////////////////////////////////////////////// // D.A.L.L.A.S. Generated Message Table File ////////////////////////////////////////////// NEXT_MESSAGE_ID_NUMBER 39 // Message List 1Switch=GUIDEBOT: "If you want an alternate path around the primary forcefields, locate and activate all 9 switches to unlock the elevator door!" 2Switch=GUIDEBOT: "2 alternate switches activated!" 3Switch=GUIDEBOT: "3 alternate switches activated!" 4Switch=GUIDEBOT: "4 alternate switches activated!" 5Switch=GUIDEBOT: "4 more alternate switches to go!" 6Switch=GUIDEBOT: "Only 3 more alternate switches to go!" 7Switch=GUIDEBOT: "Just 2 more alternate switches to unlock the elevator door!" 8Switch=GUIDEBOT: "1 more alternate switch left in the sequence!" 9Switch=GUIDEBOT: "Alternate sequence completed! Abandoned elevator door unlocked!" All6Deactive=GUIDEBOT: "All 6 power routers disabled! Backup forcefield generators enabled!" DestroyThese=Find a way to turn on the backup| generators before you can| destroy them and lower the forcefields! DoorUnlocked=Door Unlocked! DoThis= ExitAbort=Due to the captured ship getting caught on doors, this level will auto-end in 5 seconds! FirstCamera=They may be small, but their friends| pack quite a wallop! Stay out of their| field of view if you want to live. ForcefieldDisabled=Forcefield disabled! ForcefieldFirst=GUIDEBOT: "Primary forcefield power disabled. Activating backup generator!" ForcefieldsDisabled=Forcefields disabled! FreeAtLast=PILOT: "Thanks for the rescue, MD! Let's get out of here... follow me!" GoalComplete=I finished a goal! GotHim=Thanks for falling right into| our trap, Material Defender! GoUpLeft=PILOT: "These exit tubes are synch-locked. You head up the left side while I go up the right and we'll rendevous on the surface!" MainDestroyed=GUIDEBOT: "Main forcefield generators destroyed." NextGoal=Doing Patrol 3 PathCaptured=Captured PathIntroCam=IntroCam PathIntroShip=IntroShip PickupKey=GUIDEBOT: "Access to secondary hub granted! All primary hub doors unlocked!" PipeDemo=When active, pipes are vulnerable| Otherwise don't waste your ammo Reroute=GUIDEBOT: "Power router disabled!" SecretArea=You Found A Secret Area! Spotted=WARNING: Intruder Alert! Turret defenses activated! Work=Titan - PTMC Storage Facility