!/!Current Restrictions: !/!Maximum Line Length: 1024 characters !/!Maximum Number of Lines Per String: 8 Lines !/! Lines that begin with: !/! !/! == comments (optional) !/! !=! == English version of string !/! !G! == German version of string !/! !S! == Spanish version of string !/! !I! == Italian version of string !/! !F! == French version of string !/! !/! THERE MUST BE ENGLISH VERSIONS OF EACH STRING !/! !/! Note to localizers: All text when translated should stay very near the length of the !/! English version, unless otherwise noted. !/! !/! Note to localizers: All %s,%d,%f and similar tokens MUST stay in the string, they will get replaced by: !/! %s = another string !/! %d = an integer value !/! %f = a floating point number (a number with a decimal point) !/! They may be moved around the string, but MUST stay in the same order (i.e. "%s got %d points" the %s must always come before %d) !/! !/! \t = insert a tab !/! \n = force a newline !/! \0-\255 = insert the number directly into byte !/!========================= HUD Death Messages ================================================= !/! Note: if it states that victim is first, then the first %s will be replaced by the nickname of the victim, !/! else the first nickname will be the name of the killer. !/!0: Game name (maybe don't localize) !=!Coop !/!1: Name of the coop game in the stats menu screen !=!Co-op Descent 3 !/!2: Pilot column label in the stats screen !=!Pilot !/!3: Kills label !=!Kills !/!4: Deaths label !=!Deaths !/!5: Suicides label !=!Suicides !/!6: Ping label !=!Ping !/!7: Welcome message when you join the game !=!Welcome to the Co-Op Game %s !/!8: Joined message when a player joins the game !=!%s has joined the game !/!9: Post Level results !=!Level Completed!