/* * Descent 3 * Copyright (C) 2024 Parallax Software * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . --- HISTORICAL COMMENTS FOLLOW --- * $Source: /home/kevin/cvsstuff/descent3/descent3/Main/FontEditor/FontKern.cpp,v $ * $Revision: $ * $Author: kevinb $ * $Date: 2003-08-26 03:57:45 $ * * Kerning * * $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ * * 4 11/16/99 3:18p Samir * updated fonteditor to include tracking. * * 3 5/19/99 8:48p Samir * added kerning dump utilitiy. * * 2 4/17/99 4:05p Samir * complete font editor. * */ #include "FontEditor.h" #include "pserror.h" #include "renderer.h" #include "ddio.h" #include "grtext.h" #include "bitmap.h" #include "mem.h" #include #include chunked_bitmap Editor_bkg; tFontTemplate Font_template; char *SampleText = "This is some sample text that is here to\n" "Show you how the antialiasing will\n" "look over different color backgrounds\n" "KERN PAIRS: VaWaVeWeVAV-LyT.T,TyTvTcYe\n"; // this function determines if a kerning pair exists in the current font template // if there is no kerning structure, add it. if no kerning in font, add it to the template #define KERNINFO_PAIR_SIZE 3 int fonttool_get_kerning(int c1, int c2, int *pairnum = NULL); int fonttool_get_kerning(int c1, int c2, int *pairnum) { int i; uint8_t *kern_data; kern_data = Font_template.kern_data; if (kern_data) { i = 0; while (kern_data[i] != 255) { if (kern_data[i] == (uint8_t)c1 && kern_data[i + 1] == (uint8_t)c2) { if (pairnum) *pairnum = i / 3; return (int)((int8_t)kern_data[i + 2]); } i += KERNINFO_PAIR_SIZE; } } return 0; } void fonttool_set_kerning(int c1, int c2, int dist) { int i, j; uint8_t *kern_data; if (c1 == 255 || c2 == 255) { mprintf(0, "seting illegal kerning of 255!\n"); return; } kern_data = Font_template.kern_data; if (!kern_data) { // create a one entry kern table. kern_data = (uint8_t *)mem_malloc(KERNINFO_PAIR_SIZE * 2); kern_data[0] = (uint8_t)c1; kern_data[1] = (uint8_t)c2; kern_data[2] = (int8_t)dist; kern_data[3] = 255; kern_data[4] = 255; kern_data[5] = 0; Font_template.kern_data = kern_data; mprintf(0, "adding first kerning pair %d,%d\n", c1, c2); return; } // check for match in current list. i = 0; while (kern_data[i] != 255) { if (kern_data[i] == (uint8_t)c1 && kern_data[i + 1] == (uint8_t)c2) { kern_data[i + 2] = (int8_t)dist; if (dist == 0) { // remove this kerning pair. j = i; do { kern_data[j] = kern_data[j + 3]; kern_data[j + 1] = kern_data[j + 4]; kern_data[j + 2] = kern_data[j + 5]; j += KERNINFO_PAIR_SIZE; } while (kern_data[j] != 255); if (i == 0) { // last pair, deallocate kern_data and end. mprintf(0, "removing last kerning pair\n"); mem_free(kern_data); kern_data = NULL; } else { mprintf(0, "removing kerning pair %d,%d\n", c1, c2); } } Font_template.kern_data = kern_data; return; } i += KERNINFO_PAIR_SIZE; } // new entry. uint8_t *new_kern_data; int n_pairs = i / KERNINFO_PAIR_SIZE; new_kern_data = (uint8_t *)mem_malloc((n_pairs + 2) * sizeof(uint8_t) * KERNINFO_PAIR_SIZE); for (i = 0; i < n_pairs; i++) { new_kern_data[i * KERNINFO_PAIR_SIZE] = kern_data[i * 3]; new_kern_data[i * KERNINFO_PAIR_SIZE + 1] = kern_data[i * 3 + 1]; new_kern_data[i * KERNINFO_PAIR_SIZE + 2] = kern_data[i * 3 + 2]; } new_kern_data[i * KERNINFO_PAIR_SIZE] = (uint8_t)c1; new_kern_data[i * KERNINFO_PAIR_SIZE + 1] = (uint8_t)c2; new_kern_data[i * KERNINFO_PAIR_SIZE + 2] = (int8_t)dist; i++; new_kern_data[i * KERNINFO_PAIR_SIZE] = 255; new_kern_data[i * KERNINFO_PAIR_SIZE + 1] = 255; new_kern_data[i * KERNINFO_PAIR_SIZE + 2] = 0; mem_free(kern_data); Font_template.kern_data = new_kern_data; mprintf(0, "adding first kerning pair %d,%d (total=%d)\n", c1, c2, n_pairs + 1); } void fonttool_remove_kerning() { if (Font_template.kern_data) { mem_free(Font_template.kern_data); Font_template.kern_data = NULL; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void FontKern(const char *fnt_file_name) { int bm_handle; int font_handle; int c1 = 'b', c2 = 'u', d; int last_good_pair, current_pair; int first_item = 0; int current_item = 0; int num_items_displayed = 1; bool done = false; int16_t text_alpha = 255; int red_comp, green_comp, blue_comp; ddgr_color text_color; red_comp = green_comp = blue_comp = 255; bm_handle = bm_AllocLoadFileBitmap("FontTool.ogf", 0); if (bm_handle <= BAD_BITMAP_HANDLE) { Error("Error loading FontEditor art."); } if (!bm_CreateChunkedBitmap(bm_handle, &Editor_bkg)) { Error("Error chunking FontEditor art."); } bm_FreeBitmap(bm_handle); // load font into memory. font_handle = grfont_Load((char *)fnt_file_name); if (font_handle < 0) { Error("Error loading font %s", fnt_file_name); } if (!grfont_LoadTemplate((char *)fnt_file_name, &Font_template)) { Error("Error loading font template %s", fnt_file_name); } if (Font_template.ffi2 == false) { Font_template.ffi2 = true; Font_template.ch_tracking = 0; } if (Font_template.kern_data) { current_pair = 0; } else { current_pair = -1; } last_good_pair = current_pair; while (!done) { int key; FontDoIO(); key = ddio_KeyInKey(); switch (key) { case KEY_ESC: done = true; break; case KEY_F5: grfont_Free(font_handle); grfont_FreeTemplate(&Font_template); font_handle = grfont_Load((char *)fnt_file_name); if (font_handle == -1) { Error("Font failed reload test!"); } grfont_LoadTemplate((char *)fnt_file_name, &Font_template); break; case KEY_MINUS: if (Font_template.ch_tracking > -80) { Font_template.ch_tracking--; grfont_SetTracking(font_handle, Font_template.ch_tracking); } break; case KEY_EQUAL: if (Font_template.ch_tracking < 80) { Font_template.ch_tracking++; grfont_SetTracking(font_handle, Font_template.ch_tracking); } break; case KEY_F10: grfont_Free(font_handle); if (!grfont_SetTemplate(fnt_file_name, &Font_template)) { Error("Failed to save font correctly!"); } grfont_FreeTemplate(&Font_template); font_handle = grfont_Load((char *)fnt_file_name); if (font_handle == -1) { Error("Font failed reload test on save!"); } grfont_LoadTemplate((char *)fnt_file_name, &Font_template); mprintf(0, "font saved and reloaded correctly?\n"); done = true; break; case KEY_F6: fonttool_remove_kerning(); break; case KEY_COMMA: text_alpha -= 16; if (text_alpha < 0) text_alpha = 0; break; case KEY_PERIOD: text_alpha += 16; if (text_alpha > 255) text_alpha = 255; break; case KEY_PAD7: c1++; if (c1 > Font_template.max_ascii) c1 = Font_template.min_ascii; break; case KEY_PAD9: c2++; if (c2 > Font_template.max_ascii) c2 = Font_template.min_ascii; break; case KEY_PAD1: c1--; if (c1 < Font_template.min_ascii) c1 = Font_template.max_ascii; break; case KEY_PAD3: c2--; if (c2 < Font_template.min_ascii) c2 = Font_template.max_ascii; break; case KEY_PAD4: d = fonttool_get_kerning(c1, c2); fonttool_set_kerning(c1, c2, d - 1); grfont_SetKerning(font_handle, Font_template.kern_data); break; case KEY_PAD5: fonttool_set_kerning(c1, c2, 0); break; case KEY_PAD6: d = fonttool_get_kerning(c1, c2); fonttool_set_kerning(c1, c2, d + 1); grfont_SetKerning(font_handle, Font_template.kern_data); break; case KEY_PAD2: if (current_pair < 0) { current_pair = last_good_pair; } if (current_pair >= 0) { uint8_t *kern_data = &Font_template.kern_data[current_pair * 3]; if (kern_data[3] != 255) { current_pair++; kern_data = &Font_template.kern_data[current_pair * 3]; } c1 = kern_data[0]; c2 = kern_data[1]; } break; case KEY_PAD8: if (current_pair < 0) { current_pair = last_good_pair; } if (current_pair >= 0) { uint8_t *kern_data = &Font_template.kern_data[current_pair * 3]; if (kern_data != Font_template.kern_data) { // gosh, comparing pointers like this may not be the best method...this is shitty code... current_pair--; kern_data = &Font_template.kern_data[current_pair * 3]; } c1 = kern_data[0]; c2 = kern_data[1]; } break; case KEY_R: red_comp = red_comp ? 0 : 255; break; case KEY_G: green_comp = green_comp ? 0 : 255; break; case KEY_B: blue_comp = blue_comp ? 0 : 255; break; } // draw. text_color = GR_RGB(red_comp, green_comp, blue_comp); rend_StartFrame(0, 0, FIXED_SCREEN_WIDTH, FIXED_SCREEN_HEIGHT, 0); grtext_SetParameters(0, 0, FIXED_SCREEN_WIDTH, FIXED_SCREEN_HEIGHT); grtext_SetFont(font_handle); grtext_SetColor(text_color); grtext_SetAlpha((uint8_t)text_alpha); rend_ClearScreen(GR_BLACK); rend_DrawChunkedBitmap(&Editor_bkg, 0, 0, 255); grtext_Printf(240, 210, "%c (%d)", c1, c1); grtext_Printf(340, 210, "%c (%d)", c2, c2); grtext_CenteredPrintf(0, 240, "Ham%c%crger", c1, c2); grtext_CenteredPrintf(0, 270, "HAM%c%cRGER", c1, c2); grtext_CenteredPrintf(0, 300, "Offset: %d pixels", fonttool_get_kerning(c1, c2)); grtext_CenteredPrintf(0, 320, "Tracking: %d pixels", (int)Font_template.ch_tracking); { int th; th = grtext_GetTextHeight(SampleText); grtext_Printf(10, 350, SampleText); grtext_Printf(10, 350 + th + 10, SampleText); } // display kerned pairs. int x = 5, y = 200, i, n, widest = 0; int n_pairs = 0, stop; int tmpp = -1; char kerntext[16]; if (Font_template.kern_data) { i = 0; while (Font_template.kern_data[i] != 255) { n_pairs++; i += KERNINFO_PAIR_SIZE; } } // update current pair values if (current_pair >= n_pairs) { current_pair = -1; } fonttool_get_kerning(c1, c2, &tmpp); if (tmpp != -1) { current_pair = tmpp; } else { if (current_pair > -1) last_good_pair = current_pair; current_pair = -1; } if (current_pair > -1) { current_item = current_pair; } if (current_item < 0) { current_item = 0; } if (current_item >= n_pairs) { current_item = n_pairs - 1; } if (current_item < first_item) { first_item = current_item; } if (current_item >= (first_item + num_items_displayed)) { first_item = current_item - num_items_displayed + 1; } if (n_pairs <= num_items_displayed) { first_item = 0; } stop = first_item + num_items_displayed; if (stop > n_pairs) stop = n_pairs; for (i = first_item, n = 0; i < stop; i++) { int tw, th; ASSERT(Font_template.kern_data); uint8_t *kern_data = &Font_template.kern_data[i * 3]; if (i == current_pair) { rend_SetFlatColor(GR_RGB(255, 0, 0)); rend_DrawLine(x, y, x + 6, y + 5); rend_DrawLine(x + 6, y + 5, x, y + 8); rend_DrawLine(x, y + 8, x, y); } sprintf(kerntext, "%c%c", kern_data[0], kern_data[1]); grtext_Puts(x + 8, y, kerntext); n++; tw = grtext_GetTextLineWidth(kerntext) + 8; th = grtext_GetTextHeight(kerntext); if (tw > widest) { widest = tw; } y += th; if (y > 330) { y = 200; x += widest + 5; if (x > 150) { num_items_displayed = n; break; } widest = 0; } } if (i == stop) { num_items_displayed++; } if (num_items_displayed < 1) { num_items_displayed = 1; } if (num_items_displayed > n_pairs) { num_items_displayed = n_pairs; } grtext_Flush(); rend_EndFrame(); rend_Flip(); } grfont_FreeTemplate(&Font_template); grfont_Free(font_handle); bm_DestroyChunkedBitmap(&Editor_bkg); } void FontKernDump(const char *fnt_file_name) { if (!grfont_LoadTemplate((char *)fnt_file_name, &Font_template)) { Error("Error loading font template %s", fnt_file_name); } if (Font_template.kern_data) { FILE *fp; char filename[_MAX_PATH]; sprintf(filename, "%s.kern", fnt_file_name); fp = fopen(filename, "wt"); if (fp) { uint8_t *kern_data = Font_template.kern_data; while (kern_data[0] != 255) { uint8_t c1 = kern_data[0]; uint8_t c2 = kern_data[1]; int8_t delta = (int8_t)kern_data[2]; fprintf(fp, "%c %c => %d spacing\n", c1, c2, (int)delta); kern_data += 3; } fclose(fp); } } grfont_FreeTemplate(&Font_template); }