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synced 2025-01-22 11:28:56 +00:00
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86 lines
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// D.A.L.L.A.S. Generated Message Table File
// Message List
BallFanPuzzleHint=GUIDEBOT: "We need to find a way to take out one of those fans..."
BallMade=GUIDEBOT: "A ball? I suppose it must be used for something..."
Bomb2=Bomb (2)
Bomb3=Bomb (3)
BombAlreadyPlanted=GUIDEBOT: "You already planted a bomb at this cooling junction!"
BombDontPlantHere=GUIDEBOT: "You can't plant a bomb here!"
BombPlanted=GUIDEBOT: "Bomb planted!"
BunkerStart=GUIDEBOT: "Now what is that thing up to?"
BunkerWarmup=GUIDEBOT: "What's going on in there?"
CaptainAndTrooper=Inter-station communication is off-line.|Reports from the hangar indicate anomalous activity.|
CaptainAndTrooper2=Assess the situation and report back to me.|
CaptainText=The Captain|
DataArmOff=GUIDEBOT: "Both Pole Keys must be verified before the Data Arm will function."
DataArmUsed=GUIDEBOT: "Station Databanks Downloaded!"
DataKeyCaptain=Captain's Data Key
DataKeyFirstMate=First Mate's Data Key
DataKeyNoUse1=GUIDEBOT: "You can't use the Captain's Key here!"
DataKeyNoUse2=GUIDEBOT: "You can't use the First Mate's Key here!"
DataKeysVerified=GUIDEBOT: "The keys have been verified. Time to get that data..."
DataKeyWrong1=GUIDEBOT: "Only the Captain's key works at this data port!"
DataKeyWrong2=GUIDEBOT: "Only the First Mate's Key works at this data port!"
DatalinkKey1=Datalink Key
DatalinkKeyIsFull=Datalink key already full!
DatalinkKeyUsed1=Datalink Key (Full)
DoorUnlockedMaint=GUIDEBOT: "Maintenance just unlocked the Cooling Junction's entry door!"
EnteredBunker=GUIDEBOT: "It's time to make sure the captain goes down with the ship..."
EnteredHangar1A=GUIDEBOT: "Ok, let's get out of here and find Hangar 2A..."
EnteredHangar2A=GUIDEBOT: "Good, now do the same thing and get us to Hangar 3A..."
EscapeDoorLocked=GUIDEBOT: "We can't leave until the bombs are in place and we have the data!"
ExitLevelLong=ALERT: Security has discovered that the captain and first mate are no longer functional... The station is now on full Red Alert status.
ExitTheLevel=Station Alert Message Received (Shift-F8)...
FanDisabled=GUIDEBOT: "Reactor cooling fan disabled!"
FirstMateText=The First Mate|
ForcefieldDown=GUIDEBOT: "Forcefield deactivated!"
GetOut=GUIDEBOT: "Bombs planted and data retrieved! Let's get out of here!"
GotDatalinkKey=Captain's Datalink Key
GotDatalinkKey2=First Mate's Datalink Key
Hangar1ADecompCancelMsg=Hanger 1 decompression sequence terminated
Hangar1ADecompMsg=Hangar 1 decompression sequence starting...
Hangar2ADecompCancelMsg=Hanger 2 decompression sequence terminated
Hangar2ADecompMsg=Hangar 2 decompression sequence starting...
Hangar2AFlamePurge=Hangar 2 flame purge activated!
Hangar2AFlamePurgeStop=Hangar 2 flame purge deactivated!
Hangar3ADecompMsg=Hangar 3 decompression sequence starting...
Hangar3ADecompMsgCancel=Hanger 2 decompression sequence terminated
HangarPrimaryLocked=Hangar primary bay door in lockdown mode!
HazardGadget1Line=We have an intruder. Alert the Captain.|
HazardGadget1Line2=Acknowledged.|Maintain the force field until communication is online.|
HazardGadget2Line=Inter-station communication is off-line|due to the meteor storm.|
HazardousStorageHint=GUIDEBOT: "There must be some way to activate that forcefield switch from here..."
HenchmanHint=GUIDEBOT: "Time to show the Captain what we think of his message..."
HenchmanSays=The Captain sent me to deliver a message...|
IncomingTransmit=Incoming transmission...
IntroCinematicMsg=CED Deep Space Tracking Station
IntruderAlert=Maintenance: Intruder Alert!
IntruderAlertR0=GUIDEBOT: "The Sector-R0 Guard spotted us!"
IntruderAlertR1=GUIDEBOT: "The Sector-R1 guard spotted us!"
IntruderAlertR2=GUIDEBOT: "The Sector-R2 guard spotted us!"
IntruderAlertR3=GUIDEBOT: "The Sector-R3 guard spotted us!"
MaintenanceWarning=Maintenance Alert Message Received (Shift-F8)
MaintenanceWarningLong=ALERT: The station is now on a Yellow alert. Maintenance has detected something unusual in the cooling junction systems...
MBotDied=GUIDEBOT: "I guess we're gonna need a new maintenance bot..."
MBotSpottedUs=GUIDEBOT: "That little maintenance bot spotted us!"
MBotSummon=GUIDEBOT: "The maintenance bot alerted security!"
MBotSwitch=GUIDEBOT: "Maybe maintenance can be our ticket inside..."
NoDatalinkTerminal=There's no accessible datalink terminal nearby!
NoEndLevel=Level not done...
PoleDatalinkLock=GUIDEBOT: "Data access lockdown initiated! All key(s) ejected."
PoleDatalinkWarning=GUIDEBOT: "Key verified! We now have %d seconds to get the other key verified..."
PowerJunction1A=Power Junction 1A
SecuirtyR3=GUIDEBOT: "Security in Sector-R3 has been activated!"
SecurityR0=GUIDEBOT: "Security in Sector-R0 has been activated!"
SecurityR1=GUIDEBOT: "Security in Sector-R1 has been activated!"
SecurityR2=GUIDEBOT: "Security in Sector-R2 has been activated!"
TestMessage=Gadget at matcen
WindFanPuzzleHint=GUIDEBOT: "We won't be getting down this hallway while that fan is operational..."