/* * Descent 3 * Copyright (C) 2024 Parallax Software * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ //{{NO_DEPENDENCIES}} // Microsoft Developer Studio generated include file. // Used by editor.rc // #define IDC_LOAD 2 #define IDCANCEL2 3 #define IDC_DOORWAY_EMPTY10 3 #define ID_SCRIPTEDITOR_COPY 3 #define IDC_AI_FLYER_BUTTON 3 #define IDR_SRVR_INPLACE 4 #define ID_SCRIPTEDITOR_CUT 4 #define IDC_AI_WALKER_BUTTON 4 #define IDR_SRVR_EMBEDDED 5 #define ID_SCRIPTEDITOR_PASTE 5 #define IDC_AI_TURRET_BUTTON 5 #define ID_SCRIPTEDITOR_FIND 6 #define IDC_AI_MELEE_BUTTON 6 #define ID_SCRIPTEDITOR_FINDREPLACE 7 #define ID_SCRIPTEDITOR_EXPORT 8 #define ID_SCRIPTEDITOR_IMPORT 9 #define IDCANCEL4 11 #define IDC_DOORWAY_EMPTY12 11 #define IDCANCEL5 12 #define IDC_DOORWAYPAD_EMPTY13 12 #define IDCANCEL6 13 #define IDC_DOORWAY_EMPTY14 13 #define IDCANCEL7 14 #define IDC_DOORWAYPAD_EMPTY5 14 #define IDCANCEL8 15 #define IDC_DOORWAYPAD_EMPTY6 15 #define IDCANCEL9 16 #define IDC_DOORWAYPAD_EMPTY7 16 #define IDCANCEL10 17 #define IDC_DOORWAYPAD_EMPTY17 17 #define IDCANCEL11 18 #define IDC_PLAYPAD_EMPTY1 18 #define IDCANCEL12 19 #define IDC_DOORWAYPAD_EMPTY2 19 #define IDCANCEL13 20 #define IDC_DOORWAYPAD_EMPTY3 20 #define IDCANCEL14 21 #define IDC_DOORWAYPAD_EMPTY4 21 #define IDCANCEL15 22 #define IDC_DOORWAY_EMPTY11 22 #define IDCANCEL16 23 #define IDC_CURVE_ENDUP 23 #define IDCANCEL17 24 #define IDC_CURVEPAD_ENDLEFT 24 #define IDCANCEL18 25 #define IDC_CURVE_ENDRIGHT 25 #define IDCANCEL19 26 #define IDC_CURVE_ENDDOWN 26 #define IDP_OLE_INIT_FAILED 100 #define IDD_ABOUTBOX 100 #define IDD_WORLDSOUNDS 101 #define ID_INDICATOR_CURSEG 101 #define ID_INDICATOR_MARKSEG 102 #define IDD_KEYPAD_DLGBAR 103 #define ID_INDICATOR_PLAYERPOS 103 #define ID_INDICATOR_NET 104 #define ID_ACCEL_SLIDERIGHT 104 #define ID_INDICATOR_BMMEM 105 #define ID_ACCEL_SLIDELEFT 105 #define ID_ACCEL_SLIDEUP 106 #define ID_ACCEL_SLIDEDOWN 107 #define ID_ACCEL_COPY_LIGHT_MULTIPLE 108 #define ID_ACCEL_NEXTVERTEX 109 #define IDR_MAINFRAME 128 #define IDR_EDITORTYPE 129 #define IDD_TEXTUREKEYPAD 130 #define IDB_MATTHEAD 131 #define IDD_FONT_DIALOG 133 #define IDD_FLOATING_KEYPAD 134 #define IDD_PREFERENCES 136 #define IDD_HOGDIALOG 137 #define IDD_TERRAINKEYPAD 144 #define IDD_D3SPLASH 145 #define IDB_D3SPLASH 147 #define IDD_PATHKEYPAD 148 #define IDD_OBJECTKEYPAD 151 #define IDD_LIGHTINGKEYPAD 152 #define IDD_EDITLINEDLG 154 #define IDD_TRIGGERKEYPAD 155 #define IDD_PLAYERKEYPAD 156 #define IDD_WORLDOBJECTSPLAYER 157 #define IDD_CUSTOMIZE_OBJECT 158 #define IDD_WORLDOBJECTSDOOR 159 #define IDD_WORLDOBJECTSLIGHT 160 #define IDD_ANIMSTATES 161 #define IDD_FILEPAGE 162 #define IDD_WORLDTEXTURES 163 #define IDD_WORLDOBJECTSPOWERUP 164 #define IDD_WORLDWEAPONS 165 #define IDD_STATUS 166 #define IDD_WORLDOBJECTSROBOT 167 #define IDD_DOORWAYKEYPAD 168 #define IDD_POWPROP_DIALOG 169 #define IDD_MEGACELL 170 #define IDD_MEGAKEYPAD 172 #define IDD_ROOMKEYPAD 173 #define IDD_OBJECTPROPERTIES 174 #define IDD_PROPPHYSICS 175 #define IDD_PROPAI 176 #define IDD_PROPSCRIPT 177 #define IDD_STATUSDLG 178 #define IDD_SCRIPTEDITOR 179 #define IDD_OSIRIS_STATUS 180 #define IDR_OSIRIS 181 #define IDD_SELECTRANGE_DIALOG 182 #define IDD_PHYSICS 183 #define IDD_AI 184 #define IDD_WORLDOBJECTSGENERIC 185 #define IDD_SCRIPTWIZ 188 #define IDD_SCRIPTSTUDIO 189 #define IDD_ROBOT_WEAPON_DIALOG 191 #define IDB_NORTH 208 #define IDB_EAST 209 #define IDB_SOUTH 210 #define IDB_WEST 211 #define IDB_ROTATELEFT 212 #define IDB_ROTATERIGHT 213 #define IDB_OUTARROW 214 #define IDB_INARROW 215 #define IDD_GENERICLIGHT 217 #define IDD_LEVELPROPERTIES 218 #define IDD_SCRIPTSELECT 219 #define IDD_ADDSCRIPT 220 #define IDD_PLAYER_WEAPONS 221 #define IDD_SCRIPTPARMS 222 #define IDD_OBJTREEDLG 224 #define IDD_LEVEL_INFO 226 #define IDD_PROCEDURAL_DIALOG 227 #define IDD_TABLE_FILE_EDITOR 228 #define IDR_TABLE_FILE_EDIT_MENU 229 #define IDD_WATER_PROCEDURAL 230 #define IDD_AMBIENTSOUNDPATTERNS 231 #define IDD_AMBIENTSOUNDELEMENT 232 #define IDD_MATCENKEYPAD 233 #define IDD_LEVELKEYPAD 234 #define IDD_BRIEF_MAIN 235 #define IDD_BRIEF_ADDSCREEN 236 #define IDD_BRIEF_ADDTEXT 237 #define IDD_BRIEF_ADDBITMAP 238 #define IDD_BRIEF_ADDMOVIE 239 #define IDD_BRIEF_ADDSOUND 241 #define IDD_BRIEF_ADDBUTTON 242 #define IDD_LOCALIZESCRIPT 243 #define IDD_FORCEFEEDBACK 245 #define IDD_TABLE_FILE_FILTER 246 #define IDR_TABLE_FILE_FILTER_MENU 247 #define IDD_TABLEFILEFILTER_ADDPAGE_DLG 248 #define IDD_MULTICHECK 250 #define IDD_SCRIPTINTERFACE 251 #define IDD_DALLAS_MAIN_DIALOG 252 #define IDD_CREATESCRIPT 253 #define IDD_CONFIGCOMPILER 254 #define IDD_DALLAS_GENERIC_PROMPT_DIALOG 255 #define IDB_DALLAS_TREE_ICONS_BITMAP 256 #define IDD_DALLAS_VECTOR_DIALOG 258 #define IDD_COMPILEALL 259 #define IDD_QUICKCOMPILE 260 #define IDD_LIGHTINGSTATUS 261 #define IDD_BRIEFMISSIONFLAGS 262 #define IDD_DEATH_DIALOG 263 #define IDD_DALLAS_SOUND_DIALOG 265 #define IDD_DALLAS_FLAG_DIALOG 266 #define IDD_CUSTDEFSCRIPT 267 #define IDD_DALLAS_TEXTURE_DIALOG 268 #define IDD_DALLAS_USERTYPES_DIALOG 269 #define IDD_DALLAS_IMPORT_DIALOG 270 #define IDD_BRIEF_MANAGE 271 #define IDD_FILEPAGEADD 272 #define IDD_DALLAS_STRM_AUDIO_DIALOG 273 #define IDD_TERRAIN_SOUND_DIALOG 274 #define IDD_SOUNDSOURCE_DIALOG 275 #define IDD_SYNCSCRIPTS 276 #define IDD_GENERIC_DEATHS 277 #define IDD_ORPHAN 278 #define IDB_ORPHREMOVE 280 #define IDD_VIEWER_DIALOG 282 #define IDC_DLGBAR_KEYPAD 1000 #define IDC_EVENT_TREE 1000 #define IDC_KEYPADS 1001 #define IDC_SOUNDHALLEFFECT_CHECK 1001 #define IDC_HELP_EDIT 1001 #define IDC_TEXTUREPAD_GROUP 1002 #define IDC_SOUNDFOREVER_CHECK 1002 #define IDC_TABLEEDIT_MAIN_GROUP 1002 #define IDC_TEXTURE_GROUP 1003 #define IDC_SOUNDMAXDIST_EDIT 1003 #define IDC_TABLEEDIT_NAME_LIST 1003 #define IDC_MESSAGE_LIST 1003 #define IDC_TEXTURE_LISTBOX 1004 #define IDC_SOUNDMINDIST_EDIT 1004 #define IDC_TABLEEDIT_DESCRIPTION_EDIT 1004 #define IDC_MESSAGE_EDIT 1004 #define IDC_TEXPAD_SLIDELEFT 1005 #define IDC_SOUNDINNERCONEANGLE_EDIT 1005 #define IDC_RADIO1 1006 #define IDC_PROP_MONO 1006 #define IDC_LIGHT_FADEINOUT 1006 #define IDC_TRIGGER_OPENDOOR 1006 #define IDC_DOORWAY_LOCKED 1006 #define IDC_SOUNDOUTERCONEANGLE_EDIT 1006 #define IDC_ENERGY_RADIO 1006 #define IDC_AI_PTMC_RADIO 1006 #define IDC_WB_NO_ANIM_RADIO 1006 #define IDC_SRC_BUMP 1006 #define IDC_ONOFF_RADIO 1006 #define IDC_INVTYPE_MISSION 1006 #define IDC_USE_D3D 1006 #define IDC_LEVEL_GOAL_ROOM_ITEM_RADIO 1006 #define IDC_RADIO_LEVELS 1006 #define IDC_LEVEL 1006 #define IDC_OPTIMIZE 1006 #define IDC_LOCKED 1006 #define IDC_D_FLAG1 1006 #define IDC_DEATH_DELAY_FIREBALLS 1006 #define IDC_NONE_RADIO 1006 #define IDC_BRIEF_BT_JUMP 1006 #define IDC_AIN_VIEW_ALL_NODES 1006 #define IDC_RADIO2 1007 #define IDC_PROP_GRADIANT 1007 #define IDC_LIGHT_NORMAL 1007 #define IDC_TRIGGER_CLOSEDOOR 1007 #define IDC_DOORWAY_UNLOCKED 1007 #define IDC_SOUNDOUTERCONEVOL_EDIT 1007 #define IDC_DOORWAY_BLASTABLE 1007 #define IDC_MATTER_RADIO 1007 #define IDC_FIRES_NORMALLY 1007 #define IDC_AI_REBEL_RADIO 1007 #define IDC_WB_LOCAL_ANIM_RADIO 1007 #define IDC_BUMP1 1007 #define IDC_INVTYPE_GAME 1007 #define IDC_LEVEL_GOAL_OBJ_ITEM_RADIO 1007 #define IDC_RADIO_SCRIPTS 1007 #define IDC_MESSAGE_NAME_EDIT 1007 #define IDC_GAME 1007 #define IDC_COFF 1007 #define IDC_NOTLOCKED 1007 #define IDC_DEATH_DELAY_FLYING 1007 #define IDC_SPECIFIC_RADIO 1007 #define IDC_DOORWAY_KEY_ALL 1007 #define IDC_AIN_VIEW_ROOM_AND_NEXT_ROOMS 1007 #define IDC_RADIO3 1008 #define IDC_PROP_BITMAPPED 1008 #define IDC_SOUND_DESCRIP 1008 #define IDC_TRIGGER_MATCEN 1008 #define IDC_FIRES_FUSION 1008 #define IDC_BUMP2 1008 #define IDC_DEATH_DELAY_SPARKS 1008 #define IDC_RADIO4 1009 #define IDC_TRIGGER_EXIT 1009 #define IDC_WEAPON_XAXIS_RADIO 1009 #define IDC_BARREL_3_RADIO 1009 #define IDC_OBJMOVEXY 1009 #define IDC_BUMP3 1009 #define IDC_ZOOM_RADIO 1009 #define IDC_DEATH_DELAY_PLAIN 1009 #define IDC_DEATH_DELAY_MIN_MAX 1009 #define IDC_DEATH_DELAY_NO_TUMBLE 1009 #define IDC_RADIO5 1010 #define IDC_WEAPON_YAXIS_RADIO2 1010 #define IDC_BARREL_4_RADIO 1010 #define IDC_OBJMOVEP 1010 #define IDC_BUMP4 1010 #define IDC_MAT_RANDOM_RADIO 1010 #define IDC_WARN_LOW 1010 #define IDC_DEATH_DELAY_NONE 1010 #define IDC_LG_ENTER_RADIO 1010 #define IDC_RADIO6 1011 #define IDC_TRIGGER_ILLUSIONOFF 1011 #define IDC_SOUNDOBJECT_RADIO 1011 #define IDC_WEAPON_ZAXIS_RADIO 1011 #define IDC_BARREL_5_RADIO 1011 #define IDC_OBJMOVEH 1011 #define IDC_MAT_WPN_RADIO 1011 #define IDC_CORONA_A 1011 #define IDC_WARN_MED 1011 #define IDC_DEATH_EXPLOSION_SMALL 1011 #define IDC_LG_DESTROYED_RADIO 1011 #define IDC_AIN_SEL_NODE_EDGES 1011 #define IDC_RADIO7 1012 #define IDC_TRIGGER_UNLOCKDOOR 1012 #define IDC_SOUNDTURRET1_RADIO 1012 #define IDC_BARREL_6_RADIO 1012 #define IDC_OBJMOVEB 1012 #define IDC_MAT_APV_RADIO 1012 #define IDC_CORONA_B 1012 #define IDC_WARN_HIGH 1012 #define IDC_DEATH_EXPLOSION_MEDIUM 1012 #define IDC_LG_DALLAS_RADIO 1012 #define IDC_AIN_SEL_ROOM 1012 #define IDC_RADIO8 1013 #define IDC_TRIGGER_OPENWALL 1013 #define IDC_SOUNDTURRET2_RADIO 1013 #define IDC_BARREL_7_RADIO 1013 #define IDC_OBJMOVEPH 1013 #define IDC_MAT_WPV_RADIO 1013 #define IDC_CORONA_C 1013 #define IDC_DEATH_EXPLOSION_LARGE 1013 #define IDC_RADIO9 1014 #define IDC_TRIGGER_LOCKDOOR 1014 #define IDC_SOUNDTURRET3_RADIO 1014 #define IDC_MAT_APN_RADIO 1014 #define IDC_CORONA_D 1014 #define IDC_EXPORT_BUTTON 1014 #define IDC_DEATH_CONTACT_BREAKS_APART 1014 #define IDC_LG_PPW_COLLIDE_RADIO 1014 #define IDC_RADIO10 1015 #define IDC_TRIGGER_CLOSEWALL 1015 #define IDC_SOUNDFORWARD_RADIO 1015 #define IDC_MAT_UNASSIGNED_RADIO 1015 #define IDC_DEATH_CONTACT_EXPLODES 1015 #define IDC_BUTTON1 1016 #define IDC_DEATH_CONTACT_DISAPPEARS 1016 #define IDC_BUTTON2 1017 #define IDC_COMBO3 1017 #define IDC_RADIO11 1017 #define IDC_SOUNDBACKWARD_RADIO 1017 #define IDC_GENERIC_EXPLOSION_SOUND_COMBO 1017 #define IDC_SMALLIMG_PULLDOWN 1017 #define IDC_ROOM_ENVAUDIO 1017 #define IDC_ENVAUD_LIST 1017 #define IDC_DEATH_CONTACT_REMAINS 1017 #define IDC_LEVELGOAL_ROOM_COMBO 1017 #define IDC_BUTTON3 1018 #define IDC_COMBO4 1018 #define IDC_AI_INITIAL_ACTION_COMBO 1018 #define IDC_SPAWN2_PULLDOWN 1018 #define IDC_RADIO15 1018 #define IDC_LEVELGOALTRIGGER_COMBO 1018 #define IDC_DEATH_DELAY_SMOKE 1018 #define IDC_BUTTON9 1019 #define IDC_COMBO5 1019 #define IDC_BUTTON8 1019 #define IDC_LIST1 1019 #define IDC_TEXPAD_TMAP2 1019 #define IDC_AI_TYPE_COMBO 1019 #define IDC_SPAWN_ROBOT_PULLDOWN 1019 #define IDC_DEATH_DEBRIS_CONTACT_EXPLODES 1019 #define IDC_LEVELGOALOBJECT_COMBO 1019 #define IDC_COMBO9 1020 #define IDC_BUTTON4 1020 #define IDC_RADIO12 1020 #define IDC_TRIGGER_REMOVETRIG 1020 #define IDC_DOORWAY_DOORNEXT 1020 #define IDC_WEAPONS_OUT 1020 #define IDC_TERR_MORE_MOONS 1020 #define IDC_SOUNDUPWARD_RADIO 1020 #define IDC_DELETE_FILE 1020 #define IDC_CONVERT_TO_SMALL 1020 #define IDC_UNDOLOCK 1020 #define IDC_TRIG_ADD_FLOATING 1020 #define IDC_ASP_DELETE 1020 #define IDC_LEVEL_COPY_GOAL_BUTTON 1020 #define IDC_COMPILE 1020 #define IDC_INSERT_EVENT_BUTTON 1020 #define IDC_DEATH_DEBRIS_CONTACT_DISAPPEARS 1020 #define IDC_AIN_INSERT_NODE_ON_EDGE 1020 #define IDC_ALIGN_YPOS_BUTTON 1020 #define IDC_FFT1_COMBO 1020 #define IDC_COMBO10 1021 #define IDC_BUTTON5 1021 #define IDC_TRIGGER_CLEARBINDINGS 1021 #define IDC_TERR_NEXT_MOON 1021 #define IDC_DEATH_DEBRIS_CONTACT_REMAINS 1021 #define IDC_ALIGN_YNEG_BUTTON 1021 #define IDC_FFT2_COMBO 1021 #define IDC_BUTTON6 1022 #define IDC_COMBO11 1022 #define IDC_RADIO13 1022 #define IDC_BUTTON37 1022 #define IDC_TRIGGER_MAKEILLUSORY 1022 #define IDC_LOAD_SOUND 1022 #define IDC_NEXT_FILE 1022 #define IDC_EDITSCRIPT 1022 #define IDC_TRIG_CHANGE_SCRIPT 1022 #define IDC_AI_ATTACK_SOUND_COMBO 1022 #define IDC_ASP_LOCK 1022 #define IDC_MAT_MOVE_VIEWER_BUTTON 1022 #define IDC_LEVEL_GOAL_PREV_ITEM_BUTTON 1022 #define IDC_COPY_BUTTON 1022 #define IDC_S_FLAG1 1022 #define IDC_AIN_DELETE_NODE 1022 #define IDC_ALIGN_ZPOS_BUTTON 1022 #define IDC_COMBO6 1023 #define IDC_BUTTON10 1023 #define IDC_AI_SEE_SOUND_COMBO 1023 #define IDC_LEVEL_GOAL_GOTO_ITEM_BUTTON 1023 #define IDC_COMBO7 1024 #define IDC_BUTTON13 1024 #define IDC_RADIO14 1024 #define IDC_TRIGGER_LIGHTON 1024 #define IDC_PSHIP_NEXT 1024 #define IDC_SOUNDDOWNWARD_RADIO 1024 #define IDC_AI_FLEE_SOUND_COMBO 1024 #define IDC_BRIEF_EFFECT_MOVIE 1024 #define IDC_LEVEL_GOAL_NEW_ITEM_BUTTON 1024 #define IDC_AIN_DELETE_EDGE 1024 #define IDC_ALIGN_UPYPOS_BUTTON 1024 #define IDC_COMBO8 1025 #define IDC_BUTTON14 1025 #define IDC_WTEXDLG_ADDNEW 1025 #define IDC_AI_ANGRY_SOUND_COMBO 1025 #define IDC_LEVEL_GOAL_PASTE_OBJREF_ITEM_BUTTON 1025 #define IDC_FFOS_COMBO 1025 #define IDC_LIST4 1026 #define IDC_BUTTON15 1026 #define IDC_COMBO13 1026 #define IDC_COMBO2 1026 #define IDC_DOORTYPE 1026 #define IDC_PALETTIZED_PULLDOWN 1026 #define IDC_ROBOT_PULLDOWN 1026 #define IDC_CURRENT_ANIMATION_PULLDOWN 1026 #define IDC_FILENAME_PULLDOWN 1026 #define IDC_SCRMOD_BOX 1026 #define IDC_CURRENT_GB_COMBO 1026 #define IDC_AI_MOVEMENT_TYPE_COMBO 1026 #define IDC_PARTICLE_PULLDOWN 1026 #define IDC_MAT_PROD_0_COMBO 1026 #define IDC_AMB_TYPE1 1026 #define IDC_LIST_DRIVES 1026 #define IDC_TERRAIN_SOUND_COMBO 1026 #define IDC_AIN_MOVE_NODE_TO_VIEWER 1026 #define IDC_COMBO14 1027 #define IDC_BUTTON22 1027 #define IDC_OBJPAD_FLAGOBJMULTI 1027 #define IDC_AI_MOVEMENT_SUBTYPE_COMBO 1027 #define IDC_GRAVITY_PULLDOWN 1027 #define IDC_MAT_PROD_2_COMBO 1027 #define IDC_AMB_TYPE2 1027 #define IDC_AIN_MPNS 1027 #define IDC_BUTTON17 1028 #define IDC_COMBO15 1028 #define IDC_OBJ_SHOW_SURFACE 1028 #define IDC_GENERIC_AMBIENT_SOUND_COMBO 1028 #define IDC_BRIEF_EFFECT_BUTTON 1028 #define IDC_MAT_PROD_1_COMBO 1028 #define IDC_AI_TURRET_SOUND_COMBO 1028 #define IDC_AMB_TYPE3 1028 #define IDC_MVTN_BUTTON 1028 #define IDC_BUTTON7 1029 #define IDC_COMBO16 1029 #define IDC_MAT_PROD_3_COMBO 1029 #define IDC_AMB_TYPE4 1029 #define IDC_BUTTON11 1030 #define IDC_COMBO17 1030 #define IDC_OBJ_CONT_PREVIEW 1030 #define IDC_BRIEF_SCREEN_EDIT 1030 #define IDC_MAT_PROD_4_COMBO 1030 #define IDC_AMB_TYPE5 1030 #define IDC_AIN_UP 1030 #define IDC_BUTTON12 1031 #define IDC_COMBO18 1031 #define IDC_BUTTON32 1031 #define IDC_ROBOTS_OUT 1031 #define IDC_BRIEF_SCREEN_ADD 1031 #define IDC_MAT_PROD_5_COMBO 1031 #define IDC_AMB_TYPE6 1031 #define IDC_AIN_RIGHT 1031 #define IDC_CHECK2 1032 #define IDC_COMBO19 1032 #define IDC_BUTTON23 1032 #define IDC_PULSE 1032 #define IDC_DISABLE_PORTAL_FLYTHROUGH 1032 #define IDC_MAX_DISTANCE_CHECK 1032 #define IDC_ENABLE_PORTAL_FLYTHROUGH 1032 #define IDC_TRIG_ACTIV_PLAYER_WEAPONS 1032 #define IDC_PHYSICS_AUTO_LEVELING_CHECK 1032 #define IDC_HEARS_NOISE_CHECK 1032 #define IDC_LAUNCH_ALTERNATE 1032 #define IDC_LIGHT_CHECK 1032 #define IDC_SOUND_FORCE_HARWARE_CHECK 1032 #define IDC_RING 1032 #define IDC_FIRING_RELEASE_SOUND 1032 #define IDC_INVEN_VISWHENUSED 1032 #define IDC_BLUE_CHECK 1032 #define IDC_MAT_PROD_6_COMBO 1032 #define IDC_DEATH_EXPLODES 1032 #define IDC_RANDOM_CHECK 1032 #define IDC_DEATH_FIREBALL 1032 #define IDC_BGOS_COMBO 1032 #define IDC_CHECK3 1033 #define IDC_COMBO20 1033 #define IDC_BUTTON24 1033 #define IDC_SOUNDPASTE_BUTTON 1033 #define IDC_XZ_PLANE_ANGLE_CHECK 1033 #define IDC_TRIG_ACTIV_ROBOTS 1033 #define IDC_JOIN_BATTLES_CHECK 1033 #define IDC_SATURATE 1033 #define IDC_PLANAR_BLAST 1033 #define IDC_PHYSICS_POINT_WALL_CHECK 1033 #define IDC_ROOMPAD_GOAL1 1033 #define IDC_DEATH_POWERUP_USE2_IF_HAVE1_CHECK 1033 #define IDC_GREEN_CHECK 1033 #define IDC_ZOOM 1033 #define IDC_BFH_CHECK 1033 #define IDC_DEATH_BREAKS_APART 1033 #define IDC_AIN_LEFT 1033 #define IDC_FFT3_COMBO 1033 #define IDC_CHECK4 1034 #define IDC_COMBO21 1034 #define IDC_BUTTON25 1034 #define IDC_TRIG_ACTIV_ROBOT_WEAPONS 1034 #define IDC_AI_FLOCK_MEMBER_CHECK 1034 #define IDC_PHYSICS_IGNORE_ROBOTS_CHECK 1034 #define IDC_ROOMPAD_GOAL2 1034 #define IDC_SPAWNS_ROBOT_CHECK 1034 #define IDC_PROCEDURAL_CHECK 1034 #define IDC_GENERIC_DEATH_SPEW_2_IF_ZERO_1 1034 #define IDC_YELLOW_CHECK 1034 #define IDC_LEVEL_GOAL_SEC_GOAL_CHECK 1034 #define IDC_ONOFF 1034 #define IDC_DEATH_BLAST_RING 1034 #define IDC_AIN_FORWARD 1034 #define IDC_CHECK5 1035 #define IDC_BUTTON26 1035 #define IDC_CHECKIN_WEAPON 1035 #define IDC_TRIG_RENDER_FLOATING 1035 #define IDC_AI_DODGE_CHECK 1035 #define IDC_ROOMPAD_GOAL3 1035 #define IDC_METAL_CHECK 1035 #define IDC_COMBO23 1035 #define IDC_MAT_PROD_SOUND_COMBO 1035 #define IDC_GOAL_AUTO_COMPLETE_CHECK 1035 #define IDC_DEATH_FALLING_SMOKE 1035 #define IDC_PHYSICS_IGNORE_SAME_CHECK 1035 #define IDC_DEATH_DEBRIS_SMOKES 1035 #define IDC_AIN_BACK 1035 #define IDC_NSC_BUTTON 1035 #define IDC_CHECK6 1036 #define IDC_COMBO22 1036 #define IDC_BUTTON27 1036 #define IDC_PREV_WEAPON 1036 #define IDC_AI_AVOIDWALLS_CHECK 1036 #define IDC_ROOMPAD_GOAL4 1036 #define IDC_PLASTIC_CHECK 1036 #define IDC_DEATH_FALLING_DEBRIS 1036 #define IDC_PHYSICS_IGNORE_DOOR_CHECK 1036 #define IDC_TRIG_ACTIV_CLUTTER 1036 #define IDC_BUTTON28 1037 #define IDC_NEWTEXTUREEDIT 1037 #define IDC_MARBLE_CHECK 1037 #define IDC_COMBO24 1037 #define IDC_MAT_PROD_EFFECT_COMBO 1037 #define IDC_AI_AVOID_FRIENDS_CHECK 1037 #define IDC_BUTTON29 1038 #define IDC_MAT_PROD_TEXTURE_COMBO 1038 #define IDC_DEATH_REMAINS 1038 #define IDC_SMOOTH_SPEC_CHECK 1038 #define IDC_EDIT3 1039 #define IDC_BUTTON30 1039 #define IDC_PREV 1039 #define IDC_SHADOW_ROOM_EDIT 1039 #define IDC_GENERIC_INVEN_DESCRIPTION 1039 #define IDC_FOG_DENSITY 1039 #define IDC_ALTERNATE_CHANCE_EDIT 1039 #define IDC_MIN_VOLUME 1039 #define IDC_LEVEL_GOAL_LOC_NAME_EDIT 1039 #define IDC_DOOR_HITPOINTS_EDIT 1039 #define IDC_DEATH_LOSES_ANTIGRAV 1039 #define IDC_EDIT4 1040 #define IDC_BUTTON31 1040 #define IDC_NEXT_POWERUP 1040 #define IDC_SHADOW_FACE_EDIT 1040 #define IDC_GENERIC_INVEN_ICONNAME 1040 #define IDC_GRAVITY_TIME 1040 #define IDC_LEVEL_GOAL_PRIORITY_EDIT1 1040 #define IDC_AVOID_FRIENDS_DIST_EDIT 1040 #define IDC_GLOBAL_MULTIPLIER_EDIT 1040 #define IDC_SCROLLBAR1 1041 #define IDC_BUTTON33 1041 #define IDC_PREVIOUS 1041 #define IDC_GRAVITY_SIZE 1041 #define IDC_EDIT10 1041 #define IDC_LEVEL_GOAL_ITEM_EDIT 1041 #define IDC_SCRIPT_OVERRIDE 1041 #define IDC_ROOM_MULTIPLIER_EDIT 1041 #define IDC_FFT1_EDIT 1041 #define IDC_EDIT5 1042 #define IDC_BUTTON34 1042 #define IDC_NEXT 1042 #define IDC_RED_AMBIENT_EDIT 1042 #define IDC_LOD_DISTANCE_EDIT 1042 #define IDC_TERRIAN_DAMAGE_SIZE 1042 #define IDC_BRIEF_T_SPEED 1042 #define IDC_LEVEL_GOAL_DESC_EDIT 1042 #define IDC_BFHMIN_EDIT 1042 #define IDC_BUTTON35 1043 #define IDC_LOAD_DESTROYED 1043 #define IDC_GREEN_AMBIENT_EDIT 1043 #define IDC_TERRAIN_DAMAGE_DEPTH 1043 #define IDC_EDIT37 1043 #define IDC_LEVEL_GOAL_NAME_EDIT 1043 #define IDC_BFHMAX_EDIT 1043 #define IDC_DEATH_CONTACT_FIREBALL 1043 #define IDC_BUTTON36 1044 #define IDC_CHECK_ANIMATE 1044 #define IDC_BLUE_AMBIENT_EDIT 1044 #define IDC_RAMP_START 1044 #define IDC_LEVEL_GOAL_COMPLETION_EDIT 1044 #define IDC_BITMAP_NAME 1045 #define IDD_LITEPAD_DELTWEAK 1045 #define IDC_FOG_RED 1045 #define IDC_RAMP_END 1045 #define IDC_EDIT57 1045 #define IDC_DEATH_CONTACT_BLAST_RING 1045 #define IDC_DESTROY_NAME 1046 #define IDC_FOG_GREEN 1046 #define IDC_GEN_DURATION 1046 #define IDC_FFT2_EDIT 1046 #define IDC_EDIT11 1047 #define IDC_LOAD_BITMAP 1047 #define IDC_FOG_BLUE 1047 #define IDC_GEN_PERIOD 1047 #define IDC_GOAL_TABLE_EDIT 1047 #define IDC_RESPAWN_SCALAR_EDIT 1047 #define IDC_DEATH_DEBRIS_CONTACT_FIREBALL 1047 #define IDC_EDIT12 1048 #define IDC_TEX_LIST 1048 #define IDC_GEN_GAIN 1048 #define IDC_FIXED_FFT1_EDIT 1048 #define IDC_CHECK1 1049 #define IDC_EDIT13 1049 #define IDC_CHECK_TMAP2 1049 #define IDC_DEATH_DEBRIS_CONTACT_BLAST_RING 1049 #define IDC_FFT3_EDIT 1049 #define IDC_CHECK7 1050 #define IDC_DOORWAYPAD_EMPTY1 1050 #define IDC_DESTROY_PULLDOWN 1050 #define IDC_ROOM_AMGREEN 1050 #define IDC_CHECK8 1051 #define IDC_EFFECT_TEXTURE 1051 #define IDC_LEVEL_GOAL_ENABLED_CHECK 1051 #define IDC_L_Z_CHECK 1051 #define IDC_ROOM_AMRED 1051 #define IDC_ZMOVE_CHECK 1051 #define IDC_EDIT1 1052 #define IDC_EDIT33 1052 #define IDC_CHECK9 1052 #define IDC_GOALRED 1052 #define IDC_DOORDEACTIVATED 1052 #define IDC_PWIGGLE 1052 #define IDC_SLOPE_EDIT 1052 #define IDC_EDITNAME 1052 #define IDC_SCRIPTNAME 1052 #define IDC_X_GRANULAR_EDIT 1052 #define IDC_ANGLE_EDIT 1052 #define IDC_AI_HEARS_NOISE_DIST_EDIT 1052 #define IDC_ROBOT_FIRE0_START_TICK 1052 #define IDC_PARMEDIT1 1052 #define IDC_EXPLODE_SIZE_EDIT 1052 #define IDC_PATH_INC_TEXT 1052 #define IDC_AI_CIRCLE_DISTANCE_EDIT 1052 #define IDC_WB_FIRE0_START_TICK 1052 #define IDC_LEVEL_NAME 1052 #define IDC_BRIGHTNESS 1052 #define IDC_HUD_COCKPIT_TEXTURE 1052 #define IDC_TEXSCALE_EDIT 1052 #define IDC_PROC_RED_EDIT 1052 #define IDC_SHIP_ARMOR_EDIT 1052 #define IDC_TABLEEDIT_SCREEN_NAME_EDIT 1052 #define IDC_ASE_PROBABILITY 1052 #define IDC_ASP_MIN_DELAY 1052 #define IDC_FOV_EDIT 1052 #define IDC_LEVEL_GRAVITY_EDIT 1052 #define IDC_MAT_ATTACH_EDIT 1052 #define IDC_BRIEF_B_DESC 1052 #define IDC_STRINGEDIT 1052 #define IDC_ATTACK_LEVEL 1052 #define IDC_TABLEFILEFILTER_ADDNAME_EDIT 1052 #define IDC_MAX_AMMO 1052 #define IDC_SOUND_IMPORT_VOLUME_EDIT 1052 #define IDC_L_P_CHECK 1052 #define IDC_DAMAGE_PER_SEC_EDIT 1052 #define IDC_COMPILER_OUTPUT 1052 #define IDC_FILENAME 1052 #define IDC_COMPILER 1052 #define IDC_GENERIC_DATA_EDIT 1052 #define IDC_TEXT 1052 #define IDC_DEATH_DELAY_MIN 1052 #define IDC_MODULE 1052 #define IDC_DOORWAY_POS_EDIT 1052 #define IDC_ROOMPAD_DAMAGE 1052 #define IDC_OUTPUTFILE_EDIT 1052 #define IDC_BRIEF_BT_JUMP_SCREEN 1052 #define IDC_TERRAIN_SOUND_LOW_ALT 1052 #define IDC_VOLUME 1052 #define IDC_GENEREIC_DEATH_PROB1 1052 #define IDC_XPOS_EDIT 1052 #define IDC_EDIT2 1053 #define IDC_EDIT34 1053 #define IDC_CHECK22 1053 #define IDC_BLASTABLE 1053 #define IDC_PSTICKS 1053 #define IDC_Y_GRANULAR_EDIT 1053 #define IDC_START_ALPHA_EDIT 1053 #define IDC_AI_JOIN_BATTLES_DIST_EDIT 1053 #define IDC_GENERIC_IMPACT_SIZE_EDIT 1053 #define IDC_ROBOT_FIRE0_END_TICK 1053 #define IDC_PARMEDIT2 1053 #define IDC_EXPLODE_TIME_EDIT 1053 #define IDC_AI_MELEE1_DIST_EDIT 1053 #define IDC_WB_FIRE0_FIRE_TICK 1053 #define IDC_DESIGNER 1053 #define IDC_PROC_GREEN_EDIT 1053 #define IDC_ASE_MAX_VOLUME 1053 #define IDC_ASP_MAX_DELAY 1053 #define IDC_LEVEL_GOAL_PRIORITY_EDIT 1053 #define IDC_MAT_NUM_SPAWN_EDIT 1053 #define IDC_FADE_LEVEL 1053 #define IDC_L_H_CHECK 1053 #define IDC_FOG_SCALAR_EDIT 1053 #define IDC_AMB_N_GROUPS1 1053 #define IDC_OUTPUT 1053 #define IDC_N_FLAG1 1053 #define IDC_DEATH_DELAY_MAX 1053 #define IDC_NAME 1053 #define IDC_DOOR_BLASTABLE 1053 #define IDC_DOORWAY_HITPOINT_EDIT 1053 #define IDC_TEXTURE_AMBIENT_SOUND_VOLUME 1053 #define IDC_TERRAIN_SOUND_LOW_VOLUME 1053 #define IDC_GENEREIC_DEATH_PROB2 1053 #define IDC_AIN_MOVE_AMOUNT 1053 #define IDC_ZPOS_EDIT 1053 #define IDC_COMBO1 1054 #define IDC_EDIT14 1054 #define IDC_OPENED 1054 #define IDC_OBJECT_MASS_EDIT 1054 #define IDC_GREEN_LIGHTING 1054 #define IDC_PPERSISTENT 1054 #define IDC_SKY_BLUE_EDIT 1054 #define IDC_XZ_PLANE_ANGLE_EDIT 1054 #define IDC_RESOLUTION_EDIT 1054 #define IDC_GENERIC_IMPACT_DAMAGE_EDIT 1054 #define IDC_PARMEDIT3 1054 #define IDC_AI_NOTIFY_NEARWALL_CHECK 1054 #define IDC_PARTICLE_LIFE_EDIT 1054 #define IDC_NOTES 1054 #define IDC_PROC_BLUE_EDIT 1054 #define IDC_CHECK23 1054 #define IDC_LEVEL_GOAL_NLB_CHECK 1054 #define IDC_L_B_CHECK 1054 #define IDC_GENEREIC_DEATH_PROB3 1054 #define IDC_BUTTON16 1055 #define IDC_COMBO12 1055 #define IDC_EDIT15 1055 #define IDC_OBJ_SHOW_BOTS 1055 #define IDC_OBJECT_DRAG_EDIT 1055 #define IDC_BLUE_LIGHTING 1055 #define IDC_MEGA_HEIGHT_EDIT 1055 #define IDC_PUSESTHRUST 1055 #define IDC_HORIZON_RED_EDIT 1055 #define IDC_PITCH_ANGLE_EDIT 1055 #define IDC_AI_MAX_VEL_TIME_EDIT 1055 #define IDC_EDIT8 1055 #define IDC_GENERIC_IMPACT_TIME_EDIT 1055 #define IDC_ROBOT_FIRE0_START_TICK2 1055 #define IDC_PARMEDIT4 1055 #define IDC_WB_FIRE1_START_TICK 1055 #define IDC_PARTICLE_SIZE_EDIT 1055 #define IDC_CHECK24 1055 #define IDC_ATTACK_TIME 1055 #define IDC_LEVEL_GOAL_TLG_CHECK 1055 #define IDC_SWAP_DEST_COMBO 1055 #define IDC_ROTATE_SPEED_EDIT 1055 #define IDC_TERRAIN_SOUND_HIGH_VOLUME 1055 #define IDC_GENEREIC_DEATH_PROB4 1055 #define IDC_AIN_OTHER_NODE 1055 #define IDC_BUTTON18 1056 #define IDC_EDIT6 1056 #define IDC_EDIT27 1056 #define IDC_CHECKIN 1056 #define IDC_OBJ_SHOW_MINEDETAILS 1056 #define IDC_KEY1 1056 #define IDC_PGRAVITY 1056 #define IDC_FOG_RED_EDIT 1056 #define IDC_HEADING_ANGLE_EDIT 1056 #define IDC_AI_MAX_VELOCITY_EDIT 1056 #define IDC_ROBOT_FIRE0_END_TICK2 1056 #define IDC_WB_FIRE1_FIRE_TICK 1056 #define IDC_PARTICLE_COUNT_EDIT 1056 #define IDC_PROC_SIZE_EDIT 1056 #define IDC_DEATH_POWERUP1_NUM_EDIT 1056 #define IDC_BRIEF_COLOR_PAL 1056 #define IDC_FADE_TIME 1056 #define IDC_AMB_MIN1 1056 #define IDC_PITCH_EDIT 1056 #define IDC_BUTTON19 1057 #define IDC_EDIT7 1057 #define IDC_EDIT28 1057 #define IDC_LOCK 1057 #define IDC_OBJ_SHOW_POWERUPS 1057 #define IDC_DOOR_MODEL_NAME_EDIT 1057 #define IDC_KEY2 1057 #define IDC_PMAGNETISM 1057 #define IDC_HORIZON_BLUE_EDIT 1057 #define IDC_AI_MAX_TURN_RATE_EDIT 1057 #define IDC_ROBOT_FIRE0_START_TICK3 1057 #define IDC_LIGHT_MULTIPLY_EDIT 1057 #define IDC_WB_FIRE2_START_TICK 1057 #define IDC_COPYRIGHT 1057 #define IDC_PROC_FREQ_EDIT 1057 #define IDC_HOMING_FOV_TEXT 1057 #define IDC_DEATH_POWERUP1_PERCENT_EDIT 1057 #define IDC_AMB_MAX1 1057 #define IDC_BANK_EDIT 1057 #define IDC_BUTTON20 1058 #define IDC_EDIT16 1058 #define IDC_OBJ_SHOW_PLAYERS 1058 #define IDC_KEY3 1058 #define IDC_PWIND 1058 #define IDC_FOG_BLUE_EDIT 1058 #define IDC_EDIT9 1058 #define IDC_ROBOT_FIRE0_END_TICK3 1058 #define IDC_AI_NOTIFY_HITBYWEAPON_CHECK 1058 #define IDC_PULSE_TIME_EDIT 1058 #define IDC_WB_FIRE2_FIRE_TICK 1058 #define IDC_PROC_SPEED_EDIT 1058 #define IDC_DEATH_POWERUP2_NUM_EDIT 1058 #define IDC_BRIEF_T_LR_X 1058 #define IDC_MAT_SPAWN0_EDIT 1058 #define IDC_CUSTOM_SIZE_EDIT 1058 #define IDC_AMB_N_GROUPS2 1058 #define IDC_EDIT17 1059 #define IDC_CHECK10 1059 #define IDC_GOALBLUE 1059 #define IDC_KEY4 1059 #define IDC_WEAPON_MASS_EDIT 1059 #define IDC_ROBOT_FIRE_WEAPON_2_CHECK 1059 #define IDC_AI_FLOCK_ALIGNMENT_EDIT 1059 #define IDC_ROBOT_FIRE0_START_TICK4 1059 #define IDC_PULSE_OFFSET_EDIT 1059 #define IDC_WB_FIRE3_START_TICK 1059 #define IDC_LIGHT_TEXTURE 1059 #define IDC_PROC_HEAT_EDIT 1059 #define IDC_DEATH_POWERUP2_PERCENT_EDIT 1059 #define IDC_MAT_SPAWN2_EDIT 1059 #define IDC_AMB_MIN2 1059 #define IDC_EDIT18 1060 #define IDC_KEY5 1060 #define IDC_AI_FLOCK_SEPERATION_EDIT 1060 #define IDC_ROBOT_FIRE0_END_TICK4 1060 #define IDC_PARMEDIT5 1060 #define IDC_WB_FIRE3_FIRE_TICK 1060 #define IDC_MAT_SPAWN1_EDIT 1060 #define IDC_AMB_MAX2 1060 #define IDC_ROOM_AMBLUE 1060 #define IDC_EDIT19 1061 #define IDC_CHECK11 1061 #define IDC_GOALHOARD 1061 #define IDC_KEY6 1061 #define IDC_ROBOT_FIRE0_START_TICK5 1061 #define IDC_PARMEDIT6 1061 #define IDC_AI_NOTIFY_OBJFIRED_CHECK 1061 #define IDC_WB_FIRE4_START_TICK 1061 #define IDC_WATER_PROCEDURAL_CHECK 1061 #define IDC_MAT_SPAWN3_EDIT 1061 #define IDC_AMB_N_GROUPS3 1061 #define IDC_EDIT20 1062 #define IDC_CHECK12 1062 #define IDC_KEY7 1062 #define IDC_SKY_CHECK 1062 #define IDC_ROBOT_MELEE_1_CHECK 1062 #define IDC_WEAPON_FLASH_EDIT 1062 #define IDC_ROBOT_FIRE0_END_TICK5 1062 #define IDC_PARMEDIT7 1062 #define IDC_AI_NOTIFY_WEAPONHITPLAYER_CHECK 1062 #define IDC_WB_FIRE4_FIRE_TICK 1062 #define IDC_FORCE_LIGHTMAPS 1062 #define IDC_AMB_MIN3 1062 #define IDC_EDIT21 1063 #define IDC_BUTTON21 1063 #define IDC_OBJ_SHOW_MULTI 1063 #define IDC_ROBOT_MELEE_2_CHECK 1063 #define IDC_ROBOT_FIRE0_START_TICK6 1063 #define IDC_PARMEDIT8 1063 #define IDC_AI_MAX_TURN_RATE_TIME_EDIT 1063 #define IDC_WB_FIRE5_START_TICK 1063 #define IDC_MAT_PROD_0_QUATITY_EDIT 1063 #define IDC_AMB_MAX3 1063 #define IDC_EDIT22 1064 #define IDC_CHECK13 1064 #define IDC_MIRROR_CHECK 1064 #define IDC_ROBOT_FIRE0_END_TICK6 1064 #define IDC_AUTO_TURRETCONTROL_CHECK 1064 #define IDC_WB_FIRE5_FIRE_TICK 1064 #define IDC_MAT_PROD_1_QUATITY_EDIT 1064 #define IDC_AMB_N_GROUPS4 1064 #define IDC_IMPORT_4444 1064 #define IDC_EDIT23 1065 #define IDC_CHECK14 1065 #define IDC_DEATH_FROM_EDIT 1065 #define IDC_OBJECT_TEXTURE 1065 #define IDC_ROBOT_FIRE0_START_TICK7 1065 #define IDC_AI_FIREATTARGET_CHECK 1065 #define IDC_WB_FIRE6_START_TICK 1065 #define IDC_MAT_PROD_2_QUATITY_EDIT 1065 #define IDC_AMB_MIN4 1065 #define IDC_EDIT24 1066 #define IDC_DELETE 1066 #define IDC_DEATH_TO_EDIT 1066 #define IDC_ROBOT_FIRE0_END_TICK7 1066 #define IDC_AI_MAX_TURN_RATE_TIME_EDIT2 1066 #define IDC_AI_DODGE_VEL_PER_EDIT 1066 #define IDC_WB_FIRE6_FIRE_TICK 1066 #define IDC_AMB_MAX4 1066 #define IDC_EDIT25 1067 #define IDC_MISSILE1_CHECK 1067 #define IDC_ROBOT_FIRE0_START_TICK8 1067 #define IDC_AI_MAX_TURN_RATE_TIME_EDIT3 1067 #define IDC_AI_ATTACK_VEL_PER_EDIT 1067 #define IDC_WB_FIRE7_START_TICK 1067 #define IDC_AMB_N_GROUPS5 1067 #define IDC_EDIT26 1068 #define IDC_CHECK15 1068 #define IDC_PSHIP_ROT_THRUST_EDIT 1068 #define IDC_PSHIP_ROTTHRUST_EDIT 1068 #define IDC_MISSILE1_FROM_EDIT 1068 #define IDC_ROBOT_STAY_IN_OUT_CHECK 1068 #define IDC_TERRAIN_TEXTURE 1068 #define IDC_ROBOT_FIRE0_END_TICK8 1068 #define IDC_TAUNTATDEATH_CHECK 1068 #define IDC_WB_FIRE7_FIRE_TICK 1068 #define IDC_MAT_PROD_5_QUATITY_EDIT 1068 #define IDC_AMB_MIN5 1068 #define IDC_EDIT29 1069 #define IDC_CHECK16 1069 #define IDC_PSHIP_MAXTURNROLLRATE_EDIT 1069 #define IDC_WEAPON_ENERGY_USAGE_EDIT 1069 #define IDC_FLOOR_CHECK 1069 #define IDC_ROBOT_FIRE0_END_TICK9 1069 #define IDC_AI_FLINCH_CHECK 1069 #define IDC_WB_FIRE0_END_TICK 1069 #define IDC_MAT_PROD_6_QUATITY_EDIT 1069 #define IDC_AMB_MAX5 1069 #define IDC_4444_CHECK 1069 #define IDC_D_FLAG2 1069 #define IDC_EDIT32 1070 #define IDC_PSHIP_TURNROLLRATIO_EDIT 1070 #define IDC_MISSILE1_RECOIL_CHECK 1070 #define IDC_WEAPON_AMMO_USAGE_EDIT 1070 #define IDC_ROBOT_FIRE0_END_TICK10 1070 #define IDC_AI_MAX_TURN_RATE_TIME_EDIT4 1070 #define IDC_AI_FLEE_VEL_PER_EDIT 1070 #define IDC_WB_FIRE1_END_TICK 1070 #define IDC_MAT_PROD_7_QUATITY_EDIT 1070 #define IDC_AMB_N_GROUPS6 1070 #define IDC_S_FLAG2 1070 #define IDC_EDIT30 1071 #define IDC_EDIT35 1071 #define IDC_TEXTUREVIEW 1071 #define IDC_PSHIP_NAME_EDIT 1071 #define IDC_WEAPON_THRUST_TIME_EDIT 1071 #define IDC_ROBOT_FIRE0_END_TICK11 1071 #define IDC_AI_MELEE2_DIST_EDIT 1071 #define IDC_WB_FIRE2_END_TICK 1071 #define IDC_MAT_PROD_0_SEC_EDIT 1071 #define IDC_AMB_MIN6 1071 #define IDC_N_FLAG2 1071 #define IDC_EDIT31 1072 #define IDC_CHECK17 1072 #define IDC_PSHIP_MODEL_NAME_EDIT 1072 #define IDC_EDIT36 1072 #define IDC_RECOIL1_TO_EDIT 1072 #define IDC_CEILING_CHECK 1072 #define IDC_WEAPON_LIFE_TIME_EDIT 1072 #define IDC_ROBOT_FIRE0_END_TICK12 1072 #define IDC_AI_MELEE1_LATENCY_EDIT 1072 #define IDC_WB_FIRE3_END_TICK 1072 #define IDC_MAT_PROD_1_SEC_EDIT 1072 #define IDC_AMB_MAX6 1072 #define IDC_SATURATE_LIGHTMAP 1072 #define IDC_D_FLAG3 1072 #define IDC_CHECK18 1073 #define IDC_TEXURE_PASS_THRU_CHECK 1073 #define IDC_PSHIP_DYING_MODEL_NAME_EDIT 1073 #define IDC_ROBOT_FIRE0_END_TICK13 1073 #define IDC_AI_MELEE2_LATENCY_EDIT 1073 #define IDC_WB_FIRE4_END_TICK 1073 #define IDC_EDIT38 1073 #define IDC_MAT_PROD_2_SEC_EDIT 1073 #define IDC_S_FLAG3 1073 #define IDC_WEAPON_RECOIL_FORCE_EDIT 1073 #define IDC_LEVEL_CEILING_EDIT 1073 #define IDC_CHECK19 1074 #define IDC_MISSILE2_FROM_EDIT 1074 #define IDC_TEXTURE_FLY_THRU_CHECK 1074 #define IDC_ROBOT_FIRE0_END_TICK14 1074 #define IDC_WB_FIRE5_END_TICK 1074 #define IDC_PSHIP_COCKPIT_EDIT 1074 #define IDC_EDIT39 1074 #define IDC_MAT_PROD_3_SEC_EDIT 1074 #define IDC_N_FLAG3 1074 #define IDC_CHECK20 1075 #define IDC_MISSILE2_TO_EDIT 1075 #define IDC_MINE_TEXTURE 1075 #define IDC_ROBOT_FIRE0_END_TICK15 1075 #define IDC_WB_FIRE6_END_TICK 1075 #define IDC_EDIT40 1075 #define IDC_MAT_PROD_4_SEC_EDIT 1075 #define IDC_D_FLAG4 1075 #define IDC_CHECK21 1076 #define IDC_MISSILE2_RECOIL_CHECK 1076 #define IDC_TEXTURE_NO_COLLIDE_CHECK 1076 #define IDC_ROBOT_FIRE0_END_TICK16 1076 #define IDC_WB_FIRE7_END_TICK 1076 #define IDC_ROBOT_TEXTURE_CHECK 1076 #define IDC_EDIT41 1076 #define IDC_MAT_PROD_5_SEC_EDIT 1076 #define IDC_S_FLAG4 1076 #define IDC_RCS_STATUS 1077 #define IDC_RECOIL2_FROM_EDIT 1077 #define IDC_ROBOT_FIRE0_END_TICK17 1077 #define IDC_WB_FIRE0_CYCLE_TIME 1077 #define IDC_EDIT42 1077 #define IDC_MAT_PROD_6_SEC_EDIT 1077 #define IDC_N_FLAG4 1077 #define IDC_STATIC_MINASCII 1078 #define IDC_DESTROYVIEW 1078 #define IDC_RECOIL2_TO_EDIT 1078 #define IDC_ROBOT_FIRE0_END_TICK18 1078 #define IDC_WB_FIRE1_CYCLE_TIME 1078 #define IDC_EDIT43 1078 #define IDC_MAT_PROD_7_SEC_EDIT 1078 #define IDC_D_FLAG5 1078 #define IDC_STATIC_MAXASCII 1079 #define IDC_PALETTEVIEW 1079 #define IDC_MELEE1_CHECK 1079 #define IDC_ROBOT_FIRE0_END_TICK19 1079 #define IDC_WB_FIRE2_CYCLE_TIME 1079 #define IDC_BUMPVIEW 1079 #define IDC_EDIT44 1079 #define IDC_MAT_PROD_0_PRIORITY_EDIT 1079 #define IDC_S_FLAG5 1079 #define IDC_EDIT_MINASCII 1080 #define IDC_MELEE1_FROM_EDIT 1080 #define IDC_ROBOT_FIRE0_END_TICK20 1080 #define IDC_TEXTURE_GLOW 1080 #define IDC_WB_FIRE3_CYCLE_TIME 1080 #define IDC_EDIT45 1080 #define IDC_MAT_PROD_1_PRIORITY_EDIT 1080 #define IDC_N_FLAG5 1080 #define IDC_EDIT_MAXASCII 1081 #define IDC_MELEE1_TO_EDIT 1081 #define IDC_ROBOT_FIRE0_END_TICK21 1081 #define IDC_WB_FIRE4_CYCLE_TIME 1081 #define IDC_EDIT46 1081 #define IDC_MAT_PROD_2_PRIORITY_EDIT 1081 #define IDC_D_FLAG6 1081 #define IDC_STATIC_FONTVIEW 1082 #define IDC_MELEE1_RECOIL_CHECK 1082 #define IDC_ROBOT_FIRE0_END_TICK22 1082 #define IDC_WB_FIRE5_CYCLE_TIME 1082 #define IDC_EDIT47 1082 #define IDC_MAT_PROD_3_PRIORITY_EDIT 1082 #define IDC_S_FLAG6 1082 #define IDC_EDIT_FONTNAME 1083 #define IDC_MRECOIL1_FROM_EDIT 1083 #define IDC_ROBOT_FIRE0_END_TICK23 1083 #define IDC_WB_FIRE6_CYCLE_TIME 1083 #define IDC_EDIT48 1083 #define IDC_MAT_PROD_4_PRIORITY_EDIT 1083 #define IDC_N_FLAG6 1083 #define IDC_STATIC_FONTNAME 1084 #define IDC_MRECOIL1_TO_EDIT 1084 #define IDC_ROBOT_FIRE0_END_TICK24 1084 #define IDC_WB_FIRE7_CYCLE_TIME 1084 #define IDC_EDIT49 1084 #define IDC_MAT_PROD_5_PRIORITY_EDIT 1084 #define IDC_D_FLAG7 1084 #define IDC_OPEN 1085 #define IDC_MELEE2_CHECK 1085 #define IDC_EDIT50 1085 #define IDC_MAT_PROD_6_PRIORITY_EDIT 1085 #define IDC_S_FLAG7 1085 #define IDC_SAVE 1086 #define IDC_MELEE2_FROM_EDIT 1086 #define IDC_EDIT51 1086 #define IDC_MAT_PROD_7_PRIORITY_EDIT 1086 #define IDC_N_FLAG7 1086 #define IDC_SAVEAS 1087 #define IDC_MELEE2_TO_EDIT 1087 #define IDC_EDIT52 1087 #define IDC_MAX_OBJ_PROD_EDIT 1087 #define IDC_D_FLAG8 1087 #define IDC_NEW 1088 #define IDC_MELEE2_RECOIL_CHECK 1088 #define IDC_EDIT53 1088 #define IDC_PROD_RATE_MULTI_EDIT 1088 #define IDC_S_FLAG8 1088 #define IDC_VOLATILE 1089 #define IDC_MRECOIL2_FROM_EDIT 1089 #define IDC_EDIT54 1089 #define IDC_MAT_NUM_TYPES_EDIT 1089 #define IDC_N_FLAG8 1089 #define IDC_WATER 1090 #define IDC_MRECOIL2_TO_EDIT 1090 #define IDC_EDIT55 1090 #define IDC_MAX_ALIVE_CHILDREN_EDIT 1090 #define IDC_D_FLAG9 1090 #define IDC_FORCEFIELD 1091 #define IDC_IDLE_CHECK 1091 #define IDC_EDIT56 1091 #define IDC_MAT_EFFECT_PREPROD_TIME_EDIT 1091 #define IDC_S_FLAG9 1091 #define IDC_CHECK_DESTROY 1092 #define IDC_IDLE_FROM_EDIT 1092 #define IDC_MAT_EFFECT_POSTPROD_TIME_EDIT 1092 #define IDC_N_FLAG9 1092 #define IDC_IDLE_TO_EDIT 1093 #define IDC_D_FLAG10 1093 #define IDC_LAVA_CHECKBOX 1093 #define IDC_LIGHTING 1094 #define IDC_QUIRK_CHECK 1094 #define IDC_S_FLAG10 1094 #define IDC_RUBBLE_CHECKBOX 1094 #define IDC_REFLECT 1095 #define IDC_QUIRK_FROM_EDIT 1095 #define IDC_N_FLAG10 1095 #define IDC_DAMAGE 1096 #define IDC_QUIRK_TO_EDIT 1096 #define IDC_D_FLAG11 1096 #define IDC_SLIDEU 1097 #define IDC_FLINCH_CHECK 1097 #define IDC_S_FLAG11 1097 #define IDC_SLIDEV 1098 #define IDC_FLINCH_FROM_EDIT 1098 #define IDC_N_FLAG11 1098 #define IDC_STATIC_PROP 1099 #define IDC_FLINCH_TO_EDIT 1099 #define IDC_ALPHA_EDIT 1099 #define IDC_D_FLAG12 1099 #define IDC_TEX_STRING 1100 #define IDC_TAUNT_CHECK 1100 #define IDC_S_FLAG12 1100 #define IDC_TEX_NUM 1101 #define IDC_TAUNT_FROM_EDIT 1101 #define IDC_N_FLAG12 1101 #define IDC_FLOATING_KEYPAD_TAB 1102 #define IDC_TAUNT_TO_EDIT 1102 #define IDC_SPEED_EDIT 1102 #define IDC_D_FLAG13 1102 #define IDC_CHECK_MIPPED 1103 #define IDC_SPECIAL1_CHECK 1103 #define IDC_S_FLAG13 1103 #define IDC_ADD_NEW_POWERUP 1104 #define IDC_SPECIAL1_FROM_EDIT 1104 #define IDC_N_FLAG13 1104 #define IDC_CHECK_BREAKABLE 1104 #define IDC_POWER_NAME_EDIT 1105 #define IDC_SPECIAL1_TO_EDIT 1105 #define IDC_D_FLAG14 1105 #define IDC_DELETE_POWERUP 1106 #define IDC_SPECIAL2_FROM_EDIT 1106 #define IDC_S_FLAG14 1106 #define IDC_LOCK_POWERUP 1107 #define IDC_SPECIAL2_TO_EDIT 1107 #define IDC_N_FLAG14 1107 #define IDC_POWERUPS_OUT 1108 #define IDC_SPECIAL3_FROM_EDIT 1108 #define IDC_D_FLAG15 1108 #define IDC_RED_SLIDER 1109 #define IDC_SPECIAL3_TO_EDIT 1109 #define IDC_S_FLAG15 1109 #define IDC_GREEN_SLIDER 1110 #define IDC_SPECIAL5_CHECK 1110 #define IDC_N_FLAG15 1110 #define IDC_BLUE_SLIDER 1111 #define IDC_SPECIAL4_FROM_EDIT 1111 #define IDC_D_FLAG16 1111 #define IDC_MONO_SLIDER 1112 #define IDC_SPECIAL4_TO_EDIT 1112 #define IDC_S_FLAG16 1112 #define IDC_RGB_COLOR_VIEW 1113 #define IDC_SPECIAL4_CHECK 1113 #define IDC_N_FLAG16 1113 #define IDC_MONO_COLOR_VIEW 1114 #define IDC_SPECIAL5_FROM_EDIT 1114 #define IDC_D_FLAG17 1114 #define IDC_LOAD_MODEL 1115 #define IDC_LOAD_IMAGE 1115 #define IDC_SPECIAL5_TO_EDIT 1115 #define IDC_S_FLAG17 1115 #define IDC_ANIMATION 1116 #define IDC_STANDING_FROM_EDIT 1116 #define IDC_POWERUP_AMBIENT_SOUND_LIST 1116 #define IDC_N_FLAG17 1116 #define IDC_POWER_MODEL_EDIT 1117 #define IDC_POWER_IMAGE_EDIT 1117 #define IDC_STANDING_TO_EDIT 1117 #define IDC_D_FLAG18 1117 #define IDC_POWER_ANIM_EDIT 1118 #define IDC_FLYING_FROM_EDIT 1118 #define IDC_S_FLAG18 1118 #define IDC_POWER_PULLDOWN 1119 #define IDC_FLYING_TO_EDIT 1119 #define IDC_N_FLAG18 1119 #define IDC_POWERVIEW 1120 #define IDC_POWERUPVIEW 1120 #define IDC_ROLLING_FROM_EDIT 1120 #define IDC_D_FLAG19 1120 #define IDC_USE_MODEL 1121 #define IDC_ROLLING_TO_EDIT 1121 #define IDC_S_FLAG19 1121 #define IDC_PICKUP_SOUND 1122 #define IDC_WALKING_FROM_EDIT 1122 #define IDC_POWERUP_PICKUP_SOUND_LIST 1122 #define IDC_N_FLAG19 1122 #define IDC_AMBIENT_SOUND 1123 #define IDC_WALKING_TO_EDIT 1123 #define IDC_POWERUP_BOUNCE_SOUND_LIST 1123 #define IDC_D_FLAG20 1123 #define IDC_ADD_INVENTORY 1124 #define IDC_JUMPING_FROM_EDIT 1124 #define IDC_S_FLAG20 1124 #define IDC_WINDOWED 1125 #define IDC_JUMPING_TO_EDIT 1125 #define IDC_N_FLAG20 1125 #define IDC_DESTROY_PALLETIZED 1126 #define IDC_D_FLAG21 1126 #define IDC_S_FLAG21 1127 #define IDC_PREV_PAL 1128 #define IDC_GP_MASK_0_0 1128 #define IDC_N_FLAG21 1128 #define IDC_NEXT_PAL 1129 #define IDC_GP_MASK_0_1 1129 #define IDC_D_FLAG22 1129 #define IDC_ADD_SOUND 1130 #define IDC_GP_MASK_0_2 1130 #define IDC_S_FLAG22 1130 #define IDC_DELETE_SOUND 1131 #define IDC_GP_MASK_0_3 1131 #define IDC_N_FLAG22 1131 #define IDC_CHECKIN_SOUND 1132 #define IDC_GP_MASK_0_4 1132 #define IDC_D_FLAG23 1132 #define IDC_LOCK_SOUND 1133 #define IDC_GP_MASK_0_5 1133 #define IDC_S_FLAG23 1133 #define IDC_PREV_SOUND 1134 #define IDC_GP_MASK_0_6 1134 #define IDC_N_FLAG23 1134 #define IDC_NEXT_SOUND 1135 #define IDC_GP_MASK_0_7 1135 #define IDC_D_FLAG24 1135 #define IDC_PLAYSOUND 1136 #define IDC_GP_MASK_1_0 1136 #define IDC_S_FLAG24 1136 #define IDC_SOUND_NAME 1137 #define IDC_SOUND_NAME_EDIT 1137 #define IDC_GP_MASK_1_1 1137 #define IDC_N_FLAG24 1137 #define IDC_RAW_NAME 1138 #define IDC_RAW_NAME_EDIT 1138 #define IDC_GP_MASK_1_2 1138 #define IDC_D_FLAG25 1138 #define IDC_SOUNDTYPE 1139 #define IDC_SOUNDTYPE_LIST 1139 #define IDC_GP_MASK_1_3 1139 #define IDC_S_FLAG25 1139 #define IDC_SOUND_IDS 1140 #define IDC_SOUND_PULLDOWN 1140 #define IDC_GP_MASK_1_4 1140 #define IDC_N_FLAG25 1140 #define IDC_PAL_STATIC 1141 #define IDC_GP_MASK_1_5 1141 #define IDC_KILLSOUNDS 1141 #define IDC_D_FLAG26 1141 #define IDC_HOGLIST 1142 #define IDC_GP_MASK_1_6 1142 #define IDC_S_FLAG26 1142 #define IDC_HOGPROGRESS 1143 #define IDC_GP_MASK_1_7 1143 #define IDC_N_FLAG26 1143 #define IDC_STATUSTEXT 1144 #define IDC_GP_MASK_2_0 1144 #define IDC_D_FLAG27 1144 #define IDC_TEXTURE_UP 1145 #define IDC_GP_MASK_2_1 1145 #define IDC_S_FLAG27 1145 #define IDC_TEXTURE_DOWN 1146 #define IDC_GP_MASK_2_2 1146 #define IDC_N_FLAG27 1146 #define IDC_TEXTURE_LEFT 1147 #define IDC_GP_MASK_2_3 1147 #define IDC_D_FLAG28 1147 #define IDC_TEXTURE_RIGHT 1148 #define IDC_GP_MASK_2_4 1148 #define IDC_S_FLAG28 1148 #define IDC_TEXTURE_CURRENT 1149 #define IDC_GP_MASK_2_5 1149 #define IDC_N_FLAG28 1149 #define IDC_OBJPAD_MOVEFORWARD 1150 #define IDC_GP_MASK_2_6 1150 #define IDC_D_FLAG29 1150 #define IDC_OBJPAD_MOVERIGHT 1151 #define IDC_GP_MASK_2_7 1151 #define IDC_S_FLAG29 1151 #define IDC_OBJPAD_MOVELEFT 1152 #define IDC_GP_MASK_3_0 1152 #define IDC_N_FLAG29 1152 #define IDC_OBJPAD_TOGGLEMOVEMENT 1153 #define IDC_GP_MASK_3_1 1153 #define IDC_D_FLAG30 1153 #define IDC_OBJPAD_DROPOBJ 1154 #define IDC_GP_MASK_3_2 1154 #define IDC_S_FLAG30 1154 #define IDC_OBJPAD_NEXTOBJ 1155 #define IDC_GP_MASK_3_3 1155 #define IDC_N_FLAG30 1155 #define IDC_OBJPAD_DECHEADING 1156 #define IDC_GP_MASK_3_4 1156 #define IDC_D_FLAG31 1156 #define IDC_OBJPAD_INCHEADING 1157 #define IDC_GP_MASK_3_5 1157 #define IDC_S_FLAG31 1157 #define IDC_OBJPAD_INCPITCH 1158 #define IDC_GP_MASK_3_6 1158 #define IDC_N_FLAG31 1158 #define IDC_OBJPAD_DECBANK 1159 #define IDC_GP_MASK_3_7 1159 #define IDC_D_FLAG32 1159 #define IDC_OBJPAD_INCBANK 1160 #define IDC_GP_MASK_4_0 1160 #define IDC_S_FLAG32 1160 #define IDC_OBJPAD_DECPITCH 1161 #define IDC_GP_MASK_4_1 1161 #define IDC_N_FLAG32 1161 #define IDC_OBJPAD_PLACEOBJ 1162 #define IDC_GP_MASK_4_2 1162 #define IDC_OBJ_DELOBJ 1163 #define IDC_GP_MASK_4_3 1163 #define IDC_OBJPAD_MOVEBACK 1164 #define IDC_GP_MASK_4_4 1164 #define IDC_OBJPAD_DELETEALL 1164 #define IDC_OBJPAD_MOVEUP 1165 #define IDC_GP_MASK_4_5 1165 #define IDC_OBJPAD_MOVEDOWN 1166 #define IDC_GP_MASK_4_6 1166 #define IDC_POWERUP_SIZE_EDIT 1167 #define IDC_GP_MASK_4_7 1167 #define IDC_POW_SCORE_EDIT 1168 #define IDC_GP_MASK_5_0 1168 #define IDC_POW_MASS_EDIT 1169 #define IDC_GP_MASK_5_1 1169 #define IDC_POW_DRAG_EDIT 1170 #define IDC_GP_MASK_5_2 1170 #define IDC_COMBO_OBJTYPE 1171 #define IDC_GP_MASK_5_3 1171 #define IDC_COMBO_OBJID 1172 #define IDC_GP_MASK_5_4 1172 #define IDC_TEXLIST_VERT 1173 #define IDC_GP_MASK_5_5 1173 #define IDC_GP_MASK_5_6 1174 #define IDC_TEXPAD_SLIDERIGHT 1175 #define IDC_GP_MASK_5_7 1175 #define IDC_TEXPAD_SLIDEUP 1176 #define IDC_GP_MASK_6_0 1176 #define IDC_TEXPAD_SLIDEDOWN 1177 #define IDC_GP_MASK_6_1 1177 #define IDC_TEXPAD_ROTLEFT 1178 #define IDC_GP_MASK_6_2 1178 #define IDC_TEXPAD_ROTRIGHT 1179 #define IDC_GP_MASK_6_3 1179 #define IDC_TEXPAD_STRETCHLESS 1180 #define IDC_GP_MASK_6_4 1180 #define IDC_TEXPAD_STRETCHMORE 1181 #define IDC_GP_MASK_6_5 1181 #define IDC_TEXTURE_SCROLL 1182 #define IDC_GP_MASK_6_6 1182 #define IDC_TEXPAD_EXPAND_U 1182 #define IDC_GP_MASK_6_7 1183 #define IDC_TEXPAD_EXPAND_V 1183 #define IDC_GP_MASK_7_0 1184 #define IDC_TEXPAD_CONTRACT_U 1184 #define IDC_GP_MASK_7_1 1185 #define IDC_TEXPAD_CONTRACT_V 1185 #define IDC_GP_MASK_7_2 1186 #define IDC_GP_MASK_7_3 1187 #define IDC_GP_MASK_7_4 1188 #define IDC_GP_MASK_7_5 1189 #define IDC_GP_MASK_7_6 1190 #define IDC_GP_MASK_7_7 1191 #define IDC_GP_MASK_Q_0 1192 #define IDC_GB_MASK_LATENCY_1_EDIT 1193 #define IDC_GB_MASK_LATENCY_2_EDIT 1194 #define IDC_GB_MASK_LATENCY_3_EDIT 1195 #define IDC_GB_MASK_LATENCY_4_EDIT 1196 #define IDC_GB_MASK_LATENCY_5_EDIT 1197 #define IDC_GB_MASK_LATENCY_6_EDIT 1198 #define IDC_GB_MASK_LATENCY_7_EDIT 1199 #define IDC_TURRET_SPEED_EDIT 1200 #define IDC_GP_MASK_Q_1 1200 #define IDC_GP_MASK_Q_2 1201 #define IDC_GP_MASK_Q_3 1202 #define IDC_GP_MASK_Q_4 1203 #define IDC_GP_MASK_Q_5 1204 #define IDC_GP_MASK_Q_6 1205 #define IDC_GP_MASK_Q_7 1206 #define IDC_OBJECTPAD_GROUP 1214 #define IDC_OBJECT_OPTIONS_GROUP 1217 #define IDC_OBJECT_GROUP 1218 #define IDC_OBJECT_CONTAINS_GROUP 1219 #define IDC_OBJ_PREVIEW 1220 #define IDC_TEXPAD_REMAPT1 1221 #define IDC_TEXPAD_FLIPX 1222 #define IDC_TEXPAD_FLIPY 1223 #define IDC_TEXPAD_REMAPT2 1224 #define IDC_TEXPAD_TMAP1 1225 #define IDC_TEXPAD_GRAB 1226 #define IDC_TEXPAD_ROTATE90 1227 #define IDC_TEXPAD_NEXTEDGE 1228 #define IDC_TEXPAD_SETDEFAULT 1229 #define IDC_LITEPAD_SMOOTHSIDE 1230 #define IDC_LITEPAD_SMOOTHALL 1231 #define IDC_LITEPAD_QUICKALL 1232 #define IDC_LITEPAD_DEC_VERTEX 1233 #define IDC_LITEPAD_INC_VERTEX 1234 #define IDC_LITEPAD_DEC_SIDE 1235 #define IDC_LITEPAD_SETDEFAULT 1236 #define IDC_LITEPAD_INC_SIDE 1237 #define IDC_LITEPAD_DEC_EDGE 1238 #define IDC_LITEPAD_INC_EDGE 1239 #define IDC_LITEPAD_PROTECTTWEAK 1240 #define IDC_LITEPAD_NEXTEDGE 1241 #define IDC_LITEPAD_NEXTVERTEX 1242 #define IDC_LIGHTING_GROUP 1243 #define IDC_LITE_COPY 1244 #define IDC_LITE_PASTE 1245 #define IDC_LITEPAD_EMPTY 1246 #define IDC_LITEPAD_TERRAIN_RADIOSITY 1246 #define IDC_LITEPAD_EMPTY1 1247 #define IDC_LITEPAD_EMPTY2 1248 #define IDC_LITEPAD_COUNT_LIGHTS 1248 #define IDC_LIGHTPAD_GROUP 1249 #define IDC_OBJ_SCROLL 1250 #define IDC_OBJ_PALETTE 1251 #define IDC_OBJPAD_FLIPOBJ 1252 #define IDC_OBJPAD_PROPERTIES 1253 #define IDC_PLAYPAD_ADDCOOP 1254 #define IDC_PLAYPAD_ADDMULTI 1255 #define IDC_OBJPAD_SETDEFAULT 1256 #define IDC_PLAYPAD_EMPTY2 1257 #define IDC_PLAYPAD_EMPTY3 1258 #define IDC_PATH_MOVE_NODE_TO_CURRENT_OBJECT 1258 #define IDC_PLAYPAD_EMPTY4 1259 #define IDC_PATH_MOVE_OBJECT_BUTTON 1259 #define IDC_PLAYPAD_EMPTY5 1260 #define IDC_PLAYPAD_EMPTY6 1261 #define IDC_PLAYPAD_EMPTY7 1262 #define IDC_PLAYPAD_EMPTY8 1263 #define IDC_PLAYPAD_EMPTY9 1264 #define IDC_PATH_VERIFY_BUTTON 1264 #define IDC_PLAYPAD_EMPTY10 1265 #define IDC_PLAYPAD_EMPTY11 1266 #define IDC_PATH_MOVE_OBJ_NO_ORIENT 1266 #define IDC_PLAYPAD_EMPTY12 1267 #define IDC_PLAYPAD_EMPTY13 1268 #define IDC_PLAYPAD_EMPTY14 1269 #define IDC_PLAYPAD_EMPTY15 1270 #define IDC_PATH_REORIENT_VIEWER_BUTTON 1270 #define IDC_CURVEPAD_SETCURVE 1272 #define IDC_CURVEPAD_SMOOTHMORPH 1273 #define IDC_CURVEPAD_ENDFLOATING 1274 #define IDC_CURVEPAD_INCR1 1275 #define IDC_CURVEPAD_DECR1 1276 #define IDC_CURVEPAD_INCR4 1277 #define IDC_CURVEPAD_DECR4 1278 #define IDC_CURVEPAD_ADDTOMARKED 1279 #define IDC_CURVEPAD_ADDTOEND 1280 #define IDC_CURVEPAD_KEEP_XSECTION 1281 #define IDC_CURVEPAD_DELCURVE 1282 #define IDC_CURVEPAD_CREATECURVE 1283 #define IDC_CURVEPAD_ADDSEG 1284 #define IDC_CURVEPAD_EMPTY1 1285 #define IDC_CURVEPAD_EMPTY2 1286 #define IDC_CURVEPAD_EMPTY3 1287 #define IDC_CURVEPAD_EMPTY4 1288 #define IDC_TRIGGERPAD_GROUP 1289 #define IDC_TRIGGER_BINDMATCEN 1290 #define IDC_TRIGGER_BINDOBJ 1291 #define IDC_TRIGGER_PREVTRIGGER 1292 #define IDC_TRIGGER_NEXTTRIGGER 1293 #define IDC_TRIGGER_SUPRESSMESAGE 1294 #define IDC_TRIGGER_ONESHOT 1295 #define IDC_TRIGGER_LIGHTOFF 1296 #define IDC_RADIO16 1297 #define IDC_RADIO17 1298 #define IDC_TRIGGER_ADDTRIGGER 1299 #define IDC_DOORWAYPAD_GROUP 1300 #define IDC_DOORWAY_GROUP 1301 #define IDC_TRIGGER_EMPTY8 1302 #define IDC_TRIGGERPAD_EMPTY1 1303 #define IDC_TRIGGERPAD_EMPTY2 1304 #define IDC_TRIGGERPAD_EMPTY3 1305 #define IDC_TRIGGERPAD_EMPTY4 1306 #define IDC_TRIGGERPAD_EMPTY5 1307 #define IDC_TRIGGERPAD_EMPTY6 1308 #define IDC_TRIGGERPAD_EMPTY7 1309 #define IDC_TRIGGERPAD_EMPTY9 1310 #define IDC_TRIGGERPAD_EMPTY10 1311 #define IDC_TRIGGERPAD_EMPTY11 1312 #define IDC_TRIGGERPAD_EMPTY12 1313 #define IDC_TRIGGERPAD_EMPTY13 1314 #define IDC_TRIGGERPAD_EMPTY14 1315 #define IDC_TRIGGERPAD_EMPTY15 1316 #define IDC_TRIGGERPAD_EMPTY16 1317 #define IDC_TRIGGERPAD_EMPTY17 1318 #define IDC_DOORWAY_DOORPREV 1319 #define IDC_DOORWAY_AUTO 1320 #define IDC_DOORWAY_ILLUSIONOFF 1321 #define IDC_DOORWAY_KEY 1322 #define IDC_DOORWAY_BUDDYPROOF 1323 #define IDC_DOORWAY_ADDDOORWAY 1324 #define IDC_DOORWAY_PLACEDOOR 1324 #define IDC_DOORWAY_REMOVEDOORWAY 1325 #define IDC_DOORWAY_ATTACHDOOR 1325 #define IDC_DOORWAY_BINDCONTROL 1326 #define IDC_DOORWAY_BINDTO 1326 #define IDC_DOORWAY_BINDOBJECT 1327 #define IDC_DOORWAY_MOVE 1327 #define IDC_DOORWAY_GOTODOOR 1328 #define IDC_DOORWAY_CLIPSTATIC 1330 #define IDC_DOORWAY_EMPTY8 1331 #define IDC_DOORWAYPAD_EMPTY9 1332 #define IDC_DOORWAY_EMPTY15 1333 #define IDC_DOORWAYPAD_EMPTY16 1334 #define IDC_TRIGGER_GROUP 1335 #define IDC_TRIGGERTYPE 1336 #define IDC_TRIGGERNUMSPIN 1338 #define IDC_TRIGGERNUM 1339 #define IDC_BINDINGSLIST 1340 #define IDC_SIDETEXT 1341 #define IDC_DOORS_OUT 1343 #define IDC_ADD_DOOR 1344 #define IDC_DELETE_DOOR 1345 #define IDC_LOCK_DOOR 1346 #define IDC_CHECKIN_DOOR 1347 #define IDC_DOOR_PREV 1348 #define IDC_DOOR_NEXT 1349 #define IDC_LOAD_DOOR_MODEL 1351 #define IDC_DOOR_OPEN_SOUND 1352 #define IDC_DOOR_OPEN_TIME 1353 #define IDC_DOOR_STAYS_OPEN 1354 #define IDC_DOOR_CLOSE_TIME 1355 #define IDC_DOOR_CLOSE_SOUND 1355 #define IDC_CLOSE_TIME 1356 #define IDC_DOOR_ENERGY_SOUND 1357 #define IDC_DOOR_MATERIAL_SOUND 1358 #define IDC_DOORVIEW 1359 #define IDC_MOVETOSEGSIDE 1360 #define IDC_GOTOTRIG 1361 #define IDC_GOTOBINDING 1362 #define IDC_DOORIDSPIN 1363 #define IDC_DOORID 1364 #define IDC_AUTODOOR 1365 #define IDC_DOORLOCKED 1366 #define IDC_KEY0 1367 #define IDC_DOORPIC 1368 #define IDC_DOORSCROLL 1369 #define IDC_DOORSELSPIN 1369 #define IDC_SIDENUMTEXT 1371 #define IDC_BINDINGTEXT 1372 #define IDC_DOOR_PULLDOWN 1373 #define IDC_EMPTY1 1377 #define IDC_TERRPAD_PYRAMID 1377 #define IDC_EMPTY2 1378 #define IDC_TERRPAD_HILL 1378 #define IDC_TERRPAD_IMPORT 1379 #define IDC_TERRPAD_MOVE_UP 1380 #define IDC_TERRPAD_MOVE_DOWN 1381 #define IDC_TERRPAD_RENORMALIZE 1382 #define IDC_TERRPAD_RAISE10 1383 #define IDC_TERRPAD_LOWER10 1384 #define IDC_DOORWAYSELEDIT 1385 #define IDC_ROBOT_NAME_EDIT 1386 #define IDC_ROBOT_MODEL 1387 #define IDC_ADD_NEW_ROBOT 1388 #define IDC_DELETE_ROBOT 1389 #define IDC_LOCK_ROBOT 1390 #define IDC_CHECKIN_ROBOT 1391 #define IDC_PREV_ROBOT 1392 #define IDC_NEXT_ROBOT 1393 #define IDC_ROBOT_MODEL_NAME_EDIT 1394 #define IDC_ROBOTVIEW 1395 #define IDC_SKY_TEXTURE 1397 #define IDC_GRAVITY_CHECK 1399 #define IDC_MAGNETISM_CHECK 1400 #define IDC_WIND_CHECK 1401 #define IDC_TERRPAD_ROT_TEXTURE 1402 #define IDC_TERRPAD_SELECT_NONE 1403 #define IDC_SKY_NEARER 1404 #define IDC_SKY_FARTHER 1405 #define IDC_POPULAR_PALETTE 1406 #define IDC_STARS_CHECK 1407 #define IDC_ROBOT_MASS_EDIT 1408 #define IDC_SATELLITE_CHECK 1408 #define IDC_ROBOT_DRAG_EDIT 1409 #define IDC_ROBOT_MAX_SPEED_EDIT 1410 #define IDC_ROBOT_SIZE_EDIT 1411 #define IDC_PSHIP_PREV 1411 #define IDC_PSHIP_CHECKIN 1412 #define IDC_PSHIP_LOCK 1413 #define IDC_PSHIP_DELETE 1414 #define IDC_ADD_PSHIP 1415 #define IDC_PSHIPS_OUT 1416 #define IDC_PSHIP_LOAD_MODEL 1417 #define IDC_PSHIP_MASS_EDIT 1418 #define IDC_PSHIP_DYING_MODEL 1418 #define IDC_PSHIP_DRAG_EDIT 1419 #define IDC_PSHIP_COCKPIT 1419 #define IDC_PSHIP_WIGGLE_EDIT 1420 #define IDC_PSHIP_MAX_THRUST_EDIT 1421 #define IDC_PSHIP_PULLDOWN 1422 #define IDC_SHIPVIEW 1423 #define IDC_ADD_WEAPON 1424 #define IDC_PSHIP_ROTDRAG_EDIT 1424 #define IDC_DELETE_WEAPON 1425 #define IDC_PSHIP_WIGGLEFREQ_EDIT 1425 #define IDC_LOCK_WEAPON 1426 #define IDC_NEXT_WEAPON 1427 #define IDC_WEAPON_NAME_EDIT 1428 #define IDC_WEAPON_PULLDOWN 1429 #define IDC_WEAPON_DRAG_EDIT 1430 #define IDC_WEAPON_WALL_VCLIP 1431 #define IDC_WEAPON_WALL_VCLIP_EDIT 1432 #define IDC_WEAPON_ROBOT_CHECK 1433 #define IDC_WEAPON_PLAYER_CHECK 1434 #define IDC_LOAD_WEAPON_ANIM 1435 #define IDC_WEAPON_VCLIP_EDIT 1436 #define IDC_WEAPONVIEW 1437 #define IDC_TRANSPARENCY 1438 #define IDC_WEAPONFIREVIEW 1438 #define IDC_PSHIP_MAGNETISM_CHECK 1439 #define IDC_LOAD_WEAPON_DISCHARGE 1439 #define IDC_PSHIP_WIND_CHECK 1440 #define IDC_WEAPON_DISCHARGE_EDIT 1440 #define IDC_PATHPAD_ADD_PATH 1441 #define IDC_WEAPON_DRAG_EDIT2 1441 #define IDC_WEAPON_ROT_DRAG_EDIT 1441 #define IDC_PATHPAD_MOVE_FORWARD 1442 #define IDC_PATHPAD_MOVE_BACKWARD 1443 #define IDC_PATHPAD_MOVE_LEFT 1444 #define IDC_PATHPAD_MOVE_RIGHT 1445 #define IDC_PATHPAD_PREV_NODE 1446 #define IDC_PATHPAD_INSERT_NODE 1447 #define IDC_PATHPAD_DELETE_NODE 1448 #define IDC_PATHPAD_NUM_NODES 1449 #define IDC_PATHPAD_PULLDOWN 1450 #define IDC_CURRENT_NODE_EDIT 1451 #define IDC_PATHPAD_MOVE_UP 1452 #define IDC_PATHPAD_MOVE_DOWN 1453 #define IDC_PATHPAD_CENTER_VIEW 1454 #define IDC_PATHPAD_NEXT_NODE 1455 #define IDC_EDIT 1456 #define IDC_PATHPAD_CUR_NODE_ROOM 1456 #define IDC_DELETE_PATH 1457 #define IDC_SHOW_NODES_CHECK 1458 #define IDC_FAST_TERRAIN_CHECK 1459 #define IDC_PSHIP_MAXVEL_STATIC 1461 #define IDC_PSHIP_MAXRPS_STATIC 1462 #define IDC_POWERUP_WIGGLE_CHECK 1463 #define IDC_POWERUP_WIGGLE_EDIT 1464 #define IDC_POWERUP_WIGGLEFREQ_EDIT 1465 #define IDC_TERRPAD_REDO_TOPMAP 1466 #define IDC_TERRPAD_FILL_AREA 1467 #define IDC_TERRPAD_MAKE_ZERO 1468 #define IDC_TERRPAD_MAKE_MIN 1469 #define IDC_TERRPAD_MAKE_MAX 1470 #define IDC_TERRPAD_PANCAKES 1471 #define IDC_OBJECT_NAME 1472 #define IDC_OBJECT_TYPE 1473 #define IDC_OBJECT_SIZE 1474 #define IDC_OBJECT_MASS 1475 #define IDC_OBJECT_DRAG 1476 #define IDC_OBJECT_SIZE_EDIT 1477 #define IDC_OBJECT_NAME_EDIT 1478 #define IDC_OBJECT_TYPE_EDIT 1479 #define IDC_WEAPON_HUDVIEW 1480 #define IDC_WEAPON_FIRE_VIEW 1481 #define IDC_WEAPON_SPEED_EDIT 1482 #define IDC_WEAPON_THRUST_EDIT 1482 #define IDC_TERR_LIGHT_COUNTER 1483 #define IDC_WEAPON_INIT_VELOCITY_EDIT 1483 #define IDC_TERR_LIGHT_CLOCK 1484 #define IDC_WEAPON_MAX_BOUNCES_EDIT 1484 #define IDC_WEAPON_SPEED_EDIT2 1485 #define IDC_WEAPON_FULL_ROT_THRUST_EDIT 1485 #define IDC_WEAPON_INIT_VELOCITY_EDIT2 1486 #define IDC_WEAPON_INIT_ROT_VELOCITY_X_EDIT 1486 #define IDC_WEAPON_PERCENT_LOSS_EDIT 1487 #define IDC_TERR_MOVE_MOON 1488 #define IDC_WEAPON_INIT_ROT_VELOCITY_Y_EDIT3 1488 #define IDC_TERR_RANDOMIZE_SKY 1489 #define IDC_WEAPON_INIT_ROT_VELOCITY_Z_EDIT4 1489 #define IDC_NUM_MOONS_STATIC 1490 #define IDC_WEAPON_DAMAGE_EDIT 1490 #define IDC_TERR_LESS_MOONS 1491 #define IDC_WEAPON_GENERIC_DAMAGE_EDIT 1491 #define IDC_TERR_PREV_MOON 1492 #define IDC_CUR_MOON_STATIC 1493 #define IDC_WEAPON_GRAVITY_CHECK 1494 #define IDC_TERR_MOVE_MOON_AWAY 1494 #define IDC_WEAPON_MAGNETISM_CHECK 1495 #define IDC_WEAPON_BOUNCY_CHECK 1496 #define IDC_WEAPON_THRUSTS_CHECK 1497 #define IDC_WEAPON_WIGGLES_CHECK 1498 #define IDC_WEAPON_WIGGLE_AMP_EDIT 1499 #define IDC_WEAPON_WIGGLE_FREQ_EDIT 1500 #define IDC_ALERT_CHECK 1501 #define IDC_DEATH_CHECK 1502 #define IDC_MISSILE2_CHECK 1503 #define IDC_SPECIAL2_CHECK 1504 #define IDC_SPECIAL3_CHECK 1505 #define IDC_GOTO_STANDING_CHECK 1506 #define IDC_GOTO_FLYING_CHECK 1507 #define IDC_GOTO_ROLLING_CHECK 1508 #define IDC_GOTO_WALKING_CHECK 1509 #define IDC_GOTO_JUMPING_CHECK 1510 #define IDC_ANIMSTATE_VIEW 1511 #define IDC_CURRENT_STATE_PULLDOWN 1512 #define IDC_ALERT_FROM_EDIT 1513 #define IDC_ALERT_TO_EDIT 1514 #define IDC_MISSILE1_TO_EDIT 1515 #define IDC_RECOIL1_FROM_EDIT 1516 #define IDC_DEFINE_ANIMSTATES 1517 #define IDC_ANIM_SOUND0_PULLDOWN 1517 #define IDC_FIRE_SOUND_PULLDOWN 1518 #define IDC_ANIM_SOUND1_PULLDOWN 1518 #define IDC_SOUND_FORWARD_RADIO 1519 #define IDC_FLYING_SOUND_PULLDOWN 1519 #define IDC_ANIM_SOUND2_PULLDOWN 1519 #define IDC_SOUND_BACKWARD_RADIO 1520 #define IDC_ANIM_SOUND3_PULLDOWN 1520 #define IDC_WEAPON_WALL_SOUND_PULLDOWN 1521 #define IDC_ANIM_SOUND4_PULLDOWN 1521 #define IDC_WEAPON_SPAWN_EDIT 1522 #define IDC_ANIM_SOUND5_PULLDOWN 1522 #define IDC_WEAPON_SPAWN_PULLDOWN 1523 #define IDC_ANIM_SOUND6_PULLDOWN 1523 #define IDC_RESET_ANIM_ZERO 1524 #define IDC_WEAPON_FIRE_DELAY_EDIT 1525 #define IDC_WB_FIRE1_SOUND_PULLDOWN 1525 #define IDC_ANIM_SOUND7_PULLDOWN 1525 #define IDC_WB_FIRE2_SOUND_PULLDOWN 1526 #define IDC_ANIM_SOUND8_PULLDOWN 1526 #define IDC_SOUNDPOSATTACH_RADIO 1527 #define IDC_WB_FIRE3_SOUND_PULLDOWN 1527 #define IDC_ANIM_SOUND9_PULLDOWN 1527 #define IDC_SOUNDWALLATTACH_RADIO2 1528 #define IDC_SOUNDOBJATTACH_RADIO 1528 #define IDC_WB_FIRE4_SOUND_PULLDOWN 1528 #define IDC_ANIM_SOUND10_PULLDOWN 1528 #define IDC_WB_FIRE5_SOUND_PULLDOWN 1529 #define IDC_ANIM_SOUND11_PULLDOWN 1529 #define IDC_LOOPING_CHECK 1530 #define IDC_ANIM_SOUND12_PULLDOWN 1530 #define IDC_SOUNDLOOPSTART_EDIT 1531 #define IDC_WB_FIRE6_SOUND_PULLDOWN 1531 #define IDC_ANIM_SOUND13_PULLDOWN 1531 #define IDC_SOUNDLOOPEND_EDIT 1532 #define IDC_WB_FIRE7_SOUND_PULLDOWN 1532 #define IDC_ANIM_SOUND14_PULLDOWN 1532 #define IDC_SOUNDEXCLUSIVE_CHECK 1533 #define IDC_ANIM_SOUND15_PULLDOWN 1533 #define IDC_SOUNDONCE_CHECK 1534 #define IDC_ANIM_SOUND16_PULLDOWN 1534 #define IDC_SOUNDCOPY_EDIT 1535 #define IDC_ANIM_SOUND17_PULLDOWN 1535 #define IDC_WEAPON_HOMING_CHECK 1536 #define IDC_ANIM_SOUND18_PULLDOWN 1536 #define IDC_SOUND_ONCE_PER_OBJ_CHECK 1536 #define IDC_WEAPON_BLOB_SIZE_EDIT 1537 #define IDC_WEAPON_IMPACT_SIZE_EDIT 1538 #define IDC_ANIM_SOUND19_PULLDOWN 1538 #define IDC_WEAPON_NUM_SHOTS_EDIT 1539 #define IDC_WEAPON_IMPACT_TIME_EDIT 1539 #define IDC_ANIM_SOUND20_PULLDOWN 1539 #define IDC_WEAPON_IMPACT_FORCE_EDIT 1539 #define IDC_MAKE_BLACK 1540 #define IDC_WEAPON_USE_PARENT_VELOCITY_CHECK 1540 #define IDC_ANIM_SOUND21_PULLDOWN 1540 #define IDC_SAVE_AS_TGA 1540 #define IDC_RUN16BIT_CHECK 1541 #define IDC_WEAPON_PERSISTANT_CHECK 1541 #define IDC_ANIM_SOUND22_PULLDOWN 1541 #define IDC_WEAPON_ALPHA_EDIT 1541 #define IDC_RESET_OBJECTS 1542 #define IDC_ANIM_SOUND23_PULLDOWN 1542 #define IDC_WEAPON_SCORCH_SIZE_EDIT 1542 #define IDC_LINK_TO_MINE 1543 #define IDC_WEAPON_IMPACT_DAMAGE_EDIT 1543 #define IDC_UNLINK_MINE 1544 #define IDC_WEAPON_IMPACT_TIME_EDIT2 1544 #define IDC_UNLINK_ALL 1545 #define IDC_WEAPON_IMPACT_GENERIC_DAMAGE_EDIT 1545 #define IDC_RESAVE 1546 #define IDC_ROT_LEFT 1547 #define IDC_ROT_RIGHT 1548 #define IDC_ADD_FILE 1561 #define IDC_LOCK_FILE 1562 #define IDC_CHECKIN_FILE 1563 #define IDC_PREV_FILE 1564 #define IDC_FILE_NAME 1565 #define IDC_FILE_DIRECTORY 1567 #define IDC_ADDITIONAL_STUFF_STATIC 1568 #define IDC_ROBOT_MOVES_CHECK 1569 #define IDC_ROBOT_GRAVITY_CHECK 1570 #define IDC_ROBOT_ONLY_PHYSICS_RADIO 1571 #define IDC_ROBOT_AI_PHYSICS_RADIO 1572 #define IDC_ROBOT_FIRE_WEAPON_1_CHECK 1574 #define IDC_SHOW_TERRAIN 1575 #define IDC_FLAT_SHADE_TERRAIN_CHECK 1576 #define IDC_SHOW_OBJ_TEXTURES 1577 #define IDC_TERRAIN_2D 1577 #define IDC_SHOW_TERRAIN_TEXTURES 1578 #define IDC_SHOW_LIGHT_TEXTURES 1579 #define IDC_SHOW_MINE_TEXTURES2 1580 #define IDC_RUN_OPENGL 1580 #define IDC_RED_LIGHTING 1581 #define IDC_FALLOFF_EDIT 1582 #define IDC_LIGHT_ITERATION_EDIT 1583 #define IDC_POWERUP_SCRIPT_EDIT 1584 #define IDC_HEMICUBE_RES_EDIT 1584 #define IDC_DELETE_MEGACELL 1585 #define IDC_LIGHT_SPACING_EDIT 1585 #define IDC_NEW_MEGACELL 1586 #define IDC_IGNORE_LIMIT_EDIT 1586 #define IDC_LOCK_MEGACELL 1587 #define IDC_CHECKIN_MEGACELL 1588 #define IDC_PREVIOUS_MEGACELL 1589 #define IDC_NEXT_MEGACELL 1590 #define IDC_MEGACELLS_OUT 1591 #define IDC_MEGA_WIDTH_EDIT 1592 #define IDC_MEGACELL_PULLDOWN 1593 #define IDC_MEGACELL_NAME_EDIT 1594 #define IDC_MEGACELL_VIEW 1595 #define IDC_ZBUFFER_CHECK 1596 #define IDC_MIPPING_CHECK 1596 #define IDC_BILINEAR_CHECK 1597 #define IDC_USE_MEGACELLS_CHECK 1597 #define IDC_IMPORT_MEGACELL 1598 #define IDC_REMAP_MEGACELL 1599 #define IDC_NEXT_MEGA_SET 1600 #define IDC_PREV_MEGA_SET 1601 #define IDC_MEGA_WIDTH_STATIC 1603 #define IDC_MEGA_HEIGHT_STATIC 1604 #define IDC_MEGACELL_NAME_STATIC 1605 #define IDC_RANDOMIZE_MEGACELL_CHECK 1606 #define IDC_MEGACELL_SET_VIEW 1607 #define IDC_FILL_WITH_MEGACELL 1609 #define IDC_COPY_MEGACELL 1610 #define IDC_PASTE_MEGACELL 1611 #define IDC_ROTATE_MEGACELL 1612 #define IDC_TERRAIN_UNDO 1613 #define IDC_TERRAIN_OCCLUSION 1613 #define IDC_TERR_SELECT_ALL 1614 #define IDC_USE_OPENGL 1616 #define IDC_USE_GLIDE 1617 #define IDC_UNIFY_MEGACELL 1618 #define IDC_SELECT_FROM_MEGACELL 1619 #define IDC_CLEAR_TMAP2 1620 #define IDC_ADD_NEW_SMALL 1621 #define IDC_ADD_NEW_TINY 1622 #define IDC_CONVERT_TO_NORMAL 1623 #define IDC_CONVERT_TO_TINY 1624 #define IDC_TEXTURE_WIDTH 1625 #define IDC_TEXTURE_HEIGHT 1626 #define IDC_IMPORT_TINY 1626 #define IDC_LOAD_ROOM 1627 #define IDC_ADD_NEW_HUGE 1627 #define IDC_SAVE_ROOM_LOCALLY 1628 #define IDC_SAVE_ROOM_NET 1629 #define IDC_VERTEX_COUNT 1630 #define IDC_FACE_COUNT 1631 #define IDC_ROOM_PULLDOWN 1632 #define IDC_FULLSCREEN_SW 1633 #define IDC_PALETTE_VERTEX_COUNT 1633 #define IDC_FULLSCREEN_HW 1634 #define IDC_PALETTE_FACE_COUNT 1634 #define IDC_ROOM_ENGINE 1635 #define IDC_PORTAL_COUNT 1635 #define IDC_HARDWARE_ACC 1636 #define IDC_PROPERTYTAB 1637 #define IDC_PTURNROLL 1638 #define IDC_PLEVELLING 1639 #define IDC_PBOUNCE 1640 #define IDC_PVELOCITY_X 1641 #define IDC_PVELOCITY_Y 1642 #define IDC_PVELOCITY_Z 1643 #define IDC_PTHRUST_X 1644 #define IDC_PTHRUST_Y 1645 #define IDC_PTHRUST_Z 1646 #define IDC_PROTVEL_X 1647 #define IDC_PROTVEL_Y 1648 #define IDC_PROTVEL_Z 1649 #define IDC_PROTTHRUST_X 1650 #define IDC_PROTTHRUST_Y 1651 #define IDC_PROTTHRUST_Z 1652 #define IDC_PTURNROLLANGLE 1653 #define IDC_PNUM_BOUNCES 1654 #define IDC_PMASS 1655 #define IDC_PDRAG 1656 #define IDC_PFULL_THRUST 1657 #define IDC_PROTDRAG 1658 #define IDC_PFULL_ROTTHRUST 1659 #define IDC_PMAX_TURNROLL_RATE 1660 #define IDC_PTURNROLL_RATIO 1661 #define IDC_PWIGGLE_AMPLITUDE 1662 #define IDC_PWIGGLES_PER_SECOND 1663 #define IDC_PUNLIMBOUNCE 1664 #define IDC_RESET_ALL_TEXTURES 1665 #define IDC_STATUSPROGRESS 1666 #define IDC_SCRIPTVIEW 1668 #define IDC_SCRIPTEXTERNAL 1669 #define IDC_SET_EXTERNAL_VIEWER 1670 #define IDC_USE_EXTERNAL 1671 #define IDC_TEXTURE_SKY 1672 #define IDC_USE_FOG 1673 #define IDC_SKY_RED_EDIT 1674 #define IDC_SKY_GREEN_EDIT 1675 #define IDC_HORIZON_GREEN_EDIT 1676 #define IDC_USE_HALO 1676 #define IDC_FOG_GREEN_EDIT 1677 #define IDC_SCRIPT_COMPILE 1677 #define IDC_USE_ATMOSPHERE 1677 #define IDC_OSIRIS_ERROR 1678 #define IDC_ROTATE_STARS 1678 #define IDC_OSIRIS_PROGRESS 1679 #define IDC_ROTATE_SKY 1679 #define IDC_OSIRIS_DONE 1680 #define IDC_NO_LOD_ENGINE 1681 #define IDC_FOG_DISTANCE_EDIT 1682 #define IDC_PIXEL_ERROR_EDIT 1683 #define IDC_FILES_OUT 1684 #define IDC_FILEDIR_PULLDOWN 1685 #define IDC_WEAPON_COLLIDE_WITH_SIBLING_CHECK 1686 #define IDC_WEAPON_FIXED_ROTATE_CHECK 1687 #define IDC_WEAPON_WIND_CHECK 1688 #define IDC_WEAPON_FIXED_VELOCITY_CHECK 1689 #define IDC_MARK_ROOM 1690 #define IDC_ROOMPAD_NEXT_EDGE 1691 #define IDC_ROOMPAD_PITCH_BACKWARD 1692 #define IDC_ROOMPAD_PITCH_FORWARD 1693 #define IDC_ROOMPAD_BANK_RIGHT 1694 #define IDC_ROOMPAD_BANK_LEFT 1695 #define IDC_ROOMPAD_ROTATE_RIGHT 1696 #define IDC_ROOMPAD_ROTATE_LEFT 1697 #define IDC_ROOMPAD_EXPAND_EDGE 1698 #define IDC_ROOMPAD_CONTRACT_EDGE 1699 #define IDC_ROOMPAD_EXPAND_ROOM 1700 #define IDC_ROOMPAD_CONTRACT_ROOM 1701 #define IDC_ROOMPAD_EXPAND_FACE 1702 #define IDC_ROOMPAD_CONTRACT_FACE 1703 #define IDC_DEBUG_CHECK 1704 #define IDC_ROOMPAD_MOVE_BACKWARD 1704 #define IDC_TERRPAD_SELECTRANGE 1705 #define IDC_ROOMPAD_MOVE_DOWN 1705 #define IDC_LOWER_BOUND_EDIT 1706 #define IDC_ROOMPAD_MOVE_FORWARD 1706 #define IDC_UPPER_BOUND_EDIT 1707 #define IDC_ROOMPAD_MOVE_UP 1707 #define IDC_ROOMPAD_MOVE_RIGHT 1708 #define IDC_PHYSICS_MASS_EDIT 1708 #define IDC_ROOMPAD_MOVE_LEFT 1709 #define IDC_PHYSICS_DRAG_EDIT 1709 #define IDC_PHYSICS_ROTDRAG_EDIT 1710 #define IDC_PHYSICS_MAXTHRUST_EDIT 1711 #define IDC_PHYSICS_ROTTHRUST_EDIT 1712 #define IDC_PHYSICS_MAXTURNROLLRATE_EDIT 1713 #define IDC_PHYSICS_TURNROLLRATIO_EDIT 1714 #define IDC_PHYSICS_WIGGLESIZE_EDIT 1715 #define IDC_PHYSICS_WIGGLEFREQ_EDIT 1716 #define IDC_PHYSICS_WIND_CHECK 1719 #define IDC_PHYSICS_MAGNETISM_CHECK 1720 #define IDC_ROBOT_EDIT_PHYSICS 1721 #define IDC_PHYSICS_GRAVITY 1722 #define IDC_ROBOT_USES_PHYSICS 1723 #define IDC_T_MAX_SPEED_EDIT 1724 #define IDC_AI_FIRE_WEAPON_1_CHECK 1725 #define IDC_AI_TARGET_BY_DIST_CHECK 1725 #define IDC_AI_FIRE_WEAPON_2_CHECK 1726 #define IDC_AI_MELEE_1_CHECK 1727 #define IDC_AI_MELEE_2_CHECK 1728 #define IDC_AI_STAY_IN_OUT_CHECK 1729 #define IDC_ROBOT_USES_AI 1730 #define IDC_ROBOT_EDIT_AI 1731 #define IDC_PHYSICS_FULL_PHYSICS 1732 #define IDC_PHYSICS_MAXTHRUST_TEXT 1733 #define IDC_PHYSICS_ROTTHRUST_TEXT 1734 #define IDC_PHYSICS_MAXTURNROLLRATE_TEXT 1735 #define IDC_PHYSICS_TURNROLLRATIO_TEXT 1736 #define IDC_PHYSICS_ROTDRAG_TEXT 1737 #define IDC_PHYSICS_DRAG_TEXT 1738 #define IDC_PHYSICS_WIGGLE_CHECK 1739 #define IDC_PHYSICS_WIGGLESIZE_TEXT 1740 #define IDC_PHYSICS_WIGGLEFREQ_TEXT 1741 #define IDC_PHYSICS_WIGGLES_PER_SEC_TEXT 1741 #define IDC_WEAPON_HIT_ROBOT_SOUND_COMBO 1742 #define IDC_WEAPON_BOUNCE_SOUND_COMBO 1742 #define IDC_HIT_OBJECT_EXPLOSION 1743 #define IDC_GENERIC_TYPE_NAME 1744 #define IDC_GENERIC_EDIT_AI 1745 #define IDC_GENERIC_EDIT_PHYSICS 1746 #define IDC_GENERIC_USES_AI 1747 #define IDC_GENERIC_USES_PHYSICS 1748 #define IDC_GENERIC_ADD_NEW 1749 #define IDC_GENERIC_DELETE 1750 #define IDC_GENERIC_LOCK 1751 #define IDC_GENERIC_CHECKIN 1752 #define IDC_GENERIC_PREV 1753 #define IDC_GENERIC_NEXT 1754 #define IDC_GENERIC_CHECKED_OUT 1755 #define IDC_GENERIC_VIEW 1756 #define IDC_GENERIC_OBJECTVIEW 1756 #define IDC_GENERIC_DEFINE_ANIMSTATES 1757 #define IDC_GENERIC_MODEL_NAME_EDIT 1759 #define IDC_GENERIC_ID_EDIT 1760 #define IDC_GENERIC_CHANGE_MODEL 1761 #define IDC_GENERIC_CHANGE_NAME 1762 #define IDC_GENERIC_COPY 1763 #define IDC_GENERIC_PASTE 1764 #define IDC_GENERIC_EXPLOSION 1765 #define IDC_GENERIC_NAME_PULLDOWN 1768 #define IDC_NAME_PULLDOWN 1768 #define IDC_PROMPT 1769 #define IDC_DEATH_POWERUP2_PULLDOWN 1769 #define IDC_PING_PONG 1770 #define IDC_DEATH_POWERUP1_PULLDOWN 1770 #define IDC_GENERIC_SIZE_EDIT 1771 #define IDC_SCRIPTID 1772 #define IDC_GENERIC_SCRIPT_ID_EDIT 1773 #define IDC_GENERIC_UNDO_LOCK 1774 #define IDC_PSHIP_EDIT_PHYSICS 1775 #define IDC_GENERIC_DESTROYABLE 1776 #define IDC_GENERIC_HITPOINT_EDIT 1777 #define IDC_SCR_LISTBOX 1778 #define IDC_GENERIC_AI_SCRIPTED_DEATH 1778 #define IDC_SCREVT_LISTBOX 1779 #define IDC_GENERIC_SCORE_EDIT 1779 #define IDC_ADDSCRIPT 1780 #define IDC_GENERIC_AMMO_EDIT 1780 #define IDC_ADDEVENT 1781 #define IDC_UNLOCK 1782 #define IDC_SELSCRIPT 1787 #define IDC_SCRIPVIEW 1789 #define IDC_BARREL_0_COMBO 1793 #define IDC_BARREL_1_COMBO 1794 #define IDC_BARREL_2_COMBO 1795 #define IDC_BARREL_3_COMBO 1796 #define IDC_BARREL_4_COMBO 1797 #define IDC_BARREL_5_COMBO 1798 #define IDC_TOTAL_GB_STATIC 1800 #define IDC_TOTAL_GP_STATIC 1801 #define IDC_BARREL_0_RADIO 1802 #define IDC_BARREL_1_RADIO 1803 #define IDC_BARREL_2_RADIO 1804 #define IDC_NUM_GB_TURRETS_STATIC 1805 #define IDC_GB_MASK_LATENCY_0_EDIT 1806 #define IDC_GB_NUM_MASKS_EDIT 1807 #define IDC_GENERIC_WEAPON_INFO_BUTTON 1808 #define IDC_ROOMPAD_NEXT_VERTEX 1809 #define IDC_ROOMPAD_COMBINE_FACES 1810 #define IDC_COORDSYS_SELECT 1811 #define IDC_OBJMOVEX 1812 #define IDC_OBJMOVEY 1813 #define IDC_OBJMOVEZ 1814 #define IDC_SHOW_ALPHAED_CHECK 1815 #define IDC_LIGHT_DISTANCE_EDIT 1816 #define IDC_BARREL_6_COMBO 1817 #define IDC_WEAPON_RED 1817 #define IDC_BARREL_7_COMBO 1818 #define IDC_WEAPON_GREEN 1818 #define IDC_WEAPON_BLUE 1819 #define IDC_TURRET_REACTION_TIME 1819 #define IDC_GENERIC_RED_LIGHT 1820 #define IDC_GENERIC_GREEN_LIGHT 1821 #define IDC_GENERIC_BLUE_LIGHT 1822 #define IDC_GENERIC_LIGHT_DISTANCE 1823 #define IDC_GENERIC_FLICKER_CHECK 1824 #define IDC_GENERIC_RED_LIGHT2 1824 #define IDC_SHOW_LIGHTMAPS 1825 #define IDC_GENERIC_PULSE_TIME 1825 #define IDC_TURRET_FOV_STATIC 1826 #define IDC_GENERIC_GREEN_LIGHT2 1826 #define IDC_TURRET_SPR_STATIC 1827 #define IDC_GENERIC_BLUE_LIGHT2 1827 #define IDC_TURRET_REACTION_TIME_STATIC 1828 #define IDC_TURRET_SOBJ_STATIC 1829 #define IDC_FLICKER_RADIO 1830 #define IDC_USE_TIMEBITS_RADIO 1831 #define IDC_GENERIC_LIGHT_BUTTON 1832 #define IDC_ALWAYS_ON_RADIO 1833 #define IDC_CURRET_TURRET_COMBO 1834 #define IDC_ROOMPAD_NEXT_PORTAL 1835 #define IDC_CURRENT_PORTAL 1836 #define IDC_RENDER_PORTAL_FACES 1837 #define IDC_TRIG_ADD_TO_CURFACE 1838 #define IDC_TRIG_ADD_TO_CURPORTAL 1839 #define IDC_SEC_PER_CYCLE_EDIT1 1840 #define IDC_SEC_PER_CYCLE_EDIT2 1841 #define IDC_VIEW_CONE_ANGLE_EDIT 1841 #define IDC_SEC_PER_CYCLE_EDIT3 1842 #define IDC_MAX_DISTANCE_EDIT 1842 #define IDC_SEC_PER_CYCLE_EDIT4 1843 #define IDC_VIEW_CONE_ANGLE_CHECK 1843 #define IDC_SEC_PER_CYCLE_EDIT5 1844 #define IDC_ROBOT_WEAPON_TEST_PULLDOWN 1844 #define IDC_SEC_PER_CYCLE_EDIT6 1845 #define IDC_SCRIPTSEL 1845 #define IDC_SEC_PER_CYCLE_EDIT7 1846 #define IDC_TEXTURE_CHANGE_NAME 1846 #define IDC_SEC_PER_CYCLE_EDIT8 1847 #define IDC_RENDER_STATIC 1847 #define IDC_SEC_PER_CYCLE_EDIT9 1848 #define IDC_RENDER_GOURAUD 1848 #define IDC_SCRIPTSEL_LISTBOX 1848 #define IDC_SEC_PER_CYCLE_EDIT10 1849 #define IDC_RENDER_LIGHTMAPS 1849 #define IDC_SCRIPTSEL_SCRIPT_WIZ 1849 #define IDC_SEC_PER_CYCLE_EDIT11 1850 #define IDC_SCRIPTSEL_MODULE 1850 #define IDC_SEC_PER_CYCLE_EDIT12 1851 #define IDC_TRIG_CURRENT_NUM 1851 #define IDC_SEC_PER_CYCLE_EDIT13 1852 #define IDC_TRIG_CURRENT_TYPE 1852 #define IDC_SEC_PER_CYCLE_EDIT14 1853 #define IDC_TRIG_CURRENT_ROOM 1853 #define IDC_SEC_PER_CYCLE_EDIT15 1854 #define IDC_TRIG_CURRENT_FACE 1854 #define IDC_SEC_PER_CYCLE_EDIT16 1855 #define IDC_TRIG_CURRENT_SCRIPT 1855 #define IDC_TRIG_CURRENT_TRIG_PORTAL 1855 #define IDC_SEC_PER_CYCLE_EDIT17 1856 #define IDC_TRIG_PREV_IN_MINE 1856 #define IDC_SEC_PER_CYCLE_EDIT18 1857 #define IDC_TRIG_NEXT_IN_MINE 1857 #define IDC_SEC_PER_CYCLE_EDIT19 1858 #define IDC_TRIG_GOTO 1858 #define IDC_SEC_PER_CYCLE_EDIT20 1859 #define IDC_TRIG_DELETE 1859 #define IDC_TIME_CHECK1 1860 #define IDC_SEC_PER_CYCLE_EDIT21 1860 #define IDC_PREV_DOOR 1860 #define IDC_SEC_PER_CYCLE_EDIT22 1861 #define IDC_NEXT_DOOR 1861 #define IDC_SEC_PER_CYCLE_EDIT23 1862 #define IDC_TRIG_ACTIVATORS 1862 #define IDC_SEC_PER_CYCLE_EDIT24 1863 #define IDC_TRIG_ACTIV_PLAYER 1863 #define IDC_TRIG_ONESHOT 1864 #define IDC_TRIG_FLOAT_WIDER 1865 #define IDC_TRIG_FLOAT_NARROWER 1866 #define IDC_TRIG_FLOAT_TALLER 1867 #define IDC_TRIG_FLOAT_SHORTER 1868 #define IDC_TRIG_FLOAT_BORDER 1869 #define IDC_TRIG_NEXT_PORTAL 1870 #define IDC_TRIG_CURRENT_PORTAL 1871 #define IDC_TRIG_NEXT_IN_ROOM 1872 #define IDC_TRIG_PREV_IN_ROOM 1873 #define IDC_SHOW_TMAP2_TEXTURES 1874 #define IDC_DEFAULT_RADIUS_BUTTON 1875 #define IDC_CURRENT_TEXTURE_NAME 1876 #define IDC_SKY_RADIO 1877 #define IDC_HORIZON_RADIO 1878 #define IDC_FOG_RADIO 1879 #define IDC_TIME_CHECK2 1880 #define IDC_SKY_SWATCH 1880 #define IDC_TIME_CHECK3 1881 #define IDC_HORIZON_SWATCH 1881 #define IDC_TIME_CHECK4 1882 #define IDC_FOG_SWATCH 1882 #define IDC_TIME_CHECK5 1883 #define IDC_SELECT_SLOPE_CHECK 1883 #define IDC_SATELLITE_RADIO 1883 #define IDC_TIME_CHECK6 1884 #define IDC_TYPESEL 1884 #define IDC_SATELLITE_SWATCH 1884 #define IDC_TIME_CHECK7 1885 #define IDC_BESTFIT_CHECK 1885 #define IDC_TIME_CHECK8 1886 #define IDC_DOORWAY_ID 1886 #define IDC_TIME_CHECK9 1887 #define IDC_PHYSICS_INIT_VELOCITY_EDIT 1887 #define IDC_TIME_CHECK10 1888 #define IDC_PHYSICS_INIT_ROT_VELOCITY_X_EDIT 1888 #define IDC_TIME_CHECK11 1889 #define IDC_PHYSICS_INIT_ROT_VELOCITY_Y_EDIT 1889 #define IDC_TIME_CHECK12 1890 #define IDC_PHYSICS_INIT_ROT_VELOCITY_Z_EDIT 1890 #define IDC_TIME_CHECK13 1891 #define IDC_PHYSICS_THRUSTS_CHECK 1891 #define IDC_TIME_CHECK14 1892 #define IDC_PHYSICS_GRAVITY_RADIO 1892 #define IDC_TIME_CHECK15 1893 #define IDC_PHYSICS_NO_GRAVITY_RADIO 1893 #define IDC_TIME_CHECK16 1894 #define IDC_PHYSICS_REVERSE_GRAVITY_RADIO 1894 #define IDC_PHYSICS_FIXED_VELOCITY_CHECK 1895 #define IDC_PHYSICS_FIXED_ROTATE_CHECK 1896 #define IDC_TIME_CHECK17 1897 #define IDC_PHYSICS_PERCENT_LOSS_EDIT 1897 #define IDC_TIME_CHECK18 1898 #define IDC_PHYSICS_BOUNCY_CHECK 1898 #define IDC_TIME_CHECK19 1899 #define IDC_PHYSICS_STICKY_CHECK 1899 #define IDC_TIME_CHECK20 1900 #define IDC_PHYSICS_MAX_BOUNCES_EDIT 1900 #define IDC_TIME_CHECK21 1901 #define IDC_TURN_ROLL_CHECK 1901 #define IDC_TIME_CHECK22 1902 #define IDC_MAX_BOUNCES_TEXT 1902 #define IDC_TIME_CHECK23 1903 #define IDC_PERCENT_LOSS_TEXT 1903 #define IDC_TIME_CHECK24 1904 #define IDC_EXTERNAL_ROOM 1904 #define IDC_PHYSICS_HIT_DIE_ANGLE 1904 #define IDC_TIME_CHECK25 1905 #define IDC_TOGGLE_VISIBILITY 1905 #define IDC_TIME_CHECK26 1906 #define IDC_SHOW_INVISIBLE 1906 #define IDC_TIME_CHECK27 1907 #define IDC_KEY1_CHECK 1907 #define IDC_TIME_CHECK28 1908 #define IDC_KEY2_CHECK 1908 #define IDC_MOVE_SAT_UP 1908 #define IDC_TIME_CHECK29 1909 #define IDC_KEY3_CHECK 1909 #define IDC_MOVE_SAT_DOWN 1909 #define IDC_TIME_CHECK30 1910 #define IDC_KEY4_CHECK 1910 #define IDC_MOVE_SAT_LEFT 1910 #define IDC_TIME_CHECK31 1911 #define IDC_MOVE_SAT_RIGHT 1911 #define IDC_KEY5_CHECK 1911 #define IDC_TIME_CHECK32 1912 #define IDC_SELECT_SCRIPT 1912 #define IDC_KEY6_CHECK 1912 #define IDC_CREATE_VOLUME_CONE 1913 #define IDC_KEY7_CHECK 1913 #define IDC_FILL_VOLUME_TEXTURE 1914 #define IDC_KEY8_CHECK 1914 #define IDC_CLEAR_VOLUMETRIC_ROOM 1915 #define IDC_EDGE_VOLUMETRIC 1916 #define IDC_FARTHEST_POINT 1917 #define IDC_NULL_DYING 1918 #define IDC_SMOKE_CHECK 1919 #define IDC_AI_USES_THRUST_CHECK 1920 #define IDC_PLANAR_SMOKE_CHECK 1920 #define IDC_AI_CLASS_COMBO 1921 #define IDC_AI_FOV_EDIT 1922 #define IDC_AI_FLOCK_COHESION_EDIT 1923 #define IDC_HEMICUBE_CHECK 1924 #define IDC_AI_FOV_EDIT2 1924 #define IDC_AI_DODGE_PER_EDIT 1924 #define IDC_NO_COLLIDE_CHECK 1925 #define IDC_ELEMENT_CHECK 1925 #define IDC_PULSE_TO_SECOND 1926 #define IDC_IGNORE_TERRAIN 1926 #define IDC_WEAPON_STICK_CHECK 1927 #define IDC_IGNORE_SATELLITES 1927 #define IDC_EDIT_PHYSICS 1928 #define IDC_USE_BSP_CHECK 1928 #define IDC_CHANGE_NAME 1929 #define IDC_WEAPON_LIGHT_INFO 1930 #define IDC_LAUNCH0 1931 #define IDC_LAUNCH1 1932 #define IDC_LAUNCH2 1933 #define IDC_LAUNCH3 1934 #define IDC_LAUNCH_MID 1935 #define IDC_WEAPON_VISUALS 1936 #define IDC_EDIT_WEAPONS 1937 #define IDC_EDIT_WB_BUTTON 1938 #define IDC_CURRENT_WEAPON_BATTERY_COMBO 1939 #define IDC_RENDER_EXTERNAL_ROOMS 1940 #define IDC_ELECTRICAL_CHECK 1941 #define IDC_FLICKER_SLIGHTLY_CHECK 1942 #define IDC_FLICKER_SLIGHTLY_EDIT 1943 #define IDC_NUM_POLYS 1944 #define IDC_ENERGY_USAGE_EDIT 1945 #define IDC_AMMO_USAGE_EDIT 1946 #define IDC_REPLACE_TEXTURE 1947 #define IDC_COUNT_TERRAIN_LIGHTS 1948 #define IDC_CURROOM_RADIOSITY 1949 #define IDC_DEFAULT_SIZE 1950 #define IDC_SIZE_MESSAGE 1951 #define IDC_DYNAMIC_TERRAIN 1952 #define IDC_ENABLE_SHADOWS_CHECK 1954 #define IDC_GENERIC_CONCUSSIVE_CHECK 1955 #define IDC_HIRES_RADIO 1956 #define IDC_MEDRES_RADIO 1957 #define IDC_LORES_RADIO 1958 #define IDC_NOLOD 1959 #define IDC_BLUR_LIGHTMAPS 1960 #define IDC_SOUND_MEMORY_STATIC 1962 #define IDC_SMOKE_PULLDOWN 1963 #define IDC_EXPLODE_PULLDOWN 1964 #define IDC_SOUND_NO_UPDATE 1964 #define IDC_SMOOTH_TERRAIN 1965 #define IDC_SCORCH_PULLDOWN 1965 #define IDC_TEXTURE_AMBIENT_SOUND_PULLDOWN 1966 #define IDC_WB_FIRE0_SOUND_PULLDOWN 1967 #define IDC_PARM1 1968 #define IDC_RELEASE_SOUND_PULLDOWN 1968 #define IDC_PARM2 1969 #define IDC_PARM3 1970 #define IDC_PARM4 1971 #define IDC_PARM5 1972 #define IDC_PARM6 1973 #define IDC_PARM7 1974 #define IDC_PARM8 1975 #define IDC_PARAMETERS 1976 #define IDC_HIGHLIGHT_BORDERS 1977 #define IDC_SPRAY_CHECK 1978 #define IDC_DOOR_CHANGE_NAME 1979 #define IDC_PARAMLIST 1980 #define IDC_PARAMLIST2 1981 #define IDC_OBJTREE 1981 #define IDC_PARAMLIST3 1982 #define IDC_AI_NOTIFY_SEEPLAYER_CHECK 1982 #define IDC_PARAMLIST4 1983 #define IDC_AI_RETARGET_CHECK 1983 #define IDC_PARAMLIST5 1984 #define IDC_USEFORMELEE1_CHECK 1984 #define IDC_PARAMLIST6 1985 #define IDC_USEFORMELEE2_CHECK 1985 #define IDC_PARAMLIST7 1986 #define IDC_INSTANT_CHECK 1986 #define IDC_PARAMLIST8 1987 #define IDC_PERSISTANT_CHECK 1987 #define IDC_INVISIBLE 1988 #define IDC_EXPLODE_RING 1991 #define IDC_SATURATE_CHECK 1992 #define IDC_PLANAR_CHECK 1993 #define IDC_ENABLE_CAMERA 1994 #define IDC_AI_FLUCTUATE_PROPERTIES 1995 #define IDC_NEXT_FACE 1996 #define IDC_FORCEFIELD_CHECK 1997 #define IDC_CURRENT_FACE 1998 #define IDC_TOUCHES_OUTSIDE 1999 #define IDC_PULSE_ROOM 2000 #define IDC_SECRET_CHECK 2000 #define IDC_ROOMPAD_REFUELING_CENTER 2001 #define IDC_SPAWNS_ON_IMPACT 2002 #define IDC_SPAWNS_ON_TIMEOUT 2003 #define IDC_CONTINUOUS_FIRING_SOUND 2003 #define IDC_FIRING_SOUND_PULLDOWN 2004 #define IDC_OVERRIDE 2005 #define IDC_GENERIC_INVEN_SELECTABLE 2006 #define IDC_SCRIPTSEL_ADD 2007 #define IDC_AI_HOSTILE_RADIO 2009 #define IDC_AI_NEUTRAL_RADIO 2010 #define IDC_TEXTURE_SWATCH 2011 #define IDC_LINENUM 2012 #define IDC_PHYSICS_TERMINAL_VELOCITY_STATIC 2013 #define IDC_PHYSICS_TERMINAL_ROT_VELOCITY_STATIC 2014 #define IDC_PHYSICS_PERSISTENT_CHECK 2015 #define IDC_GOALFACE_CHECK 2016 #define IDC_DEFAULT_PILOT 2017 #define IDC_WB_MODEL_ANIM_RADIO 2018 #define IDC_AI_ORDERED_WB_FIRING_CHECK 2019 #define IDC_DROP_TERRAIN 2020 #define IDC_WB_RANDOM_CHECK 2021 #define IDC_SAVE_AS_PCX 2022 #define IDC_NO_EXT_ROOMS_OBJS 2023 #define IDC_GUIDED_CHECK 2024 #define IDC_WEAPON_COPY_BUTTON 2025 #define IDC_WEAPON_PASTE_BUTTON 2026 #define IDC_EXPANDING_CHECK 2027 #define IDC_PHYSICS_IGNORE_CONCUSSIVE_FORCES 2028 #define IDC_MUZZLE_FLASH 2030 #define IDC_MICROWAVE 2031 #define IDC_NAPALM 2032 #define IDC_REINIT_DOORWAYS 2033 #define IDC_RESET_MULTIPLES 2034 #define IDC_DESTROY_BSP 2035 #define IDC_COMBINE_FACES 2036 #define IDC_RESAVE_BITMAPS 2037 #define IDC_VOLUME_LIGHTS 2037 #define IDC_GENERIC_INVEN_NONUSEABLE 2038 #define IDC_GOTO 2040 #define IDC_PHYSICS_MAX_HIT_ANGLE 2041 #define IDC_AI_ORIENT_VEL_CHECK 2043 #define IDC_OBJPAD_RESET_CUROBJ_HEIGHT 2044 #define IDC_OBJPAD_RESET_ALL_OBJ_HEIGHTS 2045 #define IDC_IMPORT_BUMP 2045 #define IDC_GENERATE_OMNI 2046 #define IDC_SLEWSLIDER 2047 #define IDC_AI_XZ_TARGET_DIST 2048 #define IDC_SCRTYPE 2049 #define IDC_CORONA_CHECK 2050 #define IDC_SPEW_POWERUP_PULLDOWN 2052 #define IDC_PHYSICS_COPY 2053 #define IDC_PHYSICS_PASTE 2054 #define IDC_IMPORT_SKY 2055 #define IDC_FOG_CHECK 2056 #define IDC_MEGACELL_SKYDOME 2057 #define IDC_IMPORT_SKY_BAND 2058 #define IDC_MEGACELL_SKYBAND 2059 #define IDC_INVERSE_CHECK 2060 #define IDC_REVERSE_SMOKE_CHECK 2061 #define IDC_GRAVITY_FIELD_CHECK 2062 #define IDC_COUNTERMEASURE_CHECK 2063 #define IDC_PROCEDURAL_UPDATE 2064 #define IDC_PROCEDURAL_BUTTON 2065 #define IDC_PROCEDURAL_VIEW 2066 #define IDC_CLEAR_PROCEDURALS 2067 #define IDC_PROCEDURAL_PULLDOWN 2068 #define IDC_IMPORT_PALETTE 2072 #define IDC_PALETTE_VIEW 2074 #define IDC_DEFAULT_PALETTE 2075 #define IDC_SPECIAL_1 2076 #define IDC_SPECIAL_2 2077 #define IDC_SPECIAL_3 2078 #define IDC_SPECIAL_4 2079 #define IDC_SPECIAL_5 2080 #define IDC_SPECIAL_6 2081 #define IDC_BOA_VIS_BUTTON 2082 #define IDC_ROOM_CORONAS 2083 #define IDC_MINE_CORONAS 2084 #define IDC_FREEZE_CHECK 2084 #define IDC_EMD_CHECK 2085 #define IDC_HOMED_SPLIT_CHECK 2086 #define IDC_SILENT_HOMING_CHECK 2087 #define IDC_REVERSE_CORONA 2088 #define IDC_DEFAULTALLOW 2089 #define IDC_TABLEEDIT_BTN_PREVIOUS 2090 #define IDC_TABLEEDIT_BTN_NEXT 2091 #define IDC_WATER_PROCEDURAL_VIEW 2092 #define IDC_PROC_THICKNESS_EDIT 2093 #define IDC_PROC_LIGHT_EDIT 2094 #define IDC_PROC_HEIGHT_EDIT 2095 #define IDC_INVEN_NOREMOVE 2096 #define IDC_PROC_EVAL_TIME_EDIT 2096 #define IDC_ENABLE_QUAD 2097 #define IDC_PROC_OSC_TIME_EDIT 2097 #define IDC_PROC_OSC_VALUE_EDIT 2098 #define IDC_ROOM_AMBIENT 2100 #define IDC_AI_NV_SLIDER 2101 #define IDC_ASP_CHECK_IN 2101 #define IDC_AI_FV_SLIDER 2102 #define IDC_ASP_LIST 2102 #define IDC_ASP_NEW 2103 #define IDC_ASP_RENAME 2104 #define IDC_AI_FIGHT_TEAM_SLIDER 2105 #define IDC_ASP_ELEMENT_LIST 2105 #define IDC_AI_ROAMING_SLIDER 2106 #define IDC_ASP_NEW_ELEMENT 2106 #define IDC_AI_TLA_SLIDER 2107 #define IDC_ASP_EDIT_ELEMENT 2107 #define IDC_AI_HEARING_SLIDER 2108 #define IDC_ASE_SOUND_LIST 2108 #define IDC_AI_CURIOUSITY_SLIDER 2109 #define IDC_ASP_DELETE_ELEMENT 2109 #define IDC_AI_AGRESSION_SLIDER 2110 #define IDC_ASP_UNDO_LOCK 2110 #define IDC_AI_FIRE_SPREAD_SLIDER 2111 #define IDC_FACE_MAP 2111 #define IDC_AI_TLV_SLIDER 2112 #define IDC_PREV_START_POSITON 2112 #define IDC_AI_FRUSTRATION_SLIDER 2113 #define IDC_NEXT_START_POS 2113 #define IDC_AI_FIGHT_SAME_SLIDER 2114 #define IDC_JUMP_TO_START_POS 2114 #define IDC_AI_LIFE_PRESERVATION_SLIDER 2115 #define IDC_RED_CHECK 2115 #define IDC_START_POS_TEXT 2116 #define IDC_AI_CURIOUSITY_SLIDER2 2116 #define IDC_DIRECTIONAL 2117 #define IDC_AI_CURIOUSITY_SLIDER4 2117 #define IDC_MIRROR_FACE_TEXT 2118 #define IDC_AI_CURIOUSITY_SLIDER3 2118 #define IDC_MIRROR_BUTTON 2119 #define IDC_NO_MIRROR_BUTTON 2120 #define IDC_ROOMPAD_FLIP_FACE 2121 #define IDC_BRIEF_TITLE 2122 #define IDC_BRIEF_COLOR_R 2123 #define IDC_BRIEF_COLOR_G 2124 #define IDC_BRIEF_COLOR_B 2125 #define IDC_BRIEF_STATIC 2126 #define IDC_BRIEF_GLITCH 2127 #define IDC_BRIEF_FONT 2128 #define IDC_BRIEF_SCREEN_LIST 2129 #define IDC_BRIEF_SCREEN_DEL 2130 #define IDC_BRIEF_EFFECT_LIST 2131 #define IDC_BRIEF_EFFECT_DEL 2132 #define IDC_BRIEF_EFFECT_EDIT 2133 #define IDC_BRIEF_EFFECT_TEXT 2134 #define IDC_BRIEF_EFFECT_BITMAP 2135 #define IDC_BRIEF_EFFECT_POLYMODEL 2136 #define IDC_BRIEF_EFFECT_SOUND 2137 #define IDC_BRIEF_EFFECT_VOICE 2138 #define IDC_BRIEF_SAVE 2139 #define IDC_BRIEF_PICTURE 2140 #define IDC_BRIEF_ADDS_LAYOUT_LIST 2141 #define IDC_BRIEF_B_SPEED 2142 #define IDC_BRIEF_B_STARTTIME 2143 #define IDC_BRIEF_B_X 2144 #define IDC_BRIEF_B_Y 2145 #define IDC_BRIEF_B_FILENAME 2146 #define IDC_BRIEF_B_CHOOSE 2147 #define IDC_BRIEF_B_STATIC 2148 #define IDC_BRIEF_B_BLURIN 2149 #define IDC_BRIEF_B_BLUROUT 2150 #define IDC_BRIEF_B_SCANIN 2151 #define IDC_BRIEF_B_SCANOUT 2152 #define IDC_BRIEF_B_INVIN 2153 #define IDC_BRIEF_B_INVOUT 2154 #define IDC_BRIEF_B_STRETCHIN 2155 #define IDC_BRIEF_B_STRETCHOUT 2156 #define IDC_BRIEF_BT_FLASHER 2157 #define IDC_BRIEF_BT_FLASHSTART 2158 #define IDC_BRIEF_BT_FLASH_FILENAME 2159 #define IDC_BRIEF_BT_FLASH_CHOOSE 2160 #define IDC_BRIEF_BT_GLOW 2161 #define IDC_BRIEF_BT_ID 2162 #define IDC_BRIEF_BT_PID 2163 #define IDC_BRIEF_BT_SID 2164 #define IDC_BRIEF_BT_SCROLLUP 2165 #define IDC_BRIEF_BT_SCROLLDOWN 2166 #define IDC_BRIEF_BT_NEXTSCREEN 2167 #define IDC_BRIEF_BT_PREVSCREEN 2168 #define IDC_BRIEF_BT_QUIT 2169 #define IDC_BRIEF_BT_MOUSEUP 2170 #define IDC_BRIEF_BT_MOUSEDOWN 2171 #define IDC_BRIEF_BT_MOUSEHOLD 2172 #define IDC_BRIEF_BT_FILENAME 2173 #define IDC_BRIEF_M_X 2173 #define IDC_BRIEF_BT_CHOOSE 2174 #define IDC_BRIEF_M_Y 2174 #define IDC_BRIEF_M_FILENAME 2175 #define IDC_BRIEF_BT_FLASH_FILENAME_FOCUS 2175 #define IDC_BRIEF_M_CHOOSE 2176 #define IDC_BRIEF_BT_FLASH_CHOOSE_FOCUS 2176 #define IDC_BRIEF_M_LOOPING 2177 #define IDC_BRIEF_BT_FILENAME_FOCUS 2177 #define IDC_BRIEF_M_FPS 2178 #define IDC_BRIEF_BT_CHOOSE_FOCUS 2178 #define IDC_BRIEF_M_STARTTIME 2179 #define IDC_BRIEF_S_STARTTIME 2180 #define IDC_BRIEF_S_FILENAME 2181 #define IDC_BRIEF_S_CHOOSE 2182 #define IDC_BRIEF_S_PLAYONCE 2183 #define IDC_BRIEF_T_TEXT 2184 #define IDC_BRIEF_T_ID 2185 #define IDC_BRIEF_T_STARTTIME 2186 #define IDC_BRIEF_T_UL_X 2187 #define IDC_BRIEF_T_UL_Y 2188 #define IDC_BRIEF_T_LR_Y 2189 #define IDC_BRIEF_T_PREDEF 2190 #define IDC_BRIEF_T_STATIC 2191 #define IDC_BRIEF_T_TYPE 2192 #define IDC_BRIEF_T_FADEIN 2193 #define IDC_BRIEF_T_FADEOUT 2194 #define IDC_BRIEF_T_SL2R 2195 #define IDC_BRIEF_T_SR2L 2196 #define IDC_BRIEF_T_ST2B 2197 #define IDC_BRIEF_T_SB2T 2198 #define IDC_MAT_PASTE_OBJREF_BUTTON 2199 #define IDC_BRIEF_T_FONT 2199 #define IDC_MAT_NEXT_BUTTON 2200 #define IDC_MAT_PREV_BUTTON 2201 #define IDC_MAT_NEW_BUTTON 2202 #define IDC_MAT_COPY_BUTTON 2203 #define IDC_MAT_PASTE_BUTTON 2204 #define IDC_MAT_CUR_STATIC 2205 #define IDC_MAT_NUM_STATIC 2206 #define IDC_MAT_NAME_EDIT 2207 #define IDC_MAT_ROOM_RADIO 2208 #define IDC_MAT_OBJECT_RADIO 2209 #define IDC_MAT_DELETE_BUTTON 2210 #define IDC_MAT_PROD_7_COMBO 2211 #define IDC_MAT_PROD_3_QUATITY_EDIT 2212 #define IDC_MAT_PROD_4_QUATITY_EDIT 2213 #define IDC_MAT_ENABLED_CHECK 2214 #define IDC_MAT_ORDERED_RADIO 2215 #define IDC_MAT_SC_RADIO 2216 #define IDC_MAT_ENABLED_SOUND_COMBO 2217 #define IDC_MAT_DISABLED_SOUND_COMBO 2218 #define IDC_JOYENABLE 2219 #define IDC_MAT_NHP_CHECK 2219 #define IDC_BRIEF_BT_DESC 2220 #define IDC_BRIEF_M_DESC 2221 #define IDC_BRIEF_S_DESC 2222 #define IDC_BRIEF_T_DESC 2223 #define IDC_BRIEF_ADDS_DESC 2224 #define IDC_NO_ROTATE_CHECK 2225 #define IDC_STRINGLIST 2226 #define IDC_LOADSCRIPT 2227 #define IDC_BRIEF_B_PREDEF 2228 #define IDC_BRIEF_ADDS_PICTURE 2229 #define IDC_EFFECTNAME_LIST 2230 #define IDC_ADD_EFFECT 2231 #define IDC_DEL_EFFECT 2232 #define IDC_FORCE_TYPE 2233 #define IDC_GEN_DUR_INFINITE 2234 #define IDC_USE_ENVELOPE 2235 #define IDC_PER_MAGNITUDE 2236 #define IDC_PER_OFFSET 2237 #define IDC_PER_PHASE 2238 #define IDC_PER_PERIOD 2239 #define IDC_CON_MAGNITUDE 2240 #define IDC_PLAY_EFFECT 2241 #define IDC_STOP_EFFECT 2242 #define IDC_CUSTOM1 2244 #define IDC_BRIEF_BT_X 2245 #define IDC_BRIEF_BT_Y 2246 #define IDC_CLEAR 2247 #define IDC_LEVEL_PREV_GOAL_BUTTON 2248 #define IDC_LEVEL_NEW_GOAL_BUTTON 2249 #define IDC_LEVEL_NEXT_GOAL_BUTTON 2250 #define IDC_LEVEL_DELETE_GOAL_BUTTON 2251 #define IDC_LEVEL_PASTE_GOAL_BUTTON 2252 #define IDC_LEVEL_GOAL_NEXT_ITEM_BUTTON 2253 #define IDC_LEVEL_GOAL_DELETE_ITEM_BUTTON 2254 #define IDC_LEVEL_GOAL_CELL_ITEM_RADIO 2255 #define IDC_LEVEL_GOAL_COMPLETED_CHECK 2256 #define IDC_LEVEL_GOAL_GDKL_CHECK 2257 #define IDC_LEVEL_GOAL_CUR_ITEM_STATIC 2258 #define IDC_LEVEL_GOAL_NUM_ITEMS_STATIC 2259 #define IDC_LEVEL_GOAL_NUM_GOALS_STATIC 2260 #define IDC_LEVEL_GOAL_CUR_GOAL_STATIC 2261 #define IDC_FORCE_VISIBLE 2262 #define IDC_LEVEL_GOAL_END_LEVEL_CHECK 2262 #define IDC_ROOMPAD_ONE_ROOM_ONLY 2263 #define IDC_LEVEL_GOAL_CELL_ITEM_RADIO2 2263 #define IDC_LEVEL_GOAL_MINE_RADIO 2263 #define IDC_ROOMPAD_NO_DRAW_TERRAIN 2264 #define IDC_TABLEFILTER_LEVEL_LIST 2265 #define IDC_TABLEFILTER_BTN_ADDLEVEL 2266 #define IDC_TABLEFILTER_BTN_REMOVELEVEL 2267 #define IDC_TABLEFILTER_DATA_LIST 2268 #define IDC_TABLEFILTER_BTN_ADDPAGE 2269 #define IDC_TABLEFILTER_BTN_REMOVEPAGE 2270 #define IDC_TABLEFILTER_BTN_CREATENEWTABLEFILE 2271 #define IDC_TABLEFILTER_STATUSTEXT 2272 #define IDC_TABLEFILTER_NUMPAGESTEXT 2273 #define IDC_TRIANGULATE 2274 #define IDC_TABLEFILEFILTER_ADDTYPE_COMBO 2275 #define IDC_OBJECT_SWAP_BUTTON 2276 #define IDC_SWAP_SOURCE_COMBO 2277 #define IDC_REGROUND_COMBO 2278 #define IDC_RICHFRAME 2281 #define IDC_TABSTOP 2282 #define IDC_SHOW_TENTHS 2283 #define IDC_CUSTOM_SIZE_CHECK 2284 #define IDC_TEXTURE_RAM_TEXT 2285 #define IDC_L_X_CHECK 2286 #define IDC_L_Y_CHECK 2287 #define IDC_NO_BIG_SPHERE_CHECK 2288 #define IDC_REGROUND_BUTTON 2289 #define IDC_ONOFF_CHECK 2290 #define IDC_DIRECTIONS_TEXT 2291 #define IDC_MULTICHECKIN_LISTBOX 2292 #define IDC_MULTICHECKTEX 2293 #define IDC_ELECTIC_TRACER_CHECK 2295 #define IDC_USER_TIMEOUT_CHECK 2296 #define IDC_BFHI_SLIDER 2297 #define IDC_CURRENT_USED 2298 #define IDC_LIST_AVAILABLE 2299 #define IDC_AVAILABLE_GRP 2300 #define IDC_LIST_CHECKEDOUT 2301 #define IDC_CHECKEDOUT_GRP 2302 #define IDC_CHECKOUT 2303 #define IDC_UNDOCHECKOUT 2304 #define IDC_SELECTED_SCRIPT 2305 #define IDC_ADDNEW 2306 #define IDC_NEW_EVENT_BUTTON 2307 #define IDC_PASTE_BUTTON 2308 #define IDC_DELETE_EVENT_BUTTON 2309 #define IDC_IMPORT_BUTTON 2310 #define IDC_NEW_MESSAGE_BUTTON 2311 #define IDC_DELETE_MESSAGE_BUTTON 2312 #define IDC_CREATESCRIPT 2313 #define IDC_EXPAND_ALL_BUTTON 2313 #define IDC_STATUS 2314 #define IDC_COLLAPSE_ALL_BUTTON 2314 #define IDC_CONFIGCOMPILER 2315 #define IDC_C7 2316 #define IDC_BROWSE 2318 #define IDC_WARN_NONE 2319 #define IDC_SCRIPTGAME 2320 #define IDC_SCRIPTLEVEL 2321 #define IDC_GENERIC_PROMPT_STATIC 2322 #define IDC_CHANGE_MESSAGE_NAME_BUTTON 2323 #define IDC_AMB_OUTSIDE1 2324 #define IDC_AMB_OUTSIDE2 2325 #define IDC_AMB_OUTSIDE3 2326 #define IDC_DATA1_EDIT 2326 #define IDC_AMB_OUTSIDE4 2327 #define IDC_DATA3_EDIT 2327 #define IDC_STEP1 2327 #define IDC_AMB_OUTSIDE5 2328 #define IDC_DATA2_EDIT 2328 #define IDC_STEP2 2328 #define IDC_AMB_OUTSIDE6 2329 #define IDC_STEP3 2329 #define IDC_STEP4 2330 #define IDC_BUILD 2331 #define IDC_AUTOCHECKIN 2332 #define IDC_LIST 2333 #define IDC_MASSCOMPILE 2334 #define IDC_SAVE_BUTTON 2335 #define IDC_LIST_NONCHECKED_OUT 2336 #define IDC_FILELIST 2337 #define IDC_CHECKEDOUT_LIST 2338 #define IDC_DIRECTORY_FILTER 2339 #define IDC_ROOM_NAME 2340 #define IDC_EDIT_NAME 2341 #define IDC_WP_HEIGHT_SLIDER 2342 #define IDC_WP_FREQUENCY_SLIDER 2343 #define IDC_WP_SIZE_SLIDER 2344 #define IDC_HEIGHT_TEXT 2345 #define IDC_FREQ_TEXT 2346 #define IDC_HEAT_TEXT 2346 #define IDC_SIZE_TEXT 2347 #define IDC_FP_HEAT_SLIDER 2347 #define IDC_WP_THICKNESS_SLIDER 2348 #define IDC_SIZE_SLIDER 2348 #define IDC_COMPILEMODULE 2348 #define IDC_THICKNESS_TEXT 2349 #define IDC_SIZE_TEXT2 2349 #define IDC_BOTH 2349 #define IDC_WP_LIGHT_SLIDER 2350 #define IDC_FREQ_SLIDER 2350 #define IDC_LIGHTING_COMPLETE 2350 #define IDC_LIGHT_TEXT 2351 #define IDC_FREQUENCY_TEXT 2351 #define IDC_STOP_LIGHTING 2351 #define IDC_SPEED_SLIDER 2352 #define IDC_MISSIONFLAGS 2352 #define IDC_SPEED_TEXT 2353 #define IDC_SELECTALL 2353 #define IDC_OODSCRIPTS 2354 #define IDC_HIGHLIGHT_BUTTON 2355 #define IDC_OOSSCRIPTS 2355 #define IDC_TRIG_CURRENT_NAME 2356 #define IDC_TRIG_EDIT_SCRIPT 2357 #define IDC_UTYPES_BUTTON 2357 #define IDC_TRIG_EDIT_NAME 2358 #define IDC_DEATH_DELAY_LOSES_ANTIGRAV 2359 #define IDC_DEATH_COMMON_DESCENT 2360 #define IDC_DEATH_COMMON_QUICK_EXPLOSION 2361 #define IDC_DEATH_COMMON_SHOOT_UP 2362 #define IDC_DEATH_COMMON_R2D2 2363 #define IDC_DEATH_COMMON_ANIMAL 2364 #define IDC_DEATH_COPY 2365 #define IDC_DEATH_PASTE 2366 #define IDC_DEATH_DELAY_GROUP 2367 #define IDC_DEATH_DELAY_FADE_AWAY 2368 #define IDC_DEATH_EXPLOSION_OPTIONS_GROUP 2369 #define IDC_DEATH_FALLING_OPTIONS_GROUP 2370 #define IDC_DEATH_FADES_AWAY 2370 #define IDC_DEATH_CONTACT_GROUP 2371 #define IDC_DEATH_DEBRIS_CONTACT_GROUP 2372 #define IDC_DEATH_STATIC 2373 #define IDC_DEATH_DELAY_MIN_LABEL 2374 #define IDC_DEATH_DELAY_MAX_LABEL 2375 #define IDC_PLAY_SOUND_BUTTON 2376 #define IDC_DEATH_DELAY_SOUND 2376 #define IDC_STOP_SOUNDS_BUTTON 2377 #define IDC_SOUND_LIST 2378 #define IDC_STROBE_CHECK 2379 #define IDC_FLICKER_CHECK 2380 #define IDC_FLAG_LIST 2380 #define IDC_FLAG_PROMPT_STATIC 2381 #define IDC_TEXTURE_LIST 2382 #define IDC_TEXTURE_GRID_CHECK 2383 #define IDC_TILE_MORE 2384 #define IDC_SELECT_CUR_TEXTURE_CHECK 2384 #define IDC_TILE_LESS 2385 #define IDC_FORCE_TO_FVEC_CHECK 2386 #define IDC_UTYPE_COMBO 2387 #define IDC_FORCE_TO_TARGET_CHECK 2387 #define IDC_VALUES_LIST 2388 #define IDC_CHANGE_BUTTON 2389 #define IDC_ADD_BUTTON 2390 #define IDC_DELETE_BUTTON 2391 #define IDC_OBJ_ROT90 2392 #define IDC_DOORWAY_CURRENT_BOX 2393 #define IDC_DOORWAY_POS_TEXT 2394 #define IDC_DOORWAY_KEYS_TEXT 2395 #define IDC_WBAIMFORWARD_CHECK 2396 #define IDC_ALLOBJ_RADIO 2397 #define IDC_ALLTRIG_RADIO 2398 #define IDC_LEVEL_RADIO 2399 #define IDC_ROOMPAD_DAMAGETYPE 2400 #define IDC_DOORWAY_HITPOINT_TEXT 2401 #define IDC_DOOR_HITPOINTS_TEXT 2402 #define IDC_SCRIPT_LIST 2403 #define IDC_DOORWAY_KEY_ONLY_ONE 2404 #define IDC_TIMEOUT_WALL_CHECK 2405 #define IDC_MANAGE 2406 #define IDC_ADD 2407 #define IDC_AI_AIM_WITH_UVEC 2408 #define IDC_LIST_FOLDERS 2409 #define IDC_LIST_FILES 2410 #define IDC_DIRS 2411 #define IDC_CURRPATH 2412 #define IDC_AUTOCHECKSCRIPTS 2413 #define IDC_BRIEF_B_NORENDER 2414 #define IDC_STRM_AUDIO_LIST 2415 #define IDC_PLAY_STRM_AUDIO_BUTTON 2416 #define IDC_TRIGGER_RADIO 2417 #define IDC_LG_ACTIVATE_RADIO 2418 #define IDC_LG_LC_RADIO 2419 #define IDC_TERRAIN_SOUND_NEXT 2420 #define IDC_TERRAIN_SOUND_PREV 2421 #define IDC_TERRAIN_SOUND_HIGH_ALT 2422 #define IDC_TERRAIN_SOUND_BAND_TEXT 2423 #define IDC_TERR_SOUND 2424 #define IDC_SOUND_COMBO 2425 #define IDC_SOUND_CHANGE_NAME 2426 #define IDC_NO_SPECULAR_CHECK 2427 #define IDC_DEATH_DELAY_FROM_ANIM 2428 #define IDC_DEATH_DEBRIS_OPTIONS_GROUP 2429 #define IDC_GENERIC_DEATHS 2430 #define IDC_GENERIC_DEATH_EDIT1 2431 #define IDC_GENERIC_DEATH_EDIT2 2432 #define IDC_DIRECTORY 2432 #define IDC_GENERIC_DEATH_EDIT3 2433 #define IDC_STATS 2433 #define IDC_GENERIC_DEATH_EDIT4 2434 #define IDC_AIM_FOV_CHECK 2434 #define IDC_OBJECT_PUSHTHROUGHWALLS 2435 #define IDC_SELECT 2436 #define IDC_RENDER_SHELL 2437 #define IDC_RENDER_NON_SHELL 2438 #define IDC_AMBIENT_SOUND_SELECT 2439 #define IDC_IGC_ENABLED 2440 #define IDC_NOCHECKOUT 2441 #define IDC_FIND_TEXTURE 2442 #define IDC_AIN_CREATE_NODE_AT_VIEWER 2443 #define IDC_AIN_RESET_ROOM_NODES 2444 #define IDC_AIN_MAKE_EDGE 2445 #define IDC_AIN_DOWN 2446 #define IDC_AIN_AUTO_EDGE_NODE 2447 #define IDC_AIN_SEL_ROOM_AND_NEXT_ROOMS 2448 #define IDC_AIN_VERIFY_ROOM 2449 #define IDC_AIN_VERIFY_LEVEL 2450 #define IDC_AIN_CREATE_NODES 2451 #define IDC_AIN_VIEW_ROOM 2452 #define IDC_AIN_VIEW_NONE 2453 #define IDC_AIN_CURRENT_NODE 2454 #define IDC_EVENT_RADIO 2455 #define IDC_AER_BUTTON 2455 #define IDC_EVENT_COMBO 2456 #define IDC_YPOS_EDIT 2457 #define IDC_XMOVE_CHECK 2458 #define IDC_YMOVE_CHECK 2459 #define IDC_POS_COMMIT_BUTTON 2460 #define IDC_HEADING_EDIT 2461 #define IDC_ALIGN_XPOS_BUTTON 2462 #define IDC_ALIGN_XNEG_BUTTON 2463 #define IDC_ALIGN_ZNEG_BUTTON 2464 #define IDC_ORIENT_COMMIT_BUTTON 2465 #define IDC_GENERIC_AMMO_TEXT 2466 #define IDC_LEVEL_CEILING_EVERYWHERE 2467 #define IDC_OBJ_CEILING_CHECK 2468 #define IDC_LEVEL_PIW 2468 #define IDC_OBJECT_FLY_THROUGH_RENDERED_PORTALS 2469 #define IDC_IENAV_BUTTON 2470 #define IDC_PORTAL_BLOCKED_CHECK 2471 #define IDC_PORTAL_BLOCKED_CAN_GO_AWAY_CHECK 2472 #define IDC_BAD_CENTERPOINTS 2473 #define IDC_DSMPBD_CHECK 2474 #define IDC_CLEAR_LIGHTMAPS 2475 #define IDC_DOORWAY_GB_IGNORE_LOCKED 2476 #define IDC_COPY_MULTIPLIER 2476 #define IDC_ONTVGP_BUTTON 2477 #define IDC_MAT_ROOM_OBJECT_COMBO 2478 #define IDC_GENERIC_AMBIENT 2479 #define IDC_COPY_PROCEDURAL 2480 #define IDC_PROC_COPY_LIST 2481 #define IDC_ROOM_SKIP_LIGHTING 2482 #define HID_TEXTURETAB 5000 #define HID_TERRAINTAB 5001 #define HID_OBJECTTAB 5002 #define HID_SEGMENTTAB 5003 #define HID_DOORWAYTAB 5004 #define HID_TRIGGERTAB 5005 #define HID_LIGHTINGTAB 5006 #define HID_CURVETAB 5007 #define HID_PATHSTAB 5008 #define HID_TEXTURESDLG 5009 #define HID_ROBOTSDLG 5010 #define HID_AIDLG 5011 #define HID_POWERUPSDLG 5012 #define HID_WEAPONSDLG 5013 #define HID_PLAYERSHIPSDLG 5014 #define HID_DOORSDLG 5015 #define HID_SOUNDSDLG 5016 #define HID_LIGHTSDLG 5017 #define HID_FONTEDITORDLG 5018 #define HID_HOGMAKERDLG 5019 #define HID_BMPANIDLG 5020 #define HID_GENERAL 5021 #define HID_DEFAULT 5022 #define HID_MEGACELLTAB 5023 #define HID_ROOMTAB 5024 #define HID_MEGACELLDLG 5025 #define ID_CANCEL_EDIT_SRVR 32769 #define IDC_WIREFRAME_WND 32771 #define IDC_TEXTURE_WND 32772 #define ID_FILE_PLAYIN640X480 32778 #define ID_FILE_AUTOSAVE 32779 #define ID_FILE_RESTOREGAMESTATE 32780 #define ID_TOOLS_WORLD_TEXTURES 32785 #define ID_TOOLS_WORLD_WEAPONS 32792 #define ID_TOOLS_WORLD_OBJECTS_DOOR 32793 #define ID_TOOLS_WORLD_OBJECTS_ROBOTS 32794 #define ID_TOOLS_WORLD_OBJECTS_POWERUPS 32795 #define ID_TOOLS_WORLD_OBJECTS_LIGHTS 32796 #define ID_TOOLS_WORLD_OBJECTS_PLAYER 32797 #define ID_SUBEDITORS_FONT 32799 #define ID_SUBEDITORS_HOGMAKER 32800 #define ID_FILE_LOADD2LVL 32801 #define ID_BUTTON_OUTLINE 32803 #define ID_VIEW_KEYPAD_TOGGLE 32805 #define ID_WINDOW_TILE 32806 #define ID_VIEW_TEXTUREMINE 32807 #define ID_VIEW_WIREFRAMEMINE 32808 #define ID_FILE_LEAVE_EDITOR 32809 #define IDM_IMPORT_BITMAP 32810 #define ID_FILE_INFORMATION 32815 #define ID_FILE_CHECKMINE 32816 #define ID_VIEW_ZOOM 32817 #define ID_VIEW_PAN 32819 #define ID_VIEW_CENTERONCUBE 32821 #define ID_VIEW_CENTERONMINE 32823 #define ID_GROUP_CREATEGROUP 32825 #define ID_TOOLS_TEXTURE 32828 #define ID_TOOLS_OBJECT 32829 #define ID_GROUP_SAVEGROUP 32833 #define ID_GROUP_LOADGROUP 32834 #define ID_GROUP_MIRRORGROUP 32835 #define ID_FILE_PREFERENCES 32837 #define ID_TOOLS_TRIGGER 32839 #define ID_TOOLS_WORLD 32840 #define ID_TOOLS_CURVEGENERATOR 32842 #define ID_TOOLS_LIGHTING 32843 #define ID_TOOLS_SEGMENT 32844 #define ID_TOOLS_AI 32845 #define ID_GROUP_SAVEGROUPASGEOMETRIC 32849 #define ID_VIEW_MOVECAMERATOSELECTEDSIDE 32853 #define ID_TOOLS_WALL 32854 #define ID_NUMPAD1 32857 #define ID_NUMPAD2 32858 #define ID_NUMPAD3 32859 #define ID_NUMPAD4 32860 #define ID_NUMPAD5 32861 #define ID_NUMPAD6 32862 #define ID_NUMPAD7 32863 #define ID_NUMPAD8 32864 #define ID_NUMPAD9 32865 #define ID_NUMPAD0 32866 #define ID_NUMPADDEL 32867 #define ID_NUMPADMINUS 32868 #define ID_NUMPADADD 32869 #define ID_APPLYTMAP1TOSIDE 32870 #define ID_APPLYTMAP2TOSIDE 32871 #define ID_FILE_PLAY640X480 32872 #define ID_VIEW_CENTERONOBJECT 32873 #define ID_EDIT_CLEARSELECTED 32874 #define ID_EDIT_ADDSELECT 32875 #define ID_EDIT_REMOVESELECT 32876 #define ID_EDIT_SELECTATTACHED 32877 #define ID_EDIT_LOADSCRAP 32878 #define ID_EDIT_SAVESCRAP 32879 #define ID_EDIT_VIEWSCRAP 32880 #define ID_EDIT_SELECTFROMBOX 32882 #define ID_BUTTON_WINDOWSELECTION 32883 #define ID_TERRAIN_VIEW 32884 #define ID_MINE_VIEW 32885 #define ID_EDIT_DELETE 32886 #define ID_NUMPADENTER 32887 #define ID_NUMPADMUL 32888 #define ID_NUMPADDIV 32889 #define ID_NUMPADLOCK 32890 #define ID_OBJECT_PLACEOBJECT 32891 #define ID_OBJECT_DELETEOBJECT 32892 #define ID_BUTTON_OBJMOVE 32894 #define ID_TOOLS_WORLD_OBJECTS_SOUND 32895 #define ID_TEST_TEST1 32897 #define ID_TEST_TEST2 32898 #define ID_TEST_TEST3 32899 #define ID_EDITORS_AIPROPERTIES 32900 #define ID_BUTTON_LIGHTING 32902 #define ID_EDITORS_MEGACELLS 32903 #define IDD_REORDER_PAGES 32904 #define ID_FILE_IMPORT_ROOM 32905 #define ID_OBJECT_MOVEPLAYER 32907 #define ID_VIEW_NEGATIVELAND 32909 #define ID_ROOM_VIEW 32910 #define ID_VIEW_NEXTVIEWER 32911 #define ID_VIEW_NEWVIEWER 32912 #define ID_VIEW_DELETEVIEWER 32913 #define ID_VIEWER_NEXT 32914 #define ID_D3HELP 32915 #define ID_EDITORS_LEVELSCRIPT 32916 #define ID_EDITORS_DEFAULTSCRIPT 32917 #define ID_ROOM_ADD 32918 #define ID_ROOM_SELECTBYNUMBER 32919 #define ID_ROOM_SELECTBYOBJECT 32920 #define ID_ROOM_SELECTBYTRIGGER 32921 #define ID_ROOM_NEXTFACE 32922 #define ID_ROOM_PREVIOUSFACE 32923 #define ID_ROOM_NEXTROOM 32924 #define ID_ROOM_PREVIOUSROOM 32925 #define ID_ROOM_APPLYTEXTURE 32926 #define ID_ROOM_GRABTEXTURE 32927 #define ID_OSIRIS_IMPORT_SCRIPT 32928 #define ID_OSIRIS_EXPORT_SCRIPT 32929 #define ID_OSIRIS_COMPILE_SCRIPT 32930 #define ID_OSIRIS_CUT 32931 #define ID_OSIRIS_COPY 32932 #define ID_OSIRIS_PASTE 32933 #define ID_OSIRIS_FIND 32934 #define ID_OSIRIS_FIND_AND_REPLACE 32935 #define ID_OSIRIS_SET_EXTERNAL 32936 #define ID_OSIRIS_USE_EXTERNAL 32937 #define ID_OSIRIS_SAVE_EXIT 32938 #define ID_HOTSPOT_TGA 32939 #define ID_ROOM_ATTACHROOM 32940 #define ID_ROOM_SAVECURRENTROOM 32941 #define ID_EDITORS_FILES 32942 #define ID_ROOM_BUILDBRIDGE 32945 #define ID_ROOM_MARK 32946 #define ID_TOOLS_WORLD_OBJECTS_TEST_ROBOTS 32947 #define ID_TOOLS_WORLD_OBJECTS_TEST_POWERUPS 32948 #define ID_TOOLS_WORLD_OBJECTS_DEBRIS 32949 #define ID_TOOLS_WORLD_OBJECTS_BUILDINGS 32950 #define ID_TOOLS_WORLD_OBJECTS_CLUTTER 32951 #define ID_ROOM_PLACEROOM 32954 #define ID_ROOM_UNPLACEROOM 32955 #define ID_ROOM_DELETE 32956 #define ID_EDIT_PLACE 32957 #define ID_EDIT_ATTACH 32958 #define ID_FILE_LEVELPROPS 32959 #define ID_ROOM_SELECTFACEBYNUMBER 32960 #define ID_ZBUTTON 32963 #define ID_ROOM_DROPROOM 32964 #define ID_ROOM_PLACETERRAINROOM 32965 #define ID_ROOM_JOINROOMS 32966 #define ID_ROOM_SWAPMAKEDANDCURRENTROOMFACE 32967 #define ID_OBJBUTTON 32971 #define ID_OBJECT_PLACECAMERAATVIEWER 32972 #define ID_OBJECT_SETCAMERAFROMVIEWER 32973 #define ID_OBJECT_SETVIEWERFROMCAMERA 32974 #define ID_ROOM_DELETEFACE 32976 #define ID_ROOM_SNAPPLACEDROOM 32977 #define ID_EXIT 32979 #define ID_FILE_LEVEL_INFO 32980 #define ID_FILE_STATS 32981 #define ID_FILE_VERIFY_LEVEL 32982 #define ID_ROOM_JOIN_ADJACENT_FACES 32983 #define ID_OBJECT_PLACECAMERAATCURRENTFACE 32984 #define ID_ROOM_PROPAGATETOALL 32985 #define ID_ROOM_SPLITFACE 32986 #define ID_ROOM_DELETEPORTAL 32987 #define ID_SUBEDITORS_TABLEFILEEDIT 32988 #define ID_TABLEEDIT_FILE_LOAD 32989 #define ID_TABLEEDIT_FILE_EXIT 32990 #define ID_TABLEEDIT_FILE_SAVE 32991 #define ID_TABLEEDIT_FILE_SAVE_AS 32992 #define ID_EDITORS_AMBIENTSOUNDS 32993 #define ID_BRIEFING_EDITOR 32994 #define ID_FILE_FIXCRACKS 32995 #define ID_ROOM_SNAPPOINTTOEDGE 32996 #define ID_ROOM_UNDOSNAP 32997 #define ID_ROOM_SNAPPOINTTOPOINT 32998 #define ID_REINIT_OPENGL 32999 #define ID_FILE_REMOVEEXTRAPOINTS 33000 #define ID_EDITORS_OSIRISSTREDIT 33001 #define ID_ROOM_BUILDSMOOTHBRIDGE 33002 #define ID_FORCEFEEDBACK_EDITOR 33003 #define ID_ROOM_JOINROOMSEXACT 33004 #define ID_VIEW_RESETVIEWRADIUS 33005 #define ID_SUBEDITORS_TABLEFILEFILTER 33006 #define ID_TABLEFILTER_FILE_LOAD 33007 #define ID_TABLEFILTER_FILE_SAVE 33008 #define ID_TABLEFILTER_FILE_SAVEAS 33009 #define ID_TABLEFILTER_FILE_EXIT 33010 #define ID_TABLEFILTER_FILE_NEW 33011 #define ID_VIEW_SHOWOBJECTSINWIREFRAMEVIEW 33012 #define ID_SCRIPT_LEVEL_INTERFACE 33013 #define ID_EDITORS_DALLAS 33014 #define ID_ROOM_STARTNEWFACE 33015 #define ID_ROOM_ADDVERTTONEWFACE 33016 #define ID_ROOM_FINISHNEWFACE 33017 #define ID_OSIRISCOMPILE 33018 #define ID_ROOM_RENAMEROOM 33019 #define ID_VIEW_MOVECAMERATOCURRENTOBJECT 33021 #define ID_OBJECT_SELECTBYNUMBER 33022 #define IDD_SHOW_ALL_CHECKED_OUT 33023 #define ID_VIEW_SHOWVIEWERFORWARDVECTOR 33024 #define ID_OBJECT_PLACESOUNDSOURCEATVIEWER 33025 #define ID_ROOM_SETCENTERFROMVIEWER 33026 #define ID_ROOM_CLEARCENTERPOINT 33027 #define IDD_ORPHANHUNTER 33028 #define ID_ROOM_COMBINE 33029 #define ID_FILE_FIXDEGENERATEFACES 33030 #define ID_ROOM_SNAPPOINTTOFACE 33031 #define ID_OBJECT_PLACEWAYPOINTATVIEWER 33032 #define ID_ROOM_LINKTONEWEXTERNAL 33033 #define ID_FILE_SAVEGOALTEXT 33034 #define ID_VIEW_VIEWPROP 33036 #define ID_ROOM_DELETEVERT 33037 #define ID_ROOM_FACE_ADDVERTTOEDGE 33038 #define ID_ROOM_FACE_SPLITFACE 33039 #define ID_ROOM_FACE_DELETEVERTONEDGE 33040 #define ID_ROOM_FACE_MOVEVERTONEDGE 33041 #define ID_VIEW_MOVECAMERATOSELECTEDFACE 33042 #define ID_VIEW_MOVECAMERATOSELECTEDROOM 33043 #define ID_ROOM_MERGEOBJECTINTOROOM 33044 #define ID_EDIT_PLACE_TERRAIN 33045 #define ID_ROOM_DELETECONNECTEDFACES 33046 #define ID_ROOM_ROTATEPLACEDROOM45DEGREES 33049 #define ID_ROOM_PROPAGATETOADJACENTCOPLANARFACES 33050 #define ID_VIEW_FLIP 33051 #define ID_FILE_REMOVEDUPLICATEFACESFROMCURRENTROOM 33052 #define ID_INDICATOR_ENGINE 61204 #define ID_INDICATOR_VIEWER 61205 // Next default values for new objects // #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED #ifndef APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS #define _APS_3D_CONTROLS 1 #define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE 283 #define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE 33053 #define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE 2483 #define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE 110 #endif #endif