/* * Descent 3 * Copyright (C) 2024 Parallax Software * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . --- HISTORICAL COMMENTS FOLLOW --- * $Logfile: /DescentIII/Main/Lib/inetgetfile.h $ * $Revision: 1.6 $ * $Date: 2004/03/21 17:11:39 $ * $Author: kevinb $ * * InternetGetFile Class header * * $Log: inetgetfile.h,v $ * Revision 1.6 2004/03/21 17:11:39 kevinb * Fixes so linux will compile again. Tested with gcc-2.96 * * Revision 1.5 2004/02/25 00:04:06 ryan * Removed loki_utils dependency and ported to MacOS X (runs, but incomplete). * * Revision 1.4 2004/02/09 04:14:51 kevinb * Added newlines to all headers to reduce number of warnings printed * * Made some small changes to get everything compiling. * * All Ready to merge the 1.5 tree. * * Revision 1.3 2000/09/22 19:05:09 icculus * updated. * * Revision 1.2 2000/06/03 14:33:51 icculus * Merge with Outrage 1.4 tree... * * Revision 2000/04/18 00:00:38 icculus * initial checkin * * * 10 10/21/99 9:27p Jeff * B.A. Macintosh code merge * * 9 8/23/99 5:12p Kevin * Proxy support for http * * 8 8/21/99 6:48a Jeff * Linux port * * 7 4/17/99 5:49a Jeff * changes made so it compiles under Linux * * 6 4/14/99 3:59a Jeff * fixed case mismatches in #includes * * 5 7/31/98 11:57a Kevin * Added new functions for getting state * * 4 7/31/98 11:40a Kevin * * 3 7/31/98 11:17a Nate * Fixed memory leak and added memory alloc checking. * * 2 6/01/98 10:10a Kevin * Added DLL connection interface and auto update DLL * * 1 5/27/98 9:54a Kevin * * 1 5/25/98 5:31p Kevin * Initial version * * $NoKeywords: $ */ #ifndef _INET_GETFILE_HEADER_ #define _INET_GETFILE_HEADER_ // At the end of this file is an example of usage #if defined(__LINUX__) #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "linux_fix.h" // Linux includes/defines #if !MACOSX #include // #include #endif #define BOOL bool #ifndef SOCKET #define SOCKET int #endif #define SOCKADDR_IN sockaddr_in #define SOCKADDR sockaddr #define INVALID_SOCKET -1 #define HOSTENT struct hostent #define SERVENT struct servent #define TIMEVAL struct timeval // Winsock = sockets error translation #define WSAEWOULDBLOCK EWOULDBLOCK #define WSAEINVAL EINVAL #define WSAENOPROTOOPT ENOPROTOOPT #define WSAEALREADY EALREADY #define WSAEISCONN EISCONN #define SOCKET_ERROR -1 #ifndef WSAGetLastError #define WSAGetLastError() errno #endif /* typedef int (*pthread_create_fp)(pthread_t *__thread,__const pthread_attr_t *__attr,void *(*__start_routine) (void *),void *__arg); typedef void (*pthread_exit_fp)(void *__retval); typedef int (*pthread_detach_fp)(pthread_t __th); typedef pthread_t (*pthread_self_fp)(void); extern pthread_create_fp df_pthread_create; extern pthread_exit_fp df_pthread_exit; extern pthread_detach_fp df_pthread_detach; extern pthread_self_fp df_pthread_self; */ bool inet_LoadThreadLib(void); #endif #include "CFtp.h" #include "Chttpget.h" #define INET_ERROR_NO_ERROR 0 #define INET_ERROR_BADPARMS 1 #define INET_ERROR_CANT_WRITE_FILE 2 #define INET_ERROR_CANT_PARSE_URL 3 #define INET_ERROR_BAD_FILE_OR_DIR 4 #define INET_ERROR_HOST_NOT_FOUND 5 #define INET_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ERROR 6 #define INET_ERROR_NO_MEMORY 7 #define INET_STATE_CONNECTING 1 #define INET_STATE_ERROR 2 #define INET_STATE_RECEIVING 3 #define INET_STATE_GOT_FILE 4 class InetGetFile { public: InetGetFile(char *URL, char *localfile); InetGetFile(char *URL, char *localfile, char *proxyip, int16_t proxyport); ~InetGetFile(); BOOL IsFileReceived(); BOOL IsFileError(); BOOL IsConnecting(); BOOL IsReceiving(); int GetErrorCode(); int GetBytesIn(); int GetTotalBytes(); void AbortGet(); protected: CFtpGet *ftp; ChttpGet *http; BOOL m_bUseHTTP; int m_ErrorCode; int m_State; int m_HardError; }; #endif /* #include #include #include #include #include "inetgetfile.h" int main(int argc,char **argv) { uint32_t LastPrintbytes = time(NULL); InetGetFile *inetfile; WSADATA ws_data; WORD ver=MAKEWORD(1,1); int error=WSAStartup(ver,&ws_data); inetfile = new InetGetFile("http://www.volition-inc.com/images/download/freespace/fsdemo1x-12u.exe","e:\\fsdemo1x-12u.exe"); do { if(inetfile->IsFileReceived()) { printf("File received\n"); break; } if(inetfile->IsFileError()) { printf("File not received. Error code: %d\n",inetfile->GetErrorCode()); break; } if(time(NULL)-LastPrintbytes>=1) { int ipct = 0; if(inetfile->GetTotalBytes()) { ipct = 100*(float)((float)inetfile->GetBytesIn()/(float)inetfile->GetTotalBytes()); } printf("Received %d Bytes out of %d (%d%%).\n",inetfile->GetBytesIn(),inetfile->GetTotalBytes(),ipct); LastPrintbytes = time(NULL); } }while(!kbhit()); return 0; } */