////////////////////////////////////////////// // D.A.L.L.A.S. Generated Message Table File ////////////////////////////////////////////// NEXT_MESSAGE_ID_NUMBER 37 // Message List ArmoryDoorUnlocked=GUIDEBOT: "The armory door is now unlocked." CentralFFDown=GUIDEBOT: "That should take care of the central forcefield." DataCartridgeName=Failsafe Data DataCartridgeStillThere=GUIDEBOT: "First you need to pick up the cartridge containing the Failsafe data." DataCartridgeUsed=GUIDEBOT: "No, you need to hold onto this one!" Empty= EndGuards=GUIDEBOT: "My guess is that these guys aren't going to let us leave without a fight..." EscapeTime=GUIDEBOT: "I think now would be a good time to get out of here..." ExitDoor=GUIDEBOT: "The exit door is opening!" FoundBackDoor=GUIDEBOT: "Who needs to FIND a door when you can make your own?" GateSecurityAlerted=GUIDEBOT: "Now we'll need to find another way to get that door open!" GeneralDead=GUIDEBOT: "I guess the turret defense system didn't like the General much either..." InfectedDataCartridgeName=Infected Cartridge InfectedDataPlaced=GUIDEBOT: "Let's see how Mr. Computer likes that..." IntroText=CED Special Operations|Central Europe| LaserBeamTriggered=GUIDEBOT: "You just tripped a security beam!" MainGateOpening=GUIDEBOT: "The main entrance gate is unlocking!" NeedAWeapon=GUIDEBOT: "I bet those explosive barrels would punch a hole through the floor... if we had a way to set them off." ResAreaEntrance=GUIDEBOT: "I sure hope there is some other way to get inside the restricted area." ScanAborted=GUIDEBOT: "The tower scanning process was just aborted You need to wait until it finishes." ScanStarted=GUIDEBOT: "The tower scanning process just started..." ScanTowerEntered=GUIDEBOT: "Just wait between these monitors until they are done scanning us..." SecCamSpottedUs=GUIDEBOT: "A Security Camera spotted us!" TooFarFromDataPosition=GUIDEBOT: "You can't place the infected data cartridge here!" TurretControlDown=GUIDEBOT: "That should mess things up..." WeaponCheckAborted=GUIDEBOT: "You are supposed to wait between the monitors..." WeaponGuardHit=GUIDEBOT: "I don't like the looks of this..." WeaponsChecked=GUIDEBOT: "We're unarmed, but at least we're in..." WeaponsRemoved=GUIDEBOT: "The guard just removed all of our weapons..." WorkerMessage=GUIDEBOT: "Those guys should be more careful next time." WpnCheckEntered=GUIDEBOT: "Wait directly between the scan monitors to check your weapons..." WpnCheckStarted=GUIDEBOT: "Ok, stay right here... a guard should be along soon."