2024-05-23 22:51:16 -04:00

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* Descent 3
* Copyright (C) 2024 Parallax Software
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
#if __SC__
#pragma SC align 1
#elif __WATCOMC__
#pragma pack(1);
#elif _MSC_VER
#pragma pack(1)
#pragma pack(push, 1)
#include "byteswap.h"
// Useful type definitions
#ifndef __cplusplus
typedef unsigned bool;
#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE 1
// 386 Assembler Support
#define OPERAND32 __asm _emit 0x66
#define SEG_ES __asm _emit 0x26
#define SEG_FS __asm _emit 0x64
#define SEG_GS __asm _emit 0x65
#define MOVZX_BP_IND_BX __asm _emit 0x0F __asm _emit 0xB6 __asm _emit 0x2F
#define MOV_FS_AX __asm _emit 0x8e __asm _emit 0xE0
#define MOV_GS_AX __asm _emit 0x8e __asm _emit 0xE8
// Compressed Video Constants
// Width and height of sections in pixels.
#define SWIDTH 8
#define SHEIGHT 8
#define LOG2_SWIDTH 3
#define LOG2_SHEIGHT 3
// Movie File Header
#define MVE_FILE_TYPE "Interplay MVE File\x1A\0"
#define MVE_FILE_VERSION 0x0100
typedef struct _mve_hdr {
char FileType[20]; // MVE_FILE_TYPE
unsigned short HdrSize; // sizeof(mve_hdr)
unsigned short version; // MVE_FILE_VERSION
unsigned short id; // ~MVE_FILE_VERSION+0x1234
} mve_hdr;
// Movie File Records
typedef struct _io_hdr {
unsigned short len; // Length of record data (pad to even)
unsigned short kind; // See IO_REC_xxx
// unsigned char data[0]; // Record data
} ioHdrRec;
// This record classifications simplify utilities which must operate on
// records. They are not used by this library when running a movie.
#define IO_REC_SND_INIT 0 // Sound setup
#define IO_REC_SND_PRELOAD 1 // Sound preload
#define IO_REC_FRAME_INIT 2 // Frame (video) setup
#define IO_REC_FRAME 3 // Movie frames
#define IO_REC_END 4 // Last Record (End of Movie)
#define IO_REC_EOF 5 // Empty eof record at end of file.
// Movie File Major Opcodes
#define MCMD_DATA(arg) ((unsigned char *)((arg) + 1))
typedef struct _mcmd_hdr {
unsigned short len; // Length of data (pad to even)
unsigned char major; // Major opcode
unsigned char minor; // Minor opcode
// unsigned char data[0]; // Opcode data
} mcmd_hdr;
#define mcmd_end 0 // End processing of movie
#define mcmd_next 1 // Advance to next movie record
#define mcmd_syncInit 2
typedef struct _syncInit {
uint32_t period; // period of quanta
unsigned short wait_quanta; // # of quanta per frame
} marg_syncInit;
#define mcmd_sndConfigure 3
typedef struct _sndConfigure {
unsigned short rate; // 65536-(256E6/(frequency*(stereo+1)))
// comp16 is a minor opcode 1 field
// It indicates that 16-bit data has been compressed to 8-bits.
// When it is set, bits16 will also be set.
// Each record will contain initial 16-bit sample followed
// by remaining compressed 8-bit samples.
// For stereo, there will be two initial 16-bit samples.
// and compressed streams will be interleaved.
// unsigned short stereo:1, bits16:1, comp16:1;
unsigned char bitpadder : 5;
unsigned char stereo : 1, bits16 : 1, comp16 : 1;
unsigned char dummy1;
unsigned short frequency;
// Minor opcode 1 extends buflen to be a long
uint32_t buflen;
} marg_sndConfigure;
#define mcmd_sndSync 4
#define mcmd_nfConfig 5
typedef struct _nfConfig {
unsigned short wqty;
unsigned short hqty;
// Minor opcode 1 fields:
unsigned short fqty;
// Minor opcode 2 fields:
unsigned short hicolor; /*0=256-color, 1=HiColor, 2=HiColorSwapped*/
} marg_nfConfig;
#define mcmd_nfDecomp 6
#define mcmd_nfDecompChg 16
#define mcmd_nfPkDecomp 17
typedef struct _nfDecomp {
unsigned short prev; // info:Prev frames+1 needed for full picture
unsigned short iframe; // info:Current internal frame #
unsigned short x;
unsigned short y;
unsigned short w;
unsigned short h;
// unsigned short advance:1;
unsigned char bitpadder : 7;
unsigned char advance : 1;
unsigned char dummy1;
// unsigned char comp[0];
} marg_nfDecomp;
#define mcmd_sfShowFrame 7
#if 0 // Not supported
#define mcmd_sfPkShowFrameChg 18
typedef struct _sfShowFrame {
unsigned short pal_start;
unsigned short pal_count;
// Minor opcode 1 fields:
unsigned short field; // 0:none, 2:send to even, 3:send to odd
} marg_sfShowFrame;
#define mcmd_sndAdd 8
#define mcmd_sndSilence 9
typedef struct _sndAdd {
unsigned short iframe; // info: iframe # of sound
unsigned short TrackMask;
unsigned short qty; // Uncompressed audio size in bytes
// unsigned char data[0];
} marg_sndAdd;
#define mcmd_gfxMode 10
typedef struct _gfxMode {
unsigned short minw;
unsigned short minh;
unsigned short mode;
} marg_gfxMode;
#define mcmd_palMakeSynthPalette 11
typedef struct _palMakeSynthPalette {
unsigned char base_r;
unsigned char range_r;
unsigned char range_rb;
unsigned char base_g;
unsigned char range_g;
unsigned char range_gb;
} marg_palMakeSynthPalette;
#define mcmd_palLoadPalette 12
typedef struct _palLoadPalette {
unsigned short start;
unsigned short count;
// unsigned char data[0];
} marg_palLoadPalette;
#define mcmd_palLoadCompPalette 13
#define mcmd_nfChanges 14
#define mcmd_nfParms 15
// 16 is used for mcmd_nfDecompChg, see above.
// 17 is used for mcmd_nfPkDecomp, see above.
// 18 is used for mcmd_nfPkShowFrameChg, see above
#define mcmd_nfPkInfo 19
#define mcmd_nfHPkInfo 20
typedef struct _nfPkInfo {
uint32_t error; // scaled by 10000
unsigned short usage[64];
} marg_nfPkInfo;
#define mcmd_idcode 21
typedef struct _idcode {
uint32_t idcode; // Code identifying version mcomp used to create
} marg_idcode;
#if __SC__
#pragma SC align
#elif __WATCOMC__
#pragma pack();
#elif _MSC_VER
#pragma pack()
#pragma pack(pop)