/* * Descent 3 * Copyright (C) 2024 Parallax Software * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . --- HISTORICAL COMMENTS FOLLOW --- ObjectClipboard.cpp This file contains the cut,copy,paste, and delete routines used when you right click in the view */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "TextureGrWnd.h" #include "editor.h" #include "render.h" #include "manage.h" #include "gr.h" #include "gameloop.h" #include "descent.h" #include "terrain.h" #include "HTexture.h" #include "terraindialog.h" #include "room.h" #include #include #include "mono.h" #include "3d.h" #include "gr.h" #include "gamepath.h" #include "ObjectClipboard.h" #include "HObject.h" object ClipBoardObject; bool ObjectInBuffer; // Returns the number if OBJ_PLAYER in the Objects list int GetNumberPlayerObjs() { int count; int i; count = 0; for (i = 0; i <= Highest_object_index; i++) { if (Objects[i].type == OBJ_PLAYER) count++; } mprintf(0, "GetNumberPlayerObjs returns %d\n", count); return count; } // Makes a copy of the current object to the clipboard object, then deletes this object // Returns true on success bool ObjectCut() { mprintf(0, "ObjectCut()\n"); if (Cur_object_index != -1) { int objnum = Cur_object_index; int num_player_objects = GetNumberPlayerObjs(); if ((num_player_objects == 1) && Objects[objnum].type == OBJ_PLAYER) { mprintf(0, "Oops, Can't delete the only player...sorry\n"); return false; } mprintf(0, "Attempting to cut object #%d into buffer...", objnum); memcpy(&ClipBoardObject, &Objects[objnum], sizeof(object)); mprintf(0, "Done!\n"); ObjectInBuffer = true; HObjectDelete(); return true; } return false; } // Makes a copy of the current object to the clipboard object // Returns true on success bool ObjectCopy() { mprintf(0, "ObjectCopy()\n"); if (Cur_object_index != -1) { int objnum = Cur_object_index; mprintf(0, "Attempting to copy object #%d into buffer...", objnum); memcpy(&ClipBoardObject, &Objects[objnum], sizeof(object)); mprintf(0, "Done!\n"); ObjectInBuffer = true; return true; } return false; } // Just deletes the current object // Returns true on success bool ObjectDelete() { mprintf(0, "ObjectDelete()\n"); if (Cur_object_index != -1) { int objnum = Cur_object_index; int num_player_objects = GetNumberPlayerObjs(); if ((num_player_objects == 1) && Objects[objnum].type == OBJ_PLAYER) { mprintf(0, "Oops, Can't delete the only player...sorry\n"); return false; } HObjectDelete(); return true; } return false; } // Pastes the object in the Clipboard to the middle of the current segment // Returns true on success bool ObjectPaste() { mprintf(0, "ObjectPaste()\n"); Int3(); // I'm not so sure about this routine -- by copying everything over, it may copy // some data it shouldn't, such as script info. if (!ObjectInBuffer) return false; int16_t next, prev; int roomnum; vector pos; matrix orient; vector last_pos; float creation_time; int handle; if (!HObjectPlace(ClipBoardObject.type, ClipBoardObject.id)) { return false; } mprintf(0, "Saving data...\n"); handle = Objects[Cur_object_index].handle; next = Objects[Cur_object_index].next; prev = Objects[Cur_object_index].prev; roomnum = Objects[Cur_object_index].roomnum; pos = Objects[Cur_object_index].pos; orient = Objects[Cur_object_index].orient; last_pos = Objects[Cur_object_index].last_pos; creation_time = Objects[Cur_object_index].creation_time; mprintf(0, "Overwriting with buffer data\n"); memcpy(&Objects[Cur_object_index], &ClipBoardObject, sizeof(object)); mprintf(0, "Restoring data...\n"); Objects[Cur_object_index].handle = handle; Objects[Cur_object_index].next = next; Objects[Cur_object_index].prev = prev; Objects[Cur_object_index].roomnum = roomnum; Objects[Cur_object_index].pos = pos; ObjSetOrient(&Objects[Cur_object_index], &orient); Objects[Cur_object_index].last_pos = last_pos; Objects[Cur_object_index].creation_time = creation_time; return true; }