/* * Descent 3 * Copyright (C) 2024 Parallax Software * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . --- HISTORICAL COMMENTS FOLLOW --- * $Logfile: /DescentIII/Main/editor/moveworld.cpp $ * $Revision: $ * $Date: 2003-08-26 03:57:38 $ * $Author: kevinb $ * * Code to use the mouse to rotate and move the world in the editor * * $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ * * 6 10/04/98 1:25p Matt * * 5 1/20/98 1:36p Matt * Moved mine origin to the center of the terrain * * 4 10/03/97 3:39p Matt * Added seperate sets of wireframe view variables for mine & room views * * 3 7/22/97 7:08p Matt * Cleaned up D3EditState, moving some vars in and some out, and renaming * and changing a few others * * 8 6/13/97 4:24p Matt * Added functions to change wireframe view target * * 7 5/22/97 5:16p Jason * added "drawing" on the topo map * * 6 3/31/97 5:58p Matt * Revamped mine update flags * * 5 2/10/97 5:39p Matt * Added func to reset view * * 4 2/07/97 5:47p Matt * Renamed vector.h to vecmat.h to fix DevStudio problem * * $NoKeywords: $ */ #include "Moveworld.h" #include "ddio.h" #include "vecmat.h" #include "d3edit.h" #include "mono.h" #define dist_2d(x,y) sqrt((x)*(x) + (y)*(y)) void GetMouseRotation( int idx, int idy, matrix * RotMat ) { float dr, cos_theta, sin_theta, denom, cos_theta1; float Radius = 100.0; float dx,dy; float dxdr,dydr; idy *= -1; dx = idx; dy = idy; dr = dist_2d(dx,dy); denom = dist_2d(Radius,dr); cos_theta = Radius / denom; sin_theta = dr / denom; cos_theta1 = 1.0 - cos_theta; dxdr = dx / dr; dydr = dy / dr; RotMat->rvec.x = cos_theta + ((dydr * dydr) * cos_theta1); RotMat->uvec.x = - ((dxdr * dydr) * cos_theta1); RotMat->fvec.x = (dxdr * sin_theta); RotMat->rvec.y = RotMat->uvec.x; RotMat->uvec.y = cos_theta + ((dxdr * dxdr) * cos_theta1); RotMat->fvec.y = (dydr * sin_theta); RotMat->rvec.z = -RotMat->fvec.x; RotMat->uvec.z = -RotMat->fvec.y; RotMat->fvec.z = cos_theta; } //Variables for current view position and orientation #define DEFAULT_VIEW_DIST 500 #define DEFAULT_VIEW_RAD 5000 //Wireframe views for the mine & room views wireframe_view Wireframe_view_mine = {IDENTITY_MATRIX,{0,0,0},DEFAULT_VIEW_DIST,DEFAULT_VIEW_RAD}; wireframe_view Wireframe_view_room = {IDENTITY_MATRIX,{0,0,0},DEFAULT_VIEW_DIST,DEFAULT_VIEW_RAD}; //The current wireframe view wireframe_view *Wireframe_view = &Wireframe_view_mine; #define MOVE_SCALE 3.0 #define ZOOM_SCALE 10.0 #define RAD_SCALE 10.0 //Read the mouse and move the wireframe view void MoveWorld() { int x,y,dx,dy; ddio_MouseGetState(&x, &y, &dx, &dy); if ( (dx!=0) || (dy!=0) ) { if (Editor_view_mode==VM_TERRAIN) { return; } if ((KEY_STATE(KEY_LCTRL) || KEY_STATE(KEY_RCTRL)) && !(KEY_STATE(KEY_LSHIFT) || KEY_STATE(KEY_RSHIFT))) { matrix rotmat,tempm; GetMouseRotation( dx, dy, &rotmat ); tempm = Wireframe_view->orient * rotmat; Wireframe_view->orient = tempm; Edview_changed = 1; } if ((KEY_STATE(KEY_LCTRL) || KEY_STATE(KEY_RCTRL)) && (KEY_STATE(KEY_LSHIFT) || KEY_STATE(KEY_RSHIFT))) { Wireframe_view->target += Wireframe_view->orient.rvec * -dx * MOVE_SCALE; Wireframe_view->target += Wireframe_view->orient.uvec * dy * MOVE_SCALE; Edview_changed = 1; } if (KEY_STATE(KEY_Z) && !(KEY_STATE(KEY_LSHIFT) || KEY_STATE(KEY_RSHIFT))) { Wireframe_view->dist += dy * ZOOM_SCALE; if (Wireframe_view->dist < 0) Wireframe_view->dist = 0; Edview_changed = 1; } if (KEY_STATE(KEY_Z) && (KEY_STATE(KEY_LSHIFT) || KEY_STATE(KEY_RSHIFT))) { Wireframe_view->rad += dy * RAD_SCALE; if (Wireframe_view->rad < 0) Wireframe_view->rad = 0; EditorStatus("View radius = %.0f",Wireframe_view->rad); Edview_changed = 1; } } } extern vector Mine_origin; //Reset the orienation, position, & distance of the wireframe view void ResetWireframeView() { Wireframe_view->dist = DEFAULT_VIEW_DIST; Wireframe_view->rad = DEFAULT_VIEW_RAD; vm_MakeIdentity(&Wireframe_view->orient); Wireframe_view->target = Mine_origin; Edview_changed = 1; } //Reset the view radius of the wireframe view void ResetWireframeViewRad() { Wireframe_view->rad = DEFAULT_VIEW_RAD; Edview_changed = 1; } //Set the wireframe view target to a specific location //Does not reset the distance or orientation void SetWireframeView(vector *pos) { Wireframe_view->target = *pos; Edview_changed = 1; }