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* Descent 3
* Copyright (C) 2024 Parallax Software
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* $Logfile: /DescentIII/Main/editor/MainFrm.h $
* $Revision: $
* $Date: 2003-08-26 03:57:38 $
* $Author: kevinb $
* The Editor Main Frame Window
* $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
* 59 8/18/99 11:29a Matt
* Added shortcuts for next vertex and add vert to face.
* 58 8/17/99 4:09p Matt
* Added some accelerator keys, and a function to copy face light
* multiples.
* 57 5/08/99 1:39a Matt
* Added a function to delete all objects of a certain type, and support
* for placing and attaching groups to the terrain.
* 56 4/29/99 11:51p Matt
* Improved viewer move functions.
* 55 4/16/99 3:54p Nate
* Added Viewer Properties Dialog
* 54 4/12/99 12:50p Matt
* Added function to dump goal text to a file.
* 53 4/05/99 10:54a Matt
* Added auto-waypoint system
* 52 3/18/99 8:41p Jeff
* created orphan hunter dialog
* 51 2/22/99 11:39p Matt
* Deleted debris editor menu item, since it' no longer needed.
* 50 2/21/99 4:20p Matt
* Added SoundSource objects (and reformatted parts of the object header
* files).
* 49 2/05/99 1:29p Matt
* Added a function to show the viewer's forward vector. (Also checked
* select-object-by-number to use common code to print out the selected
* object info.)
* 48 2/03/99 1:58a Matt
* Added a system to show all pages locked.
* 47 2/01/99 11:36p Matt
* Added menu functions to select an object by number and move the viewer
* to the current object.
* 46 1/11/99 3:34p Jeff
* added checks for when going editor->game to see if scripts are out of
* date, if so give the option of breaking out. Add some options to mass
* script compiler, along with a toolbar shortcut.
* 45 1/08/99 2:56p Samir
* Ripped out OSIRIS1.
* 44 12/23/98 4:01p Nate
* Added code create Dallas as a modeless dialog
* 43 12/11/98 6:48p Nate
* Added support for starting D.A.L.L.A.S. from the main menu
* 42 12/11/98 5:50p Jeff
* implemented and added changes regarding Level&Scripting manage system
* and compiler interface
* 41 12/01/98 11:17p Matt
* Added menu option to disable drawing objects in the wireframe view
* 40 10/06/98 12:39p Nate
* Added TableFileFilter menu option.
* 39 10/04/98 1:25p Matt
* 38 9/09/98 12:48p Samir
* added script localizer.
* 37 9/03/98 5:29p Matt
* Added code to fix cracks in levels.
* 36 9/02/98 2:55p Jeff
* initial creation of briefing editor
* 35 8/27/98 6:42p Chris
* Added the goal keypad and the start of the matcen keypad
* 34 8/20/98 12:35p Matt
* Added nice editing for ambient sound patterns
* 33 8/10/98 12:14p Nate
* Added Table File Edit dialog.
* 32 5/01/98 3:57p Matt
* Added function to place a camera in the center of the current face.
* 31 4/21/98 2:40p Matt
* Added option to show level stats
* 30 4/14/98 7:50p Matt
* Added system to keep info for each level
* 29 3/27/98 6:05p Samir
* Added key handler for main frame.
* 28 1/30/98 6:07p Matt
* Added code and menu items to deal with camera objects
* 27 1/29/98 2:15p Samir
* Implemented ObjectListModeless and Toolbar button.
* 26 1/21/98 1:08p Matt
* Made SetViewMode() not take new_viewer parm, since it's not needed
* after my revamp of the editor view system.
* 25 1/21/98 12:25p Matt
* Added needed include
* 24 10/22/97 4:30p Chris
* We can now slew between the mine and the terrain
* 23 9/23/97 10:38a Jason
* Took out OnTerrain
* 22 9/17/97 12:58p Samir
* Got rid of Curve Keypad.
* 21 9/14/97 9:47p Matt
* Made CEditorView a friend class
* 20 9/09/97 12:23p Samir
* Added a menu item to go to level properties dialog.
* 19 9/02/97 6:41p Matt
* Added code for group paste
* 18 8/29/97 2:49p Samir
* Nuked SegmentKeypad.
* 17 8/15/97 6:32p Samir
* Added ScriptWizard!
* 16 8/12/97 5:47p Matt
* Added menu items to edit debris, clutter, & buildings
* Increased number of items in objpage dropdown box
* 15 8/11/97 1:53p Matt
* Ripped out robot & powerup pages, and added generic page
* 14 8/08/97 3:17p Matt
* Added testing calls to new generic page dialog
* 13 7/29/97 2:19p Jason
* added filepage editor to mainframe
* 12 7/29/97 2:11p Jeff
* Added compile on exit for Osiris
* 11 7/28/97 5:33p Matt
* Added function to change the view mode
* 10 7/26/97 8:48p Jeff
* fixed up calls to script editor. Added DefaultExternalEditor global
* variable
* 9 7/25/97 6:16p Samir
* Fixed the tile-cascade switching/default madness.
* 8 7/24/97 3:00p Matt
* Save/load game & editor settings from/to the registry, and added code
* to display current keypad.
* 7 7/18/97 5:17p Jeff
* 6 7/16/97 5:20p Jason
* implemented selection of moons with mouse click
* 51 6/27/97 7:21p Matt
* Added function to move player 0 to current segment
* 50 6/27/97 12:20p Samir
* Added room keypad dialog.
* 49 6/18/97 11:57a Jason
* added terrain functions for mark
* 48 6/11/97 11:03a Jason
* added reorder pages menu item
* 47 6/05/97 3:37p Samir
* Added megacell keypad.
* 46 6/05/97 2:52p Jason
* added megacell functions
* 45 6/03/97 4:55p Mark
* 44 5/13/97 4:38p Samir
* Added OnIdle function
* 43 5/05/97 3:37p Matt
* 42 4/17/97 4:03p Samir
* Apply Tmap 1 and Tmap2 implemented, but no Tmap2 rendering is occurring
* yet.
* 41 4/16/97 6:11p Matt
* Added code to divide a segment into two
* 40 4/08/97 10:42a Jason
* implemented path following interface
* 39 4/04/97 3:15p Samir
* Added paths keypad, removed player keypad since it's joined with object
* keypad.
* 38 4/03/97 1:20p Jason
* changes to get the sound page system playing
* 37 4/02/97 10:56a Matt
* Changed "Other" menu to "Object", and removed obsolete set-player-start
* option
* 36 3/28/97 12:20p Jason
* added terrain dialog stuff, plus bitmap memory indicator
* 35 3/26/97 4:37p Samir
* Splash screen up and running.
* 34 3/21/97 12:30p Samir
* Added more keypad functionality and NET pane.
* 33 3/20/97 5:01p Matt
* Removed obsolete select-from-box code
* 32 3/20/97 11:55a Jason
* changes for terrain editing/drawing
* 31 3/17/97 1:32p Matt
* Took out redundant and unneeded handlers for View menu items.
* 30 3/14/97 6:53p Samir
* Took out unused functions and added delete segment function.
* 29 3/14/97 12:50p Samir
* Added marked segment pane
* 28 3/13/97 7:02p Samir
* Added current segment:side pane.
* 27 3/12/97 3:25p Matt
* Added funcs for cut, copy, paste, & delete, and to save and load
* groups.
* 26 3/05/97 11:49a Samir
* Added doorway and terrain keypad tabs.
* 25 2/28/97 6:40p Matt
* Call code to call box selection code
* 24 2/28/97 4:00p Matt
* Added code to handle the list of selected segments
* 23 2/28/97 2:37p Mark
* 22 2/28/97 11:09a Samir
* Fixed Play in 640x480 menu item.
* 21 2/27/97 5:29p Mark
* 20 2/26/97 3:35p Mark
* 19 2/20/97 5:10p Samir
* Added Tmap1 and Tmap2 apply accels. Tmap1 works by doing a CTRL-1.
* 18 2/20/97 9:57a Matt
* Added Add Segment
* 17 2/19/97 2:15p Samir
* Added keypad info.
* 16 2/18/97 7:04p Samir
* Added print status bar message functions
* 15 2/12/97 2:33p Samir
* Added hog dialog.
* 14 2/06/97 2:46p Jason
* added import bitmap function
* 13 2/05/97 12:16p Samir
* Added menu item for preferences.
* 12 2/04/97 5:18p Samir
* Added Leaving editor... option in File Menu
* 11 1/23/97 4:35p Samir
* Added floating keypad toggle and support
* 10 1/21/97 12:45p Samir
* Toggle to get rid of keypad
* $NoKeywords: $
#ifndef M_MAINFRM_H
#define M_MAINFRM_H
#include "stdafx.h"
class CTextureDialog;
class CObjectDialog;
class CLightingDialog;
class CPathPadDialog;
class CTriggerDialog;
class CDoorwayDialog;
class CRoomKeypadDialog;
class CFloatingKeypadDialog;
class CKeypadDialog;
class CTerrainDialog;
class CMegacellKeypad;
class CD3Splash;
class CObjectListModeless;
class CEditorDoc;
class levelkeypad;
class matcenkeypad;
class CMainFrame : public CFrameWnd
protected: // create from serialization only
// Attributes
// Operations
// Overrides
// ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
virtual BOOL PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs);
virtual void ActivateFrame(int nCmdShow = -1);
virtual BOOL OnCommand(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
virtual BOOL OnNotify(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT* pResult);
virtual BOOL OnCreateClient(LPCREATESTRUCT lpcs, CCreateContext* pContext);
void DockKeypad(BOOL dock);
void SetStatusMessage(char *str);
void OnIdle();
// Implementation
virtual ~CMainFrame();
#ifdef _DEBUG
virtual void AssertValid() const;
virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const;
protected: // control bar embedded members
CStatusBar m_wndStatusBar;
CToolBar m_wndToolBar;
CDialogBar m_wndKeypadBar;
// Generated message map functions
afx_msg int OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct);
afx_msg void OnDestroy();
afx_msg void OnToolsWorldTextures();
afx_msg void OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy);
afx_msg void OnToolsWorldWeapons();
afx_msg void OnToolsWorldObjectsDoor();
afx_msg void OnToolsWorldObjectsLights();
afx_msg void OnToolsWorldObjectsPlayer();
afx_msg void OnToolsWorldObjectsPowerups();
afx_msg void OnToolsWorldObjectsRobots();
afx_msg void OnSubeditorsFont();
afx_msg void OnActivateApp(BOOL bActive, HTASK hTask);
afx_msg void OnFilePlayin640x480();
afx_msg void OnUpdateViewKeypadToggle(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnViewKeypadToggle();
afx_msg void OnFileLeaveEditor();
afx_msg void OnFilePreferences();
afx_msg void OnImportBitmap();
afx_msg void OnSubeditorsHogmaker();
afx_msg void OnNumpad0();
afx_msg void OnNumpad1();
afx_msg void OnNumpad2();
afx_msg void OnNumpad3();
afx_msg void OnNumpad4();
afx_msg void OnNumpad5();
afx_msg void OnNumpad6();
afx_msg void OnNumpad7();
afx_msg void OnNumpad8();
afx_msg void OnNumpad9();
afx_msg void OnNumpaddel();
afx_msg void OnNumpadminus();
afx_msg void OnNumpadadd();
afx_msg void OnViewCenterOnMine();
afx_msg void OnViewMoveCameraToSelectedRoom();
afx_msg void OnViewCenterOnCube();
afx_msg void OnViewCenterOnObject();
afx_msg void OnGroupCreateGroup();
afx_msg void OnGroupLoadGroup();
afx_msg void OnGroupMirrorGroup();
afx_msg void OnGroupSaveGroup();
afx_msg void OnEditAddSelect();
afx_msg void OnEditClearSelected();
afx_msg void OnEditRemoveSelect();
afx_msg void OnEditSelectAttached();
afx_msg void OnEditSaveScrap();
afx_msg void OnEditLoadScrap();
afx_msg void OnEditCopy();
afx_msg void OnEditCut();
afx_msg void OnEditDelete();
afx_msg void OnSegSidePane(CCmdUI *pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnNetPane(CCmdUI *pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnBMMemPane(CCmdUI *pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnEnginePane(CCmdUI *pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnViewerPane(CCmdUI *pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnNumpadDiv();
afx_msg void OnNumpadEnter();
afx_msg void OnNumpadLock();
afx_msg void OnNumpadMul();
afx_msg void OnObjectDeleteObject();
afx_msg void OnObjectPlaceObject();
afx_msg void OnToolsWorldObjectsSound();
afx_msg void OnTestTest1();
afx_msg void OnTestTest2();
afx_msg void OnTestTest3();
afx_msg BOOL OnHelpInfo(HELPINFO* pHelpInfo);
afx_msg void OnEditorsMegacells();
afx_msg void OnReorderPages();
afx_msg void OnFileImportRoom();
afx_msg void OnObjectMovePlayer();
afx_msg void OnRoomView();
afx_msg void OnTerrainView();
afx_msg void OnMineView();
afx_msg void OnUpdateMineView(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnUpdateRoomView(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnUpdateTerrainView(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnViewNewviewer();
afx_msg void OnViewNextviewer();
afx_msg void OnViewDeleteviewer();
afx_msg void OnD3help();
afx_msg void OnHotspotTga();
afx_msg void OnEditorsFiles();
afx_msg void OnToolsWorldObjectsClutter();
afx_msg void OnToolsWorldObjectsBuildings();
afx_msg void OnEditPlace();
afx_msg void OnEditAttach();
afx_msg void OnUpdateEditAttach(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnUpdateEditSaveScrap(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnFileLevelProps();
afx_msg void OnObjbutton();
afx_msg void OnUpdateObjbutton(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnNcDestroy();
afx_msg void OnObjectSetCameraFromViewer();
afx_msg void OnObjectPlaceCameraAtViewer();
afx_msg void OnObjectSetViewerFromCamera();
afx_msg void OnKeyDown(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags);
afx_msg void OnFileLevelInfo();
afx_msg void OnFileStats();
afx_msg void OnFileVerifyLevel();
afx_msg void OnObjectPlaceCameraAtCurrentFace();
afx_msg void OnSubEditorsTableFileEdit();
afx_msg void OnEditorsAmbientSounds();
afx_msg void OnBriefingEditor();
afx_msg void OnScriptLevelInterface();
afx_msg void OnFileFixCracks();
afx_msg void OnViewResetViewRadius();
afx_msg void OnSubeditorsTablefilefilter();
afx_msg void OnViewShowObjectsInWireframeView();
afx_msg void OnUpdateViewShowObjectsInWireframeView(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnEditorsDallas();
afx_msg void OnUpdateOsiriscompile(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnOsiriscompile();
afx_msg void OnViewMoveCameraToCurrentObject();
afx_msg void OnObjectSelectByNumber();
afx_msg void OnShowAllCheckedOut();
afx_msg void OnViewShowViewerForwardVector();
afx_msg void OnObjectPlaceSoundSourceAtViewer();
afx_msg void OnOrphanhunter();
afx_msg void OnObjectPlaceWaypointAtViewer();
afx_msg void OnFileSaveGoalText();
afx_msg void OnViewViewprop();
afx_msg void OnUpdateViewViewprop(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnViewMoveCameraToSelectedFace();
afx_msg void OnEditPlaceTerrain();
afx_msg void OnAccelCopyLightMultiple();
afx_msg void OnAccelSlidedown();
afx_msg void OnAccelSlideleft();
afx_msg void OnAccelSlideright();
afx_msg void OnAccelSlideup();
afx_msg void OnAccelNextVertex();
void InitKeypadDialog(); // Initialized the keypad tab dialog
void DoKeypadTabNotify(NMHDR *nmhdr);
void ShowCurrentKeypad();
void ResizeKeypad();
void InitGraphicsSystem();
void DisplaySplashScreen();
void RemoveSplashScreen();
CFloatingKeypadDialog *m_FloatingKeypadDialog;
CD3Splash *m_D3Splash; // splash screen dialog
CKeypadDialog *m_KeypadTabDialog; // modeless dialog in tab control
CTextureDialog *m_TextureDialog;
CObjectDialog *m_ObjectDialog;
CLightingDialog *m_LightingDialog;
CPathPadDialog *m_PathPadDialog;
CTriggerDialog *m_TriggerDialog;
CDoorwayDialog *m_DoorwayDialog;
CTerrainDialog *m_TerrainDialog;
CMegacellKeypad *m_MegacellKeypad;
CRoomKeypadDialog *m_RoomDialog;
levelkeypad *m_LevelDialog;
matcenkeypad *m_MatcenDialog;
CObjectListModeless *m_ObjModeless;
CTabCtrl *m_KeypadTabCtrl;
BOOL m_ViewActivated;
friend class CTextureGrWnd;
friend class CEditorView;
friend class CEditorDoc;
//Set the editor view mode
void SetViewMode(int view_mode);