////////////////////////////////////////////// // D.A.L.L.A.S. Generated Message Table File ////////////////////////////////////////////// NEXT_MESSAGE_ID_NUMBER 22 // Message List 10Seconds=10 Seconds before the system reboots! Get out quickly! DeactivateFail=GUIDEBOT: "Cannot deactivate power while subnodes are active!" DeactivateSucceed=GUIDEBOT: "Main power station deactivated!" DoorUnlocked=Door unlocked! EmptyMessage= FleeMine=Warning, station reactor malfunction. Critical mass imminent! GetToPower=Both Computer Hubs infected! Get to the Power Station to reboot the system! IntroMessage=Tiris PTMC Secret Laboratory| LabDoorUnlocked=Lab door unlocked! LeftLabInfected=GUIDEBOT: "Computer Hub Delta infected with virus data!" LeftLabInitData=GUIDEBOT: "Initializing data interface!" LeftLabNotReady=GUIDEBOT: "Place the virus before activating the data upload" LeftLabVirusPlaced=GUIDEBOT: "Virus placed in data interface!" RechargeFail=GUIDEBOT: "Cannot recharge power while system is active!" RechargeSucceed=GUIDEBOT: "Recharging system power! Full reboot in 60 seconds!" RightLabInfected=GUIDEBOT: "Computer Hub Gamma infected with virus data!" VirusDeviceName=Virus Data VirusInfectFail=Place the virus in an inactive data interface! Watchout=GUIDEBOT: "Watch out behind you!"