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* Descent 3
* Copyright (C) 2024 Parallax Software
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifndef __CZIPFILE_H_
#define __CZIPFILE_H_
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdint>
#ifdef __LINUX__
#include "linux_fix.h"
#define OCF_VERSION 0x01
// Compression Types
#define COMPT_NONE 255 // No compression, just stored (Not Implemented Yet)
#define COMPT_SHANFANO 0 // Shannon-Fano Compression
#define COMPT_HUFFBAS 1 // Huffman Encoding, Basic
#define COMPT_HUFFADAPT_0 2 // Huffman Encoding, Adaptive Order 0
// Virtual file (disk or memory files)
#define VFT_FILE 0
#define VFT_MEM 1
*File Formats:
* Compression Types
* =================
* 0 - Shannon-Fano (Can't be used for raw files)
* 1 - Huffman Basic (Can't be used for raw files)
* 2 - Huffman Adaptive Order-0
* OCF File Type
* -------------
* 4 - Magic Number (0x4D495241)
* 1 - Version (Current 0x01)
* 1 - Filename length
* x - Original Filename
* 8 - Original Filetime
* 1 - Compression Type (see above)
* 4 - Compressed Filesize
* 4 - Expanded Filesize
* 1 - 0x01
* x - Compressed Data
* -------> Repeat for multiple files
* raw compressed files (any file extension, for use with readbyte, writebyte, etc)
* --------------------
* 4 - Magic Number (0x52415743)
* 1 - Compression Type (see above)
* x - Compressed Data
#define uint8_t uint8_t
#define uint32_t uint32_t
#define uint16_t uint16_t
struct tVirtualFile {
uint8_t type;
int count;
int size; // only used for memory...size allocated for buffer
int file_size; // max count we reached
union {
FILE *file;
uint8_t *memory;
// BitIO //////
struct BITFILE {
tVirtualFile *file;
uint8_t mask;
int rack;
// HuffmanBasic ///////
struct tH0Node { // tHuffman0TreeNode
uint32_t count;
uint32_t saved_count;
int child0, child1;
struct tH0Code {
uint32_t code;
int code_bits;
// Huffman Adaptive //////
#define SYMBOL_COUNT 258
struct tHANode {
uint32_t weight;
int parent;
bool child_is_leaf;
int child;
struct tHATree {
int leaf[SYMBOL_COUNT];
int next_free_node;
struct tFileInfo {
char filename[_MAX_PATH]; // filename
int lo_time, hi_time; // filetime
int compressed_size; //
int expanded_size; //
// CZip Class Header //////////
class CZip {
// Opens an archive file for reading
// open_raw = if this is true, then the file MUST be of the raw compressed type. You cannot
// open an OCF by raw. If a raw type archive is opened, you may only use the read
// byte type functions (ReadRaw*())
// returns true on success
bool OpenInputArchive(char *filename, bool open_raw = false);
// Opens an archive file for writing
// open_raw = if this is true, then the output archive will be of the raw compressed type.
// You must used the write byte type functions (WriteRaw*())
// compression_type = You only need to specify this if you opened raw
// returns true on success
bool OpenOutputArchive(char *filename, bool open_raw = false, int compression_type = -1);
// Closes an archive that was opened for input
void CloseInputArchive(void);
// Closes an archive that was opened for output
void CloseOutputArchive(void);
// Adds a given file to the archive
// You may only add files to OCF files (you passed false for open_raw when you opened)
// compression_type = what type of compression you want to use
bool AddFileToArchive(char *filename, int compression_type = COMPT_HUFFADAPT_0);
// Extracts a file from an OCF archive
// filename = The filename specified within the archive
// destfilename = The output filename (what it should get extracted to) pass NULL if it
// is the same as the original filename
bool ExtractFileFromArchive(char *filename, char *destfilename = NULL);
// Gets a list of files in the OCF, make sure you free up the array after use
// returns the number of files in the OCF
// 0 or -1 on error (-1 is out of memory)
int GetFileList(tFileInfo **info);
// Raw type compressed files operations only
int ReadBytes(char *data, int count);
void WriteBytes(char *data, int count);
uint8_t ReadRawByte(void);
uint16_t ReadRawShort(void);
uint32_t ReadRawInt(void);
float ReadRawFloat(void);
void WriteRawByte(uint8_t value);
void WriteRawShort(uint16_t value);
void WriteRawInt(uint32_t value);
void WriteRawFloat(float value);
bool RawEOF(void);
// CZip Variables
BITFILE *bfile;
tVirtualFile *file;
bool m_bRawType;
int m_iCompressionType;
tFileInfo current_file;
// Reads in a Raw type file header
// returns true on succes, if so, compr_type contains the compression type
bool ReadRawHeader(tVirtualFile *file, uint8_t *compr_type);
// Writes out a Raw type file header
// returns true on succes
bool WriteRawHeader(tVirtualFile *file, uint8_t compr_type);
// Reads in an OCF header
// returns true on success, info is filled in the appropriate values,compr_type is compression type
bool ReadOCFHeader(tVirtualFile *file, tFileInfo *info, uint8_t *compr_type);
// Writes out an OCF header
// returns true on success
bool WriteOCFHeader(tVirtualFile *file, tFileInfo *info, uint8_t compr_type, int header_pos);
// Writes out a 'dummy' OCF header, just give what the final filename is
// you must call this before you compress data, then when done, call the read WriteOCFHeader
bool WriteDummyOCFHeader(tVirtualFile *file, char *filename);
// Searches through the opened OCF looking for filename, returns the file position
// of the file if found, or -1 if not.
int FindFileInOCF(tVirtualFile *file, char *filename);
// Gets a list of files in the OCF, make sure you free up the array after use
// returns the number of files in the OCF
// 0 or -1 on error (-1 is out of memory)
int GetOCFFileList(BITFILE *file, tFileInfo **info);
// Prepares one of the decompressors for raw reading
void PrepareDecompressor(BITFILE *bfile);
// Prepares one of the compressors for raw reading
void PrepareCompressor(BITFILE *bfile);
// BitIO
BITFILE *OpenInputBitFile(char *filename);
BITFILE *OpenOutputBitFile(char *filename);
void OutputBit(BITFILE *bfile, int bit);
void OutputBits(BITFILE *bfile, uint32_t code, int count);
int InputBit(BITFILE *bfile);
uint32_t InputBits(BITFILE *bfile, int bitcount);
void CloseInputBitFile(BITFILE *bfile);
void CloseOutputBitFile(BITFILE *bfile);
void FilePrintBinary(FILE *file, uint32_t code, int bits);
tVirtualFile *VFopen(const char *filename, const char *flags, int size = 0);
int VFclose(tVirtualFile *f);
int VFputc(int value, tVirtualFile *file);
int VFgetc(tVirtualFile *file);
int VFwrite(void *buffer, int size, int count, tVirtualFile *file);
int VFread(void *buffer, int size, int count, tVirtualFile *file);
int VFtell(tVirtualFile *file);
int VFseek(tVirtualFile *file, int offset, int origin);
void FlushOutputBitFile(BITFILE *bfile);
// HuffmanBase
int hb_CompressFile(tVirtualFile *input, BITFILE *output);
bool hb_ExpandFile(BITFILE *input, tVirtualFile *output);
void hb_compress_data(tVirtualFile *input, BITFILE *output, tH0Code *codes);
void hb_expand_data(BITFILE *input, tVirtualFile *output, tH0Node *nodes, int root_node);
void hb_count_bytes(tVirtualFile *input, uint32_t *long_counts);
void hb_scale_counts(uint32_t *long_counts, tH0Node *nodes);
int hb_build_tree(tH0Node *nodes);
void hb_convert_tree_to_code(tH0Node *nodes, tH0Code *codes, uint32_t code_so_far, int bits, int node);
void hb_output_counts(BITFILE *output, tH0Node *nodes);
void hb_input_counts(BITFILE *input, tH0Node *nodes);
// Huffman Adaptive
tHATree Tree;
bool ok_to_raw_write, ok_to_raw_read;
int ha_CompressFile(tVirtualFile *input, BITFILE *output);
void ha_ExpandFile(BITFILE *input, tVirtualFile *output);
void ha_InitializeTree(tHATree *tree);
void ha_EncodeSymbol(tHATree *tree, uint32_t c, BITFILE *output);
int ha_DecodeSymbol(tHATree *tree, BITFILE *input);
void ha_UpdateModel(tHATree *tree, int c);
void ha_RebuildTree(tHATree *tree);
void ha_swap_nodes(tHATree *tree, int i, int j);
void ha_add_new_node(tHATree *tree, int c);
void ha_CloseRawDecompress(void);
bool ha_ReadRawByte(uint8_t *data, BITFILE *input);
void ha_PrepareDecompress(void);
void ha_CloseRawCompress(BITFILE *output);
void ha_WriteRawByte(uint8_t data, BITFILE *output);
void ha_PrepareCompress(void);