* Descent 3
* Copyright (C) 2024 Parallax Software
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
#ifndef __DMFC_APP_H_
#define __DMFC_APP_H_
// DMFCApp Class
// This is the class you actually make an instance of.
// It will handle processing of events, calling defaults where needed, or calling your overrides
// To create an event handler override, add it's prototype to this class, and then define the function
// in your multiplayer source file. See examples to do this. The prototype must be exactly the same
// as it is in DMFCBase class.
class DMFCApp : public DMFCBase
//Setup and processing functions
void GameInit(int teams);
void GameClose(void);
bool OnCanChangeTeam(int pnum,int newteam);
void OnClientPlayerDisconnect(int player_num);
void OnPlayerEntersObserver(int pnum,object *piggy);
void HandlePowerballLoss(int pnum,bool spew_shields);
//void OnServerWeaponCollide(object *pobj,object *wobj,vector *point,vector *normal,bool is_electrical);
void OnGameStateRequest(int pnum);
void OnClientPlayerKilled(object *killer_obj,int victim_pnum);
void OnServerGameCreated(void);
void OnClientLevelStart(void);
void OnClientLevelEnd(void);
void OnPlayerConnect(int player_num);
void OnInterval(void);
void OnHUDInterval(void);
void OnKeypress(int key);
void OnServerCollide(object *me_obj,object *it_obj);
void OnClientCollide(object *me_obj,object *it_obj);
void OnServerPlayerChangeSegment(int player_num,int newseg,int oldseg);
void OnClientPlayerChangeSegment(int player_num,int newseg,int oldseg);
void OnSaveStatsToFile(void);
void OnPLRInterval(void);
void OnPLRInit(void);
DMFCApp Members
* If you need to do some specific initialization when the DLL loads, put that in DMFCApp::GameInit,
* likewise, special deallocation/deinitialization should go in DMFCApp::GameClose. Most of the time
* you won't need to add anything here.
// DMFCApp::GameInit
// Sets up all the DLL functions and pointers and preps the class for use. This ABSOLUTLY must be
// called, so if you override DMFCApp::GameInit, make sure that you put a call to this somewhere in
// the override.
void DMFCApp::GameInit(int teams)
// DMFCBase::GameClose
// Closes up any needed DLL and DMFC tasks. This ABSOLUTLY must be called, so if you override
// DMFCApp::GameClose, make sure that you put a call to this somewhere in the override
void DMFCApp::GameClose(void)
//Declare the instance of the multiplayer game
DMFCApp PBall;
*The following functions and declaration are needed to connect the DLL to the game. These must *
*stay here and must call the functions that are in them. You can not delete from here, but you *
*can add to it no problem *
// These next two function prototypes MUST appear in the extern "C" block if called
// from a CPP file.
extern "C"
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL DLLGameInit (int *api_func,ubyte *all_ok);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL DLLGameCall (int eventnum,dllinfo *data);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL DLLGetGameInfo (tDLLOptions *options);
DLLEXPORT int DLLFUNCCALL GetGOScriptID(char *name,ubyte isdoor);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALLPTR CreateInstance(int id);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL DestroyInstance(int id,void *ptr);
DLLEXPORT short DLLFUNCCALL CallInstanceEvent(int id,void *ptr,int event,tOSIRISEventInfo *data);
DLLEXPORT int DLLFUNCCALL SaveRestoreState( void *file_ptr, ubyte saving_state );
// The main entry point where the game calls the dll
void DLLFUNCCALL DLLGameCall (int eventnum,dllinfo *data)