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164 lines
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#ifndef REND_D3D_H
#define REND_D3D_H
#include "renderer.h"
#include "3d.h"
class oeApplication;
// Starts up glide
int d3d_Init(oeApplication *app, renderer_preferred_state *pref_state);
// Closes down glide
void d3d_Close();
// The main drawing function...draws a flat/textured/gouraud polygon
void d3d_DrawPolygon(int, g3Point **, int, int);
void d3d_SetFlatColor(ddgr_color color);
// Ends a frame
void d3d_EndFrame();
// Flips the screen
void d3d_Flip();
// Does setup for a new frame
void d3d_BeginFrame(int, int, int, int, int);
// Tells glide what kind of texturing (linear/perspective) we want
void d3d_SetTextureType(texture_type);
// Sets the lighting state of glide
void d3d_SetLightingState(light_state state);
// Sets the glide color model (either rgb or mono)
void d3d_SetColorModel(color_model state);
// Sets the state of bilinear filtering for our textures
void d3d_SetFiltering(sbyte state);
// Sets the state of zbuffering to on or off
void d3d_SetZBufferState(sbyte state);
// Sets the near/far z values for zbuffering
void d3d_SetZValues(float nearz, float farz);
// Sets a bitmap as a lightmap to rendered on top of the next texture map
// a -1 value indicates no lighting map
void d3d_SetLightingMap(int handle);
// Clears the display to a specified color
void d3d_ClearScreen(ddgr_color color);
// Fills a rectangle on the display
void d3d_FillRect(ddgr_color color, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
// Sets a pixel on the display
void d3d_SetPixel(ddgr_color color, int x, int y);
// Sets the near and far plane of fog
void d3d_SetFogBorders(float nearz, float farz);
// Sets the fog state to on or off
void d3d_SetFogState(sbyte state);
// Draws a 2d line
void d3d_DrawLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
// sets fog color
void d3d_SetFogColor(ddgr_color fogcolor);
// sets the alpha type
void d3d_SetAlphaType(sbyte);
// Sets the constant alpha value
void d3d_SetAlphaValue(ubyte val);
// Sets the overall alpha scale factor (all alpha values are scaled by this value)
// usefull for motion blur effect
void d3d_SetAlphaFactor(float val);
// Returns the current Alpha factor
float d3d_GetAlphaFactor(void);
// Sets the glide wrapping type
void d3d_SetWrapType(wrap_type val);
// Takes a screenshot of the frontbuffer and puts it into the passed bitmap handle
void d3d_Screenshot(int bm_handle);
// Sets write mask for depth buffer
void d3d_SetZBufferWriteMask(int state);
// Locks the linear frame buffer for application access
void d3d_GetLFBLock(renderer_lfb *lfb);
// Releases the previous LFB lock
void d3d_ReleaseLFBLock(renderer_lfb *lfb);
void d3d_GetProjectionParameters(int *width, int *height);
float d3d_GetAspectRatio();
// Draws a line using the states set by the renderer lib
void d3d_DrawSpecialLine(g3Point *p0, g3Point *p1);
void d3d_SetMipState(sbyte);
// Sets up a some global preferences for glide
int d3d_SetPreferredState(renderer_preferred_state *pref_state);
// Sets the gamma correction value
void d3d_SetGammaValue(float val);
// Gets the current state of the renderer
void d3d_GetRenderState(rendering_state *rstate);
// Sets the resolution that glide uses
void d3d_SetResolution(int width, int height);
// Sets the coplanar z bias for rendered polygons
void d3d_SetCoplanarPolygonOffset(float factor);
// Creates a on the video card if needed
void d3d_PreUploadTextureToCard(int handle, int map_type);
// Evicts local texture memory
void d3d_FreePreUploadedTexture(int handle, int map_type);
// Returns a string describing the passed in error
char *d3d_ErrorString(int error);
// Takes a screenshot of the frontbuffer and puts it into the passed bitmap handle
void d3d_Screenshot(int bm_handle);
// Returns 1 if the renderer supports bumpmapping
int d3d_SupportsBumpmapping();
// Clears the zbuffer
void d3d_ClearZBuffer();
// Clears the texture cache
void d3d_ResetCache();
// Creates or destroys a linear framebuffer lock
void d3d_GetLFBLock(renderer_lfb *lfb);
void d3d_ReleaseLFBLock(renderer_lfb *lfb);
// Takes a bitmap and blits it to the screen using linear frame buffer stuff
// X and Y are the destination X,Y
void d3d_CopyBitmapToFramebuffer(int bm_handle, int x, int y);
// Gets a renderer ready for a framebuffer copy, or stops a framebuffer copy
void d3d_SetFrameBufferCopyState(bool state);
#if defined(WIN32)
// returns directdraw object
void *d3d_DirectDrawObj(void **frontsurf, void **backsurf);
// returns rendering statistics for the frame
void d3d_GetStatistics(tRendererStats *stats);