* Descent 3
* Copyright (C) 2024 Parallax Software
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
* $Logfile: /DescentIII/Main/dmfc/dmfcinternal.h $
* $Revision: $
* $Date: 2003/08/26 03:57:21 $
* $Author: kevinb $
* Internal DMFC header
* $Log: dmfcinternal.h,v $
* Revision 2003/08/26 03:57:21 kevinb
* initial 1.5 import
* 76 9/05/01 6:04p Matt
* Added code to save the user's preferred HUD name level setting even if
* the server bashes it down.
* 75 9/28/99 10:55a Jeff
* changed size of pointer for mastertracker game from uint8_t* to int*
* 74 8/21/99 12:32a Jeff
* Changed the name of the GetRealGametime function to
* GetRealGametimePacket since it was confusing some compilers with the
* other GetRealGametime function.
* 73 8/15/99 4:36p Jeff
* finished exporting all inventory class functions. export object_info
* array. added check for -nooutragelogo to display Outrage logo display.
* 72 8/11/99 1:47p Jeff
* interface functions
* 71 7/16/99 2:43p Jeff
* changed CreateMenuItemWArgs function
* 70 7/14/99 11:47a Jeff
* localized text for patch fixes
* 69 7/13/99 10:05a Jeff
* text taunt token decoding
* 68 7/11/99 3:31p Jeff
* exported game arguments, made command line option to specify
* autoexec.dmfc
* 67 7/09/99 7:02p Jeff
* put in countdown timer for when a level is about to end
* 66 7/09/99 6:18p Jeff
* added $remoteadminlogout and $wait commands
* 65 7/09/99 2:54p Jeff
* handle gametime better (pause it when needed) if the server is 'waiting
* for players'
* 64 7/08/99 9:55p Jeff
* added event handler for weapon fired event
* 63 7/08/99 6:25p Jeff
* remote admin in and working
* 62 7/08/99 2:39a Jeff
* rough implementation of remote administration checked in. Still needs
* some polishing, but should work basically.
* 61 7/07/99 6:10p Jeff
* don't count the time that a player is in observer mode for death/kill
* messages
* 60 7/07/99 5:00p Jeff
* removed vararg functions from interface functions, just made different
* versions of them
* 59 7/07/99 12:16p Jeff
* all mangles symbol names fixed. Finished making interface functions.
* 58 6/10/99 5:42p Jeff
* fixed mprintf define
* 57 6/10/99 11:10a Jeff
* don't display the Outrage logo for non-Outrage games
* 56 5/22/99 1:12a Jeff
* correctly handle Viewer_object
* 55 5/19/99 11:51p Jeff
* set version number for 1.0 for release
* 54 5/13/99 11:46a Jeff
* increased version number
* 53 5/12/99 11:04p Jeff
* dmfc and multiplayer games now have endian friendly packets (*whew*)
* 52 5/10/99 2:44a Jeff
* handle new scheme of player's joining in a team game, where the team is
* set before player enters game in the main code, but the team is
* determined via event call to dmfc
* 51 5/09/99 6:20a Jeff
* improved Entropy (added sounds, max virii per room). Fixed rendering
* bugs for other multiplayer dlls.
* 50 5/08/99 11:06a Jeff
* 49 5/07/99 12:52p Jeff
* audio taunt icon is ppic if available. coop has hard max team set of 4
* 48 5/04/99 8:46p Jeff
* display icon when someone plays an audio taunt
* 47 4/30/99 10:53p Jeff
* added $warp command
* 46 4/30/99 7:36p Jeff
* exported vis_effects to dmfc
* 45 4/25/99 7:19p Jeff
* added code to handle suicides in pinfo
* 44 4/23/99 6:15p Jeff
* fixed double calls to GameClose
* 43 4/19/99 3:54a Jeff
* got compiling for Linux
* 42 4/14/99 1:15a Jeff
* fixed case mismatched #includes
* 41 4/12/99 11:36a Jeff
* added permissable cs string
* 40 4/04/99 4:56p Jeff
* added functionality to call osiris functions from multiplayer d3ms
* 39 4/03/99 4:06p Jeff
* added loss/ping gauge
* 38 3/30/99 9:01p Jeff
* exported polymodels
* 37 3/30/99 7:42p Jeff
* fixed a misspelling on a function name
* 36 3/27/99 4:53p Jeff
* player rankings in multiplayer games implemented. Fixed join message
* so it doesn't get cut off
* 35 3/22/99 6:20p Jeff
* added 2 more audio taunts. a mulitplayer event when someone plays an
* audio taunt. option to disable audio taunts.
* 34 3/22/99 1:55p Jeff
* make sure initialization happens (possible crashing)
* 33 3/17/99 12:24p Jeff
* converted DMFC to be COM interface
* 32 1/19/99 3:55a Jeff
* all strings localized out
* 31 1/18/99 7:27p Jeff
* localized strings in dmfcbase.cpp
* 30 1/10/99 7:41p Jeff
* added initial version of waitforplayers dialog
* 29 1/04/99 12:21p Jeff
* added support for hosts.allow/deny and updates stats manager a little
* 28 12/08/98 12:17p Jeff
* various changes that include an improved Team Control dialog (doesn't
* switch teams until exit..) and spew/respawn players that change teams
* 27 11/19/98 5:56p Jeff
* added slider exported and improved Hoard
* 26 11/17/98 6:29p Jeff
* mod can specify whether or not to display the team setup dialog on team
* game start. Added a menu item to display team setup dialog in mid-game
* 25 11/16/98 5:35p Jeff
* removed log functions, added support for changing team names, fixed ctf
* to work better with different team names
* 24 11/11/98 7:19p Jeff
* changed version number
* 23 11/11/98 7:19p Jeff
* changes made so that a dedicated server's team is always -1 (team game
* or not)
* 22 10/29/98 7:01p Jeff
* creation of team placement dialog. Moved TranslateEvent into DMFC
* 21 10/20/98 4:35p Jeff
* added a flag for menu to add a to MIT_PLIST...
* 20 10/20/98 12:16p Jeff
* added death message filter, hud callsign filter
* 19 10/18/98 7:59p Jeff
* functions added to dmfc for client->server objnum matching. Banning
* now uses tracker id when available.
* 18 10/15/98 1:34p Jeff
* added scrollable onscreen menu. Remove ban in dmfc. prejoin event
* 17 10/08/98 3:37p Jeff
* general improvements (Netgame info things, save to registry). Changes
* so it would send packets on NETSEQ_OBJECTS
* 16 10/05/98 2:50p Jeff
* 15 9/30/98 3:50p Jeff
* general improvements (many)
* 14 9/29/98 3:04p Jeff
* added time in game and start_time support
* 13 9/28/98 5:05p Jeff
* made the statisitical death messages an option in the menu
* 12 9/24/98 5:52p Jeff
* starting adding statistical death messages, checked in for testing
* 11 9/21/98 7:11p Jeff
* made InputCommand interface API and moved existing input commands to
* the interface. Changed mprintf/ASSERT so they are valid in DMFC
* $NoKeywords: $
#include "idmfc.h"
#include "DMFC.h"
#include "gamedll_header.h"
#include "DMFCKeyCodes.h"
// DEMO 1.0
// #define DMFC_VERSION_MINOR 60
class DMFCBase;
#ifdef mprintf // undefine mprintf and redirect it to use DLLmprintf
#undef mprintf
#define mprintf(...) DLLmprintf(__VA_ARGS__)
#define MAX_DBNAME_SIZE 32
#define MAX_DBLABEL_SIZE 128
// DMFC Control Messages
#define CM_KICKED 0xFF // tell the player he is kicked
#define CM_BANNED 0xFE // tell the player he is banned
#define CM_TEAMCHANGEDENIED 0xFD // tell the player change team request denied
#define CM_SIGNALSTART 0xFC // tell the player he can start moving
#define CM_SIGNALWAIT 0xFB // tell the player to stop moving
#define CM_PAUSETIME 0xFA // tell the player to pause gametime
#define CM_UNPAUSETIME 0xF9 // tell the player to unpause gametime
struct tDeathMsg {
char *message; // pointer to the actual message
bool inuse; // whether the node is being used
bool victim_first; // whether the victim is listed first or second in the message
struct tSPHandler {
void (*func)(uint8_t *); // Function handler to handle the packet
void (DMFCBase::*DMFCfunc)(uint8_t *);
tSPHandler *next; // Pointer to next handler
int type;
uint8_t ID; // ID of special packet
// Struct for Input Command nodes (commands that begin with $)
struct tInputCommandNode {
char *data;
char *desc;
tInputCommandNode *next;
void (*handler)(const char *);
bool allow_remote;
struct tPKillerInfo {
uint8_t slot;
int kills;
tPKillerInfo *next;
struct tPExtraInfo {
float last_kill_time; // Game time of the last kill for this player (previous kill)
float last_death_time; // Game time of the last time this player was killed (previous death)
float kill_time; // time of latest kill
float death_time; // time of latest death
float observer_time; // time the player entered observer mode (or 0 if not)
uint16_t kills_in_a_row; // Number of kills in a row for this player
uint16_t deaths_in_a_row; // Number of deaths in a row for this player
int8_t last_kill_num; // Player record num of last person this player killed
int8_t last_death_num; // Player record num of the player that last killed this player
char got_revenge; // 1 if revenge has been made on last killer
class PInfo {
PInfo(int slot);
tPKillerInfo *GetKillerInfo(int slot);
void Update(int slot, tPKillerInfo *amount);
tPKillerInfo *GetFirstKiller(void);
tPKillerInfo *GetNextKiller(void);
void RemoveKiller(int slot);
void ResetAll(void);
int GetSizeOfData(void);
int GetExtraInfoSize(void);
void PackData(uint8_t *buffer);
bool UnpackData(uint8_t *buffer, int buffsize);
tPExtraInfo *GetExtraInfo(void);
void HandleKill(int killer_num);
void HandleDeath(int victim_num);
void HandleSuicide(void);
void EnterObserverMode(void);
void ExitObserverMode(void);
tPKillerInfo *FindKiller(int slot, tPKillerInfo **prev = NULL);
tPKillerInfo *CreateKiller(int slot);
tPKillerInfo *killer_list;
tPKillerInfo *curr;
tPExtraInfo extra_info;
int m_slot;
class MenuItem : public IMenuItem {
MenuItem(const char *title, char type, uint8_t flags, void (*fp)(int), ...); // the last parameters are the state items, which
// is an int (the number of states), followed by
// an int (the initial state), followed by a
// a list of char * to the names of the items
// this is required for MIT_STATE type only
bool AddSubMenu(IMenuItem *p);
bool DetachSubMenu(IMenuItem *p);
bool Forward(void);
bool Back(void);
bool Up(void);
bool Down(void);
void Execute(void);
void Draw(int x, int y, int height, int backgroundbmp, float *ratio = NULL);
void SetInputFocus(void);
void LoseInputFocus(void);
bool GetFocus(void);
const char *GetTitle(void);
int GetCustomSubMenuCount(void);
void CallFunc(int value);
bool HasSubMenus(void);
char GetType(void);
void SetState(int state);
bool SetStateItemList(int count, ...);
bool SetStateItemListArray(int count, char **array);
void Delete(void);
void *Dynamic_Cast(const char *pszType);
void DuplicatePointer(void);
void DestroyPointer(void);
int m_cPtrs;
// How many submenus this has
int SubMenuCount;
// Points to the currently active submenu (-1 if none)
int CurrSubMenu;
// State of the menu (only for MIT_STATE)
int m_iState;
// List of player nums according to the submenu index
// The array of Submenus
IMenuItem **SubMenus;
// The title for this Menu
char m_sTitle[MAX_STRING_LEN];
// Handler for execute
void (*func)(int);
// true is this menu currently has input focus
bool HasInputFocus;
// What type of submenus this has
// only if this is set to MIT_NORMAL can it have submenus of its submenus
// no submenus are allowed to be added to a MIT_PLIST, as this is automatically handled
// no submenus are allowed for MIT_STATEITEM as they are specific ends for a MIT_STATE submenu
char m_cType;
uint8_t m_iFlags;
uint8_t m_Alpha;
bool m_AlphaDir;
int m_iTopIndex;
bool m_bMoreToScroll, m_bAtBottom;
tCustomMenu m_cmInfo;
struct tDMFCTimerInfo {
bool inuse;
void (*handler)(void);
void (*onkill)(void);
float starttime;
float longevity;
float nexttime;
float intval;
struct tWeaponKillMsg {
bool inuse;
bool victim_first;
char *message;
struct tBanItem {
network_address addr;
char callsign[MAX_CALLSIGN_SIZE];
char tracker_id[24];
tBanItem *next;
// This class handles displaying and processing a customizable and detailed stats screen (in-game)
class CDmfcStats : public IDmfcStats {
// constuctor/destructor
// initialization member function, must be called first
bool Initialize(tDmfcStatsInit *init_info);
// enables/disables the displaying of the stats screen
void Enable(bool enable);
// returns the state of the stats manager
bool IsEnabled();
// the do-it-all function, call once per frame
void DoFrame();
// scrolls the player list down one
void ScrollDown();
// scrolls the player list up one
void ScrollUp();
// returns true if the player list can scroll down any more
bool CanScrollDown();
// returns true if the player list can scroll up any more
bool CanScrollUp();
void Delete(void);
void *Dynamic_Cast(const char *pszType);
void DuplicatePointer(void);
void DestroyPointer(void);
int m_cPtrs;
// true if initialized
bool m_init;
int m_flags;
// array of sorted prec numbers
int *m_SortedPRecs;
// pointer to the max number displayed (if the flag is set)
int *m_pMaxNumberDisplayed;
// number of players to be displayed for this frame
int m_MaxCount;
// number of columns for the player lists
int m_iPLColCount;
// number of columns for the detailed list
int m_iDColCount;
// information for the player list columns
tDmfcStatsColumnInfo *m_PLColInfo;
// information for the detailed columns
tDmfcStatsColumnInfo *m_DColInfo;
// callback for DSCOL_CUSTOM column types for Player list
void (*m_PLColCallback)(int precord_num, int column_num, char *buffer, int buffer_size);
// callback for DSCOL_CUSTOM column types for detailed
void (*m_DColCallback)(int precord_num, int column_num, char *buffer, int buffer_size);
// callback for DSCOL_BMP column types for Player list (bitmaps)
void (*m_PLColCallbackBMP)(int precord_num, int column_num, int x, int y, int w, int h, uint8_t alpha_to_use);
// callback for DSCOL_BMP column types for detailed (bitmaps)
void (*m_DColCallbackBMP)(int precord_num, int column_num, int x, int y, int w, int h, uint8_t alpha_to_use);
// callback for team data
void (*m_TeamCallback)(int team, char *buffer, int buffer_size);
// name of the multiplayer game
char *m_GameName;
// starting scroll index
int m_top_index;
// selected index
int m_selected_index;
// bottom index value
int m_bottom_index;
// true if the stats is enabled
bool m_enabled;
// height of the font
int m_font_height;
// starting y value of player list data
int m_y_start_plist;
// starting y value of detailed list data
int m_y_start_detail;
// starting x value of player list data
int m_x_start_plist;
// starting x value of detailed list data
int m_x_start_detail;
// selected prec num
int m_selected_prec;
// translatation index->prec
int m_translate[MAX_PLAYER_RECORDS];
// bmp handle to highlight bar
int m_highlight_bmp;
// bmp handle to window background
int m_background_bmp;
// what page of who-killed-who stats are we on
int m_page_index;
// how many items can we fit on the who-killed-who stats
int m_can_fit_count;
// how long has the current page been displayed
float m_page_display_time;
// does this guy have multiple pages?
bool m_has_multiple_pages;
// alpha of the items
uint8_t m_alpha;
float alpha_in_time;
// validates all the variables
void ValidateInfo();
// renders the stats screen
void Render();
// displays in a window the view of the viewer object
void DisplayPlayerView(int x, int y, int w, int h, object *viewer);
struct tHostsNode {
uint32_t ip;
uint32_t mask;
tHostsNode *next;
}; // Allow/Deny IP address nodes
// DMFCBase class
// This is the base class that the DMFCApp class is based off of. This just handles general
// functions, and handling default events.
class DMFCBase : public IDMFC {
// ##################Setup and processing functions#######################
// DMGFBase::LoadFunctions
// Initializes all the functions for a multiplayer game...must be first thing called
void LoadFunctions(int *api_func);
// DMFCBase::GameInit
// Sets up all the DLL functions and pointers and preps the class for use. This ABSOLUTLY must be
// called, so if you override DMFCApp::GameInit, make sure that you put a call to this somewhere in
// the override.
void GameInit(int teams);
// DMFCBase::GameClose
// Closes up any needed DLL and DMFC tasks. This ABSOLUTLY must be called, so if you override
// DMFCApp::GameClose, make sure that you put a call to this somewhere in the override
void GameClose(void);
// ###################Server Only functions################################
// DMFCBase::OnServerPlayerKilled
// Event handler for when a player gets killed, either by another player or some other way
// killer_obj = object pointer to the object that killed the player
// victim_pnum = player number of the player that got killed
virtual void OnServerPlayerKilled(object *killer_obj, int victim_pnum);
// DMFCBase::OnServerPlayerExploded
// Event handler for when a player explodes. Gets called after a EVT_GAMEPLAYERKILLED event.
// player_num = player number of the player exploding
virtual void OnServerPlayerExploded(int player_num);
// DMFCBase::OnServerCollide
// Event handler for when two objects collide. At least one of the two objects is a player or a robot.
// Be aware that this event will be called twice per collision, the second time it is called the me and
// it objects will be flipped.
// me_obj = object pointer to the me object
// it_obj = object pointer to the it object
virtual void OnServerCollide(object *me_obj, object *it_obj);
virtual void OnServerCollide(object *me_obj, object *it_obj, vector *point, vector *normal);
// DMFCBase::OnServerPlayerChangeSegment
// Event handler for when a player changes rooms or a "large" terrain cell
// (8x8 Terrain block).
// player_num = player number of the player who just changed the room/segment
// newseg = New room/cell location
// oldseg = Old room/cell location
virtual void OnServerPlayerChangeSegment(int player_num, int newseg, int oldseg);
// DMFCBase::OnServerObjectChangeSegment (Only called if server tells client to execute)
// Event handler for when a player changes rooms or a "large" terrain cell
// (8x8 Terrain block).
// obj = Object pointer of the object who just changed the room/segment
// newseg = New room/cell location
// oldseg = Old room/cell location
virtual void OnServerObjectChangeSegment(object *obj, int newseg, int oldseg);
// DMFCBase::OnServerPlayerEntersGame
// Event handler for when a player enters the game. This will only get called once per
// player, it usually gets called right after they connect to the server to start playing.
// player_num = player number of the player entering the game
virtual void OnServerPlayerEntersGame(int player_num);
// DMFCBase::OnServerPlayerDisconnect
// Event handler for when a player disconnects from the server.
// player_num = player number of the player that just disconnected
virtual void OnServerPlayerDisconnect(int player_num);
// DMFCBase::OnServerGameCreated
// Event handler when the server's game first gets started. This will only be called once
// while the server is running, and that is when the server first starts up.
virtual void OnServerGameCreated(void);
// DMFCBase::OnServerLevelChange
// Event handler when the server changes levels. This will get called after a level ends and a server
// is starting a new level.
virtual void OnServerLevelChange(void);
// DMFCBase::OnServerLevelStart
// Event handler for when a multiplayer level is starting up. This will get called right before the level
// starts.
virtual void OnServerLevelStart(void);
// DMFCBase::OnServerLevelEnd
// Event handler for when a multiplayer level is ending.
virtual void OnServerLevelEnd(void);
// DMFCBase::OnServerObjectShieldsChanged
// Event handler for when an objects shield's change
virtual void OnServerObjectShieldsChanged(object *obj, float amount);
// DMFCBase::OnServerIsAddressBanned
// Called by the game to determine if the given network address is banned from the game
virtual bool OnServerIsAddressBanned(network_address *addr, const char *tracker_id);
// DMFCBase::OnServerWallCollide
// Called by the game when their is a collision between an object and a wall
virtual void OnServerWallCollide(object *obj, float hitspeed, int hitseg, int hitwall, vector *hitpt,
vector *wall_normal, float hit_dot);
// DMFCBase::OnServerObjectKilled
// Called when an object is being killed
// Not automatically sent to clients (OnClientObjectKilled)
// killer might not be valid (NULL)
virtual void OnServerObjectKilled(object *obj, object *killer);
// DMFCBase::OnServerObjectDestroyed
// Called when an object is about to be deleted
// Not automatically sent to clients
virtual void OnServerObjectDestroyed(object *obj);
// ######################### Client allowed event handlers############################
// DMFCBase::OnClientPlayerKilled (Only called if server tells client to execute)
// Event handler for when a player gets killed, either by another player or some other way.
// killer_obj = object pointer to the object that killed the player
// victim_pnum = player number of the player that got killed
virtual void OnClientPlayerKilled(object *killer_obj, int victim_pnum);
// DMFCBase::OnClientPlayerExploded (Only called if server tells client to execute)
// Event handler for when a player explodes. Gets called after a EVT_GAMEPLAYERKILLED event.
// player_num = player number of the player exploding
virtual void OnClientPlayerExploded(int player_num);
// DMFCBase::OnClientCollide (Only called if server tells client to execute)
// Event handler for when two objects collide. At least one of the two objects is a player or a robot.
// Be aware that this event will be called twice per collision, the second time it is called the me and
// it objects will be flipped.
// ALSO NOTE: In order for the OnClientCollide() that passes the point and normal to have valid values
// the server must pass true to the parameter to send arguments in CallClientEvent().
// me_obj = object pointer to the me object
// it_obj = object pointer to the it object
virtual void OnClientCollide(object *me_obj, object *it_obj);
virtual void OnClientCollide(object *me_obj, object *it_obj, vector *point, vector *normal);
// DMFCBase::OnClientPlayerChangeSegment (Only called if server tells client to execute)
// Event handler for when a player changes rooms or a "large" terrain cell
// (8x8 Terrain block).
// player_num = player number of the player who just changed the room/segment
// newseg = New room/cell location
// oldseg = Old room/cell location
virtual void OnClientPlayerChangeSegment(int player_num, int newseg, int oldseg);
// DMFCBase::OnClientObjectChangeSegment (Only called if server tells client to execute)
// Event handler for when a player changes rooms or a "large" terrain cell
// (8x8 Terrain block).
// obj = Object pointer of the object who just changed the room/segment
// newseg = New room/cell location
// oldseg = Old room/cell location
virtual void OnClientObjectChangeSegment(object *obj, int newseg, int oldseg);
// DMFCBase::OnClientPlayerEntersGame (Only called if server tells client to execute)
// Event handler for when a player enters the game. This will only get called once per
// player, it usually gets called right after they connect to the server to start playing.
// player_num = player number of the player entering the game
virtual void OnClientPlayerEntersGame(int player_num);
// DMFCBase::OnClientPlayerDisconnect (Only called if server tells client to execute)
// Event handler for when a player disconnects from the server.
// player_num = player number of the player that just disconnected
virtual void OnClientPlayerDisconnect(int player_num);
// DMFCBase::OnMeDisconnectFromServer
// Event handler that gets called if we disconnect from the server for some reason (not purposesly quit)
virtual void OnMeDisconnectFromServer(void);
// DMFCBase::OnClientGameCreated (Only called if server tells client to execute)
// Event handler when the server's game first gets started. This will only be called once
// while the server is running, and that is when the server first starts up.
virtual void OnClientGameCreated(void);
// DMFCBase::OnClientObjectShieldsChanged
// Event handler for when an objects shield's change
virtual void OnClientObjectShieldsChanged(object *obj, float amount);
// DMFCBase::OnWeaponFired
// Event handler for when an object fires a weapon
virtual void OnWeaponFired(object *weapon_obj, object *shooter);
// DMFCBase::OnClientLevelChange (Only called if server tells client to execute)
// Event handler when the server changes levels. This will get called after a level ends and a server
// is starting a new level.
virtual void OnClientLevelChange(void);
// DMFCBase::OnClientLevelStart (Only called if server tells client to execute)
// Event handler for when a multiplayer level is starting up. This will get called right before the level
// starts.
virtual void OnClientLevelStart(void);
// DMFCBase::OnClientLevelEnd (Only called if server tells client to execute)
// Event handler for when a multiplayer level is ending.
virtual void OnClientLevelEnd(void);
// DMFCBase::OnClientWallCollide
// Called by the game when their is a collision between an object and a wall
virtual void OnClientWallCollide(object *obj, float hitspeed, int hitseg, int hitwall, vector *hitpt,
vector *wall_normal, float hit_dot);
// DMFCBase::OnClientObjectKilled
// Called when an object is being killed
// Not automatically sent to clients (OnClientObjectKilled)
// killer might not be valid (NULL)
virtual void OnClientObjectKilled(object *obj, object *killer);
// DMFCBase::OnClientObjectDestroyed
// Called when an object is about to be deleted
// Not automatically sent to clients
virtual void OnClientObjectDestroyed(object *obj);
// DMFCBase::OnPlayerEntersObserver
// Event handler when a player becomes an observer mode
// If they are piggybacking another player than piggy is the object pointer, else it's NULL
virtual void OnPlayerEntersObserver(int pnum, object *piggy);
// DMFCBase::OnPlayerExitsObserver
// Event handler when a player is leaving observer mode
virtual void OnPlayerExitsObserver(int pnum);
// DMFCBase::OnCanChangeTeam
// Called to determine if a player can change teams, you can override this so the server won't
// let a player change teams if it is not desired (for that player)
virtual bool OnCanChangeTeam(int pnum, int newteam);
// DMFCBase::OnSpecialPacket
// Event handler for when a special packet arrives and needs to be processed.
// Both the server and client can get this event, although it is more common for the
// client to recieve these.
virtual void OnSpecialPacket(void);
// DMFCBase::OnInterval
// Event handler that gets called once a frame
virtual void OnInterval(void);
// DMFCBase::OnHUDInterval
// Event handler that gets called once a frame when it's time to render the HUD images
virtual void OnHUDInterval(void);
// DMFCBase::OnPLRInterval
// Event handler that gets called once a frame when the Post Level Results screen is being display
virtual void OnPLRInterval(void);
// DMFCBase::OnPLRInit
// Event handler that gets called the first frame of the PLR screen for each level
virtual void OnPLRInit(void);
// DMFCBase::OnKeypress
// Event handler for when a user presses a key while in the game
// key = Key code of the key being pressed
virtual void OnKeypress(int key);
// DMFCBase::OnInputString
// Event handler for when the user types a message at the console (F8) that begins with a $
// input_string = string that was typed
virtual void OnInputString(char *input_string);
// DMFCBase::OnPlayerChangeTeam
// Called when a player changes team
// if announce is true than it is a change in the middle of the game, else it's an initial assignment change
virtual void OnPlayerChangeTeam(int player_num, int newteam, bool announce, bool spew_everything);
// DMFCBase::OnGameStateRequest
// Server only. Override this to listen for Game state requests from the clients
// When this function is called a client (who's player number is passed in) is requesting
// game state information. Do what you need to do to send game state information to that player
virtual void OnGameStateRequest(int pnum);
// DMFCBase::OnSaveStatsToFile
// The user is requesting the game stats to be saved to file, you must handle this completly on
// the game's side, nothing is done in DMFC
virtual void OnSaveStatsToFile(void);
// DMFCBase::OnPlayerReconnect
// This player is reconnecting to the game
virtual void OnPlayerReconnect(int player_num);
// DMFCBase::OnPlayerConnect
// This player is connecting to the game for the first time
virtual void OnPlayerConnect(int player_num);
// DMFCBase::OnControlMessage
// There is a control message sent from someone
virtual void OnControlMessage(uint8_t msg, int from_pnum);
// DMFCBase::OnAllowObserverChange
// returns true if the requested change for observer mode should go through
virtual bool OnAllowObserverChange(bool turnonobserver);
// DMFCBase::OnClientShowUI
// The game is saying it's ok to do any UI. Only handle the id's that belong to you and pass the rest
// to DMFCBase::OnClientShowUI().
virtual void OnClientShowUI(int id, void *user_data);
// DMFCBase::OnPrintScores
// The user is requesting that the scores be printed out (For Dedicated Server use). Use DPrintf
// level: -1 Requesting all the available scores
// n Print only the top n scores
// Override this to how you see fit, but it should conform to the above.
virtual void OnPrintScores(int level);
// DMFCBase::OnDisconnectSaveStatsToFile
// The game should save the stats because the player (only ourself as the client in the game),
// has disconnected.
virtual void OnDisconnectSaveStatsToFile(void);
// DMFCBase::OnLevelEndSaveStatsToFile
// The game should save the "End of Level" stats to file. You must handle this completly on
// the game's side, nothing is done in DMFC
virtual void OnLevelEndSaveStatsToFile(void);
// DMFCBase::OnGetHudCallSignColor
// This is an event sent in by the game requesting what color it should draw the HUD callsign
// of the passed in playernum. Using GR_RGB return the color from the function. This function
// gets called every frame that the player is on the clients HUD.
virtual ddgr_color OnGetHudCallSignColor(int playernum);
// DMFCBase::TranslateEvent
// Translates the event passed in to handle, calls the appropriate handler function. If a function isn't
// created to handle the event, then it calls the default handler. Handler functions should call the default
// handler unless it absolutly shouldn't
virtual void TranslateEvent(int eventnum, dllinfo *data);
// DMFCBase::OnTeamChangeName
// This event occurs on the client when a team's name has just changed
virtual void OnTeamChangeName(int team, char *oldname, char *newname);
// DMFCBase::OnDoControls
// This event occurs when there is a new back of game controls data
virtual void OnDoControls(game_controls *controls);
// DMFCBase::OnPlayAudioTaunt
// This event occurs when a player plays an audio taunt
virtual void OnPlayAudioTaunt(int pnum);
// DMFCBase::OnGetTokenString
// This event occurs when a text macro is being used that has tokens
// in it, if you have a specific token, override this event to handle it.
virtual void OnGetTokenString(char *src, char *dest, int dest_size);
void DrawMenu(void);
void DisplayPlayerInfo(int background_bmp = -1, bool dedicated_server = false);
// DMFCBase::SwitchPlayerInfoDisplay
// Switches on/off displaying a Playerinfo
void SwitchPlayerInfoDisplay(int pnum);
// DMFCBase::DisplayingPlayerInfo
// Returns the pnum of who you are currently displaying, -1 if noone
int DisplayingPlayerInfo(void);
// DMFCBase::GetTeamFromString
// Returns the int value of a team based on a string, -1 if not a team
int GetTeamFromString(char *str);
// DMFCBase::GetPlayerNum
// Returns your playernum, useful when finding out if an event is referring to you (by looking at
// the playernum passed to the event handler, compared to your playernum
int GetPlayerNum(void);
// DMFCBase::GetLocalRole
// Returns your role in the multiplayer game. The result returned will be either LR_SERVER or LR_CLIENT
int GetLocalRole(void);
// DMFCBase::CheckPlayerNum
// Returns true if the player number passed in is a valid player number (the player is connected)
bool CheckPlayerNum(int player_num);
// DMFCBase::PacketCheckPlayerNum
// Returns true if it's ok to send a packet to this player
bool PacketCheckPlayerNum(int player_num);
// DMFCBase::CallClientEvent
// Server Only. This will send an event to a client for it to execute.
// event = An EVT_CLIENT_*
// me_objnum,it_objnum = Object numbers of the objects to be me and it for the event
// destination = Player number of the client to send to, or -1 if to send to all
void CallClientEvent(int event, int me_objnum, int it_objnum, int destination, bool parms = false);
// DMFCBase::GetTimeLeft
// Server Only. This will fill in the float pointer passed to it with how much time is
// left in the multiplayer game. The value placed in the float is only valid if GetTimeLeft
// returns true. If it returns false it was because either it is not a game with a time limit
// or it is being called on a client.
bool GetTimeLeft(float *time);
// DMFCBase::EndLevel
// Server Only. This will end the current multiplayer level, and will go on to the next level.
void EndLevel(void);
// DMFCBase::WarpToLevel
// Warps to another level in the mission. Pass a level number (1 to Current_mission.num_levels)
// It will end the level and go to that level.
void WarpToLevel(int lev);
// DMFCBase::GetScoreLimit
// Server Only. This will fill in the int pointer passed to it with what the scoring limit
// is, set in in the multiplayer options. The value point into the int is only valid if
// GetScoreLimit returns true. If it returns false it is because you are either not the
// server or this option wasn't set in the multiplayer options
bool GetScoreLimit(int *limit);
// DMFCBase::AutoTimeLimit
// Server Only. This turns off or on the automatic level ending by DMFC of a timed multiplayer game.
// If you turn it off, it is your responsibility to end a time multiplayer game when its time
// is up. If it is turned on, DMFC will automatically handle ending the game. By default it is on.
void AutoTimeLimit(bool turnon);
// DMFCBase::AutoDeathMessage
// This turns on or off DMFC's automatic handling of death messages. If it is turned on (Default)
// then when a player dies it will display a random death message from the list added by you using
// AddDeathMessage. If it is turned off, then it is your responsibility to handle the messages, you
// can use DoRandomDeathMessage to display one when appropriate.
void AutoDeathMessage(bool turnon);
// DMFCBase::AddDeathMessage
// This will add a death message to DMFC.
// format = string in a "printf" type format (using %s for player callsigns) of the message
// victim_first = Set this to true if the victim is listed first in the format
void AddDeathMessage(const char *string, bool victim_first = true);
// DMFCBase::AddSuicideMessage
// This will add a death message to DMFC.
// format = string in a "printf" type format (using %s for player callsigns) of the message
void AddSuicideMessage(const char *string);
// DMFCBase::DoRandomDeathMessage
// DMFC will display a death message (or suicide message if killer and victim are the same) when
// this function is called, based on the strings added with AddDeathMessage or AddSuicideMessage.
// killernum = object number of the killer
// victimnum = object number of the victim
// hash = hash index of the weapon killer, -1 if none
void DoRandomDeathMessage(int killernum, int victimnum, uint32_t hash = -1);
// DMFCBase::GetItObjNum
// Returns the it object number of the current event for use.
int GetItObjNum(void);
// DMFCBase::GetMeObjNum
// Returns the me object number of the current event for use.
int GetMeObjNum(void);
// DMFCBase::RegisterPacketReceiver
// Sets up a handler for a Special Packet ID. When a special packet is recieved, its ID is compared
// to the ID's given to this function. If any match than it calls the handler given to process
// the packet.
// id = ID of the packet
// func = Function handler to handle the packet. Must be declared like void MyFunction(uint8_t *data);
void RegisterPacketReceiver(uint8_t id, void (*func)(uint8_t *));
void RegisterPacketReceiver(uint8_t id, void (DMFCBase::*func)(uint8_t *));
// DMFCBase::StartPacket
// Initializes a packet so it is ready to be sent out.
// data = pointer to buffer of data for packet. This buffer should be MAX_GAME_DATA_SIZE in size, even
// if you don't plan on using all that data, there is header information that is added
// in this function.
// id = ID of the Special packet. When the packet is recieved by whomever, this is the ID that determines which
// handler to
// call.
// count = pointer to your packet index pointer
void StartPacket(uint8_t *data, uint8_t id, int *count);
// DMFCBase::SendPacket
// Ships a Special Packet away to the destination. This call must be preceeded by a StartPacket call
// data = buffer of data to be sent out (same buffer that was passed to StartPacket
// size = size (in bytes) of the packet
// destination = either a player number, SP_ALL for all the players or SP_SERVER to send to the server (if you are a
// client)
void SendPacket(uint8_t *data, int size, int destination);
// DMFCBase::GetTeamForNewPlayer
// A Helper function (Server only), which will give you the optimum team assignment (whoever has the
// lowest amount of players on their team, for a new player.
// player_num = player number of the new player
// num_teams = The number of teams in your game
int GetTeamForNewPlayer(int player_num, int num_teams);
// DMFCBase::SetNumberOfTeams
// Sets the number of teams to be used in the game. By default there is 1 team (everyone against everyone).
// You can set up to a maximum of 4 teams. Call this function as soon as possible.
// teams = number of teams
void SetNumberOfTeams(int teams);
// DMFCBase::AutoTeamSelect
// Turns on or off DMFC's auto team assignment. If it is on, then when a new player joins, they will
// be placed on the team with fewest players. If it is off, then you must handle that. Defualt on.
void AutoTeamSelect(bool turnon);
// DMFCBase::SendTeamAssignment
// A DMFC Special Packet function, this sends a team assignment packet to all the players. Server only.
// playernum = player to change teams
// team = new team
void SendTeamAssignment(int playernum, int team, bool spew_on_respawn);
// DMFCBase::GetTeamAssignmentPacket
// Reciever for the team assignment packet.
void GetTeamAssignmentPacket(uint8_t *data);
// DMFCBase::GetChangeTeamPacket
// Reciever for the change team packet.(Server Only)
void GetChangeTeamPacket(uint8_t *data);
// DMFCBase::GetGameStateRequest
// Receiver for the server from a client asking for the state of the game
void GetGameStateRequest(uint8_t *data);
// DMFCBase::SendChangeTeamRequest
// Sends a request to the server to change teams (Client Only)
// spew_onchange should be true if you want the client the spew his inventory on the change
void SendChangeTeamRequest(int newteam, bool spew_onchange);
// DMFCBase::GetDMFCGameInfo
// Receives information about the DMFC game
void GetDMFCGameInfo(uint8_t *data);
// DMFCBase::SendDMFCGameInfo
// Sends information about the DMFC game
void SendDMFCGameInfo(int player);
// DMFCBase::GetRemoteKey
// Handles a new remote key from the server
void GetRemoteKey(uint8_t *data);
// DMFCBase::SendRemoteKey
// Sends out the players remote admin key
void SendRemoteKey(int pnum);
// DMFCBase::ChangeTeams
// If you are the server it will make the player change teams. If you
// are a client then it sends a request to the server to change teams
// spew_on_repsawn is true if the player should spew his inventory before he respawns
void RequestTeamChange(int team, int pnum, bool spew_on_respawn);
// DMFCBase::RequestGameState
// Sends a request to the server for the game state
void RequestGameState(void);
// DMFCBase::AddHudItemCallback
// Adds an item to the hud. Everytime the hud needs to be updated, it will call the
// handler passed in. The handler must be declared as:
// void func(struct tHudItem *item);
// type = HI_BITMAP for bitmap, HI_TEXT for a text item
// func = function callback
void AddHUDItemCallback(int type, void (*func)(struct tHUDItem *));
// DMFCBase::GetMyTeam
// Returns the int value of the team you are on...only useful in a team game.
int GetMyTeam(void);
// DMFCBase::GetTeamString
// Returns a pointer to a string name of a team
// team = integer value of the team
const char *GetTeamString(int team);
// DMFCBase::GetTeamColor
// Returns the color components of a team
// team = integer value of the team
ddgr_color GetTeamColor(int team);
// DMFCBase::GetNumTeams
// Returns the number of teams in the game
int GetNumTeams(void);
// DMFCBase::AllowTeamChange
// Returns true if team changing is allowed
bool AllowTeamChange(void);
// DMFCBase::SwitchAllowTeamChange
// Turns on/off allowing of team changing
void SwitchAllowTeamChange(bool turnon);
// DMFCBase::GetSortedPlayerSlots
// Fills in the passed array (of size maxsize) with the playernums sorted by (kills-suicides)
void GetSortedPlayerSlots(int *sortedindex, int maxsize);
// DMFCBase::GetSortedPlayerSlotsByEfficiency
// Fills in the passed array (of size maxsize) with the playernums sorted by kills/(kills+deaths+suicides)
void GetSortedPlayerSlotsByEfficiency(int *sortedindex, int maxsize);
// DMFCBase::IsMenuUp
// Returns true if the on screen menu is being shown
bool IsMenuUp(void);
// DMFCBase::ConvertHUDAlpha
// Returns a converted alpha based on what you give, it will be a more transparent if the onscreen menu is up
float ConvertHUDAlpha(float normal);
uint8_t ConvertHUDAlpha(uint8_t normal);
// DMFCBase::ClipString
// Given a width, the string will be clipped to that width. If you pass true for arrow, then an arrow will be
// appended if the string has been clipped. Based off current font
void ClipString(int width, char *string, bool arrow);
// DMFCBase::DisplayOutrageLogo(void)
// Displays the Outrage Logo for 5 seconds (call repeatedly, after 5 seconds it will just short circuit)
// Does nothing for non-Outrage releases
void DisplayOutrageLogo(void);
// DMFCBase::InitTimers
// Inializes the timers
void InitTimers(void);
// DMFCBase::KillAllTimers
// Kills all running timers
void KillAllTimers(void);
// DMFCBase::SetTimerInterval
// Starts a timer event running
int SetTimerInterval(void (*func)(void), float intval, float longevity, void (*onkill)(void) = NULL);
// DMFCBase::KillTimer
// Kills a timer
void KillTimer(int handle);
// DMFCBase::ProcessTimers
// Goes through all the timers and updates them if they need to be updated
void ProcessTimers(void);
// DMFCBase::SwitchShowHudCallsignLevel
// Sets the level for displaying of Player's Callsigns on the HUD
void SwitchShowHudCallsignLevel(uint8_t level, bool announce = true);
// DMFCBase::SwitchServerHudCallsignLevel
// Sets the max level of HUD callsign displayage...determined by the server
void SwitchServerHudCallsignLevel(uint8_t level);
// DMFCBase::GetCounterMeasureOwner
// Given a counter measure it will determine the pnum of its owner...if it can't find it, it returns -1
int GetCounterMeasureOwner(object *robot);
// DMFCBase::CFGOpen
// Opens the registry/cfg information for the DMFC game, see error codes for return values
int CFGOpen(char *filename);
// DMFCBase::CFGClose
// Closes the registry information for the game.
void CFGClose(void);
// DMFCBase::CFGFlush
// Flushes out the registry information to fall
int CFGFlush(void);
// DMFCBase::CFGCreateKey
// Creates a key in the registry
int CFGCreateKey(char *name);
// DMFCBase::CFGLookupKey
// Sets the active key in the registry
int CFGLookupKey(char *name);
// DMFCBase::CFGLookupRecord
// Looks up a record in the active key
int CFGLookupRecord(char *record, void *data);
// DMFCBase::CFGCreateRecord
// Create/overwrites a record in the active key. Type is either REGT_DWORD or REGT_STRING
int CFGCreateRecord(char *name, char type, void *data);
// DMFCBase::DecryptData
// Decrypts a buffer of data
void DecryptData(uint8_t *data, int size);
// DMFCBase::EncryptData
// Encrypts (weak) a buffer of data
void EncryptData(uint8_t *data, int size);
// DMFCBase::VersionCheck
// Makes sure Client has same DMFC version
void VersionCheck(int pnum);
// DMFCBase::FindPInfo
// Given a player number it will search the list and find that player, returning the pointer, or NULL if it
// can't be found or created
PInfo *FindPInfo(int pnum);
// DMFCBase::UpdatePInfo
// Updates a victim's pinfo stat
void UpdatePInfo(int victim, int killer, int amount);
// DMFCBase::ResetPInfo
// Resets all the PInfo stats (and frees memory)
void ResetPInfo(void);
// DMFCBase::WriteDMFCStatsToFile
// This function will write out DMFC's stats to the file given (it must be opened for writing)
void WriteDMFCStatsToFile(CFILE *file);
// DMFCBase::SetWeaponDeathMessage
// Sets a death message for a weapon kill (you only need to pass in one version of the weapon if it
// consists of multiple weapons...make sure AddWeaponHash has been called before this for this weapon)
bool SetWeaponDeathMessage(const char *weapon_name, const char *message, bool victim_first);
// DMFCBase::GetWeaponDeathMessage
// Returns the format string for a weapon death message, NULL if it doesn't exist
char *GetWeaponDeathMessage(int index, bool *victim_first);
// DMFCBase::AddWeaponHash
// Since one weapon may actually consist of many weapons, in order to save space you can create
// one weapon where all those other weapon id's will be mapped to it...use WeaponHash[id] to
// get the actual weapon. End list of children with a NULL
void AddWeaponHash(const char *parent, ...);
// DMFCBase::AddWeaponHashArray
// Since one weapon may actually consist of many weapons, in order to save space you can create
// one weapon where all those other weapon id's will be mapped to it...use WeaponHash[id] to
// get the actual weapon.
void AddWeaponHashArray(const char *parent, int count, char **array);
// DMFCBase::SetupPlayerRecord
// Sets up memory for multiplayer mod user defined data in the Player Records. Pass in the size (in bytes)
// of 1 struct (each player will get one). Use GetPlayerRecordData to retrieve a pointer to the data.
// pack_callback : callback function called when data from the struct needs to be packed
// into a packet. It is SUPER important that this function packs the data
// in little endian format. This function gets a pointer to the struct that
// needs to be packed (user_info), and a buffer in which to pack it to. This
// function is to return the number of bytes it has packed.
// unpack_callback : callback function called when data from the struct needs to be unpacket
// from a packet. This data will be in little endian format. Returns the number of
// bytes unpacked.
// returns: 1 if size given was <=0 (if so all previous user stats will be removed)
// 0 all went ok
// -1 out of memory (all user stats memory will be freed)
int SetupPlayerRecord(int sizeof_individual_data, int (*pack_callback)(void *user_info, uint8_t *data),
int (*unpack_callback)(void *user_info, uint8_t *data));
// DMFCBase::GetPlayerRecordData
// Returns a pointer to the memory set aside for a particular player (NULL on error)
void *GetPlayerRecordData(int pnum);
// DMFCBase::GetPlayerRecord
// Returns a pointer to the player record at the given slot (passed in slot must be in the range
// 0<=slot"
#define DTXT_DEATHLASER DTXT(34) //%s's Laser blasts %s to smithereens"
#define DTXT_DEATHVAUSS DTXT(35) //"%s punctures %s's ship with the Vauss"
#define DTXT_DEATHMICROWAVE DTXT(36) //"%s is vaporized by %s's Microwave beam"
#define DTXT_DEATHPLASMA DTXT(37) //"%s pulverizes %s with Plasma power"
#define DTXT_DEATHFUSION DTXT(38) //"%s disintigrates %s's hull with the fusion"
#define DTXT_DEATHSUPERLASER DTXT(39) //"%s's Super Laser blasts %s to smithereens"
#define DTXT_DEATHMASS DTXT(40) //"%s targets %s for Mass destruction"
#define DTXT_DEATHNAPALM DTXT(41) //"%s's Napalm burns %s beyond recognition"
#define DTXT_DEATHEMD DTXT(42) //"%s's EMD electrocutes %s!"
#define DTXT_DEATHOMEGA DTXT(43) //"%s's Omega peels off %s's shields"
#define DTXT_DEATHCONC DTXT(44) //%s takes a pounding from %s's Concussion"
#define DTXT_DEATHHOMING DTXT(45) //"%s's Homer swoops down on %s for the kill"
#define DTXT_DEATHSMART DTXT(46) //"%s can't shake %s's Smart missile"
#define DTXT_DEATHMEGA DTXT(47) //"%s's Mega reduces %s to smoldering scrap"
#define DTXT_DEATHFRAG DTXT(48) //"%s catches shrapnel from %s's Frag"
#define DTXT_DEATHGUIDED DTXT(49) //"%s's Guided hunts down %s"
#define DTXT_DEATHNAPALMROCKET DTXT(50) //"%s is incinerated by %s's Napalm Rocket"
#define DTXT_DEATHCYCLONE DTXT(51) //%s's Cyclone overwhelms %s's defenses"
#define DTXT_DEATHFLARE DTXT(52) //"%s's Flare ignites %s's fuel leak"
#define DTXT_OSM_REMOVEBAN DTXT(53) //"Remove Ban"
#define DTXT_OSM_REHASHLIST DTXT(54) //"Rehash Allow/Deny List"
#define DTXT_OSM_MAXHUDNAME DTXT(55) //"Max HUD Name Level"
#define DTXT_PLAIN_NONE DTXT(56) //"None"
#define DTXT_OSM_TEAMONLY DTXT(57) //"Team Only"
#define DTXT_OSM_FULL DTXT(58) //"Full"
#define DTXT_OSM_TEAMCONFIG DTXT(59) //"Show Team Config Dialog"
#define DTXT_OSM_PIGGYBACK DTXT(60) //"PiggyBack Observer"
#define DTXT_OSM_BACKGROUND DTXT(61) //"OnScreen Menu Background"
#define DTXT_OSM_HUDNAMELEVEL DTXT(62) //"HUD Name Level"
#define DTXT_OSM_SHIPLOGOS DTXT(63) //"Ship Logos"
#define DTXT_OSM_STATSTOFILE DTXT(64) //"Game Stats To File"
#define DTXT_OSM_STATLEVELEND DTXT(65) //"AutoSave On Level End"
#define DTXT_OSM_STATDISCONNECT DTXT(66) //"AutoSave On Disconnect"
#define DTXT_OSM_NETGAMEINFO DTXT(67) //"NetGame Info"
#define DTXT_OSM_HUDFILTER DTXT(68) //"HUD Message Filters"
#define DTXT_OSM_KILLMESSAGES DTXT(69) //"Kill Messages"
#define DTXT_OSM_SIMPLE DTXT(70) //"Simple"
#define DTXT_OSM_STATMESSAGES DTXT(71) //"Statistical Messages"
#define DTXT_OSM_EXIT DTXT(72) //"Exit Menu"
#define DTXT_PI_TIMEINGAME DTXT(73) //"Total Time In Game: %s\n"
#define DTXT_SETTEAMNAME DTXT(74) //"%s changed team name to %s"
#define DTXT_HUDLEVEL_FULL DTXT(75) //"Personal HUD Name Level: Full"
#define DTXT_HUDLEVEL_TEAM DTXT(76) //"Personal HUD Name Level: Team Only"
#define DTXT_HUDLEVEL_NONE DTXT(77) //"Personal HUD Name Level: None"
#define DTXT_SHUDLEVEL_FULL DTXT(78) //"Server Max HUD Name Level: Full"
#define DTXT_SHUDLEVEL_TEAM DTXT(79) //"Server Max HUD Name Level: Team Only"
#define DTXT_SHUDLEVEL_NONE DTXT(80) //"Server Max HUD Name Level: None"
#define DTXT_DMFC_STAT_HEADER DTXT(81) //"Callsign: Kills: Deaths:"
#define DTXT_DEDS_BAN DTXT(82) //"Banning %s\n"
#define DTXT_DEDS_BAN_ERROR DTXT(83) //"Unable to ban player...pnum not valid\n"
#define DTXT_TIME_HOUR DTXT(84) //"01:00:00 hour"
#define DTXT_TIME_HOURS DTXT(85) //"%d:%.2d:%.2d hours"
#define DTXT_TIME_MINUTE DTXT(86) //"1:00 minute"
#define DTXT_TIME_MINUTES DTXT(87) //"%d:%.2d minutes"
#define DTXT_TIME_SECOND DTXT(88) //"1 second"
#define DTXT_TIME_SECONDS DTXT(89) //"%d seconds"
#define DTXT_IC_ALLOWTEAMCHANGE DTXT(90) //"allowteamchange"
DTXT(91) //"[Server Only]\nTurns off/on allowing clients to change their team.\nUsage: \"$allowteamchange \""
#define DTXT_IC_AUTOBALANCE DTXT(92) //"autobalance"
DTXT(93) //"[Server Only]\nTurns off/on allowing the automatic team placement of new players by the server.\nUsage:
//\"$autobalance \""
#define DTXT_IC_AUTOSAVEDISC DTXT(94) //"autosavedisconnect"
DTXT(95) //"Enables/Disables the automatic saving of the game stats if you disconnect from the server.\nUsage:
//\"$autosavedisconnect \""
#define DTXT_IC_AUTOSAVELEVEL DTXT(96) //"autosavelevel"
DTXT(97) //"Enables/Disables the automatic saving of the game stats when the level ends.\nUsage: \"$autosavelevel
#define DTXT_IC_BALANCE DTXT(98) //"balance"
DTXT(99) //"[Server Only]\nAutomatically balances the teams, based on senority.\nUsage: \"$balance\""
#define DTXT_IC_BAN DTXT(100) //"ban"
#define DTXT_IC_BAND DTXT(101) //"[Server Only]\nBans a player from the game.\nUsage: \"$ban \""
#define DTXT_IC_BANLIST DTXT(102) //"banlist"
DTXT(103) //"[Dedicated Server Only]\nLists the players banned from the game along with their ban number, which can be
// used to remove the ban.\nUsage: \"$banlist\""
#define DTXT_IC_CHANGETEAM DTXT(104) //"changeteam"
DTXT(105) //"[Server Only]\nForces a player to a team.\nUsage: \"$changeteam \""
#define DTXT_IC_ENDLEVEL DTXT(106) //"endlevel"
#define DTXT_IC_ENDLEVELD DTXT(107) //"[Server Only]\nEnds the level.\nUsage: \"$endlevel\""
#define DTXT_IC_HELP DTXT(108) //"help"
#define DTXT_IC_HELPD DTXT(109) //"Displays help information for the input commands.\nUsage: \"$help [command]\""
#define DTXT_IC_HUDNAME DTXT(110) //"hudnames"
DTXT(111) //"Sets your personal level for the HUD name filter.\nUsage: \"$hudnames \"\nNOTE: You can
// only set your HUD Callsign level up to the level that the server is. So if the server is only allowing
// up to teammates, you won't be able to set to full"
#define DTXT_IC_KICK DTXT(112) //"kick"
#define DTXT_IC_KICKD DTXT(113) //"[Server Only]\nKicks a player from the game.\nUsage: \"$kick \""
#define DTXT_IC_KILLMSGFILTER DTXT(114) //"killmsgfilter"
DTXT(115) //"Sets the kill message filter, for what style of messages you want.\nUsage: \"$killmsgfilter
#define DTXT_IC_NETGAMEINFO DTXT(116) //"netgameinfo"
#define DTXT_IC_NETGAMEINFOD DTXT(117) //"Displays information about the net game.\nUsage: \"$netgameinfo\""
#define DTXT_IC_OBSERVER DTXT(118) //"observer"
DTXT(119) //"If you pass specify 'on', it puts you into observer mode, else it will return you back to normal
// mode.\nUsage: \"$observer \""
#define DTXT_IC_PIGGYBACK DTXT(120) //"piggyback"
#define DTXT_IC_PIGGYBACKD DTXT(121) //"Puts you into Piggyback Observer mode.\"$piggyback \""
#define DTXT_IC_PLAYERINFO DTXT(122) //"playerinfo"
#define DTXT_IC_PLAYERINFOD DTXT(123) //"Displays information about a player.\nUsage: \"$playerinfo \""
#define DTXT_IC_PLAYERS DTXT(124) //"players"
DTXT(125) //"[Dedicated Server Only]\nDisplays a list of the players in the game, with their player numbers.\nUsage:
#define DTXT_IC_REHASH DTXT(126) //"rehash"
DTXT(127) //"[Server Only]\nRehashes the hosts.allow and hosts.deny files. First it flushes the old, and reloads
// them.\nUsages: \"$rehash\""
#define DTXT_IC_REMOVEBAN DTXT(128) //"removeban"
DTXT(129) //"[Dedicated Server Only]\nRemoves a ban from a player, given the number associated with them from
//$banlist.\nUsage: \"$removeban \""
#define DTXT_IC_SAVESTATS DTXT(130) //"savestats"
#define DTXT_IC_SAVESTATSD DTXT(131) //"Saves the game stats to file immediatly.\nUsage: \"$savestats\""
#define DTXT_IC_SCORES DTXT(132) //"scores"
#define DTXT_IC_SCORESD DTXT(133) //"Displays the scores or stats of the game.\nUsage: \"$scores\""
#define DTXT_IC_SERVERHUDNAMES DTXT(134) //"serverhudnames"
DTXT(135) //"[Server Only]\nSets the highest HUD name filter permitted for the clients.\nUsage: \"$serverhudnames
#define DTXT_IC_SETGOALLIMIT DTXT(136) //"setgoallimit"
DTXT(137) //"[Server Only]\nChanges the goal limit for the level.\nUsage: \"$setgoallimit \""
#define DTXT_IC_SETMAXPLAYERS DTXT(138) //"setmaxplayers"
DTXT(139) //"[Server Only]\nSets the maximum number of players allowed in the game.\nUsage: \"$setmaxplayers
#define DTXT_IC_SETPPS DTXT(140) //"setpps"
DTXT(141) //"[Server Only]\nChanges the Packets Per Second (PPS) threshold of the game\nUsage: \"$setpps \""
#define DTXT_IC_SETRESPAWNTIME DTXT(142) //"setrespawntime"
DTXT(143) //"[Server Only]\nChanges the respawn time of the powerups in the level.\nUsage: \"$setrespawntime
#define DTXT_IC_SETTEAMNAME DTXT(144) //"setteamname"
DTXT(145) //"[Server Only]\nChanges the name of a team.\nUsage: \"$setteamname \""
#define DTXT_IC_SETTIMELIMIT DTXT(146) //"settimelimit"
DTXT(147) //"[Server Only]\nChanges the time limit for the level.\nUsage: \"$settimelimit \""
#define DTXT_IC_STATMSGS DTXT(148) //"statmsgs"
#define DTXT_IC_STATMSGSD DTXT(149) //"Enables/Disables random statistical messages.\nUsage: \"$statmsgs \""
#define DTXT_IC_TEAM DTXT(150) //"team"
#define DTXT_IC_TEAMD DTXT(151) //"Change teams for yourself.\nUsage: \"$team \""
#define DTXT_IC_HEADEERLIST DTXT(152) //"Input Command List:\n"
DTXT(153) //"Prefix a '$' before the commands listed below. To get more detailed help\nabout a command, type '$help
#define DTXT_IC_NOADDITIONALINFO DTXT(154) //"No additional information is available\n"
#define DTXT_IC_COMMANDNOTFOUND DTXT(155) //"Command not found\n"
#define DTXT_SUNDAY DTXT(156) //"Sun"
#define DTXT_MONDAY DTXT(157) //"Mon"
#define DTXT_TUESDAY DTXT(158) //"Tue"
#define DTXT_WEDNESDAY DTXT(159) //"Wed"
#define DTXT_THURSDAY DTXT(160) //"Thur"
#define DTXT_FRIDAY DTXT(161) //"Fri"
#define DTXT_SATURDAY DTXT(162) //"Sat"
#define DTXT_JANUARY DTXT(163) //"Jan"
#define DTXT_FEBRUARY DTXT(164) //"Feb"
#define DTXT_MARCH DTXT(165) //"March"
#define DTXT_APRIL DTXT(166) //"April"
#define DTXT_MAY DTXT(167) //"May"
#define DTXT_JUNE DTXT(168) //"June"
#define DTXT_JULY DTXT(169) //"July"
#define DTXT_AUGUST DTXT(170) //"Aug"
#define DTXT_SEPTEMBER DTXT(171) //"Sept"
#define DTXT_OCTOBER DTXT(172) //"Oct"
#define DTXT_NOVEMBER DTXT(173) //"Nov"
#define DTXT_DECEMBER DTXT(174) //"Dec"
#define DTXT_ENDOFLEVELCONCAT DTXT(175) //"End_Of_Level_"
#define DTXT_NGI_HEADING DTXT(176) //"NetGame Information\n"
#define DTXT_NGI_GAMENAME DTXT(177) //"Game Name: %s\n"
#define DTXT_NGI_MISSIONNAME DTXT(178) //"Mission Name: %s\n"
#define DTXT_NGI_SCRIPTNAME DTXT(179) //"Script Name: %s\n"
#define DTXT_NGI_PPS DTXT(180) //"PPS: %d\n"
#define DTXT_NGI_PPSSERVER DTXT(181) //"PPS (Server/You): %d/%d\n"
#define DTXT_NGI_MAXPLAYERS DTXT(182) //"Max Players: %d\n"
#define DTXT_NGI_ACCURATECOLL DTXT(183) //"Accurate Weapon Collisions: %s\n"
#define DTXT_NGI_SENDROTATIONAL DTXT(184) //"Send Rotational Velocity: %s\n"
#define DTXT_NGI_TIMELIMIT DTXT(185) //"Time Limit: %d %s\n"
#define DTXT_MINUTE DTXT(186) //"minute"
#define DTXT_MINUTES DTXT(187) //"minutes"
#define DTXT_NGI_TIMELEFT DTXT(188) //"Time Left: %s\n"
#define DTXT_NGI_NOTIMELIMIT DTXT(189) //"Time Limit: None"
#define DTXT_NGI_GOALLIMIT DTXT(190) //"Goal: %d points\n"
#define DTXT_NGI_NOGOAL DTXT(191) //"Goal: None\n"
#define DTXT_NGI_RESPAWNTIME DTXT(192) //"Respawn Time: %s\n"
#define DTXT_NGI_PACKETLOSSNA DTXT(193) //"Packet Loss: N/A\n"
#define DTXT_NGI_PACKETLOSS DTXT(194) //"Packet Loss: %.1f%%\n"
#define DTXT_NGI_NETWORKMODEL DTXT(195) //"Network Model: %s\n"
#define DTXT_PEERTOPEER DTXT(196) //"Peer-To-Peer"
#define DTXT_CLIENTSERVER DTXT(197) //"Client/Server"
#define DTXT_NGI_MOVEMENTSMOOTHING DTXT(198) //"Movement Smoothing: %s\n"
#define DTXT_CHANGETEAMDENIED DTXT(199) //"Team Change Was Denied"
#define DTXT_KILLMSGFULL DTXT(200) //"Kill Message Filter: Full"
#define DTXT_KILLMSGSIMPLE DTXT(201) //"Kill Message Filter: Simple"
#define DTXT_KILLMSGNONE DTXT(202) //"Kill Message Filter: None"
#define DTXT_WAITFORSERVER DTXT(203) //"Waiting For Server..."
#define DTXT_PRESSPRNTSCRN DTXT(204) //"Press PrintScreen For A ScreenShot"
#define DTXT_CHANGETEAM DTXT(205) //"%s changes teams to the %s team\n"
#define DTXT_NOKILLERDEATHMSG DTXT(206) //"%s was killed"
#define DTXT_SIMPLESUICIDEMSG DTXT(207) //"%s went suicidal"
#define DTXT_HM_KILLSINAROW DTXT(208) //"That's %d kills in a row for %s!"
#define DTXT_HM_DEATHSINAROW DTXT(209) //"That's %d deaths in a row for %s!"
#define DTXT_HM_TIMESINCELASTKILL DTXT(210) //"It's %s's first kill in %s"
#define DTXT_HM_TIMESINCELASTDEATH DTXT(211) //"%s lasted %s without being killed!"
#define DTXT_HM_HIGHEFFICENCY DTXT(212) //"%s has an awesome efficiency of %.2f!!"
#define DTXT_HM_GOODEFFICENCY DTXT(213) //"%s has an efficiency of %.2f"
#define DTXT_HM_TIMESKILLED DTXT(214) //"%s has killed %s %d times!"
#define DTXT_HM_REVENGE DTXT(215) //"%s got revenge on %s!"
#define DTXT_TEAMCHANGEATTEMPT DTXT(216) //"Attempting to change teams to %s team"
#define DTXT_STEAMCHANGEATTEMPT DTXT(217) //"Attempting to change %s to %s team"
#define DTXT_GETPLAYERINFO DTXT(218) //"Getting Playerinfo for %s"
#define DTXT_BALANCETEAMMSG DTXT(219) //"Balancing Teams"
#define DTXT_AUTOTEAMBALANCEMSG DTXT(220) //"Auto Team Balance: %s"
#define DTXT_ALLOWTEAMCHANGEMSG DTXT(221) //"Allow Team Changing: %s"
#define DTXT_KICKMSG DTXT(222) //"Kicking %s from game"
#define DTXT_BANMSG DTXT(223) //"Banning %s from game"
#define DTXT_ENDLEVELMSG DTXT(224) //"Ending the level"
#define DTXT_STATSMSGSET DTXT(225) //"Statistical Messages: %s"
#define DTXT_AUTOSAVELEVELMSG DTXT(226) //"AutoSave Stats on Level End: %s"
#define DTXT_AUTOSAVEDISCMSG DTXT(227) //"AutoSave Stats on Disconnect: %s"
#define DTXT_TIMELIMITSETMSG DTXT(228) //"Time Limit: %d"
#define DTXT_TIMELIMITOFFMSG DTXT(229) //"Time Limit: Off"
#define DTXT_GOALLIMITSETMSG DTXT(230) //"Goal Limit: %d"
#define DTXT_GOALLIMITOFFMSG DTXT(231) //"Goal Limit: None"
#define DTXT_MAXPLAYERSSETMSG DTXT(232) //"Max Players: %d"
#define DTXT_RESPAWNTIMEMSG DTXT(233) //"Respawn Time: %d"
#define DTXT_PPSSETMSG DTXT(234) //"Max PPS: %d"
#define DTXT_BANREMOVEDMSG DTXT(235) //"Ban Removed\n"
#define DTXT_BANNOTREMOVEDMSG DTXT(236) //"Couldn't remove ban\n"
#define DTXT_NOTINDEDICATED DTXT(237) //"Command Not Available To Dedicated Server\n"
#define DTXT_OBSERVERDENIED DTXT(238) //"Observer mode request denied"
#define DTXT_INVALIDPNUM DTXT(239) //"Invalid Player Number"
#define DTXT_PLAYERLISTHEADER DTXT(240) //"PNum Name\n"
#define DTXT_INVALIDTEAM DTXT(241) //"Invalid Team, Must be between 0 and %d"
#define DTXT_SERVERCANTKICK DTXT(242) //"Server can't kick themself\n"
#define DTXT_SERVERCANTBAN DTXT(243) //"Server can't ban themself\n"
#define DTXT_BALANCINGTEAMS DTXT(244) //"Balancing Teams\n"
#define DTXT_NODEDICATEDTEAM DTXT(245) //"Dedicated Server Can't Change Teams\n"
#define DTXT_SAMETEAMCHANGE DTXT(246) //"You're already on the %s team\n"
#define DTXT_SHIPLOGOSMSG DTXT(247) //"Ship Logos: %s"
#define DTXT_ENABLED DTXT(248) //"Enabled"
#define DTXT_DISABLED DTXT(249) //"Disabled"
#define DTXT_REHASHINGMSG DTXT(250) //"Rehashing Hosts.allow and Hosts.deny"
#define DTXT_STAT_STATUS DTXT(251) //"Status:"
#define DTXT_STAT_TEAM DTXT(252) //"Team:"
#define DTXT_STAT_PLAYTIME DTXT(253) //"Play Time:"
#define DTXT_STAT_STREAK DTXT(254) //"Streak:"
#define DTXT_STAT_LASTVICTIM DTXT(255) //"Last Victim:"
#define DTXT_STAT_LASTKILLER DTXT(256) //"Last Killer:"
#define DTXT_STAT_SERVER DTXT(257) //"Server"
#define DTXT_STAT_OBSERVER DTXT(258) //"Observing"
#define DTXT_STAT_PLAYING DTXT(259) //"Playing"
#define DTXT_STAT_DISCONNECTED DTXT(260) //"Disconnected"
#define DTXT_STAT_KILL DTXT(261) //"Kill"
#define DTXT_STAT_KILLS DTXT(262) //"Kills"
#define DTXT_STAT_DEATH DTXT(263) //"Death"
#define DTXT_STAT_DEATHS DTXT(264) //"Deaths"
#define DTXT_STAT_PILOTNAMELABEL DTXT(265) //"Pilot Name"
#define DTXT_UI_STARTGAME DTXT(266) //"Start Game"
#define DTXT_UI_RETURNTOGAME DTXT(267) //"Return to Game"
#define DTXT_UI_CLIENTSWAIT DTXT(268) //"Make Clients Wait"
#define DTXT_UI_TEAMSETUP DTXT(269) //"Team Setup"
#define DTXT_UI_WAITFORPLAYERS DTXT(270) //"Waiting For Players"
#define DTXT_UI_KICKPLAYER DTXT(271) //"Kick Player"
#define DTXT_UI_BANPLAYER DTXT(272) //"Ban Player"
#define DTXT_OSM_AUDIOTAUNTS DTXT(273) //"Audio Taunts"
#define DTXT_AUDIOTAUNTSMSG DTXT(274) //"Audio Taunts: %s"
#define DTXT_RANK DTXT(275) //"Rank:"
#define DTXT_NETWORK_LOSS DTXT(276) //"Network Loss"
#define DTXT_NETWORK_PING DTXT(277) //"Network Ping"
#define DTXT_LOSSPINGIND DTXT(278) //"Loss/Ping HUD Indicator"
#define DTXT_LOSSINDICATOR DTXT(279) //"Loss/Ping Indicator: %s"
#define DTXT_PERMISSABLE DTXT(280) //"Permissable C/S"
#define DTXT_IC_WARP DTXT(281) //"warp"
#define DTXT_IC_WARPD \
DTXT(282) //"[Server Only]\nChanges the current level to another level in the mission.\nUsage: \"$warp \""
#define DTXT_REMOTELOGGEDOUT DTXT(283) //"Remote Admin Logged Out"
#define DTXT_HUDMSGLOGGEDOUT DTXT(284) //"==%s has logged out=="
#define DTXT_HUDMSGLOGGEDIN DTXT(285) //"==%s is remote administrating=="
#define DTXT_REMOTELOGGEDIN DTXT(286) //"Remote Admin Logged In"
#define DTXT_REMOTEEXECUTE DTXT(287) //"==%s executed "%s""
#define DTXT_REMOTESUCCESS DTXT(288) //"Remote Command Successful"
#define DTXT_REMOTENOTSUCCESS DTXT(289) //"Remote Command Not Successful"
#define DTXT_REMOTENOTALLOWED DTXT(290) //"Remote Command Not Allowed"
#define DTXT_REMOTENOTFOUND DTXT(291) //"Remote Command Not Found"
#define DTXT_UNABLETOREMOTE DTXT(292) //"Unable to enable remote administration (no password?)"
#define DTXT_REMOTEADMINENABLE DTXT(293) //"Remote Administration: %s"
#define DTXT_REMOTEADMINPASS DTXT(294) //"Remote Administration Password Set"
#define DTXT_WAITSECS DTXT(295) //"Making Clients Wait %.2f seconds\n"
#define DTXT_WAITOFF DTXT(296) //"Turning Off Client Wait Time\n"
#define DTXT_WAITON DTXT(297) //"Making Clients Wait\n"
#define DTXT_WAITNOLONGER DTXT(298) //"No Longer Making Clients Wait\n"
#define DTXT_TEAMLABEL DTXT(299) //"%s Team:"
#define DTXT_IC_REMOTE DTXT(300) //"remote"
DTXT(301) //"[Client Only]\nhandles a remote admin command\nUsage: \"$remote