool GetMonsterballInfo(int id) { if (id == -1) return false; Monsterball_info.id = id; // find the room with the RF_SPECIAL1 for (int i = 0; i <= DMFCBase->GetHighestRoomIndex(); i++) { if (dRooms[i].flags & RF_SPECIAL1) { // here's the Monsterball! Monsterball_info.room = i; DLLComputeRoomCenter(&Monsterball_info.pos, &dRooms[i]); return true; } } return false; } #define compGT(a, b) (a < b) // insert sort void SortTeams(void) { int t; int i, j; // copy scores into scoreinfo array for (i = 0; i < DLLMAX_TEAMS; i++) { SortedTeams[i] = i; } for (i = 1; i <= DLLMAX_TEAMS - 1; i++) { t = SortedTeams[i]; // Shift elements down until // insertion point found. for (j = i - 1; j >= 0 && compGT(TeamScores[SortedTeams[j]], TeamScores[t]); j--) { SortedTeams[j + 1] = SortedTeams[j]; } // insert SortedTeams[j + 1] = t; } } void DisplayWelcomeMessage(int player_num) { char name_buffer[64]; strcpy(name_buffer, (DMFCBase->GetPlayers())[player_num].callsign); if (player_num == DMFCBase->GetPlayerNum()) { int team = DMFCBase->GetMyTeam(); if (team == -1) return; DLLAddHUDMessage(TXT_WELCOME, name_buffer); DLLAddColoredHUDMessage(DMFCBase->GetTeamColor(team), TXT_ONTEAM, DMFCBase->GetTeamString(team)); } else { int team = dPlayers[player_num].team; if (team == -1) return; DLLAddColoredHUDMessage(DMFCBase->GetTeamColor(team), TXT_JOINED, name_buffer, DMFCBase->GetTeamString(team)); } } void OnTimerScore(void) { DisplayScoreBlink = !DisplayScoreBlink; } void OnTimerScoreKill(void) { DisplayScoreBlink = true; WhoJustScored = WhoJustScoredTimer = -1; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- void HandleMonsterballCollideWithObject(object *ball, object *player, vector *point, vector *normal) { static int sound = -1; if (sound == -1) sound = DLLFindSoundName(IGNORE_TABLE(MONSTERBALL_SND_HIT)); if (sound != -1) DLLPlay3dSound(sound, ball, MAX_GAME_VOLUME / 3, 0); // bump_object(ball,&player->mtype.phys_info.rotvel,&player->mtype.phys_info.velocity, // &player->pos, &player->orient, player->mtype.phys_info.mass, player->size,point,normal,1.0f,1.0f); } void HandleMonsterballCollideWithWeapon(object *ball, weapon_collide_info *winfo, vector *point, vector *normal) { static int sound = -1; if (sound == -1) sound = DLLFindSoundName(IGNORE_TABLE(MONSTERBALL_SND_HIT)); if (sound != -1) DLLPlay3dSound(sound, ball, 0, 0); // FIXME: volume was set to 0 here, is that right? bump_object(ball, &winfo->rotvel, &winfo->velocity, &winfo->pos, &winfo->orient, winfo->mass, winfo->size, point, normal, -0.3f, 5.0f); } void bump_object(object *object0, vector *rotvel, vector *velocity, vector *pos, matrix *orient, float mass, float size, vector *collision_point, vector *collision_normal, float rot_scalar, float vel_scalar) { object *t = NULL; object *other = NULL; ASSERT(std::isfinite(rotvel->x)); ASSERT(std::isfinite(rotvel->y)); ASSERT(std::isfinite(rotvel->z)); ASSERT(std::isfinite(object0->mtype.phys_info.rotvel.x)); ASSERT(std::isfinite(object0->mtype.phys_info.rotvel.y)); ASSERT(std::isfinite(object0->mtype.phys_info.rotvel.z)); ASSERT(std::isfinite(velocity->x)); ASSERT(std::isfinite(velocity->y)); ASSERT(std::isfinite(velocity->z)); ASSERT(std::isfinite(object0->mtype.phys_info.velocity.x)); ASSERT(std::isfinite(object0->mtype.phys_info.velocity.y)); ASSERT(std::isfinite(object0->mtype.phys_info.velocity.z)); vector r1 = *collision_point - object0->pos; vector r2 = *collision_point - (*pos); vector w1; vector w2; vector n1; vector n2; float temp1; float temp2; float j; matrix o_t1 = object0->orient; matrix o_t2 = *orient; DLLvm_TransposeMatrix(&o_t1); DLLvm_TransposeMatrix(&o_t2); vector cmp1 = object0->mtype.phys_info.rotvel * o_t1; vector cmp2 = (*rotvel) * o_t2; DLLConvertEulerToAxisAmount(&cmp1, &n1, &temp1); DLLConvertEulerToAxisAmount(&cmp2, &n2, &temp2); n1 *= temp1; n2 *= temp2; if (temp1 != 0.0f) { DLLvm_CrossProduct(&w1, &n1, &r1); } else { w1.x = 0; w1.y = 0; w1.z = 0; } if (temp2 != 0.0f) { DLLvm_CrossProduct(&w2, &n2, &r2); } else { w2.x = 0; w2.y = 0; w2.z = 0; } vector p1 = object0->mtype.phys_info.velocity + w1; vector p2 = (*velocity) + w2; float v_rel; float m1 = object0->mtype.phys_info.mass; float m2 = mass; ASSERT(m1 != 0.0f && m2 != 0.0f); v_rel = *collision_normal * (p1 - p2); float e; e = vel_scalar; vector c1; vector c2; vector cc1; vector cc2; float cv1; float cv2; float i1 = (2.0f / 5.0f) * m1 * object0->size * object0->size; float i2 = (2.0f / 5.0f) * m2 * size; if (i1 < .0000001) i1 = .0000001f; if (i2 < .0000001) i2 = .0000001f; DLLvm_CrossProduct(&c1, &r1, collision_normal); DLLvm_CrossProduct(&c2, &r2, collision_normal); c1 = c1 / i1; c2 = c2 / i2; DLLvm_CrossProduct(&cc1, &c1, &r1); DLLvm_CrossProduct(&cc2, &c2, &r2); cv1 = (*collision_normal) * c1; cv2 = (*collision_normal) * c2; j = (-(1.0f + e)) * v_rel; j /= (1 / m1 + 1 / m2 + cv1 + cv2); // apply the force to the player vector new_vel; new_vel = ((j * (*collision_normal)) / m1); // make sure the velocity falls within a valid range float mag = DLLvm_GetMagnitudeFast(&new_vel); new_vel /= mag; mag = std::clamp(mag, 10.0f, 20.0f); new_vel *= mag; object0->mtype.phys_info.velocity += new_vel; vector jcn = j * (*collision_normal); DLLvm_CrossProduct(&c1, &r1, &jcn); n1 = (c1) / i1; temp1 = DLLvm_NormalizeVector(&n1); vector txx1; DLLConvertAxisAmountToEuler(&n1, &temp1, &txx1); float rotscale1; rotscale1 = rot_scalar; // change the player's rotational velocity object0->mtype.phys_info.rotvel += (txx1 * object0->orient) * rotscale1; ASSERT(std::isfinite(object0->mtype.phys_info.rotvel.x)); ASSERT(std::isfinite(object0->mtype.phys_info.rotvel.y)); ASSERT(std::isfinite(object0->mtype.phys_info.rotvel.z)); ASSERT(std::isfinite(object0->mtype.phys_info.velocity.x)); ASSERT(std::isfinite(object0->mtype.phys_info.velocity.y)); ASSERT(std::isfinite(object0->mtype.phys_info.velocity.z)); } bool ValidateOwner(int *pnum, object **obj) { if (Monsterball_info.owner_handle == OBJECT_HANDLE_NONE) return false; object *owner; if (!DLLObjGet(Monsterball_info.owner_handle, &owner)) { // the object no longer exists Monsterball_info.owner_handle = OBJECT_HANDLE_NONE; return false; } if (owner->type != OBJ_PLAYER || (dPlayers[owner->id].flags & (PLAYER_FLAGS_DYING | PLAYER_FLAGS_DEAD))) { // the owner isn't a player playing Monsterball_info.owner_handle = OBJECT_HANDLE_NONE; return false; } if (pnum) *pnum = owner->id; if (obj) *obj = owner; return true; } void DoMonsterballScoreEffect(void) { object *Monsterball; if (!DLLObjGet(Monsterball_info.objhandle, &Monsterball)) return; vector start_pos, end_pos; int start_room, end_room; bool doing_start = false; vector m_pos, i_pos; int m_room, i_room; m_pos = Monsterball->pos; m_room = Monsterball->roomnum; i_pos = Monsterball_info.pos; i_room = Monsterball_info.room; ////////////////////////////////////// float lifetime = 4.0f; float thickness = 17.5f; float slidetime = 0.3f; uint16_t color = GR_RGB16(30, 255, 30); int numtiles = 1; bool autotile = true; int sat_count = 2; int texture_id = DLLFindTextureName("ThickLineLightning"); ////////////////////////////////////// for (int q = 0; q < 2; q++) { //////////////////////////////// vector check_pos; fvi_query fq; fvi_info hit_data; int hit_type; fq.p0 = (doing_start) ? &m_pos : &i_pos; fq.p1 = &check_pos; fq.startroom = (doing_start) ? m_room : i_room; fq.rad = 3.0f; fq.flags = FQ_CHECK_OBJS | FQ_IGNORE_NON_LIGHTMAP_OBJECTS; fq.thisobjnum = Monsterball - dObjects; fq.ignore_obj_list = NULL; // find top of room check_pos = (doing_start) ? m_pos : i_pos; check_pos.y *= 50000; hit_type = DLLfvi_FindIntersection(&fq, &hit_data, false); if (hit_type == HIT_NONE) return; start_room = hit_data.hit_room; start_pos = hit_data.hit_pnt; check_pos = (doing_start) ? m_pos : i_pos; check_pos.y *= -50000; hit_type = DLLfvi_FindIntersection(&fq, &hit_data, false); if (hit_type == HIT_NONE) return; end_room = hit_data.hit_room; end_pos = hit_data.hit_pnt; int visnum = DLLVisEffectCreate(VIS_FIREBALL, THICK_LIGHTNING_INDEX, start_room, &start_pos); if (visnum >= 0) { vis_effect *vis = &dVisEffects[visnum]; vis->lifeleft = lifetime; vis->lifetime = lifetime; vis->end_pos = end_pos; vis->custom_handle = texture_id; vis->lighting_color = color; vis->billboard_info.width = thickness; vis->billboard_info.texture = autotile; vis->velocity.x = sat_count; vis->velocity.y = slidetime; vis->velocity.z = numtiles; vis->flags = VF_USES_LIFELEFT | VF_WINDSHIELD_EFFECT | VF_LINK_TO_VIEWER | VF_EXPAND; vis->size = DLLvm_VectorDistanceQuick(&vis->pos, &vis->end_pos); } color = GR_RGB16(100, 255, 150); visnum = DLLVisEffectCreate(VIS_FIREBALL, SUN_CORONA_INDEX, start_room, &start_pos); if (visnum >= 0) { vis_effect *vis = &dVisEffects[visnum]; vis->lifeleft = lifetime; vis->lifetime = lifetime; vis->lighting_color = color; vis->flags = VF_USES_LIFELEFT | VF_WINDSHIELD_EFFECT | VF_LINK_TO_VIEWER; vis->size = 4; } visnum = DLLVisEffectCreate(VIS_FIREBALL, SUN_CORONA_INDEX, end_room, &end_pos); if (visnum >= 0) { vis_effect *vis = &dVisEffects[visnum]; vis->lifeleft = lifetime; vis->lifetime = lifetime; vis->lighting_color = color; vis->flags = VF_USES_LIFELEFT | VF_WINDSHIELD_EFFECT | VF_LINK_TO_VIEWER; vis->size = 4; } DLLCreateRandomSparks(rand() % 200 + 50, (doing_start) ? &m_pos : &i_pos, (doing_start) ? m_room : i_room, HOT_SPARK_INDEX, (rand() % 3) + 2); doing_start = !doing_start; } if (Monsterball->effect_info) { Monsterball->effect_info->type_flags &= ~EF_CLOAKED; Monsterball->effect_info->type_flags |= EF_FADING_IN; Monsterball->effect_info->fade_time = 4.0f; Monsterball->effect_info->cloak_time = 0; Monsterball->effect_info->fade_max_time = 4.0f; } }