![d3 (1)](https://github.com/DescentDevelopers/Descent3/assets/47716344/82ba0911-ee32-4565-84ee-b432c215ab95) This is the Descent 3 open source engine, licensed under [GPL-3.0](https://github.com/DescentDevelopers/Descent3?tab=GPL-3.0-1-ov-file). It includes the '1.5' patch written by Kevin Bentley and Jeff Slutter several years ago and brought to a stable condition by the Descent community. In order to use this, you must provide your own game files. See the [USAGE.md](USAGE.md) file for details about installation. To build the game, follow build instructions in the [BUILD.md](BUILD.md) file. Build or runtime issues should be reported on our [GitHub tracker](https://github.com/DescentDevelopers/Descent3/issues). ## Contributing Anyone can contribute! We have an active Discord presence at [Descent Developer Network](https://discord.gg/GNy5CUQ). Patches should be submitted on GitHub.