/* * $Logfile: /DescentIII/Main/Dmfc/dmfcui.cpp $ * $Revision: $ * $Date: 2003/08/26 03:57:21 $ * $Author: kevinb $ * * UI Code for DMFC dialogs * * $Log: dmfcui.cpp,v $ * Revision 2003/08/26 03:57:21 kevinb * initial 1.5 import * * * 26 7/09/99 2:54p Jeff * handle gametime better (pause it when needed) if the server is 'waiting * for players' * * 25 5/19/99 2:40a Jeff * use correct calls of NewUIGameWindow * * 24 5/18/99 7:14p Jeff * error checking * * 23 4/27/99 12:36p Jeff * fixed dialog due to new art * * 22 4/24/99 11:13p Jeff * added flags for creating a newui window for a title bar * * 21 4/09/99 3:28p Jeff * fixed some bugs in wait for players dlg * * 20 4/03/99 9:26p Jeff * changed dialogs that weren't using UID_OK and UID_CANCEL to use and * handle them properly * * 19 3/17/99 12:25p Jeff * converted DMFC to be COM interface * * 18 2/11/99 12:51a Jeff * changed names of exported variables * * 17 2/09/99 3:32p Jeff * table file parser takes quotes strings for force keywords * * 16 2/07/99 1:18a Jeff * peppered UI dialogs that were missing NEWUIRES_FORCEQUIT to handle it * * 15 2/05/99 8:24p Jeff * added table file parser macros * * 14 1/19/99 3:55a Jeff * all strings localized out * * 13 1/14/99 7:55p Jeff * changed icons for team selection dialog, added real powerball * * 12 1/12/99 2:55p Jeff * added/finished the waiting for player's to join dialog * * 11 1/11/99 6:54p Jeff * fixed bug with wait4player dialog * * 10 1/10/99 7:41p Jeff * added initial version of waitforplayers dialog * * 9 12/08/98 3:29p Jeff * updated the team control dialog so the server can determine if they * want to make the clients wait * * 8 12/08/98 12:17p Jeff * various changes that include an improved Team Control dialog (doesn't * switch teams until exit..) and spew/respawn players that change teams * * 7 11/19/98 5:56p Jeff * added slider exported and improved Hoard * * 6 11/17/98 6:29p Jeff * mod can specify whether or not to display the team setup dialog on team * game start. Added a menu item to display team setup dialog in mid-game * * 5 11/17/98 12:35p Jeff * fixed bug where team placement window didn't update second time * displayed * * 4 11/16/98 5:35p Jeff * removed log functions, added support for changing team names, fixed ctf * to work better with different team names * * 3 11/11/98 7:19p Jeff * changes made so that a dedicated server's team is always -1 (team game * or not) * * 2 10/29/98 7:01p Jeff * creation of team placement dialog. Moved TranslateEvent into DMFC * * $NoKeywords: $ */ #include "gamedll_header.h" #include "DMFC.h" #include "dmfcinternal.h" extern char **DMFCStringTable; extern int DMFCStringTableSize; extern char *_DMFCErrorString; extern DMFCBase *basethis; char *DMFCGetString(int d); typedef struct { void *lb[DLLMAX_TEAMS]; void *text[DLLMAX_PLAYERS]; int trans[DLLMAX_TEAMS][DLLMAX_PLAYERS]; void (*old_callback)(); } tTeamPlacementDialogInfo; tTeamPlacementDialogInfo tpdi; #define TS_NOTINGAME -2 sbyte TeamDlgInitialTeamSettings[DLLMAX_PLAYERS]; sbyte TeamDlgFinalTeamSettings[DLLMAX_PLAYERS]; // UpdateTeamPlacementDialog // // Call to update the listboxes, etc in the team placement void UpdateTeamPlacementDialog(void) { int selected_num[DLLMAX_TEAMS]; int i; for (i = 0; i < DLLMAX_TEAMS; i++) { selected_num[i] = -1; // remove everything from the listboxes // save the selected names, and reselect them if they are on the same listbox if (tpdi.lb[i]) { int sel = DLLListGetSelectedIndex(tpdi.lb[i]); if (sel >= 0 && sel < DLLMAX_PLAYERS) selected_num[i] = tpdi.trans[i][sel]; DLLListRemoveAll(tpdi.lb[i]); } } int curr_lb_count[DLLMAX_TEAMS]; for (i = 0; i < DLLMAX_TEAMS; i++) { curr_lb_count[i] = 0; for (int p = 0; p < DLLMAX_PLAYERS; p++) { tpdi.trans[i][p] = -1; } } // now rebuild the listboxes with correct placement for (i = 0; i < DLLMAX_PLAYERS; i++) { if (tpdi.text[i]) { DLLRemoveUITextItem(tpdi.text[i]); tpdi.text[i] = NULL; } // as we go through all the players, we need to update the trans[][] if (basethis->CheckPlayerNum(i)) { // the player is in the game, get their team int team; if (TeamDlgFinalTeamSettings[i] != TS_NOTINGAME) { // ok this guy was in the game when the dialog first got displayed, so // use his current status, and not his real team team = TeamDlgFinalTeamSettings[i]; } else { // he wasn't in the game to start and his team hasn't changed yet team = basethis->GetPlayerTeam(i); } // add them to a team if (tpdi.lb[team]) { tpdi.text[i] = DLLCreateNewUITextItem(basethis->Players[i].callsign, basethis->GetTeamColor(team), -1); if (tpdi.text[i]) { DLLListAddItem(tpdi.lb[team], tpdi.text[i]); tpdi.trans[team][curr_lb_count[team]] = i; // update the translator curr_lb_count[team]++; } else mprintf((0, "Couldn't create text item\n")); } else { mprintf((0, "Listbox not valid!\n")); } } else { TeamDlgInitialTeamSettings[i] = TeamDlgFinalTeamSettings[i] = TS_NOTINGAME; } } // go through all the listboxes, and reselect previously selected for (i = 0; i < DLLMAX_TEAMS; i++) { if (selected_num[i] != -1 && basethis->CheckPlayerNum(selected_num[i])) { if (((TeamDlgFinalTeamSettings[selected_num[i]] == TS_NOTINGAME) && (basethis->GetPlayerTeam(selected_num[i]) == i)) || (TeamDlgFinalTeamSettings[selected_num[i]] == i)) { // this player was on this team last update, is still on the team, is a valid player in the game and was // selected so select them again for (int j = 0; j < DLLMAX_PLAYERS; j++) { if (tpdi.trans[i][j] == selected_num[i]) { // we found em, reselect if (tpdi.lb[i]) { DLLListSetSelectedIndex(tpdi.lb[i], j); } break; } } } } } } static float Team_placement_lastcall = 0; void TeamPlacementCallback(void) { float time = *basethis->Gametime; if (time > Team_placement_lastcall + 0.5f) { UpdateTeamPlacementDialog(); Team_placement_lastcall = time; } if (tpdi.old_callback) (*tpdi.old_callback)(); } void TeamPlacementChangeTeam(int old_team, int new_team) { int sel = DLLListGetSelectedIndex(tpdi.lb[old_team]); if (sel < 0) return; int pnum = tpdi.trans[old_team][sel]; if (!basethis->CheckPlayerNum(pnum)) { TeamDlgInitialTeamSettings[pnum] = TeamDlgFinalTeamSettings[pnum] = TS_NOTINGAME; return; } TeamDlgFinalTeamSettings[pnum] = new_team; } #define REDTOBLUE 0xC0 #define REDTOGREEN 0xC1 #define REDTOYELLOW 0xC2 #define BLUETORED 0xC3 #define BLUETOGREEN 0xC4 #define BLUETOYELLOW 0xC5 #define GREENTORED 0xC6 #define GREENTOBLUE 0xC7 #define GREENTOYELLOW 0xC8 #define YELLOWTORED 0xC9 #define YELLOWTOBLUE 0xCA #define YELLOWTOGREEN 0xCB // DMFCBase::DoDMFCUITeamPlacement // // Displays the dialog for doing team placement in DMFC void DMFCBase::DoDMFCUITeamPlacement(bool clients_wait, bool called_by_level_start) { if (GetLocalRole() != LR_SERVER) return; if (IAmDedicatedServer()) return; Team_placement_lastcall = 0; // turn on client waiting if (clients_wait) { // Pause realgametime, ENABLE_FLAGS(m_iProtectedFlags, DMFC_PRF_PAUSETIME); SendControlMessageToPlayer(SP_ALL, CM_PAUSETIME); MakeClientsWait(true); } int i; // build the initial team list, so we know what players changed teams in the process for (i = 0; i < DLLMAX_PLAYERS; i++) { if (CheckPlayerNum(i)) { TeamDlgFinalTeamSettings[i] = TeamDlgInitialTeamSettings[i] = Players[i].team; } else { TeamDlgFinalTeamSettings[i] = TeamDlgInitialTeamSettings[i] = TS_NOTINGAME; } } bool exit_menu = false; void *list_red = NULL, *list_blue = NULL, *list_green = NULL, *list_yellow = NULL; void *icon_b_hs[DLLMAX_TEAMS][DLLMAX_TEAMS - 1]; void *icon_hs[DLLMAX_TEAMS][DLLMAX_TEAMS - 1]; void *team_text[DLLMAX_TEAMS]; int count; int id_list[DLLMAX_TEAMS * (DLLMAX_TEAMS - 1)]; int team_icons[DLLMAX_TEAMS]; char *team_icon_names[DLLMAX_TEAMS] = {"toredteamicon.ogf", "toblueteamicon.ogf", "togreenteamicon.ogf", "toyellowteamicon.ogf"}; /* $$TABLE_GAMEFILE "toredteamicon.ogf" $$TABLE_GAMEFILE "toblueteamicon.ogf" $$TABLE_GAMEFILE "togreenteamicon.ogf" $$TABLE_GAMEFILE "toyellowteamicon.ogf" */ for (i = 0; i < DLLMAX_TEAMS; i++) { team_icons[i] = DLLbm_AllocLoadFileBitmap(IGNORE_TABLE(team_icon_names[i]), 0, BITMAP_FORMAT_1555); if (team_icons[i] <= BAD_BITMAP_HANDLE) team_icons[i] = BAD_BITMAP_HANDLE; } for (i = 0; i < DLLMAX_TEAMS; i++) { count = 0; for (int j = 0; j < DLLMAX_TEAMS; j++) { if (i != j) { icon_b_hs[i][count] = DLLCreateNewUIBmpItem(team_icons[j], 255); icon_hs[i][count] = NULL; count++; } } } for (i = 0; i < DLLMAX_TEAMS * (DLLMAX_TEAMS - 1); i++) { id_list[i] = 0xC0 + i; } for (i = 0; i < DLLMAX_TEAMS; i++) { team_text[i] = NULL; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Text Items void *start_game_text_off = DLLCreateNewUITextItem((called_by_level_start) ? DTXT_UI_STARTGAME : DTXT_UI_RETURNTOGAME, UICOL_HOTSPOT_LO, -1); void *start_game_text_on = DLLCreateNewUITextItem((called_by_level_start) ? DTXT_UI_STARTGAME : DTXT_UI_RETURNTOGAME, UICOL_HOTSPOT_HI, -1); void *client_wait_txt = DLLCreateNewUITextItem(DTXT_UI_CLIENTSWAIT, UICOL_HOTSPOT_LO, -1); void *window_title = DLLCreateNewUITextItem(DTXT_UI_TEAMSETUP, UICOL_WINDOW_TITLE, -1); /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Main Window void *main_wnd = DLLNewUIGameWindowCreate(0, 0, 512, 384, UIF_PROCESS_ALL | UIF_CENTER | NUWF_TITLEMED); /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Item placement int cury; count = GetNumTeams(); void *start_game_hs = DLLHotSpotCreate(main_wnd, UID_OK, K_ENTER, start_game_text_off, start_game_text_on, 40, 384 - OKCANCEL_YOFFSET, 130, 15, UIF_CENTER); void *window_title_text = DLLTextCreate(main_wnd, window_title, 0, 7, UIF_CENTER | UIF_FIT); void *client_wait_cb; if (count > 2) { client_wait_cb = DLLCheckBoxCreate(main_wnd, 128, client_wait_txt, 256 - (DLLGetUIItemWidth(client_wait_txt) / 2), 192 - (DLLGetUIItemHeight(client_wait_txt) / 2), 130, 15, UIF_FIT); cury = 60; } else { client_wait_cb = DLLCheckBoxCreate(main_wnd, 128, client_wait_txt, 30, 384 - OKCANCEL_YOFFSET, 130, 15, UIF_FIT); cury = 80; } DLLCheckBoxSetCheck(client_wait_cb, clients_wait); int left_x, right_x; int top_y, bottom_y; int icon_width = DLLbm_w(team_icons[0], 0); int icon_height = DLLbm_h(team_icons[0], 0); int curr_y; int *id_list_ptr; left_x = 168 + 10; right_x = 512 - 178 - icon_width; int total_height = (count - 1) * (icon_height + 3); top_y = cury + (64 - (total_height / 2)); bottom_y = cury + 163 + (64 - (total_height / 2)); switch (count) { case 4: list_yellow = DLLListCreate(main_wnd, 1, 512 - 168, cury + 163, 128, 128, 0); team_text[YELLOW_TEAM] = DLLEditCreate(main_wnd, -1, 512 - 168, cury + 131, 128, 32, 0); // put in the hotspots for yellow curr_y = bottom_y; id_list_ptr = &id_list[YELLOW_TEAM * (DLLMAX_TEAMS - 1)]; for (i = 0; i < count - 1; i++) { icon_hs[YELLOW_TEAM][i] = DLLHotSpotCreate(main_wnd, id_list_ptr[i], -1, icon_b_hs[YELLOW_TEAM][i], icon_b_hs[YELLOW_TEAM][i], right_x, curr_y, icon_width, icon_height, 0); curr_y += icon_height + 3; } case 3: list_green = DLLListCreate(main_wnd, 1, 40, cury + 163, 128, 128, 0); team_text[GREEN_TEAM] = DLLEditCreate(main_wnd, -1, 40, cury + 131, 128, 32, 0); list_red = DLLListCreate(main_wnd, 0, 40, cury, 128, 128, 0); team_text[RED_TEAM] = DLLEditCreate(main_wnd, -1, 40, cury - 32, 128, 32, 0); list_blue = DLLListCreate(main_wnd, 1, 512 - 168, cury, 128, 128, 0); team_text[BLUE_TEAM] = DLLEditCreate(main_wnd, -1, 512 - 168, cury - 32, 128, 32, 0); // put in the hotspots for green curr_y = bottom_y; id_list_ptr = &id_list[GREEN_TEAM * (DLLMAX_TEAMS - 1)]; for (i = 0; i < count - 1; i++) { icon_hs[GREEN_TEAM][i] = DLLHotSpotCreate(main_wnd, id_list_ptr[i], -1, icon_b_hs[GREEN_TEAM][i], icon_b_hs[GREEN_TEAM][i], left_x, curr_y, icon_width, icon_height, 0); curr_y += icon_height + 3; } // put in the hotspots for blue curr_y = top_y; id_list_ptr = &id_list[BLUE_TEAM * (DLLMAX_TEAMS - 1)]; for (i = 0; i < count - 1; i++) { icon_hs[BLUE_TEAM][i] = DLLHotSpotCreate(main_wnd, id_list_ptr[i], -1, icon_b_hs[BLUE_TEAM][i], icon_b_hs[BLUE_TEAM][i], right_x, curr_y, icon_width, icon_height, 0); curr_y += icon_height + 3; } // put in the hotspots for red curr_y = top_y; id_list_ptr = &id_list[RED_TEAM * (DLLMAX_TEAMS - 1)]; for (i = 0; i < count - 1; i++) { icon_hs[RED_TEAM][i] = DLLHotSpotCreate(main_wnd, id_list_ptr[i], -1, icon_b_hs[RED_TEAM][i], icon_b_hs[RED_TEAM][i], left_x, curr_y, icon_width, icon_height, 0); curr_y += icon_height + 3; } break; case 2: list_red = DLLListCreate(main_wnd, 0, 40, cury, 128, 224, 0); team_text[RED_TEAM] = DLLEditCreate(main_wnd, -1, 40, cury - 32, 128, 32, 0); list_blue = DLLListCreate(main_wnd, 1, 512 - 168, cury, 128, 224, 0); team_text[BLUE_TEAM] = DLLEditCreate(main_wnd, -1, 512 - 168, cury - 32, 128, 32, 0); // recalc the top y value top_y = cury + (118 - (total_height / 2)); // put in the hotspots for blue curr_y = top_y; id_list_ptr = &id_list[BLUE_TEAM * (DLLMAX_TEAMS - 1)]; for (i = 0; i < count - 1; i++) { icon_hs[BLUE_TEAM][i] = DLLHotSpotCreate(main_wnd, id_list_ptr[i], -1, icon_b_hs[BLUE_TEAM][i], icon_b_hs[BLUE_TEAM][i], right_x, curr_y, icon_width, icon_height, 0); curr_y += icon_height + 3; } // put in the hotspots for red curr_y = top_y; id_list_ptr = &id_list[RED_TEAM * (DLLMAX_TEAMS - 1)]; for (i = 0; i < count - 1; i++) { icon_hs[RED_TEAM][i] = DLLHotSpotCreate(main_wnd, id_list_ptr[i], -1, icon_b_hs[RED_TEAM][i], icon_b_hs[RED_TEAM][i], left_x, curr_y, icon_width, icon_height, 0); curr_y += icon_height + 3; } break; case 0: case 1: // the wait is over, let them in if (clients_wait) { // UnPause realgametime, DISABLE_FLAGS(m_iProtectedFlags, DMFC_PRF_PAUSETIME); SendControlMessageToPlayer(SP_ALL, CM_UNPAUSETIME); MakeClientsWait(false); } // Unpause realgametime, DISABLE_FLAGS(m_iProtectedFlags, DMFC_PRF_PAUSETIME); SendControlMessageToPlayer(SP_ALL, CM_UNPAUSETIME); return; break; } // Set information for the team name edit boxes for (i = 0; i < DLLMAX_TEAMS; i++) { if (team_text[i]) { DLLSetOldEditBufferLen(team_text[i], MAX_TEAMNAME_LEN - 1); DLLEditSetText(team_text[i], DMFC_team_names[i]); } } tpdi.lb[RED_TEAM] = list_red; tpdi.lb[BLUE_TEAM] = list_blue; tpdi.lb[GREEN_TEAM] = list_green; tpdi.lb[YELLOW_TEAM] = list_yellow; for (i = 0; i < DLLMAX_PLAYERS; i++) { tpdi.text[i] = NULL; for (int t = 0; t < DLLMAX_TEAMS; t++) { tpdi.trans[t][i] = -1; } } DLLGetUICallback((void **)&tpdi.old_callback); DLLSetUICallback(TeamPlacementCallback); ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Process all DLLNewUIGameWindowOpen(main_wnd); UpdateTeamPlacementDialog(); bool canceled = false; while (!exit_menu) { int res; res = DLLPollUI(); if (res == -1) continue; // handle all UI results. switch (res) { case REDTOBLUE: TeamPlacementChangeTeam(RED_TEAM, BLUE_TEAM); UpdateTeamPlacementDialog(); break; case REDTOGREEN: TeamPlacementChangeTeam(RED_TEAM, GREEN_TEAM); UpdateTeamPlacementDialog(); break; case REDTOYELLOW: TeamPlacementChangeTeam(RED_TEAM, YELLOW_TEAM); UpdateTeamPlacementDialog(); break; case BLUETORED: TeamPlacementChangeTeam(BLUE_TEAM, RED_TEAM); UpdateTeamPlacementDialog(); break; case BLUETOGREEN: TeamPlacementChangeTeam(BLUE_TEAM, GREEN_TEAM); UpdateTeamPlacementDialog(); break; case BLUETOYELLOW: TeamPlacementChangeTeam(BLUE_TEAM, YELLOW_TEAM); UpdateTeamPlacementDialog(); break; case GREENTORED: TeamPlacementChangeTeam(GREEN_TEAM, RED_TEAM); UpdateTeamPlacementDialog(); break; case GREENTOBLUE: TeamPlacementChangeTeam(GREEN_TEAM, BLUE_TEAM); UpdateTeamPlacementDialog(); break; case GREENTOYELLOW: TeamPlacementChangeTeam(GREEN_TEAM, YELLOW_TEAM); UpdateTeamPlacementDialog(); break; case YELLOWTORED: TeamPlacementChangeTeam(YELLOW_TEAM, RED_TEAM); UpdateTeamPlacementDialog(); break; case YELLOWTOBLUE: TeamPlacementChangeTeam(YELLOW_TEAM, BLUE_TEAM); UpdateTeamPlacementDialog(); break; case YELLOWTOGREEN: TeamPlacementChangeTeam(YELLOW_TEAM, GREEN_TEAM); UpdateTeamPlacementDialog(); break; case UID_OK: // start game // get the team names and save them for (i = 0; i < DLLMAX_TEAMS; i++) { if (team_text[i]) { char buff[MAX_TEAMNAME_LEN + 1]; DLLEditGetText(team_text[i], buff, MAX_TEAMNAME_LEN); SetTeamName(i, buff, true); } } exit_menu = true; break; case NEWUIRES_FORCEQUIT: exit_menu = true; canceled = true; break; case 128: // make clients wait on/off { if (DLLCheckBoxIsChecked(client_wait_cb)) { // make the clients wait clients_wait = true; // Pause realgametime, ENABLE_FLAGS(m_iProtectedFlags, DMFC_PRF_PAUSETIME); SendControlMessageToPlayer(SP_ALL, CM_PAUSETIME); } else { // they no longer have to wait clients_wait = false; // UnPause realgametime, DISABLE_FLAGS(m_iProtectedFlags, DMFC_PRF_PAUSETIME); SendControlMessageToPlayer(SP_ALL, CM_UNPAUSETIME); } MakeClientsWait(clients_wait); } break; }; } // Place all changed players!!! if (!canceled) { for (i = 0; i < DLLMAX_PLAYERS; i++) { if (CheckPlayerNum(i)) { // the player is in the game, update his team if needed if (TeamDlgInitialTeamSettings[i] == TS_NOTINGAME) { // this player was NOT in the game when we brought up the dialog if (TeamDlgFinalTeamSettings[i] != TS_NOTINGAME) { // we've changed his team though int new_team; new_team = TeamDlgFinalTeamSettings[i]; RequestTeamChange(new_team, i, false); // no need to spew his stuff } else { // we haven't changed his team, so he's ok on the team he's on } } else { // this player was in the game when we brought up the dialog if (TeamDlgInitialTeamSettings[i] != TeamDlgFinalTeamSettings[i]) { // he has changed teams!! int new_team; if (TeamDlgFinalTeamSettings[i] != TS_NOTINGAME) { new_team = TeamDlgFinalTeamSettings[i]; } else { // weird...they are out of sync? FatalError("Team Dialog Out Of Sync"); // remove later } RequestTeamChange(new_team, i, true); // spew his stuff also } } } } } // the wait is over, let them in if (clients_wait) { // UnPause realgametime, DISABLE_FLAGS(m_iProtectedFlags, DMFC_PRF_PAUSETIME); SendControlMessageToPlayer(SP_ALL, CM_UNPAUSETIME); MakeClientsWait(false); } DLLNewUIGameWindowClose(main_wnd); DLLNewUIGameWindowDestroy(main_wnd); //////////////////////////////////////////// // Remove text items DLLRemoveUITextItem(start_game_text_on); DLLRemoveUITextItem(start_game_text_off); DLLRemoveUITextItem(window_title); DLLRemoveUITextItem(client_wait_txt); for (i = 0; i < DLLMAX_PLAYERS; i++) { if (tpdi.text[i]) { DLLRemoveUITextItem(tpdi.text[i]); tpdi.text[i] = NULL; } } for (i = 0; i < DLLMAX_TEAMS; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < DLLMAX_TEAMS - 1; j++) { if (icon_b_hs[i][j]) DLLRemoveUIBmpItem(icon_b_hs[i][j]); if (icon_hs[i][j]) DLLDeleteUIItem(icon_hs[i][j]); } } //////////////////////////////////////////// // Remove all items if (list_red) DLLDeleteUIItem(list_red); if (list_blue) DLLDeleteUIItem(list_blue); if (list_green) DLLDeleteUIItem(list_green); if (list_yellow) DLLDeleteUIItem(list_yellow); DLLDeleteUIItem(main_wnd); DLLDeleteUIItem(start_game_hs); DLLDeleteUIItem(window_title_text); DLLDeleteUIItem(client_wait_cb); for (i = 0; i < DLLMAX_TEAMS; i++) { if (team_icons[i] > BAD_BITMAP_HANDLE) DLLbm_FreeBitmap(team_icons[i]); } for (i = 0; i < DLLMAX_TEAMS; i++) { if (team_text[i]) DLLDeleteUIItem(team_text[i]); } DLLSetUICallback(tpdi.old_callback); } //============================================================================ // Wait for Players Dialog //============================================================================ typedef struct { float last_update; void (*old_callback)(void); void *listbox; void *text[DLLMAX_PLAYERS]; int indexmap[DLLMAX_PLAYERS]; } tWaitForPlayers; tWaitForPlayers wfpi; void UpdateWaitForPlayersDialog(void) { int pnum = -1; int sel = DLLListGetSelectedIndex(wfpi.listbox); if (sel >= 0) { pnum = wfpi.indexmap[sel]; } int index = 0; DLLListRemoveAll(wfpi.listbox); for (int i = 0; i < DLLMAX_PLAYERS; i++) { if (wfpi.text[i]) { DLLRemoveUITextItem(wfpi.text[i]); wfpi.text[i] = NULL; } if (basethis->CheckPlayerNum(i)) { wfpi.indexmap[index] = i; index++; wfpi.text[i] = DLLCreateNewUITextItem(basethis->Players[i].callsign, basethis->Player_colors[i], -1); DLLListAddItem(wfpi.listbox, wfpi.text[i]); if (pnum == i) { DLLListSetSelectedIndex(wfpi.listbox, i); } } } } void WaitForPlayersCallback(void) { float time = *basethis->Gametime; if (time > wfpi.last_update + 0.5f) { UpdateWaitForPlayersDialog(); wfpi.last_update = time; } if (wfpi.old_callback) (*wfpi.old_callback)(); } // DMFCBase::DoDMFCUIWaitForPlayers // // Displays the dialog for in the beginning of the level, waiting for all the players void DMFCBase::DoDMFCUIWaitForPlayers(bool clients_wait) { if (GetLocalRole() != LR_SERVER) return; if (IAmDedicatedServer()) return; wfpi.last_update = 0; int i; for (i = 0; i < DLLMAX_PLAYERS; i++) wfpi.text[i] = NULL; // turn on client waiting if (clients_wait) { // Pause realgametime, ENABLE_FLAGS(m_iProtectedFlags, DMFC_PRF_PAUSETIME); SendControlMessageToPlayer(SP_ALL, CM_PAUSETIME); MakeClientsWait(true); } for (i = 0; i < DLLMAX_PLAYERS; i++) wfpi.indexmap[i] = 0; /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Text Items void *start_game_text_off = DLLCreateNewUITextItem(DTXT_UI_STARTGAME, UICOL_HOTSPOT_LO, -1); void *start_game_text_on = DLLCreateNewUITextItem(DTXT_UI_STARTGAME, UICOL_HOTSPOT_HI, -1); void *client_wait_txt = DLLCreateNewUITextItem(DTXT_UI_CLIENTSWAIT, UICOL_HOTSPOT_LO, -1); void *window_title = DLLCreateNewUITextItem(DTXT_UI_WAITFORPLAYERS, UICOL_WINDOW_TITLE, -1); void *kick_text_off = DLLCreateNewUITextItem(DTXT_UI_KICKPLAYER, UICOL_HOTSPOT_LO, -1); void *kick_text_on = DLLCreateNewUITextItem(DTXT_UI_KICKPLAYER, UICOL_HOTSPOT_HI, -1); void *ban_text_off = DLLCreateNewUITextItem(DTXT_UI_BANPLAYER, UICOL_HOTSPOT_LO, -1); void *ban_text_on = DLLCreateNewUITextItem(DTXT_UI_BANPLAYER, UICOL_HOTSPOT_HI, -1); /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Main Window void *main_wnd = DLLNewUIGameWindowCreate(0, 0, 512, 384, UIF_PROCESS_ALL | UIF_CENTER | NUWF_TITLEMED); /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Item placement int cury = 30; bool exit_menu = false; void *start_game_hs = DLLHotSpotCreate(main_wnd, UID_OK, K_ENTER, start_game_text_off, start_game_text_on, 40, 384 - OKCANCEL_YOFFSET, 130, 15, UIF_CENTER); void *window_title_text = DLLTextCreate(main_wnd, window_title, 0, 7, UIF_CENTER | UIF_FIT); void *client_wait_cb = DLLCheckBoxCreate(main_wnd, 128, client_wait_txt, 30, 369 - OKCANCEL_YOFFSET, 130, 15, UIF_FIT | UIF_CENTER); wfpi.listbox = DLLListCreate(main_wnd, -1, 40, cury, 256, 288, UIF_CENTER); DLLCheckBoxSetCheck(client_wait_cb, clients_wait); int l_x, l_y, l_w, l_h; DLLGetUIItemPosition(wfpi.listbox, &l_x, &l_y, &l_w, &l_h); l_x = l_x + l_w + 10; l_y = (l_y + (l_h / 2)) - 15; void *kick_hs = DLLHotSpotCreate(main_wnd, 10, -1, kick_text_off, kick_text_on, l_x, l_y, 130, 15, UIF_FIT); l_y += 15; void *ban_hs = DLLHotSpotCreate(main_wnd, 20, -1, ban_text_off, ban_text_on, l_x, l_y, 130, 15, UIF_FIT); ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Process all DLLGetUICallback((void **)&wfpi.old_callback); DLLSetUICallback(WaitForPlayersCallback); DLLNewUIGameWindowOpen(main_wnd); UpdateWaitForPlayersDialog(); mprintf((0, "1:Entering UI Loop\n")); while (!exit_menu) { int res; res = DLLPollUI(); if (res == -1) { continue; } switch (res) { case NEWUIRES_FORCEQUIT: mprintf((0, "1:Got a force quit\n")); exit_menu = true; break; case UID_OK: // exit menu mprintf((0, "1:Got a regular quit\n")); exit_menu = true; break; case 10: // kick player { int cursel = DLLListGetSelectedIndex(wfpi.listbox); int pnum = wfpi.indexmap[cursel]; KickPlayer(pnum); } break; case 20: // ban player { int cursel = DLLListGetSelectedIndex(wfpi.listbox); int pnum = wfpi.indexmap[cursel]; BanPlayer(pnum); } break; case 128: // make clients wait on/off { if (DLLCheckBoxIsChecked(client_wait_cb)) { // make the clients wait clients_wait = true; // Pause realgametime, ENABLE_FLAGS(m_iProtectedFlags, DMFC_PRF_PAUSETIME); SendControlMessageToPlayer(SP_ALL, CM_PAUSETIME); } else { // they no longer have to wait clients_wait = false; // UnPause realgametime, DISABLE_FLAGS(m_iProtectedFlags, DMFC_PRF_PAUSETIME); SendControlMessageToPlayer(SP_ALL, CM_UNPAUSETIME); } MakeClientsWait(clients_wait); } break; }; } mprintf((0, "1:Out of UI Loop\n")); // the wait is over, let them in if (clients_wait) { // Unpause realgametime, DISABLE_FLAGS(m_iProtectedFlags, DMFC_PRF_PAUSETIME); SendControlMessageToPlayer(SP_ALL, CM_UNPAUSETIME); MakeClientsWait(false); } DLLNewUIGameWindowClose(main_wnd); DLLNewUIGameWindowDestroy(main_wnd); DLLRemoveUITextItem(start_game_text_on); DLLRemoveUITextItem(start_game_text_off); DLLRemoveUITextItem(kick_text_off); DLLRemoveUITextItem(kick_text_on); DLLRemoveUITextItem(ban_text_off); DLLRemoveUITextItem(ban_text_on); DLLRemoveUITextItem(window_title); DLLRemoveUITextItem(client_wait_txt); for (i = 0; i < DLLMAX_PLAYERS; i++) { if (wfpi.text[i]) { DLLRemoveUITextItem(wfpi.text[i]); wfpi.text[i] = NULL; } } DLLDeleteUIItem(main_wnd); DLLDeleteUIItem(start_game_hs); DLLDeleteUIItem(window_title_text); DLLDeleteUIItem(client_wait_cb); DLLDeleteUIItem(wfpi.listbox); DLLDeleteUIItem(kick_hs); DLLDeleteUIItem(ban_hs); DLLSetUICallback(wfpi.old_callback); }