name: Wiki Contribution description: Report an issue related to the Descent 3 wiki, including modifications, additions, or corrections to existing pages, or requests for new pages. title: "[Wiki]: " labels: ["wiki"] body: - type: markdown attributes: value: | If you have suggestions, modifications, or additions to the Descent 3 wiki, please provide details below. You can also report issues with existing pages or request new pages. Please use the GitHub Markdown format. - type: textarea id: issue-description attributes: label: Content description: Provide a pasted copy of your markdown content using three backticks ` before and after to encase it in a code block. In a comment, attach the file. validations: required: true - type: input id: affected-page attributes: label: Affected Page description: Specify the name or URL of the page on the Descent3 wiki that is affected by this issue, or where the new content should be added. validations: required: false