/* * Descent 3 * Copyright (C) 2024 Parallax Software * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . --- HISTORICAL COMMENTS FOLLOW --- * $Logfile: /DescentIII/Main/inetfile/Chttpget.cpp $ * $Revision: $ * $Date: 2003-08-26 03:58:00 $ * $Author: kevinb $ * * HTTP Client class (get only) * * $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ * * 26 10/22/99 3:40p Kevin * mac merge fixes * * 25 10/21/99 9:28p Jeff * B.A. Macintosh code merge * * 24 9/08/99 6:37p Jeff * fixed http/ftp downloading for Linux, should all work fine now. * * 23 8/22/99 12:32a Jeff * fixed select calls for Linux. Ported Kevin's new http stuff to Linux * * 22 8/21/99 9:14p Kevin * Added support for redirection * * 21 8/21/99 6:33p Kevin * Fixed Proxy Stuff * * 20 8/21/99 6:48a Jeff * Linux port * * 19 8/20/99 3:01p Kevin * Added support for Proxies (I hope!) * * 18 8/15/99 6:38p Jeff * fixed compile error * * 17 8/15/99 6:26p Kevin * * 16 4/14/99 1:20a Jeff * fixed case mismatched #includes * * 15 3/03/99 12:28a Nate * sped up something or other when the connection is done * * 14 2/03/99 4:20p Kevin * Got multiplayer working with .mn3 files, and setup autodownloading * * 13 1/27/99 5:49p Kevin * * 12 1/27/99 5:38p Kevin * * 11 12/30/98 12:15p Kevin * Auto Mission Download system * * 10 10/12/98 4:59p Kevin * Added delay to thread when cancelled... * * 9 10/12/98 4:49p Nate * More fixes * * 8 10/12/98 1:54p Nate * Fixed bug * * 7 10/12/98 11:30a Kevin * More memory stuff * * 6 10/08/98 12:59p Nate * fixed cancel * * 5 10/08/98 9:57a Kevin * made transfer cancellable * * 4 7/31/98 12:19p Nate * Fixed http abort problem. * * 3 7/31/98 11:57a Kevin * Added new functions for getting state * * 2 6/01/98 10:10a Kevin * Added DLL connection interface and auto update DLL * * 1 5/27/98 9:52a Kevin * * 1 5/25/98 5:31p Kevin * Initial version * * $NoKeywords: $ */ #ifdef WIN32 #include #include #endif #ifdef MACINTOSH #include "macsock.h" #endif #include #include #include #include "inetgetfile.h" #include "Chttpget.h" #ifndef WIN32 #include "mem.h" #else #define mem_malloc(a) malloc(a) #define mem_free(a) free(a) #endif #if defined(POSIX) inline void Sleep(int millis) { struct timeval tv; tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = millis * 1000; select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &tv); } #endif #define NW_AGHBN_CANCEL 1 #define NW_AGHBN_LOOKUP 2 #define NW_AGHBN_READ 3 #if !defined(POSIX) void __cdecl http_gethostbynameworker(void *parm); #else void *http_gethostbynameworker(void *parm); #endif int http_Asyncgethostbyname(uint32_t *ip, int command, char *hostname); #if !defined(POSIX) void HTTPObjThread(void *obj) #else void *HTTPObjThread(void *obj) #endif { ((ChttpGet *)obj)->WorkerThread(); ((ChttpGet *)obj)->m_Aborted = true; // OutputDebugString("http transfer exiting....\n"); #if defined(POSIX) return NULL; #endif } void ChttpGet::AbortGet() { #ifdef WIN32 OutputDebugString("Aborting....\n"); #endif m_Aborting = true; while (!m_Aborted) Sleep(50); // Wait for the thread to end #ifdef WIN32 OutputDebugString("Aborted....\n"); #endif } ChttpGet::ChttpGet(char *URL, char *localfile, char *proxyip, uint16_t proxyport) { m_ProxyEnabled = true; m_ProxyIP = proxyip; m_ProxyPort = proxyport; GetFile(URL, localfile); } ChttpGet::ChttpGet(char *URL, char *localfile) { m_ProxyEnabled = false; GetFile(URL, localfile); } void ChttpGet::PrepSocket(char *URL) { m_DataSock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (INVALID_SOCKET == m_DataSock) { m_State = HTTP_STATE_SOCKET_ERROR; return; } make_nonblocking(m_DataSock); char *pURL = URL; if (strnicmp(URL, "http:", 5) == 0) { pURL += 5; while (*pURL == '/') { pURL++; } } // There shouldn't be any : in this string if (strchr(pURL, ':')) { m_State = HTTP_STATE_URL_PARSING_ERROR; return; } // read the filename by searching backwards for a / // then keep reading until you find the first / // when you found it, you have the host and dir char *filestart = NULL; char *dirstart; for (int i = strlen(pURL); i >= 0; i--) { if (pURL[i] == '/') { if (!filestart) { filestart = pURL + i + 1; dirstart = pURL + i + 1; strcpy(m_szFilename, filestart); } else { dirstart = pURL + i + 1; } } } if ((dirstart == NULL) || (filestart == NULL)) { m_State = HTTP_STATE_URL_PARSING_ERROR; return; } else { strcpy(m_szDir, dirstart); //,(filestart-dirstart)); // m_szDir[(filestart-dirstart)] = NULL; strncpy(m_szHost, pURL, (dirstart - pURL)); m_szHost[(dirstart - pURL) - 1] = '\0'; } } void ChttpGet::GetFile(char *URL, char *localfile) { m_DataSock = INVALID_SOCKET; m_iBytesIn = 0; m_iBytesTotal = 0; m_State = HTTP_STATE_STARTUP; ; m_Aborting = false; m_Aborted = false; strncpy(m_URL, URL, MAX_URL_LEN - 1); m_URL[MAX_URL_LEN - 1] = 0; LOCALFILE = fopen(localfile, "wb"); if (NULL == LOCALFILE) { m_State = HTTP_STATE_CANT_WRITE_FILE; return; } PrepSocket(URL); #ifdef WIN32 if (NULL == _beginthread(HTTPObjThread, 0, this)) { m_State = HTTP_STATE_INTERNAL_ERROR; return; } #elif defined(POSIX) pthread_t thread; if (!inet_LoadThreadLib()) { m_State = HTTP_STATE_INTERNAL_ERROR; return; } if (df_pthread_create(&thread, NULL, HTTPObjThread, this) != 0) { m_State = HTTP_STATE_INTERNAL_ERROR; return; } #endif } ChttpGet::~ChttpGet() { if (m_DataSock != INVALID_SOCKET) { shutdown(m_DataSock, 2); #if !defined(POSIX) closesocket(m_DataSock); #else close(m_DataSock); #endif } } int ChttpGet::GetStatus() { return m_State; } uint32_t ChttpGet::GetBytesIn() { return m_iBytesIn; } uint32_t ChttpGet::GetTotalBytes() { return m_iBytesTotal; } void ChttpGet::WorkerThread() { char szCommand[1000]; char *p; int irsp = 0; ConnectSocket(); if (m_Aborting) { fclose(LOCALFILE); return; } if (m_State != HTTP_STATE_CONNECTED) { fclose(LOCALFILE); return; } sprintf(szCommand, "GET %s%s HTTP/1.1\nAccept: */*\nAccept-Encoding: deflate\nHost: %s\n\n\n", m_ProxyEnabled ? "" : "/", m_ProxyEnabled ? m_URL : m_szDir, m_szHost); send(m_DataSock, szCommand, strlen(szCommand), 0); p = GetHTTPLine(); if (p && strnicmp("HTTP/", p, 5) == 0) { char *pcode; pcode = strchr(p, ' ') + 1; if (!pcode) { m_State = HTTP_STATE_UNKNOWN_ERROR; fclose(LOCALFILE); return; } pcode[3] = '\0'; irsp = atoi(pcode); if (irsp == 0) { m_State = HTTP_STATE_UNKNOWN_ERROR; fclose(LOCALFILE); return; } if (irsp == 301) { // This is a redirection! woohoo, what fun we are going to have. // Next thing we need to do is find where it's redirected to. // We do that by looking for a "Location: xxxx" line. int idataready = 0; do { p = GetHTTPLine(); if (p == NULL) { m_State = HTTP_STATE_UNKNOWN_ERROR; fclose(LOCALFILE); return; } if (*p == '\0') { idataready = 1; break; } if (strnicmp(p, "Location:", strlen("Location:")) == 0) { char *s = strchr(p, ' ') + 1; // Then, once we've found that, we close the sockets & reissue the whole freakin request. shutdown(m_DataSock, 2); #ifdef WIN32 closesocket(m_DataSock); #else close(m_DataSock); #endif m_DataSock = INVALID_SOCKET; // New location to look at is in 's' PrepSocket(s); WorkerThread(); return; } } while (!idataready); } if (irsp == 200) { int idataready = 0; do { p = GetHTTPLine(); if (p == NULL) { m_State = HTTP_STATE_UNKNOWN_ERROR; fclose(LOCALFILE); return; } if (*p == '\0') { idataready = 1; break; } if (strnicmp(p, "Content-Length:", strlen("Content-Length:")) == 0) { char *s = strchr(p, ' ') + 1; p = s; if (s) { while (*s) { if (!isdigit(*s)) { *s = '\0'; } s++; }; m_iBytesTotal = atoi(p); } } } while (!idataready); ReadDataChannel(); return; } m_State = HTTP_STATE_FILE_NOT_FOUND; fclose(LOCALFILE); return; } else { m_State = HTTP_STATE_UNKNOWN_ERROR; fclose(LOCALFILE); return; } } int ChttpGet::ConnectSocket() { // HOSTENT *he; uint32_t ip; SERVENT *se; SOCKADDR_IN hostaddr; int rcode = 0; if (m_Aborting) return 0; ip = inet_addr((const char *)m_szHost); if (ip == INADDR_NONE) { http_Asyncgethostbyname(&ip, NW_AGHBN_LOOKUP, m_szHost); rcode = 0; do { if (m_Aborting) { http_Asyncgethostbyname(&ip, NW_AGHBN_CANCEL, m_szHost); return 0; } rcode = http_Asyncgethostbyname(&ip, NW_AGHBN_READ, m_szHost); } while (rcode == 0); } if (rcode == -1) { m_State = HTTP_STATE_HOST_NOT_FOUND; return 0; } // m_ControlSock if (m_Aborting) return 0; se = getservbyname("http", NULL); if (m_Aborting) return 0; if (se == NULL) { hostaddr.sin_port = htons(80); } else { hostaddr.sin_port = se->s_port; } hostaddr.sin_family = AF_INET; // ip = htonl(ip); memcpy(&hostaddr.sin_addr, &ip, 4); if (m_ProxyEnabled) { // This is on a proxy, so we need to make sure to connect to the proxy machine ip = inet_addr((const char *)m_ProxyIP); if (ip == INADDR_NONE) { http_Asyncgethostbyname(&ip, NW_AGHBN_LOOKUP, m_ProxyIP); rcode = 0; do { if (m_Aborting) { http_Asyncgethostbyname(&ip, NW_AGHBN_CANCEL, m_ProxyIP); return 0; } rcode = http_Asyncgethostbyname(&ip, NW_AGHBN_READ, m_ProxyIP); } while (rcode == 0); if (rcode == -1) { m_State = HTTP_STATE_HOST_NOT_FOUND; return 0; } } // Use either the proxy port or 80 if none specified hostaddr.sin_port = htons(m_ProxyPort ? m_ProxyPort : 80); // Copy the proxy address... memcpy(&hostaddr.sin_addr, &ip, 4); } // Now we will connect to the host fd_set wfds; timeval timeout; timeout.tv_sec = 0; timeout.tv_usec = 0; int serr = connect(m_DataSock, (SOCKADDR *)&hostaddr, sizeof(SOCKADDR)); int cerr = WSAGetLastError(); if (serr) { #if defined(POSIX) while ((cerr == WSAEALREADY) || (cerr == WSAEINVAL) || (cerr == WSAEWOULDBLOCK) || (cerr == EINPROGRESS)) #else while ((cerr == WSAEALREADY) || (cerr == WSAEINVAL) || (cerr == WSAEWOULDBLOCK)) #endif { FD_ZERO(&wfds); FD_SET(m_DataSock, &wfds); if (select(m_DataSock + 1, NULL, &wfds, NULL, &timeout)) { serr = 0; break; } if (m_Aborting) return 0; serr = connect(m_DataSock, (SOCKADDR *)&hostaddr, sizeof(SOCKADDR)); if (serr == 0) break; cerr = WSAGetLastError(); if (cerr == WSAEISCONN) { serr = 0; break; } }; } if (serr) { m_State = HTTP_STATE_CANT_CONNECT; return 0; } m_State = HTTP_STATE_CONNECTED; return 1; } char *ChttpGet::GetHTTPLine() { uint32_t iBytesRead; char chunk[2]; uint32_t igotcrlf = 0; memset(recv_buffer, 0, 1000); do { chunk[0] = '\0'; bool gotdata = false; do { iBytesRead = recv(m_DataSock, chunk, 1, 0); if (SOCKET_ERROR == iBytesRead) { int error = WSAGetLastError(); #if defined(POSIX) if (WSAEWOULDBLOCK == error || 0 == error) #else if (WSAEWOULDBLOCK == error) #endif { gotdata = false; continue; } else { return NULL; } } else { gotdata = true; } } while (!gotdata); if (chunk[0] == 0x0d) { // This should always read a 0x0a do { iBytesRead = recv(m_DataSock, chunk, 1, 0); if (SOCKET_ERROR == iBytesRead) { int error = WSAGetLastError(); #if defined(POSIX) if (WSAEWOULDBLOCK == error || 0 == error) #else if (WSAEWOULDBLOCK == error) #endif { gotdata = false; continue; } else { return NULL; } } else { gotdata = true; } } while (!gotdata); igotcrlf = 1; } else { chunk[1] = '\0'; strcat(recv_buffer, chunk); } } while (igotcrlf == 0); return recv_buffer; } uint32_t ChttpGet::ReadDataChannel() { char sDataBuffer[4096]; // Data-storage buffer for the data channel int nBytesRecv; // Bytes received from the data channel fd_set wfds; timeval timeout; timeout.tv_sec = 0; timeout.tv_usec = 500; m_State = HTTP_STATE_RECEIVING; do { FD_ZERO(&wfds); FD_SET(m_DataSock, &wfds); if ((m_iBytesTotal) && (m_iBytesIn == m_iBytesTotal)) { break; } select(m_DataSock + 1, &wfds, NULL, NULL, &timeout); if (m_Aborting) { fclose(LOCALFILE); return 0; } nBytesRecv = recv(m_DataSock, (char *)&sDataBuffer, sizeof(sDataBuffer), 0); if (m_Aborting) { fclose(LOCALFILE); return 0; } if (SOCKET_ERROR == nBytesRecv) { int error = WSAGetLastError(); #if defined(POSIX) if (WSAEWOULDBLOCK == error || 0 == error) #else if (WSAEWOULDBLOCK == error) #endif { nBytesRecv = 1; continue; } } m_iBytesIn += nBytesRecv; if (nBytesRecv > 0) { fwrite(sDataBuffer, nBytesRecv, 1, LOCALFILE); // Write sDataBuffer, nBytesRecv } } while (nBytesRecv > 0); fclose(LOCALFILE); // Close the file and check for error returns. if (nBytesRecv == SOCKET_ERROR) { // Ok, we got a socket error -- xfer aborted? m_State = HTTP_STATE_RECV_FAILED; return 0; } else { // OutputDebugString("HTTP File complete!\n"); // done! m_State = HTTP_STATE_FILE_RECEIVED; return 1; } } async_dns_lookup httpaslu; async_dns_lookup *http_lastaslu = NULL; #if !defined(POSIX) void __cdecl http_gethostbynameworker(void *parm); #else void *http_gethostbynameworker(void *parm); #endif int http_Asyncgethostbyname(uint32_t *ip, int command, char *hostname) { if (command == NW_AGHBN_LOOKUP) { if (http_lastaslu) http_lastaslu->abort = true; async_dns_lookup *newaslu; newaslu = mem_rmalloc(); memset(&newaslu->ip, 0, sizeof(uint32_t)); newaslu->host = hostname; newaslu->done = false; newaslu->error = false; newaslu->abort = false; http_lastaslu = newaslu; httpaslu.done = false; #ifdef WIN32 _beginthread(http_gethostbynameworker, 0, newaslu); #elif defined(POSIX) pthread_t thread; if (!inet_LoadThreadLib()) { return 0; } df_pthread_create(&thread, NULL, http_gethostbynameworker, newaslu); #endif return 1; } else if (command == NW_AGHBN_CANCEL) { if (http_lastaslu) http_lastaslu->abort = true; http_lastaslu = NULL; } else if (command == NW_AGHBN_READ) { if (!http_lastaslu) return -1; if (httpaslu.done) { // free(http_lastaslu); http_lastaslu = NULL; memcpy(ip, &httpaslu.ip, sizeof(uint32_t)); return 1; } else if (httpaslu.error) { mem_free(http_lastaslu); http_lastaslu = NULL; return -1; } else return 0; } return -2; } // This is the worker thread which does the lookup. #if !defined(POSIX) void __cdecl http_gethostbynameworker(void *parm) #else void *http_gethostbynameworker(void *parm) #endif { #if defined(POSIX) df_pthread_detach(df_pthread_self()); #endif async_dns_lookup *lookup = (async_dns_lookup *)parm; HOSTENT *he = gethostbyname(lookup->host); if (he == NULL) { lookup->error = true; #if defined(POSIX) return NULL; #else return; #endif } else if (!lookup->abort) { memcpy(&lookup->ip, he->h_addr_list[0], sizeof(uint32_t)); lookup->done = true; memcpy(&httpaslu, lookup, sizeof(async_dns_lookup)); } mem_free(lookup); #if defined(POSIX) return NULL; #endif }