!/!Current Restrictions: !/!Maximum Line Length: 1024 characters !/!Maximum Number of Lines Per String: 8 Lines !/! Lines that begin with: !/! !/! == comments (optional) !/! !=! == English version of string !/! !G! == German version of string !/! !S! == Spanish version of string !/! !I! == Italian version of string !/! !F! == French version of string !/! !/! THERE MUST BE ENGLISH VERSIONS OF EACH STRING !/! !/! Note to localizers: All text when translated should stay very near the length of the !/! English version, unless otherwise noted. !/! !/! Note to localizers: All %s,%d,%f and similar tokens MUST stay in the string, they will get replaced by: !/! %s = another string !/! %d = an integer value !/! %f = a floating point number (a number with a decimal point) !/! They may be moved around the string, but MUST stay in the same order (i.e. "%s got %d points" the %s must always come before %d) !/! !/! \t = insert a tab !/! \n = force a newline !/! \0-\255 = insert the number directly into byte !/!========================= HUD Death Messages ================================================= !/! Note: if it states that victim is first, then the first %s will be replaced by the nickname of the victim, !/! else the first nickname will be the name of the killer. !/!0:%s is out-gunned by %s (victim first) !=!%s is out-gunned by %s !G!%s wurde von %s umgelegt !S!%s es machacado por %s !I!%s è massacrato da %s !F!%s est perforé par %s. !/!1:%s gets shot down by %s (victim first) !=!%s gets shot down by %s !G!%s wird von %s abgeschossen !S!%s es abatido por %s !I!%s è colpito da %s !F!%s est abattu par %s. !/!2:%s tags %s's toe (killer first) !=!%s tags %s's toe !G!%s zerstört %s !S!%s destroza a %s !I!%s colpisce le dita di %s !F!%s écrase %s. !/!3:%s downs %s! (killer first) !=!%s downs %s! !G!%s streckt %s nieder! !S!%s derriba a %s !I!%s abbatte %s !F!%s abat %s ! !/!4:%s can't outmaneuver %s! (victim first) !=!%s can't outmaneuver %s! !G!%s wird %s nicht los! !S!%s no puede librarse de %s !I!%s non riesce a liberarsi di %s !F!%s n'est pas un défi pour %s ! !/!5:%s becomes another statistic for %s! (victim first) !=!%s becomes another statistic for %s! !G!%s ist ein Weiterer auf %ss Liste! !S!%s se ha convertido en otro dato estadístico de %s !I!%s diventa un altro numero per %s !F!%s n'est qu'un point en plus pour %s. !/!6:%s takes out %s! (killer first) !=!%s takes out %s! !G!%s löscht %s aus! !S!%s acaba con %s !I!%s elimina %s !F!%s éjecte %s ! !/!7:%s was no match for %s (victim first) !=!%s was no match for %s !G!%s war %s nicht gewachsen !S!%s no estaba a la altura de %s !I!%s non era all'altezza di %s !F!%s ne peut rien contre %s. !/!8:%s wishes he was as good as %s (victim first) !=!%s wishes he was as good as %s !G!%s wünschte, er wäre so gut wie %s !S!A %s le gustaría ser tan bueno como %s !I!%s vorrebbe essere in gamba come %s !F!%s aimerait être aussi bon que %s. !/!9:%s gets destroyed by %s (victim first) !=!%s gets destroyed by %s !G!%s wird von %s zerstört !S!%s es destruido por %s !I!%s viene annientato da %s !F!%s agonit face à %s. !/! ------------------------ Suicide Messages --------------------------------- !/!10:%s spins out of control! !=!%s spins out of control! !G!%s verliert die Kontrolle! !S!%s ha perdido el control !I!%s ha perso il controllo! !F!%s perd le contrôle ! !/!11:%s has a major malfunction! !=!%s has a major malfunction! !G!%s hat eine erhebliche Störung! !S!%s tiene una avería grave !I!%s è in grave avaria! !F!%s a des problèmes techniques ! !/!12:%s experiences technical difficulties !=!%s experiences technical difficulties !G!%s hat technische Schwierigkeiten !S!%s tiene dificultades técnicas !I!%s ha difficoltà tecniche !F!%s a des problèmes techniques ! !/!13:%s fumbles for the pilots manual! !=!%s fumbles for the pilots manual! !G!%s tastet nach dem Pilotenhandbuch! !S!%s necesita el manual del piloto !I!%s cerca il manuale del pilota! !F!%s s'est trompé de bouton ! !/!14:%s pushes the red button! !=!%s pushes the red button! !G!%s drückt den roten Knopf! !S!%s pulsa el botón rojo. !I!%s preme il pulsante rosso! !F!%s se repent de ses péchés ! !/!15:%s pushes the envelope! !=!%s pushes the envelope! !G!%s drückt die Abdeckung! !S!%s sobrepasa los limites de la nave. !I!%s preme la copertura! !F!%s a trop tiré sur la corde ! !/!-------------- The following are column labels on the stats screen (F7 in game) ---------------- !/!16:Pilot !=!Pilot !G!Pilot !S!Piloto !I!Pilota !F!Pilote !/!17:Kills !=!Kills !G!Abschüsse !S!Bajas !I!Uccide !F!Victimes !/!18:Deaths !=!Deaths !G!Verlorene Leben !S!Muertes !I!Morti !F!Morts !/!19:Suicides !=!Suicides !G!Selbstmorde !S!Suicidios !I!Suicidi !F!Suicides !/!20:Score !=!Score !G!Punkte !S!Puntuación !I!Punteggio !F!Score !/!21:Stats !=!Stats !G!Statistik !S!Estadísticas !I!Statistiche !F!Stats !/!========================================= !/!22:Welcome to the Anarchy %s! (HUD Message on join) !=!Welcome to the Anarchy %s! !G!Willkommen zur Anarchie %s! !S!Bienvenido a Anarquía, %s !I!Benvenuto all'Anarchia %s !F!Bienvenue à l'anarchie %s ! !/!23:%s has joined the Anarchy (HUD Message on join) !=!%s has joined the Anarchy !G!%s ist der Anarchie beigetreten !S!%s se ha unido a Anarquía !I!%s si è unito all'Anarchia !F!%s a rejoint l'anarchie !/!24:Points (column label on the stats screen) !=!Points !G!Punkte !S!Puntos !I!Punti !F!Points !/!25-27: Hud messages displayed when you change the type of information displayed on the hud !=!Anarchy: HUD Display set to None !G!Anarchie: CPA ausgeschaltet !S!Anarquía: Presentador frontal de datos establecido en Ninguno !I!Anarchia: il video del collimatore è impostato su Nessuno !F!Anarchie: Arrêt Affichage Collimateur !=!Anarchy: HUD Display set to Scores !G!Anarchie: CPA: Punkte anzeigen !S!Anarquía: Presentador frontal de datos establecido en Puntuación !I!Anarchia: il video del collimatore è impostato su Punteggio !F!Anarchie : Affichage Collimateur sur Score !=!Anarchy: HUD Display set to Efficiency !G!Anarchie: CPA: Leistung anzeigen !S!Anarquía: Presentador frontal de datos establecido en Eficacia !I!Anarchia: il video del collimatore è impostato su Efficienza !F!Anarchie: Affichage Collimateur sur Efficacité !/!28: On-Screen menu option to change the hud display style !=!HUD Display !G!Cockpitanzeige !S!Pantalla de cabina !I!Video del collimatore !F!Affichage Collimateur !/!29-31: On-Screen menu options (for above menu) !=!None !G!Keine !S!Ninguno !I!Nessuno !F!Aucun !=!Score !G!Punkte !S!Puntuación !I!Punteggio !F!Score !=!Efficiency !G!Leistung !S!Eficacia !I!Efficienza !F!Efficacité !/!32: On-Screen menu option to change the hud display colors !=!HUD Score Colors !G!CPA: Farbe der Punktanzeige !S!Colores de puntuación del presentador !I!Colori del punteggio del collimatore !F!Couleurs Collimateur !/!33,34: On-Screen menu options (for above menu) !=!Player Colors !G!Spielerfarben !S!Colores del jugador !I!Colori del giocatore !F!Couleur du joueur !=!Normal !G!Normal !S!Normal !I!Normale !F!Normal !/!35: Label for ping time column !=!Ping !G!Ping !S!Ping !I!Ping !F!Ping !/!36: Header for stats file !=!Anarchy\r\nGame: %s\r\nLevel: %d\r\n !G!Anarchie\r\nSpiel: %s\r\nLevel: %d\r\n !S!Anarquía\r\nPartida: %s\r\nNivel: %d\r\n !I!Anarchia\r\n\Partita %s\r\nLivello: %d\r\n !F!Anarchie\r\nPartie: %s\r\nNiveau: %d\d\n !/!37: The 'player's scores' header in the stats file...keep the position of the start of each column !/!at the same position !=![Rank] [Name] [Score] [Kills] [Deaths] [Suicides] [Time In Game] !G![Rang] [Name] [Punkte] [Abschüsse] [Verl. Leben] [Selbstmorde] [Spielzeit] !S![Rango][Nombre] [Puntuación][Bajas] [Muertes] [Suicidios][Tiempo !I![Pos] [Nome] [Punt] [Ucc] [Morti] [Suicidi] [Tempo] !F![Rang] [Nom] [Score] [Victimes] [Morts] [Suicides] [Temps de Jeu] !/!38: Invidual Stats header for stats file !=!\r\nIndividual Stats\r\n !G!\r\nIndividuelle Statistik\r\n !S!\r\nEstadísticas individuales\r\n !I!\r\nStatistiche individuali\r\n !F!\r\nStats personnelles\r\n !/!39: Time in game label for stats files !=!Total Time In Game: %s !G!Gesamte Spielzeit: %s !S!Tiempo total en partida: %s !I!Tempo totale partita: %s !F!Durée de la partie: %s !/!40: Header for list of killers/victims in stats file, keep position of columns the same !=!Callsign: Kills: Deaths: !G!Rufname: Abschüsse: Verl. Leben: !S!Llamada: Bajas: Muertes: !I!Chiamata: Ucc: Morti !F!Indicatif: Victimes: Morts: !/!41: Hud message given when the stats are saved !=!Stats saved to file !G!Statistik in Datei gespeichert !S!Estadísticas guardadas en archivo !I!Statistiche salvate !F!Stats enregistrées !/!42,43: Hud messages displayed when you change the hud color type !=!Anarchy HUD Color Model: Player Colors !G!Anarchie CPA Farbmodell: Spielerfarben !S!Modelo de color del presentador Anarquía: Colores del jugador !I!Modello di colore del collimatore Anarchia: Colori del giocatore !F!Couleur du collimateur: couleurs du joueur !=!Anarchy HUD Color Model: Normal !G!Anarchie CPA Farbmodell: Normal !S!Modelo de color del presentador Anarquía: Normal !I!Modello di colore del collimatore Anarchia: Normale !F!Couleur Collimateur pour Anarchie: Normal !/!44,45,46: Shortened Kills,Deaths,Suicides !=!K !G!A !S!B !I!U !F!V !=!D !G!VL !S!M !I!M !F!M !=!S !G!S !S!S !I!S !F!S