Azamat H. Hackimov 6f81ca4f9f Replace cf_LibraryFindFirst cf_DoForeachFileInLibrary()
Simplify code, fix some minor issues.
2024-09-26 01:49:55 +03:00

264 lines
7.6 KiB

* Descent 3
* Copyright (C) 2024 Parallax Software
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* $Logfile: /DescentIII/main/lib/demofile.h $
* $Revision: 25 $
* $Date: 7/21/99 12:03p $
* $Author: Kevin $
* $Log: /DescentIII/main/lib/demofile.h $
* 25 7/21/99 12:03p Kevin
* Changed version numbers around
* 24 4/25/99 10:19p Matt
* Fixed multiplayer and demo problems will killing an object from script,
* and cleaned up the death code a bit in the process.
* 23 3/12/99 7:53p Jeff
* save player rotating balls info, handle obj_observer with obj_player,
* handle objects that use life left, handle 2d sound playing
* 22 3/11/99 11:40a Kevin
* New stuff for multi
* 21 3/10/99 2:25p Kevin
* Save/Load and Demo file fixes
* 20 2/25/99 11:01a Matt
* Added new explosion system.
* 19 2/23/99 12:45a Jeff
* added support for in-game-cinematics in demo system
* 18 2/22/99 9:21p Kevin
* 17 2/08/99 7:05p Kevin
* Trying to get demo system working with powerup scripts
* 16 1/23/99 10:12p Kevin
* Added the start of osiris support into the demo system
* 15 11/24/98 3:57p Kevin
* Demo system immprovements
* 14 11/24/98 12:08p Kevin
* 13 11/24/98 10:41a Kevin
* Demo system
* 12 11/23/98 4:52p Kevin
* Demo system enhancments
* 11 11/23/98 3:11p Kevin
* Demo system
* 10 11/19/98 5:40p Kevin
* Demo system
* 9 11/17/98 4:17p Kevin
* Demo recording system
* 8 11/11/98 2:46p Kevin
* Demo recording system work
* 7 11/09/98 4:12p Kevin
* 6 11/05/98 5:54p Kevin
* Demo system work
* 5 10/08/98 12:00p Kevin
* Demo system work
* 4 10/06/98 5:46p Kevin
* Added new configuration for demo
* 3 10/05/98 12:09p Kevin
* Converted projects to VC6 and demo file stuff added
* 2 10/05/98 10:32a Kevin
* Initial Version
* 1 10/05/98 10:22a Kevin
* $NoKeywords: $
#include <cstdint>
#include <filesystem>
#include "object_external_struct.h"
extern std::filesystem::path Demo_fname;
extern uint32_t Demo_flags;
extern bool Demo_paused;
extern bool Demo_do_one_frame;
extern bool Demo_restart;
extern bool Demo_auto_play;
extern bool Demo_make_movie;
extern float Demo_frame_ofs;
extern uint16_t Demo_obj_map[MAX_OBJECTS];
#define DF_NONE 0
#define DF_RECORDING 1
#define DF_PLAYBACK 2
#define D3_DEMO_SIG "D3DEM"
#define D3_DEMO_SIG_NEW "D3DM1"
#define DT_OBJ 1 // Object data
#define DT_NEW_FRAME 2 // Start of a new frame
#define DT_WEAPON_FIRE 3 // Someone fired a weapon
#define DT_HUD_MESSAGE 4 // Display a hud message
#define DT_3D_SOUND 5 // Play a 3d sound (associated with a weapon firing usually)
#define DT_OBJ_CREATE 6 // A new object was created...
#define DT_OBJ_ANIM 7 // Object animation has changed
#define DT_OBJ_TURRET 8 // Object's turrets have changed
#define DT_OBJ_EXPLODE 9 // Explode object
#define DT_PLAYER_DEATH 10 // Player died
#define DT_COLLIDE_PLR 11 // Player collided with a weapon
#define DT_COLLIDE_GEN 12 // generic collided with a weapon
#define DT_ATTACH 13 // Attach some objects
#define DT_ATTACH_RAD 14 // Attach some objects with a radius?
#define DT_UNATTACH 15 // Unattach some stuff
#define DT_WEAP_FIRE_FLAG 16 // flags like spraying and on/off
#define DT_PLAYER_INFO 17 // Player 1's info like energy/sheilds, etc.
#define DT_MSAFE 18 // MSAFE data (ie script stuff)
#define DT_POWERUP 19 // Powerups data
#define DT_CINEMATICS 20 // Cinematic info
#define DT_PERSISTANT_HUD 21 // Persistant hud message
#define DT_SETOBJDEAD 22 // Mark an object as dead
#define DT_PLAYERBALLS 23 // Rotating balls around player ship
#define DT_PLAYERTYPECHNG 24 // Player type is changing
#define DT_SETOBJLIFELEFT 25 // Object is getting OF_LIFELEFT flag changed
#define DT_2D_SOUND 26 // Play a 2d sound
// If not recording prompts user for filename and starts recording if successfull
// If recording, close the demo file
void DemoToggleRecording();
void DemoWriteChangedObj(object *op);
void DemoWriteHeader();
void DemoStartNewFrame();
void DemoWriteHudMessage(uint32_t color, bool blink, char *msg);
void DemoWriteChangedObjects();
void DemoWriteWeaponFire(uint16_t objectnum, vector *pos, vector *dir, uint16_t weaponnum,
uint16_t weapobjnum, int16_t gunnum);
void DemoWriteObjCreate(uint8_t type, uint16_t id, int roomnum, vector *pos, const matrix *orient, int parent_handle,
object *obj);
void DemoWriteTurretChanged(uint16_t objnum);
int DemoReadHeader();
int DemoPlaybackFile(const std::filesystem::path& filename);
bool LoadDemoDialog();
void DemoFrame();
void DemoAbort(bool deletefile = false);
void DemoWriteKillObject(object *hit_obj, object *killer, float damage, int death_flags, float delay, int seed);
void DemoWritePlayerDeath(object *player, bool melee, int fate = -1);
void DemoWrite3DSound(int16_t soundidx, uint16_t objnum, int priority, float volume = 0.5f);
void DemoWriteCollidePlayerWeapon(object *playerobj, object *weapon, vector *collision_point, vector *collision_normal,
bool f_reverse_normal, void *hit_info);
void DemoWriteCollideGenericWeapon(object *robotobj, object *weapon, vector *collision_point, vector *collision_normal,
bool f_reverse_normal, void *hit_info);
void DemoReadCollidePlayerWeapon(void);
void DemoReadCollideGenericWeapon(void);
void DemoReadNewFrame(void);
void DemoWriteObjAnimChanged(uint16_t objnum);
void DemoWriteAttachObjRad(object *parent, char parent_ap, object *child, float rad);
void DemoReadAttachObjRad(void);
void DemoWriteAttachObj(object *parent, char parent_ap, object *child, char child_ap, bool f_aligned);
void DemoReadAttachObj(void);
void DemoWriteUnattachObj(object *child);
void DemoReadUnattachObj(void);
void DemoPostPlaybackMenu(void);
void DemoReadObjWeapFireFlagChanged(void);
void DemoWriteObjWeapFireFlagChanged(int16_t objnum);
void DemoWritePlayerInfo(void);
void DemoReadPlayerInfo(void);
void DemoWriteMSafe(uint8_t *data, uint16_t len);
void DemoReadMSafe();
void DemoWritePowerup(uint8_t *data, uint16_t len);
void DemoReadPowerups();
void DemoReadCinematics();
void DemoWriteCinematics(uint8_t *data, uint16_t len);
void DemoWritePersistantHUDMessage(ddgr_color color, int x, int y, float time, int flags, int sound_index, char *msg);
void DemoReadPersistantHUDMessage();
void DemoWriteSetObjDead(object *obj);
void DemoReadSetObjDead();
void DemoWritePlayerBalls(int pnum);
void DemoReadPlayerBalls(void);
void DemoWritePlayerTypeChange(int slot, bool stop_observing = false, int observer_mode = -1, int piggy_objnum = -1);
void DemoReadPlayerTypeChange(void);
void DemoWriteObjLifeLeft(object *obj);
void DemoReadObjLifeLeft(void);
void DemoWrite2DSound(int16_t soundidx, float volume = 0.5f);
void DemoRead2DSound(void);