/* * Descent 3 * Copyright (C) 2024 Parallax Software * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /* * $Logfile: /DescentIII/Main/editor/ScriptLevelInterface.cpp $ * $Revision: $ * $Date: 2003-08-26 03:57:38 $ * $Author: kevinb $ * * ScriptLevelInterface.cpp : implementation file * * $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ * * 24 5/11/99 12:13p Jason * added checks for messed up gamefiles * * 23 2/25/99 12:34p Jeff * don't display message that someone has a file checked out during mass * compile * * 22 2/24/99 9:39p Jeff * only sync scripts when needed * * 21 2/23/99 11:52p Jeff * new script dll sync dialog * * 20 2/21/99 8:04p Jeff * better handling of out-of-sync scripts * * 19 2/18/99 8:29p Nate * commented out some manage code * * 18 2/18/99 10:58a Jeff * added a 'find in files' for gamefiles manage system * * 17 2/17/99 6:54p Jeff * added check box for auto check in/out scripts with levels...fix * checksum mprintf bug * * 16 2/09/99 4:43p Jeff * fixed resource leak * * 15 2/01/99 11:55a Jeff * automatically check in/out .msg and .str files * * 14 1/13/99 5:01p Jeff * don't auto-checkin dll if the .cpp doesn't get checked in for a new * file * * 13 1/11/99 3:34p Jeff * added checks for when going editor->game to see if scripts are out of * date, if so give the option of breaking out. Add some options to mass * script compiler, along with a toolbar shortcut. * * 12 1/05/99 4:54p Jeff * save the last script edited and set the on init * * 11 1/05/99 4:33p Jeff * when "Display non checkout files" is checked, display the .cpp files in * the directory...not just whats in the table file * * 10 12/21/98 6:41p Jeff * auto-compile, check in and check back out for when new scripts are * created. (yes must be said to the data update) * * 9 12/20/98 9:57p Jeff * added ability to display scripts not checked out. don't display * message on checkin/out * * 8 12/18/98 12:11p Jeff * created a function to determine a script's type and hooked it in * * 7 12/18/98 12:11p Jeff * added mass script compile dialog * * 6 12/18/98 10:40a Jeff * save out settings to registry * * 5 12/13/98 7:50p Jeff * automatically add new DLLs that aren't in the manage * system...implemented create new script function, even though it's still * in infancy. * * 4 12/13/98 3:10a Jeff * fixed some bugs. Automatically check in/out/etc .dll when operating * with .cpp. Hooked in compiler and compiler configuration. Very * complete. * * 3 12/11/98 10:34p Jeff * Updated the script/level interface, all manage system integration is * complete. External Script Editor loading is setup too. * * 2 12/11/98 5:50p Jeff * implemented and added changes regarding Level&Scripting manage system * and compiler interface * * $NoKeywords: $ */ // ScriptLevelInterface.cpp : implementation file // #include "stdafx.h" #include "editor.h" #include "ScriptLevelInterface.h" #include "CreateNewScriptDlg.h" #include "VirtualCompilerConfig.h" #include "ScriptMassCompile.h" #include "gamefile.h" #include "gamefilepage.h" #include "descent.h" #include "mono.h" #include "ddio.h" #include "pserror.h" #include "manage.h" #include "mem.h" #include "ScriptCompilerAPI.h" #include "AppDatabase.h" #include "Descent.h" #include "ScriptSyncDialog.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif bool AddNewGameFile(char *fullpath,char *directory); bool DeleteGamefile(char *tempbuffer); bool CheckInGamefile(char *tempbuffer,bool giveok); bool CheckOutGamefile(char *tempbuffer,bool show_ok_confirmation,bool report_who_has_locked=true); char LastScriptSelected[256]; bool Scripts_need_sync = true; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CScriptLevelInterface dialog CScriptLevelInterface::CScriptLevelInterface(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/) : CDialog(CScriptLevelInterface::IDD, pParent) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CScriptLevelInterface) m_ViewType = -1; m_ScriptType = 0; m_ShowNonCheckedOut = FALSE; m_AutoCheckScripts = FALSE; //}}AFX_DATA_INIT InCritical = false; } void CScriptLevelInterface::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CScriptLevelInterface) DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_LIST_AVAILABLE, m_ListAvailable); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_LIST_CHECKEDOUT, m_ListCheckedOut); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SELECTED_SCRIPT, m_ScriptToCompile); DDX_Radio(pDX, IDC_RADIO_LEVELS, m_ViewType); DDX_Radio(pDX, IDC_SCRIPTGAME, m_ScriptType); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_LIST_NONCHECKED_OUT, m_ShowNonCheckedOut); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_AUTOCHECKSCRIPTS, m_AutoCheckScripts); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP } BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CScriptLevelInterface, CDialog) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CScriptLevelInterface) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_CHECKOUT, OnCheckout) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_CHECKIN, OnCheckin) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_UNDOCHECKOUT, OnUndocheckout) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_RADIO_SCRIPTS, OnRadioScripts) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_RADIO_LEVELS, OnRadioLevels) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_COMPILE, OnCompile) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_EDITSCRIPT, OnEditscript) ON_CBN_CLOSEUP(IDC_SELECTED_SCRIPT, OnCloseupSelectedScript) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_ADDNEW, OnAddnew) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_DELETE, OnDelete) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_CREATESCRIPT, OnCreatescript) ON_WM_CLOSE() ON_WM_DESTROY() ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_CONFIGCOMPILER, OnConfigcompiler) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_MASSCOMPILE, OnMasscompile) ON_CBN_SELCHANGE(IDC_SELECTED_SCRIPT, OnSelchangeSelectedScript) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_LIST_NONCHECKED_OUT, OnListNoncheckedOut) //}}AFX_MSG_MAP END_MESSAGE_MAP() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CScriptLevelInterface message handlers void CScriptLevelInterface::SetStatus(char *str) { CWnd *wnd = (CWnd *)GetDlgItem(IDC_STATUS); wnd->SetWindowText(str); Descent->defer(); } void CScriptLevelInterface::OnCheckout() { UpdateData(true); InCritical = true; SetStatus("Checking out files"); if(m_ViewType==0){ //we're working with levels & level scripts if(CheckOutLevels()) UpdateDialog(); }else{ //we're working with game scripts if(CheckOutScripts()) UpdateDialog(); } InCritical = false; SetStatus("Ready"); Scripts_need_sync = true; } void CScriptLevelInterface::OnCheckin() { UpdateData(true); InCritical = true; SetStatus("Checking in files"); if(m_ViewType==0){ //we're working with levels & level scripts if(CheckInLevels()) UpdateDialog(); }else{ //we're working with game scripts if(CheckInScripts()) UpdateDialog(); } InCritical = false; SetStatus("Ready"); } void CScriptLevelInterface::OnUndocheckout() { UpdateData(true); InCritical = true; SetStatus("Undoing Checkout on files"); if(m_ViewType==0){ //we're working with levels & level scripts if(UndoCheckOutLevels()) UpdateDialog(); }else{ //we're working with game scripts if(UndoCheckOutScripts()) UpdateDialog(); } InCritical = false; SetStatus("Ready"); Scripts_need_sync = true; } void CScriptLevelInterface::OnRadioScripts() { UpdateDialog(); } void CScriptLevelInterface::OnRadioLevels() { UpdateDialog(); } CEdit *CompileOutputWindow; CString CompileOutputData; void CompileOutputCallback(char *str) { CompileOutputData += str; CompileOutputWindow->SetWindowText(CompileOutputData); } void CScriptLevelInterface::OnCompile() { UpdateData(true); SetStatus("Compiling..."); bool dll_exist = true; char buffer[_MAX_PATH],filename[_MAX_PATH]; m_ScriptToCompile.GetLBText(m_ScriptToCompile.GetCurSel(),buffer); ddio_SplitPath(buffer,NULL,filename,NULL); strcat(filename,".dll"); if(!cfexist(filename)){ //there isn't a dll yet...lets make sure one isn't in the manage system bool found; int i; found = false; for (i=0;iGetCurSel(); combo->GetLBText(index,tempbuf); if(m_ShowNonCheckedOut && (mng_FindTrackLock(tempbuf,PAGETYPE_GAMEFILE)==-1)){ //display a warning that this file is not checked out MessageBox("This file is NOT checked out, you'll lose all changes on your\nnext data update!","Warning",MB_OK); } ddio_MakePath(fullpath,LocalScriptDir,tempbuf,NULL); if(!cfexist(fullpath)){ sprintf(tempbuf,"Weird, I couldn't find %s to open...",fullpath); MessageBox(tempbuf,"Error",MB_OK); return; } SHELLEXECUTEINFO sei; sei.cbSize = sizeof(sei); sei.fMask = SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS; sei.hwnd = m_hWnd; sei.lpVerb = "open"; sei.lpFile = fullpath; sei.lpParameters = NULL; sei.lpDirectory = LocalScriptDir; sei.nShow = SW_NORMAL; //int res = (int)ShellExecute(m_hWnd,"open",fullpath,NULL,LocalScriptDir,0); int res; ShellExecuteEx(&sei); res = (int)sei.hInstApp; if(res<=32){ char buffer[256]; switch(res){ case 0: strcpy(buffer,"The operating system is out of memory or resources."); break; case ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: strcpy(buffer,"The specified file was not found."); break; case ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND: strcpy(buffer,"The specified path was not found."); break; case ERROR_BAD_FORMAT: strcpy(buffer,"The .exe file is invalid (non-Win32® .exe or error in .exe image)."); break; case SE_ERR_ACCESSDENIED: strcpy(buffer,"The operating system denied access to the specified file."); break; case SE_ERR_ASSOCINCOMPLETE: strcpy(buffer,"The file name association is incomplete or invalid."); break; case SE_ERR_DDEBUSY: strcpy(buffer,"The DDE transaction could not be completed because other DDE transactions were being processed."); break; case SE_ERR_DDEFAIL: strcpy(buffer,"The DDE transaction failed."); break; case SE_ERR_DDETIMEOUT: strcpy(buffer,"The DDE transaction could not be completed because the request timed out."); break; case SE_ERR_DLLNOTFOUND: strcpy(buffer,"The specified dynamic-link library was not found."); break; //case SE_ERR_FNF: // strcpy(buffer,"The specified file was not found."); // break; case SE_ERR_NOASSOC: strcpy(buffer,"There is no application associated with the given file name extension.\nGet Jeff and he'll fix this problem for you quickly and easily."); break; case SE_ERR_OOM: strcpy(buffer,"There was not enough memory to complete the operation."); break; //case SE_ERR_PNF: // strcpy(buffer,"The specified path was not found."); // break; case SE_ERR_SHARE: strcpy(buffer,"A sharing violation occurred."); break; default: strcpy(buffer,"An unknown error occurred"); break; } MessageBox(buffer,"Error",MB_OK); } Scripts_need_sync = true; } void CScriptLevelInterface::OnCloseupSelectedScript() { UpdateData(true); SetStatus("Determining script type..."); char buffer[_MAX_PATH]; int currsel = m_ScriptToCompile.GetCurSel(); if(currsel>=0){ m_ScriptToCompile.GetLBText(currsel,buffer); strcpy(LastScriptSelected,buffer); ubyte type = DetermineScriptType(buffer); switch(type){ case ST_GAME: m_ScriptType = 0; break; case ST_LEVEL: m_ScriptType = 1; break; } UpdateData(false); } SetStatus("Ready"); } void CScriptLevelInterface::OnSelchangeSelectedScript() { OnCloseupSelectedScript(); } void CScriptLevelInterface::UpdateAvailableWithLevels() { CCheckListBox *list = (CCheckListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_LIST_AVAILABLE); if(!list) return; list->ResetContent(); SetStatus("Updating available levels"); char buffer[_MAX_PATH]; int length; for (int i=0;iAddString(buffer); } } } SetStatus("Ready"); } void CScriptLevelInterface::UpdateAvailableWithScripts() { CCheckListBox *list = (CCheckListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_LIST_AVAILABLE); if(!list) return; list->ResetContent(); SetStatus("Updating available scripts"); char buffer[_MAX_PATH]; int length; for (int i=0;iAddString(buffer); } } } SetStatus("Ready"); } void CScriptLevelInterface::UpdateCheckedOutWithLevels() { CCheckListBox *list = (CCheckListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_LIST_CHECKEDOUT); if(!list) return; list->ResetContent(); SetStatus("Updating checked out levels"); char buffer[_MAX_PATH]; int length; for (int i=0;iAddString(buffer); } } } SetStatus("Ready"); } void CScriptLevelInterface::UpdateCheckedOutWithScripts() { CCheckListBox *list = (CCheckListBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_LIST_CHECKEDOUT); if(!list) return; list->ResetContent(); SetStatus("Updating checked out scripts"); char buffer[_MAX_PATH]; int length; for (int i=0;iAddString(buffer); } } } SetStatus("Ready"); } void CScriptLevelInterface::UpdateScriptListWithLevels() { CComboBox *combo = (CComboBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_SELECTED_SCRIPT); if(!combo) return; combo->ResetContent(); SetStatus("Updating script list of level scripts"); char buffer[_MAX_PATH]; int length,i; if(m_ShowNonCheckedOut){ char olddir[_MAX_PATH]; ddio_GetWorkingDir(olddir,_MAX_PATH); ddio_SetWorkingDir(LocalScriptDir); for (i=0;i4 && !stricmp(&Gamefiles[i].name[length-4],".d3l")){ strcpy(buffer,Gamefiles[i].name); buffer[length-4] = '\0'; strcat(buffer,".cpp"); //ok we have a d3l, look to see if there is a script available for it char temp[_MAX_PATH]; if(ddio_FindFileStart(buffer,temp)){ combo->AddString(buffer); } ddio_FindFileClose(); /* for ( int j=0; jAddString(buffer); break; } } */ } } } ddio_SetWorkingDir(olddir); }else{ for (i=0;i4 && !stricmp(&GlobalTrackLocks[i].name[length-4],".d3l")){ strcpy(buffer,GlobalTrackLocks[i].name); buffer[length-4] = '\0'; strcat(buffer,".cpp"); //ok we have a checked out d3l, look to see if there is a script available for it for( int j=0;jAddString(buffer); break; } } } } } } if(LastScriptSelected[0]!='\0' && cfexist(LastScriptSelected)) combo->SetCurSel(combo->FindStringExact(0,LastScriptSelected)); else combo->SetCurSel(0); SetStatus("Ready"); } void CScriptLevelInterface::UpdateScriptListWithScripts() { CComboBox *combo = (CComboBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_SELECTED_SCRIPT); if(!combo) return; combo->ResetContent(); SetStatus("Updating script list with scripts"); char buffer[_MAX_PATH]; int length,i; if(m_ShowNonCheckedOut){ char olddir[_MAX_PATH]; ddio_GetWorkingDir(olddir,_MAX_PATH); ddio_SetWorkingDir(LocalScriptDir); if(ddio_FindFileStart("*.cpp",buffer)){ combo->AddString(buffer); while(ddio_FindNextFile(buffer)){ combo->AddString(buffer); } } ddio_FindFileClose(); ddio_SetWorkingDir(olddir); /* for (i=0;i4 && !stricmp(&Gamefiles[i].name[length-4],".cpp")){ strcpy(buffer,Gamefiles[i].name); combo->AddString(buffer); } } } */ }else{ for (i=0;i4 && !stricmp(&GlobalTrackLocks[i].name[length-4],".cpp")){ strcpy(buffer,GlobalTrackLocks[i].name); combo->AddString(buffer); } } } } if(LastScriptSelected[0]!='\0' && cfexist(LastScriptSelected)) combo->SetCurSel(combo->FindStringExact(0,LastScriptSelected)); else combo->SetCurSel(0); SetStatus("Ready"); } void CScriptLevelInterface::UpdateDialog() { UpdateData(true); CWnd *stat1,*stat2; stat1 = (CWnd *)GetDlgItem(IDC_AVAILABLE_GRP); stat2 = (CWnd *)GetDlgItem(IDC_CHECKEDOUT_GRP); if(m_ViewType==0){ //we're working with levels & level scripts UpdateAvailableWithLevels(); UpdateCheckedOutWithLevels(); UpdateScriptListWithLevels(); stat1->SetWindowText("Levels Available"); stat2->SetWindowText("Levels CheckedOut"); }else{ //we're working with game scripts UpdateAvailableWithScripts(); UpdateCheckedOutWithScripts(); UpdateScriptListWithScripts(); stat1->SetWindowText("Scripts Available"); stat2->SetWindowText("Scripts CheckedOut"); } } BOOL CScriptLevelInterface::OnInitDialog() { CDialog::OnInitDialog(); int value; bool bvalue; //restore settings if(Database->read_int("EditorScriptViewType",&value)){ m_ViewType = value; }else{ m_ViewType = 0; } if(Database->read_int("EditorScriptType",&value)){ m_ScriptType = value; }else{ m_ScriptType = 0; } if(Database->read("EditorScriptShowNonCheckedOut",&bvalue)){ m_ShowNonCheckedOut = bvalue; }else{ m_ShowNonCheckedOut = 0; } if(Database->read("EditorAutoCheckScriptsWithLevels",&bvalue)){ m_AutoCheckScripts = bvalue; }else{ m_AutoCheckScripts = 0; } value = 256; if(!Database->read("EditorLastScript",LastScriptSelected,&value)){ LastScriptSelected[0] = '\0'; } UpdateData(false); UpdateDialog(); SetStatus("Ready"); return TRUE; } void CScriptLevelInterface::OnAddnew() { InCritical = true; SetStatus("Adding new files"); if(m_ViewType==0){ //we're working with levels & level scripts if(AddNewLevel()) UpdateDialog(); }else{ //we're working with game scripts if(AddNewScript()) UpdateDialog(); } InCritical = false; SetStatus("Ready"); Scripts_need_sync = true; } void CScriptLevelInterface::OnDelete() { UpdateData(true); InCritical = true; SetStatus("Deleting files"); if(m_ViewType==0){ if(DeleteLevel()) UpdateDialog(); }else{ if(DeleteScript()) UpdateDialog(); } InCritical = false; SetStatus("Ready"); } void CScriptLevelInterface::OnCreatescript() { CCreateNewScriptDlg dlg; if(dlg.DoModal()){ int i; char filename[_MAX_PATH]; strcpy(filename,dlg.m_Filename.GetBuffer(0)); //see if we should add this to the manage system for(i=0;iwrite("EditorScriptViewType",m_ViewType); Database->write("EditorScriptType",m_ScriptType); Database->write("EditorScriptShowNonCheckedOut",m_ShowNonCheckedOut); Database->write("EditorLastScript",LastScriptSelected,strlen(LastScriptSelected)+1); Database->write("EditorAutoCheckScriptsWithLevels",m_AutoCheckScripts); CDialog::OnOK(); } void CScriptLevelInterface::OnMasscompile() { CScriptMassCompile dlg; SetStatus("Mass compiling scripts..."); dlg.DoModal(); UpdateDialog(); SetStatus("Ready"); } void CScriptLevelInterface::OnListNoncheckedOut() { UpdateDialog(); } // ======================File Checkin/Checkout Functions====================== bool CScriptLevelInterface::AddNewLevel(void) { char filename[255]; if (!Network_up){ OutrageMessageBox ("You need to say Yes on the initial data update, in order to\nadd files\n"); return false; } // Get the filename of the representing image CString filter = "Descent III Levels (*.d3l)|*.d3l||"; if (!OpenFileDialog(this, (LPCTSTR)filter, filename, Current_files_dir, sizeof(Current_files_dir))) return false; return AddNewGameFile(filename,"levels"); } bool CScriptLevelInterface::AddNewScript(void) { char filename[255]; if (!Network_up){ OutrageMessageBox ("You need to say Yes on the initial data update, in order to\nadd files\n"); return false; } // Get the filename of the representing image CString filter = "Descent III Script Source (*.cpp)|*.cpp|Descent III Compiled Script (*.dll)|*.dll||"; if (!OpenFileDialog(this, (LPCTSTR)filter, filename, Current_files_dir, sizeof(Current_files_dir))) return false; return AddNewGameFile(filename,"scripts"); } bool DeleteGamefile(char *tempbuffer) { int tl; mngs_Pagelock pl; bool removed = false; // verify that we have it locked if ((tl=mng_FindTrackLock (tempbuffer,PAGETYPE_GAMEFILE))==-1){ OutrageMessageBox ("%s is not yours to delete. Hmmm. Get Jeff",tempbuffer); Int3(); return false; } strcpy (pl.name,tempbuffer); pl.pagetype=PAGETYPE_GAMEFILE; // Check to see if this is a local gamefile only. If so, only delete it locally if (mng_CheckIfPageOwned (&pl,TableUser)!=1){ mng_FreeTrackLock (tl); if (!mng_DeletePage (tempbuffer,PAGETYPE_GAMEFILE,1)){ mprintf ((0,ErrorString)); Int3(); }else{ removed = true; } }else{ // if its network, delete it from both the net and local drives mng_FreeTrackLock (tl); mng_DeletePage (tempbuffer,PAGETYPE_GAMEFILE,1); mng_DeletePage (tempbuffer,PAGETYPE_GAMEFILE,0); mng_DeletePagelock (tempbuffer,PAGETYPE_GAMEFILE); removed = true; } if(removed){ for(int gf=0;gfGetCount(); int list_size = 0; int i; for(i=0;iGetCheck(i)){ list_size++; } } if(list_size==0) return false; int *index_map = (int *)mem_malloc(list_size*sizeof(int)); if(!index_map) return false; int index = 0; for(i=0;iGetCheck(i)){ index_map[index] = i; index++; } } if (!mng_MakeLocker()){ mem_free(index_map); return false; } int j; bool changed = false; char buffer[_MAX_PATH+200]; char tempbuffer[_MAX_PATH]; char savename[_MAX_PATH]; for (i = 0; i < list_size; i++ ){ index = index_map[i]; list->GetText(index,tempbuffer); strcpy(savename,tempbuffer); strcat(tempbuffer,".d3l"); //this item is checked...we wish to delete sprintf(buffer,"Are you sure you want to delete the level\n%s?",tempbuffer); if(MessageBox(buffer,"Friendly Warning",MB_YESNO)==IDYES){ //go ahead and delete the sucker! char t[256]; sprintf(t,"Deleting: %s",tempbuffer); SetStatus(t); if(DeleteGamefile(tempbuffer)) changed = true; } bool script_also; script_also = false; //ok the level has been deleted, see if there is a corresponding .cpp file strcpy(tempbuffer,savename); strcat(tempbuffer,".cpp"); for(j=0;jGetCount(); int list_size = 0; int i; for(i=0;iGetCheck(i)){ list_size++; } } if(list_size==0) return false; int *index_map = (int *)mem_malloc(list_size*sizeof(int)); if(!index_map) return false; int index = 0; for(i=0;iGetCheck(i)){ index_map[index] = i; index++; } } if (!mng_MakeLocker()){ mem_free(index_map); return false; } int j; bool changed = false; char buffer[_MAX_PATH+200]; char tempbuffer[_MAX_PATH]; char savename[_MAX_PATH]; for (i = 0; i < list_size; i++ ){ index = index_map[i]; list->GetText(index,tempbuffer); strcpy(savename,tempbuffer); strcat(tempbuffer,".cpp"); //this item is checked...we wish to delete sprintf(buffer,"Are you sure you want to delete script source file\n%s?",tempbuffer); if(MessageBox(buffer,"Friendly Warning",MB_YESNO)==IDYES){ //go ahead and delete the sucker! char t[256]; sprintf(t,"Deleting: %s",tempbuffer); SetStatus(t); if(DeleteGamefile(tempbuffer)) changed = true; } //ok, now see if there was a DLL too strcpy(tempbuffer,savename); strcat(tempbuffer,".dll"); for(j=0;jGetCount(); int list_size = 0; int i; for(i=0;iGetCheck(i)){ list_size++; } } if(list_size==0) return false; int *index_map = (int *)mem_malloc(list_size*sizeof(int)); if(!index_map) return false; int index = 0; for(i=0;iGetCheck(i)){ index_map[index] = i; index++; } } if (!mng_MakeLocker()){ mem_free(index_map); return false; } int j; bool changed = false; char tempbuffer[_MAX_PATH]; char savename[_MAX_PATH]; for (i = 0; i < list_size; i++ ){ index = index_map[i]; list->GetText(index,tempbuffer); strcpy(savename,tempbuffer); strcat(tempbuffer,".cpp"); char t[256]; sprintf(t,"Checking In: %s",tempbuffer); SetStatus(t); //this item is checked...we wish to checkin if(CheckInGamefile(tempbuffer,false)) changed = true; //ok, now see if there was a DLL too strcpy(tempbuffer,savename); strcat(tempbuffer,".dll"); for(j=0;jGetCount(); int list_size = 0; int i; for(i=0;iGetCheck(i)){ list_size++; } } if(list_size==0) return false; int *index_map = (int *)mem_malloc(list_size*sizeof(int)); if(!index_map) return false; int index = 0; for(i=0;iGetCheck(i)){ index_map[index] = i; index++; } } if (!mng_MakeLocker()){ mem_free(index_map); return false; } int j; bool changed = false; char buffer[_MAX_PATH+200]; char tempbuffer[_MAX_PATH]; char savename[_MAX_PATH]; for (i = 0; i < list_size; i++ ){ index = index_map[i]; list->GetText(index,tempbuffer); strcpy(savename,tempbuffer); strcat(tempbuffer,".d3l"); char t[256]; sprintf(t,"Checking In: %s",tempbuffer); SetStatus(t); //go ahead and check in if(CheckInGamefile(tempbuffer,false)) changed = true; bool script_also; script_also = false; //ok the level has been checked in, see if there is a corresponding .cpp file strcpy(tempbuffer,savename); strcat(tempbuffer,".cpp"); for(j=0;jGetCount(); int list_size = 0; int i; for(i=0;iGetCheck(i)){ list_size++; } } if(list_size==0) return false; int *index_map = (int *)mem_malloc(list_size*sizeof(int)); if(!index_map) return false; int index = 0; for(i=0;iGetCheck(i)){ index_map[index] = i; index++; } } if (!mng_MakeLocker()){ mem_free(index_map); return false; } int j; bool changed = false; char tempbuffer[_MAX_PATH]; char savename[_MAX_PATH]; for (i = 0; i < list_size; i++ ){ index = index_map[i]; list->GetText(index,tempbuffer); strcpy(savename,tempbuffer); strcat(tempbuffer,".cpp"); char t[256]; sprintf(t,"Checking Out: %s",tempbuffer); SetStatus(t); //this item is checked...we wish to checkin if(CheckOutGamefile(tempbuffer,false)) changed = true; //ok, now see if there was a DLL too strcpy(tempbuffer,savename); strcat(tempbuffer,".dll"); for(j=0;jGetCount(); int list_size = 0; int i; for(i=0;iGetCheck(i)){ list_size++; } } if(list_size==0) return false; int *index_map = (int *)mem_malloc(list_size*sizeof(int)); if(!index_map) return false; int index = 0; for(i=0;iGetCheck(i)){ index_map[index] = i; index++; } } if (!mng_MakeLocker()){ mem_free(index_map); return false; } int j; bool changed = false; char buffer[_MAX_PATH+200]; char tempbuffer[_MAX_PATH]; char savename[_MAX_PATH]; for (i = 0; i < list_size; i++ ){ index = index_map[i]; list->GetText(index,tempbuffer); strcpy(savename,tempbuffer); strcat(tempbuffer,".d3l"); char t[256]; sprintf(t,"Checking Out: %s",tempbuffer); SetStatus(t); //this item is checked...we wish to checkin if(CheckOutGamefile(tempbuffer,false)) changed = true; bool script_also; script_also = false; //ok the level has been checked in, see if there is a corresponding .cpp file strcpy(tempbuffer,savename); strcat(tempbuffer,".cpp"); for(j=0;jGetCount(); int list_size = 0; int i; for(i=0;iGetCheck(i)){ list_size++; } } if(list_size==0) return false; int *index_map = (int *)mem_malloc(list_size*sizeof(int)); if(!index_map) return false; int index = 0; for(i=0;iGetCheck(i)){ index_map[index] = i; index++; } } if (!mng_MakeLocker()){ mem_free(index_map); return false; } int j; bool changed = false; char tempbuffer[_MAX_PATH]; char savename[_MAX_PATH]; for (i = 0; i < list_size; i++ ){ index = index_map[i]; list->GetText(index,tempbuffer); strcpy(savename,tempbuffer); strcat(tempbuffer,".cpp"); char t[256]; sprintf(t,"UndoCheck Out: %s",tempbuffer); SetStatus(t); //this item is checked...we wish to checkin if(UndoCheckOutGamefile(tempbuffer)) changed = true; //ok, now see if there was a DLL too strcpy(tempbuffer,savename); strcat(tempbuffer,".dll"); for(j=0;jGetCount(); int list_size = 0; int i; for(i=0;iGetCheck(i)){ list_size++; } } if(list_size==0) return false; int *index_map = (int *)mem_malloc(list_size*sizeof(int)); if(!index_map) return false; int index = 0; for(i=0;iGetCheck(i)){ index_map[index] = i; index++; } } if (!mng_MakeLocker()){ mem_free(index_map); return false; } int j; bool changed = false; char buffer[_MAX_PATH+200]; char tempbuffer[_MAX_PATH]; char savename[_MAX_PATH]; for (i = 0; i < list_size; i++ ){ index = index_map[i]; list->GetText(index,tempbuffer); strcpy(savename,tempbuffer); strcat(tempbuffer,".d3l"); char t[256]; sprintf(t,"UndoCheck Out: %s",tempbuffer); SetStatus(t); //go ahead and check in if(UndoCheckOutGamefile(tempbuffer)) changed = true; bool script_also; script_also = false; //ok the level has been checked in, see if there is a corresponding .cpp file strcpy(tempbuffer,savename); strcat(tempbuffer,".cpp"); for(j=0;j