2024-09-03 13:26:51 +02:00

2226 lines
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* Descent 3
* Copyright (C) 2024 Parallax Software
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* $Logfile: /DescentIII/main/idmfc.h $
* $Revision: $
* $Date: 2003/08/26 03:56:29 $
* $Author: kevinb $
* DMFC COM Interface header
* $Log: idmfc.h,v $
* Revision 2003/08/26 03:56:29 kevinb
* initial 1.5 import
* 33 11/10/99 3:03p Jeff
* fixed c interface for register packet receiver
* 32 8/15/99 4:36p Jeff
* finished exporting all inventory class functions. export object_info
* array. added check for -nooutragelogo to display Outrage logo display.
* 31 8/11/99 1:46p Jeff
* interface functions
* 30 8/11/99 1:22p Jeff
* exported needed functions for camera windows
* 29 7/16/99 2:43p Jeff
* changed CreateMenuItemWArgs function
* 28 7/13/99 5:38p Jeff
* fixes for Linux compile
* 27 7/13/99 10:03a Jeff
* text taunt token decoding
* 26 7/11/99 3:32p Jeff
* exported game arguments, made command line option to specify
* autoexec.dmfc
* 25 7/09/99 7:02p Jeff
* put in countdown timer for when a level is about to end
* 24 7/09/99 2:53p Jeff
* handle gametime better (pause it when needed) if the server is 'waiting
* for players'
* 23 7/08/99 9:56p Jeff
* added event handler for weapon fired event
* 22 7/08/99 6:25p Jeff
* remote admin in and working
* 21 7/07/99 5:00p Jeff
* removed vararg functions from interface functions, just made different
* versions of them
* 20 7/07/99 12:16p Jeff
* all mangles symbol names fixed. Finished making interface functions.
* 19 7/06/99 7:37p Jeff
* added IDMFC 1.0 interface functions
* 18 6/10/99 11:10a Jeff
* don't display the Outrage logo for non-Outrage games
* 17 5/22/99 1:12a Jeff
* correctly handle Viewer_object
* 16 5/12/99 11:04p Jeff
* dmfc and multiplayer games now have endian friendly packets (*whew*)
* 15 5/09/99 6:20a Jeff
* improved Entropy (added sounds, max virii per room). Fixed rendering
* bugs for other multiplayer dlls.
* 14 5/08/99 11:06a Jeff
* 13 5/07/99 12:52p Jeff
* audio taunt icon is ppic if available. coop has hard max team set of 4
* 12 5/02/99 8:40a Jeff
* fixed syntax error
* 11 4/30/99 10:52p Jeff
* added $warp command
* 10 4/30/99 7:36p Jeff
* exported vis_effects to dmfc
* 9 4/14/99 3:56a Jeff
* fixed case mismatch in #includes
* 8 4/04/99 4:55p Jeff
* added functionality to call osiris functions from multiplayer d3ms
* 7 3/30/99 9:01p Jeff
* exported polymodels
* 6 3/30/99 7:42p Jeff
* fixed a misspelling on a function name
* 5 3/22/99 6:21p Jeff
* added 2 more audio taunts. a mulitplayer event when someone plays an
* audio taunt. option to disable audio taunts.
* 4 3/22/99 5:51p Matt
* Removed some includes from one file and added some to other files, to
* reduce the amount of rebuilding when headers change.
* 3 3/22/99 1:55p Jeff
* make sure initialization happens (possible crashing)
* 2 3/17/99 12:23p Jeff
* converted DMFC to be COM interface
* 1 3/17/99 11:54a Jeff
* $NoKeywords: $
#ifndef __IDMFC_H_
#define __IDMFC_H_
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "gamedll_header.h"
#include "DMFC.h"
#include "controls.h"
#include "Mission.h"
#include "weapon.h"
#include "player.h"
#include "ship.h"
#include "vclip.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
// C++ compiler, should we use classes?
class IDMFC;
class IMenuItem;
class IDmfcStats;
typedef void IDMFC;
typedef void IMenuItem;
typedef void IDmfcStats;
This is the base class that all DMFC classes are derived from.
class IObject {
virtual ~IObject() = default;
virtual void Delete(void) = 0;
virtual void *Dynamic_Cast(const char *pszType) = 0;
virtual void DuplicatePointer(void) = 0;
virtual void DestroyPointer(void) = 0;
The interface class to Version 1.0 of DMFC
class IDMFC : public IObject {
// DMGFBase::LoadFunctions
// Initializes all the functions for a multiplayer game...must be first thing called
virtual void LoadFunctions(int *api_func) = 0;
// DMFCBase::GameInit
// Sets up all the DLL functions and pointers and preps the class for use. This ABSOLUTLY must be
// called, so if you override DMFCApp::GameInit, make sure that you put a call to this somewhere in
// the override.
virtual void GameInit(int teams) = 0;
// DMFCBase::GameClose
// Closes up any needed DLL and DMFC tasks. This ABSOLUTLY must be called, so if you override
// DMFCApp::GameClose, make sure that you put a call to this somewhere in the override
virtual void GameClose(void) = 0;
// ###################Server Only functions################################
// DMFCBase::OnServerPlayerKilled
// Event handler for when a player gets killed, either by another player or some other way
// killer_obj = object pointer to the object that killed the player
// victim_pnum = player number of the player that got killed
virtual void OnServerPlayerKilled(object *killer_obj, int victim_pnum) = 0;
// DMFCBase::OnServerPlayerExploded
// Event handler for when a player explodes. Gets called after a EVT_GAMEPLAYERKILLED event.
// player_num = player number of the player exploding
virtual void OnServerPlayerExploded(int player_num) = 0;
// DMFCBase::OnServerCollide
// Event handler for when two objects collide. At least one of the two objects is a player or a robot.
// Be aware that this event will be called twice per collision, the second time it is called the me and
// it objects will be flipped.
// me_obj = object pointer to the me object
// it_obj = object pointer to the it object
virtual void OnServerCollide(object *me_obj, object *it_obj) = 0;
virtual void OnServerCollide(object *me_obj, object *it_obj, vector *point, vector *normal) = 0;
// DMFCBase::OnServerPlayerChangeSegment
// Event handler for when a player changes rooms or a "large" terrain cell
// (8x8 Terrain block).
// player_num = player number of the player who just changed the room/segment
// newseg = New room/cell location
// oldseg = Old room/cell location
virtual void OnServerPlayerChangeSegment(int player_num, int newseg, int oldseg) = 0;
// DMFCBase::OnServerObjectChangeSegment (Only called if server tells client to execute)
// Event handler for when a player changes rooms or a "large" terrain cell
// (8x8 Terrain block).
// obj = Object pointer of the object who just changed the room/segment
// newseg = New room/cell location
// oldseg = Old room/cell location
virtual void OnServerObjectChangeSegment(object *obj, int newseg, int oldseg) = 0;
// DMFCBase::OnServerPlayerEntersGame
// Event handler for when a player enters the game. This will only get called once per
// player, it usually gets called right after they connect to the server to start playing.
// player_num = player number of the player entering the game
virtual void OnServerPlayerEntersGame(int player_num) = 0;
// DMFCBase::OnServerPlayerDisconnect
// Event handler for when a player disconnects from the server.
// player_num = player number of the player that just disconnected
virtual void OnServerPlayerDisconnect(int player_num) = 0;
// DMFCBase::OnServerGameCreated
// Event handler when the server's game first gets started. This will only be called once
// while the server is running, and that is when the server first starts up.
virtual void OnServerGameCreated(void) = 0;
// DMFCBase::OnServerLevelChange
// Event handler when the server changes levels. This will get called after a level ends and a server
// is starting a new level.
virtual void OnServerLevelChange(void) = 0;
// DMFCBase::OnServerLevelStart
// Event handler for when a multiplayer level is starting up. This will get called right before the level
// starts.
virtual void OnServerLevelStart(void) = 0;
// DMFCBase::OnServerLevelEnd
// Event handler for when a multiplayer level is ending.
virtual void OnServerLevelEnd(void) = 0;
// DMFCBase::OnServerObjectShieldsChanged
// Event handler for when an objects shield's change
virtual void OnServerObjectShieldsChanged(object *obj, float amount) = 0;
// DMFCBase::OnServerIsAddressBanned
// Called by the game to determine if the given network address is banned from the game
virtual bool OnServerIsAddressBanned(network_address *addr, const char *tracker_id) = 0;
// DMFCBase::OnServerWallCollide
// Called by the game when their is a collision between an object and a wall
virtual void OnServerWallCollide(object *obj, float hitspeed, int hitseg, int hitwall, vector *hitpt,
vector *wall_normal, float hit_dot) = 0;
// DMFCBase::OnServerObjectKilled
// Called when an object is being killed
// Not automatically sent to clients (OnClientObjectKilled)
// killer might not be valid (NULL)
virtual void OnServerObjectKilled(object *obj, object *killer) = 0;
// DMFCBase::OnServerObjectDestroyed
// Called when an object is about to be deleted
// Not automatically sent to clients
virtual void OnServerObjectDestroyed(object *obj) = 0;
// ######################### Client allowed event handlers############################
// DMFCBase::OnClientPlayerKilled (Only called if server tells client to execute)
// Event handler for when a player gets killed, either by another player or some other way.
// killer_obj = object pointer to the object that killed the player
// victim_pnum = player number of the player that got killed
virtual void OnClientPlayerKilled(object *killer_obj, int victim_pnum) = 0;
// DMFCBase::OnClientPlayerExploded (Only called if server tells client to execute)
// Event handler for when a player explodes. Gets called after a EVT_GAMEPLAYERKILLED event.
// player_num = player number of the player exploding
virtual void OnClientPlayerExploded(int player_num) = 0;
// DMFCBase::OnClientCollide (Only called if server tells client to execute)
// Event handler for when two objects collide. At least one of the two objects is a player or a robot.
// Be aware that this event will be called twice per collision, the second time it is called the me and
// it objects will be flipped.
// ALSO NOTE: In order for the OnClientCollide() that passes the point and normal to have valid values
// the server must pass true to the parameter to send arguments in CallClientEvent().
// me_obj = object pointer to the me object
// it_obj = object pointer to the it object
virtual void OnClientCollide(object *me_obj, object *it_obj) = 0;
virtual void OnClientCollide(object *me_obj, object *it_obj, vector *point, vector *normal) = 0;
// DMFCBase::OnClientPlayerChangeSegment (Only called if server tells client to execute)
// Event handler for when a player changes rooms or a "large" terrain cell
// (8x8 Terrain block).
// player_num = player number of the player who just changed the room/segment
// newseg = New room/cell location
// oldseg = Old room/cell location
virtual void OnClientPlayerChangeSegment(int player_num, int newseg, int oldseg) = 0;
// DMFCBase::OnClientObjectChangeSegment (Only called if server tells client to execute)
// Event handler for when a player changes rooms or a "large" terrain cell
// (8x8 Terrain block).
// obj = Object pointer of the object who just changed the room/segment
// newseg = New room/cell location
// oldseg = Old room/cell location
virtual void OnClientObjectChangeSegment(object *obj, int newseg, int oldseg) = 0;
// DMFCBase::OnClientPlayerEntersGame (Only called if server tells client to execute)
// Event handler for when a player enters the game. This will only get called once per
// player, it usually gets called right after they connect to the server to start playing.
// player_num = player number of the player entering the game
virtual void OnClientPlayerEntersGame(int player_num) = 0;
// DMFCBase::OnClientPlayerDisconnect (Only called if server tells client to execute)
// Event handler for when a player disconnects from the server.
// player_num = player number of the player that just disconnected
virtual void OnClientPlayerDisconnect(int player_num) = 0;
// DMFCBase::OnMeDisconnectFromServer
// Event handler that gets called if we disconnect from the server for some reason (not purposesly quit)
virtual void OnMeDisconnectFromServer(void) = 0;
// DMFCBase::OnClientGameCreated (Only called if server tells client to execute)
// Event handler when the server's game first gets started. This will only be called once
// while the server is running, and that is when the server first starts up.
virtual void OnClientGameCreated(void) = 0;
// DMFCBase::OnClientObjectShieldsChanged
// Event handler for when an objects shield's change
virtual void OnClientObjectShieldsChanged(object *obj, float amount) = 0;
// DMFCBase::OnWeaponFired
// Event handler for when an object fires a weapon
virtual void OnWeaponFired(object *weapon_obj, object *shooter) = 0;
// DMFCBase::OnClientLevelChange (Only called if server tells client to execute)
// Event handler when the server changes levels. This will get called after a level ends and a server
// is starting a new level.
virtual void OnClientLevelChange(void) = 0;
// DMFCBase::OnClientLevelStart (Only called if server tells client to execute)
// Event handler for when a multiplayer level is starting up. This will get called right before the level
// starts.
virtual void OnClientLevelStart(void) = 0;
// DMFCBase::OnClientLevelEnd (Only called if server tells client to execute)
// Event handler for when a multiplayer level is ending.
virtual void OnClientLevelEnd(void) = 0;
// DMFCBase::OnClientWallCollide
// Called by the game when their is a collision between an object and a wall
virtual void OnClientWallCollide(object *obj, float hitspeed, int hitseg, int hitwall, vector *hitpt,
vector *wall_normal, float hit_dot) = 0;
// DMFCBase::OnClientObjectKilled
// Called when an object is being killed
// Not automatically sent to clients (OnClientObjectKilled)
// killer might not be valid (NULL)
virtual void OnClientObjectKilled(object *obj, object *killer) = 0;
// DMFCBase::OnClientObjectDestroyed
// Called when an object is about to be deleted
// Not automatically sent to clients
virtual void OnClientObjectDestroyed(object *obj) = 0;
// DMFCBase::OnPlayerEntersObserver
// Event handler when a player becomes an observer mode
// If they are piggybacking another player than piggy is the object pointer, else it's NULL
virtual void OnPlayerEntersObserver(int pnum, object *piggy) = 0;
// DMFCBase::OnPlayerExitsObserver
// Event handler when a player is leaving observer mode
virtual void OnPlayerExitsObserver(int pnum) = 0;
// DMFCBase::OnCanChangeTeam
// Called to determine if a player can change teams, you can override this so the server won't
// let a player change teams if it is not desired (for that player)
virtual bool OnCanChangeTeam(int pnum, int newteam) = 0;
// DMFCBase::OnSpecialPacket
// Event handler for when a special packet arrives and needs to be processed.
// Both the server and client can get this event, although it is more common for the
// client to recieve these.
virtual void OnSpecialPacket(void) = 0;
// DMFCBase::OnInterval
// Event handler that gets called once a frame
virtual void OnInterval(void) = 0;
// DMFCBase::OnHUDInterval
// Event handler that gets called once a frame when it's time to render the HUD images
virtual void OnHUDInterval(void) = 0;
// DMFCBase::OnPLRInterval
// Event handler that gets called once a frame when the Post Level Results screen is being display
virtual void OnPLRInterval(void) = 0;
// DMFCBase::OnPLRInit
// Event handler that gets called the first frame of the PLR screen for each level
virtual void OnPLRInit(void) = 0;
// DMFCBase::OnKeypress
// Event handler for when a user presses a key while in the game
// key = Key code of the key being pressed
virtual void OnKeypress(int key) = 0;
// DMFCBase::OnInputString
// Event handler for when the user types a message at the console (F8) that begins with a $
// input_string = string that was typed
virtual void OnInputString(char *input_string) = 0;
// DMFCBase::OnPlayerChangeTeam
// Called when a player changes team
// if announce is true than it is a change in the middle of the game, else it's an initial assignment change
virtual void OnPlayerChangeTeam(int player_num, int newteam, bool announce, bool spew_everything) = 0;
// DMFCBase::OnGameStateRequest
// Server only. Override this to listen for Game state requests from the clients
// When this function is called a client (who's player number is passed in) is requesting
// game state information. Do what you need to do to send game state information to that player
virtual void OnGameStateRequest(int pnum) = 0;
// DMFCBase::OnSaveStatsToFile
// The user is requesting the game stats to be saved to file, you must handle this completly on
// the game's side, nothing is done in DMFC
virtual void OnSaveStatsToFile(void) = 0;
// DMFCBase::OnPlayerReconnect
// This player is reconnecting to the game
virtual void OnPlayerReconnect(int player_num) = 0;
// DMFCBase::OnPlayerConnect
// This player is connecting to the game for the first time
virtual void OnPlayerConnect(int player_num) = 0;
// DMFCBase::OnControlMessage
// There is a control message sent from someone
virtual void OnControlMessage(uint8_t msg, int from_pnum) = 0;
// DMFCBase::OnAllowObserverChange
// returns true if the requested change for observer mode should go through
virtual bool OnAllowObserverChange(bool turnonobserver) = 0;
// DMFCBase::OnClientShowUI
// The game is saying it's ok to do any UI. Only handle the id's that belong to you and pass the rest
// to DMFCBase::OnClientShowUI().
virtual void OnClientShowUI(int id, void *user_data) = 0;
// DMFCBase::OnPrintScores
// The user is requesting that the scores be printed out (For Dedicated Server use). Use DPrintf
// level: -1 Requesting all the available scores
// n Print only the top n scores
// Override this to how you see fit, but it should conform to the above.
virtual void OnPrintScores(int level) = 0;
// DMFCBase::OnDisconnectSaveStatsToFile
// The game should save the stats because the player (only ourself as the client in the game),
// has disconnected.
virtual void OnDisconnectSaveStatsToFile(void) = 0;
// DMFCBase::OnLevelEndSaveStatsToFile
// The game should save the "End of Level" stats to file. You must handle this completly on
// the game's side, nothing is done in DMFC
virtual void OnLevelEndSaveStatsToFile(void) = 0;
// DMFCBase::OnGetHudCallSignColor
// This is an event sent in by the game requesting what color it should draw the HUD callsign
// of the passed in playernum. Using GR_RGB return the color from the function. This function
// gets called every frame that the player is on the clients HUD.
virtual ddgr_color OnGetHudCallSignColor(int playernum) = 0;
// DMFCBase::TranslateEvent
// Translates the event passed in to handle, calls the appropriate handler function. If a function isn't
// created to handle the event, then it calls the default handler. Handler functions should call the default
// handler unless it absolutly shouldn't
virtual void TranslateEvent(int eventnum, dllinfo *data) = 0;
// DMFCBase::OnTeamChangeName
// This event occurs on the client when a team's name has just changed
virtual void OnTeamChangeName(int team, char *oldname, char *newname) = 0;
// DMFCBase::OnDoControls
// This event occurs when there is a new back of game controls data
virtual void OnDoControls(game_controls *controls) = 0;
// DMFCBase::OnPlayAudioTaunt
// This event occurs when a player plays an audio taunt
virtual void OnPlayAudioTaunt(int pnum) = 0;
// DMFCBase::OnGetTokenString
// This event occurs when a text macro is being used that has tokens
// in it, if you have a specific token, override this event to handle it.
virtual void OnGetTokenString(char *src, char *dest, int dest_size) = 0;
virtual void DrawMenu(void) = 0;
virtual void DisplayPlayerInfo(int background_bmp = -1, bool dedicated_server = false) = 0;
// DMFCBase::SwitchPlayerInfoDisplay
// Switches on/off displaying a Playerinfo
virtual void SwitchPlayerInfoDisplay(int pnum) = 0;
// DMFCBase::DisplayingPlayerInfo
// Returns the pnum of who you are currently displaying, -1 if noone
virtual int DisplayingPlayerInfo(void) = 0;
// DMFCBase::GetTeamFromString
// Returns the int value of a team based on a string, -1 if not a team
virtual int GetTeamFromString(char *str) = 0;
// DMFCBase::GetPlayerNum
// Returns your playernum, useful when finding out if an event is referring to you (by looking at
// the playernum passed to the event handler, compared to your playernum
virtual int GetPlayerNum(void) = 0;
// DMFCBase::GetLocalRole
// Returns your role in the multiplayer game. The result returned will be either LR_SERVER or LR_CLIENT
virtual int GetLocalRole(void) = 0;
// DMFCBase::CheckPlayerNum
// Returns true if the player number passed in is a valid player number (the player is connected)
virtual bool CheckPlayerNum(int player_num) = 0;
// DMFCBase::PacketCheckPlayerNum
// Returns true if it's ok to send a packet to this player
virtual bool PacketCheckPlayerNum(int player_num) = 0;
// DMFCBase::CallClientEvent
// Server Only. This will send an event to a client for it to execute.
// event = An EVT_CLIENT_*
// me_objnum,it_objnum = Object numbers of the objects to be me and it for the event
// destination = Player number of the client to send to, or -1 if to send to all
virtual void CallClientEvent(int event, int me_objnum, int it_objnum, int destination, bool parms = false) = 0;
// DMFCBase::GetTimeLeft
// Server Only. This will fill in the float pointer passed to it with how much time is
// left in the multiplayer game. The value placed in the float is only valid if GetTimeLeft
// returns true. If it returns false it was because either it is not a game with a time limit
// or it is being called on a client.
virtual bool GetTimeLeft(float *time) = 0;
// DMFCBase::EndLevel
// Server Only. This will end the current multiplayer level, and will go on to the next level.
virtual void EndLevel(void) = 0;
// DMFCBase::WarpToLevel
// Warps to another level in the mission. Pass a level number (1 to Current_mission.num_levels)
// It will end the level and go to that level.
virtual void WarpToLevel(int lev) = 0;
// DMFCBase::GetScoreLimit
// Server Only. This will fill in the int pointer passed to it with what the scoring limit
// is, set in in the multiplayer options. The value point into the int is only valid if
// GetScoreLimit returns true. If it returns false it is because you are either not the
// server or this option wasn't set in the multiplayer options
virtual bool GetScoreLimit(int *limit) = 0;
// DMFCBase::AutoTimeLimit
// Server Only. This turns off or on the automatic level ending by DMFC of a timed multiplayer game.
// If you turn it off, it is your responsibility to end a time multiplayer game when its time
// is up. If it is turned on, DMFC will automatically handle ending the game. By default it is on.
virtual void AutoTimeLimit(bool turnon) = 0;
// DMFCBase::AutoDeathMessage
// This turns on or off DMFC's automatic handling of death messages. If it is turned on (Default)
// then when a player dies it will display a random death message from the list added by you using
// AddDeathMessage. If it is turned off, then it is your responsibility to handle the messages, you
// can use DoRandomDeathMessage to display one when appropriate.
virtual void AutoDeathMessage(bool turnon) = 0;
// DMFCBase::AddDeathMessage
// This will add a death message to DMFC.
// format = string in a "printf" type format (using %s for player callsigns) of the message
// victim_first = Set this to true if the victim is listed first in the format
virtual void AddDeathMessage(const char *string, bool victim_first = true) = 0;
// DMFCBase::AddSuicideMessage
// This will add a death message to DMFC.
// format = string in a "printf" type format (using %s for player callsigns) of the message
virtual void AddSuicideMessage(const char *string) = 0;
// DMFCBase::DoRandomDeathMessage
// DMFC will display a death message (or suicide message if killer and victim are the same) when
// this function is called, based on the strings added with AddDeathMessage or AddSuicideMessage.
// killernum = object number of the killer
// victimnum = object number of the victim
// hash = hash index of the weapon killer, -1 if none
virtual void DoRandomDeathMessage(int killernum, int victimnum, uint32_t hash = -1) = 0;
// DMFCBase::GetItObjNum
// Returns the it object number of the current event for use.
virtual int GetItObjNum(void) = 0;
// DMFCBase::GetMeObjNum
// Returns the me object number of the current event for use.
virtual int GetMeObjNum(void) = 0;
// DMFCBase::RegisterPacketReceiver
// Sets up a handler for a Special Packet ID. When a special packet is recieved, its ID is compared
// to the ID's given to this function. If any match than it calls the handler given to process
// the packet.
// id = ID of the packet
// func = Function handler to handle the packet. Must be declared like void MyFunction(uint8_t *data);
virtual void RegisterPacketReceiver(uint8_t id, void (*func)(uint8_t *)) = 0;
//@@@@virtual void RegisterPacketReceiver(uint8_t id,void (DMFCBase::*func)(uint8_t *)) = 0;
// DMFCBase::StartPacket
// Initializes a packet so it is ready to be sent out.
// data = pointer to buffer of data for packet. This buffer should be MAX_GAME_DATA_SIZE in size, even
// if you don't plan on using all that data, there is header information that is added
// in this function.
// id = ID of the Special packet. When the packet is recieved by whomever, this is the ID that determines which
// handler to
// call.
// count = pointer to your packet index pointer
virtual void StartPacket(uint8_t *data, uint8_t id, int *count) = 0;
// DMFCBase::SendPacket
// Ships a Special Packet away to the destination. This call must be preceeded by a StartPacket call
// data = buffer of data to be sent out (same buffer that was passed to StartPacket
// size = size (in bytes) of the packet
// destination = either a player number, SP_ALL for all the players or SP_SERVER to send to the server (if you are a
// client)
virtual void SendPacket(uint8_t *data, int size, int destination) = 0;
// DMFCBase::GetTeamForNewPlayer
// A Helper function (Server only), which will give you the optimum team assignment (whoever has the
// lowest amount of players on their team, for a new player.
// player_num = player number of the new player
// num_teams = The number of teams in your game
virtual int GetTeamForNewPlayer(int player_num, int num_teams) = 0;
// DMFCBase::SetNumberOfTeams
// Sets the number of teams to be used in the game. By default there is 1 team (everyone against everyone).
// You can set up to a maximum of 4 teams. Call this function as soon as possible.
// teams = number of teams
virtual void SetNumberOfTeams(int teams) = 0;
// DMFCBase::AutoTeamSelect
// Turns on or off DMFC's auto team assignment. If it is on, then when a new player joins, they will
// be placed on the team with fewest players. If it is off, then you must handle that. Defualt on.
virtual void AutoTeamSelect(bool turnon) = 0;
// DMFCBase::SendTeamAssignment
// A DMFC Special Packet function, this sends a team assignment packet to all the players. Server only.
// playernum = player to change teams
// team = new team
virtual void SendTeamAssignment(int playernum, int team, bool spew_on_respawn) = 0;
// DMFCBase::GetTeamAssignmentPacket
// Reciever for the team assignment packet.
virtual void GetTeamAssignmentPacket(uint8_t *data) = 0;
// DMFCBase::GetChangeTeamPacket
// Reciever for the change team packet.(Server Only)
virtual void GetChangeTeamPacket(uint8_t *data) = 0;
// DMFCBase::GetGameStateRequest
// Receiver for the server from a client asking for the state of the game
virtual void GetGameStateRequest(uint8_t *data) = 0;
// DMFCBase::SendChangeTeamRequest
// Sends a request to the server to change teams (Client Only)
// spew_onchange should be true if you want the client the spew his inventory on the change
virtual void SendChangeTeamRequest(int newteam, bool spew_onchange) = 0;
// DMFCBase::GetDMFCGameInfo
// Receives information about the DMFC game
virtual void GetDMFCGameInfo(uint8_t *data) = 0;
// DMFCBase::SendDMFCGameInfo
// Sends information about the DMFC game
virtual void SendDMFCGameInfo(int player) = 0;
// DMFCBase::ChangeTeams
// If you are the server it will make the player change teams. If you
// are a client then it sends a request to the server to change teams
// spew_on_repsawn is true if the player should spew his inventory before he respawns
virtual void RequestTeamChange(int team, int pnum, bool spew_on_respawn) = 0;
// DMFCBase::RequestGameState
// Sends a request to the server for the game state
virtual void RequestGameState(void) = 0;
// DMFCBase::AddHudItemCallback
// Adds an item to the hud. Everytime the hud needs to be updated, it will call the
// handler passed in. The handler must be declared as:
// void func(struct tHudItem *item);
// type = HI_BITMAP for bitmap, HI_TEXT for a text item
// func = function callback
virtual void AddHUDItemCallback(int type, void (*func)(struct tHUDItem *)) = 0;
// DMFCBase::GetMyTeam
// Returns the int value of the team you are on...only useful in a team game.
virtual int GetMyTeam(void) = 0;
// DMFCBase::GetTeamString
// Returns a pointer to a string name of a team
// team = integer value of the team
virtual const char *GetTeamString(int team) = 0;
// DMFCBase::GetTeamColor
// Returns the color components of a team
// team = integer value of the team
virtual ddgr_color GetTeamColor(int team) = 0;
// DMFCBase::GetNumTeams
// Returns the number of teams in the game
virtual int GetNumTeams(void) = 0;
// DMFCBase::AllowTeamChange
// Returns true if team changing is allowed
virtual bool AllowTeamChange(void) = 0;
// DMFCBase::SwitchAllowTeamChange
// Turns on/off allowing of team changing
virtual void SwitchAllowTeamChange(bool turnon) = 0;
// DMFCBase::GetSortedPlayerSlots
// Fills in the passed array (of size maxsize) with the playernums sorted by (kills-suicides)
virtual void GetSortedPlayerSlots(int *sortedindex, int maxsize) = 0;
// DMFCBase::GetSortedPlayerSlotsByEfficiency
// Fills in the passed array (of size maxsize) with the playernums sorted by kills/(kills+deaths+suicides)
virtual void GetSortedPlayerSlotsByEfficiency(int *sortedindex, int maxsize) = 0;
// DMFCBase::IsMenuUp
// Returns true if the on screen menu is being shown
virtual bool IsMenuUp(void) = 0;
// DMFCBase::ConvertHUDAlpha
// Returns a converted alpha based on what you give, it will be a more transparent if the onscreen menu is up
virtual float ConvertHUDAlpha(float normal) = 0;
virtual uint8_t ConvertHUDAlpha(uint8_t normal) = 0;
// DMFCBase::ClipString
// Given a width, the string will be clipped to that width. If you pass true for arrow, then an arrow will be
// appended if the string has been clipped. Based off current font
virtual void ClipString(int width, char *string, bool arrow) = 0;
// DMFCBase::DisplayOutrageLogo(void)
// Displays the Outrage Logo for 5 seconds (call repeatedly, after 5 seconds it will just short circuit)
// Does nothing for non-Outrage releases
virtual void DisplayOutrageLogo(void) = 0;
// DMFCBase::KillAllTimers
// Kills all running timers
virtual void KillAllTimers(void) = 0;
// DMFCBase::SetTimerInterval
// Starts a timer event running
virtual int SetTimerInterval(void (*func)(void), float intval, float longevity, void (*onkill)(void) = NULL) = 0;
// DMFCBase::KillTimer
// Kills a timer
virtual void KillTimer(int handle) = 0;
// DMFCBase::SwitchShowHudCallsignLevel
// Sets the level for displaying of Player's Callsigns on the HUD
virtual void SwitchShowHudCallsignLevel(uint8_t level, bool announce = true) = 0;
// DMFCBase::SwitchServerHudCallsignLevel
// Sets the max level of HUD callsign displayage...determined by the server
virtual void SwitchServerHudCallsignLevel(uint8_t level) = 0;
// DMFCBase::GetCounterMeasureOwner
// Given a counter measure it will determine the pnum of its owner...if it can't find it, it returns -1
virtual int GetCounterMeasureOwner(object *robot) = 0;
// DMFCBase::CFGOpen
// Opens the registry/cfg information for the DMFC game, see error codes for return values
virtual int CFGOpen(char *filename) = 0;
// DMFCBase::CFGClose
// Closes the registry information for the game.
virtual void CFGClose(void) = 0;
// DMFCBase::CFGFlush
// Flushes out the registry information to fall
virtual int CFGFlush(void) = 0;
// DMFCBase::CFGCreateKey
// Creates a key in the registry
virtual int CFGCreateKey(char *name) = 0;
// DMFCBase::CFGLookupKey
// Sets the active key in the registry
virtual int CFGLookupKey(char *name) = 0;
// DMFCBase::CFGLookupRecord
// Looks up a record in the active key
virtual int CFGLookupRecord(char *record, void *data) = 0;
// DMFCBase::CFGCreateRecord
// Create/overwrites a record in the active key. Type is either REGT_DWORD or REGT_STRING
virtual int CFGCreateRecord(char *name, char type, void *data) = 0;
// DMFCBase::DecryptData
// Decrypts a buffer of data
virtual void DecryptData(uint8_t *data, int size) = 0;
// DMFCBase::EncryptData
// Encrypts (weak) a buffer of data
virtual void EncryptData(uint8_t *data, int size) = 0;
// DMFCBase::VersionCheck
// Makes sure Client has same DMFC version
virtual void VersionCheck(int pnum) = 0;
// DMFCBase::UpdatePInfo
// Updates a victim's pinfo stat
virtual void UpdatePInfo(int victim, int killer, int amount) = 0;
// DMFCBase::ResetPInfo
// Resets all the PInfo stats (and frees memory)
virtual void ResetPInfo(void) = 0;
// DMFCBase::WriteDMFCStatsToFile
// This function will write out DMFC's stats to the file given (it must be opened for writing)
virtual void WriteDMFCStatsToFile(CFILE *file) = 0;
// DMFCBase::SetWeaponDeathMessage
// Sets a death message for a weapon kill (you only need to pass in one version of the weapon if it
// consists of multiple weapons...make sure AddWeaponHash has been called before this for this weapon)
virtual bool SetWeaponDeathMessage(const char *weapon_name, const char *message, bool victim_first) = 0;
// DMFCBase::GetWeaponDeathMessage
// Returns the format string for a weapon death message, NULL if it doesn't exist
virtual char *GetWeaponDeathMessage(int index, bool *victim_first) = 0;
// DMFCBase::AddWeaponHash
// Since one weapon may actually consist of many weapons, in order to save space you can create
// one weapon where all those other weapon id's will be mapped to it...use WeaponHash[id] to
// get the actual weapon. End list of children with a NULL
virtual void AddWeaponHash(const char *parent, ...) = 0;
// DMFCBase::AddWeaponHashArray
// Since one weapon may actually consist of many weapons, in order to save space you can create
// one weapon where all those other weapon id's will be mapped to it...use WeaponHash[id] to
// get the actual weapon.
virtual void AddWeaponHashArray(const char *parent, int count, char **array) = 0;
// DMFCBase::SetupPlayerRecord
// Sets up memory for multiplayer mod user defined data in the Player Records. Pass in the size (in bytes)
// of 1 struct (each player will get one). Use GetPlayerRecordData to retrieve a pointer to the data.
// pack_callback : callback function called when data from the struct needs to be packed
// into a packet. It is SUPER important that this function packs the data
// in little endian format. This function gets a pointer to the struct that
// needs to be packed (user_info), and a buffer in which to pack it to. This
// function is to return the number of bytes it has packed.
// unpack_callback : callback function called when data from the struct needs to be unpacket
// from a packet. This data will be in little endian format. Returns the number of
// bytes unpacked.
// returns: 1 if size given was <=0 (if so all previous user stats will be removed)
// 0 all went ok
// -1 out of memory (all user stats memory will be freed)
virtual int SetupPlayerRecord(int sizeof_individual_data, int (*pack_callback)(void *user_info, uint8_t *data),
int (*unpack_callback)(void *user_info, uint8_t *data)) = 0;
// DMFCBase::GetPlayerRecordData
// Returns a pointer to the memory set aside for a particular player (NULL on error)
virtual void *GetPlayerRecordData(int pnum) = 0;
// DMFCBase::GetPlayerRecord
// Returns a pointer to the player record at the given slot (passed in slot must be in the range
virtual player_record *GetPlayerRecord(int slot) = 0;
// DMFCBase::GetPlayerRecordByPnum
// Same as above, but you can specify by a player's pnum, return NULL on error
virtual player_record *GetPlayerRecordByPnum(int pnum) = 0;
// DMFCBase::SendRequestForPlayerRecords
// Sends a request to the server to send the player records
virtual void SendRequestForPlayerRecords(void) = 0;
// DMFCBase::ReceiveRequestForPlayerRecords
// Recieves and processes a request for a player record
virtual void ReceiveRequestForPlayerRecords(uint8_t *data) = 0;
// DMFCBase::IsPlayerBanned
// returns true is the given pnum is banned from the game
virtual bool IsPlayerBanned(int pnum) = 0;
// DMFCBase::IsAddressBanned
// returns true if the given address is banned from the game
virtual bool IsAddressBanned(network_address *addr, const char *tracker_id) = 0;
// DMFCBase::RemoveAllBans
// Removes all the temp bans
virtual void RemoveAllBans(void) = 0;
// DMFCBase::RemoveBan
// Removes a temp ban on given the ban #...returns true on success
virtual bool RemoveBan(int index) = 0;
// DMCBase::GetBannedPlayerCallsign
// Returns the callsign of the banned player at position index, NULL on error
virtual char *GetBannedPlayerCallsign(int index) = 0;
// DMFCBase::GetNumBannedPlayers
// Returns the number of players banned from the server
virtual int GetNumBannedPlayers(void) = 0;
// DMFCBase::BanPlayerFromGame
// Puts a temp ban on a player which will only last the duration of the game
virtual void BanPlayerFromGame(int pnum) = 0;
// DMFCBase::IsPlayerAlive
// Returns true is the given pnum is a player, flying around the level (not dying,
// dead or observing)
virtual bool IsPlayerAlive(int pnum) = 0;
// DMFCBase::SendControlMessageToPlayer
// Sends a [1 byte] control message to a player
virtual void SendControlMessageToPlayer(int pnum, uint8_t msg) = 0;
// DMFCBase::ReceiveControlMessage
// Handles a control message
virtual void ReceiveControlMessage(uint8_t *data) = 0;
// DMFCBase::FindPInfoStatFirst
// Fills in a tPInfoStat that contains information about a given player record slot. Returns true on success, false
// if there is no information available for the given slot. Call this first, then follow with repeated calls to
// FindPInfoStatNext until you get a false value FindPInfoStatClose when done.
virtual bool FindPInfoStatFirst(int slot, tPInfoStat *stat) = 0;
// DMFCBase::FindPInfoStatNext
// Call this repeatedly until you get a value of false, finish by calling FindPInfoStatClose
virtual bool FindPInfoStatNext(tPInfoStat *stat) = 0;
// DMFCBase::FindPInfoStatClose
// Closes up a FindPInfo series of calls
virtual void FindPInfoStatClose(void) = 0;
// DMFCBase::DoDamageToPlayer
// Server only...applies damage to player
virtual void DoDamageToPlayer(int pnum, int type, float amount, bool playsound = true) = 0;
// DMFCBase::StartUIWindow
// Prepares the game so that you can display UI stuff, give a unique id in which will be passed
// to the OnClientShowUI(). In your OnClientShowUI() you must ONLY handle id's which belong to you
// and pass the others to DMFCBase::OnClientShowUI().
virtual void StartUIWindow(int id, void *user_data) = 0;
// DMFCBase::DisconnectMe
// Disconnects yourself from the game. It should be called when you are kicked or banned to make the
// whole process a bit nicer/cleaner. Even if it doesn't get called when kicked, you will still
// eventually disconnect.
virtual void DisconnectMe(void) = 0;
/* Input Command Functions */
// DMFCBase::AddInputCommand
// When the client (or dedicated server) types a message that begins with a $, DMFC will look through
// all the values you passed to AddInputCommand() and see if any match. If so it passes the entire
// command string to the given function handler. Returns 1 on success, -1 if out of memory, 0 if it already
// exists. These commands are not case sensitive.
// Ex. AddInputCommand("team"); //this handles all the '$team' passed in
// allow_remotely : if set true, this input command can be called remotely via remote administration
virtual int8_t AddInputCommand(const char *command, const char *description, void (*handler)(const char *),
bool allow_remotely = false) = 0;
// Does a check on on the pinfo info making sure it is valid
virtual void CheckPInfo() = 0;
// DMFCBase::EnableStatisticalMessages
// Turns on or off the statistical HUD messages that appear due to a player death
virtual void EnableStatisticalMessages(bool on) = 0;
// DMFCBase::EnableOnScreenMenu
// Turns on/off the onscreen menu
virtual void EnableOnScreenMenu(bool turn_on) = 0;
// DMFCBase::EnableAutoSaveLevelEnd
// Disables/Enables the autosaving of game stats to file on level end
virtual void EnableAutoSaveLevelEnd(bool enable) = 0;
// DMFCBase::EnableAutoSaveDisconnect
// Disables/Enables the autosaving of game stats to file on disconnect from the game
virtual void EnableAutoSaveDisconnect(bool enable) = 0;
// DMFCBase::GenerateStatFilename
// Given the following information it will return a full path to what
// the recommended filename to save stats to should be.
// root = Multiplayer DLL Name (filename will start with this)
// end_of_level = pass true if this is the end of a level stats
virtual void GenerateStatFilename(char *filename, const char *root, bool end_of_level) = 0;
// DMFCBase::IsPlayerObserver
// Returns true if the given pnum is currently an observer in the game, else returns false.
// If an invalid pnum is given, then it returns false
virtual bool IsPlayerObserver(int pnum) = 0;
// DMFCBase::EnableOnScreenMenuBackground
// Enables/disables the onscreen menu background
virtual void EnableOnScreenMenuBackground(bool enable) = 0;
// DMFCBase::GetTimeInGame
// Returns the totaltime the player has been in the game at the moment you call
// this function. Pass in the player record slot.
virtual float GetTimeInGame(int slot) = 0;
// DMFCBase::GetTimeString
// Returns a string that contains a formated time (i.e. 32 seconds, 1:15 minutes, 3:21:23 hours)
virtual char *GetTimeString(float sec) = 0;
// DMFCBase::DisplayNetGameInfo
// Displays information about the Netgame that is currently being played
// on to the screen.
virtual void DisplayNetGameInfo(int background_bmp = -1, bool dedicated_server = false) = 0;
// DMFCBase::SwitchNetGameInfoDisplay
// Switches on/off displaying netgame info
virtual void SwitchNetGameInfoDisplay(int on) = 0;
// DMFCBase::IsDisplayingNetGameInfo
// returns true if we are currently displaying netgame info
virtual bool IsDisplayingNetGameInfo(void) = 0;
// DatabaseRegister
// Registers your multiplayer game with the database. This must be
// called before any other database function, or they will fail until this
// is called.
virtual void DatabaseRegister(char *name) = 0;
// DatabaseRead
// Reads a string from the database
virtual bool DatabaseRead(const char *label, char *entry, int *entrylen) = 0;
// DatabaseRead
// Reads wordsize bytes from the database
virtual bool DatabaseRead(const char *label, void *entry, int wordsize) = 0;
// DatabaseRead
// Reads a bool from the database
virtual bool DatabaseRead(const char *label, bool *entry) = 0;
// DatabaseWrite
// Writes/Updates a string to the database
virtual bool DatabaseWrite(const char *label, const char *entry, int entrylen) = 0;
// DatabaseWrite
// Writes/Updates a value to the database
virtual bool DatabaseWrite(const char *label, int entry) = 0;
// DMFCBase::SendNetGameInfoSync
// Sends out a NetGame info sync packet to all the players
virtual void SendNetGameInfoSync(int to_who = SP_ALL) = 0;
// CompareNetworkAddress
// Compare's two network addresses, returns true if they are the same, false if not.
// use_port: if this is true, than it will consider the port part of the network address
virtual bool CompareNetworkAddress(network_address *one, network_address *two, bool use_port = true) = 0;
// IsMasterTrackerGame
// returns true if this game is being played on the master tracker
virtual bool IsMasterTrackerGame(void) = 0;
// ConvertLocalToServerObjnum
// Given an objnum, it will convert the number from your local objnum to the server's objnum
// It will return -1 on error
virtual int ConvertLocalToServerObjnum(int objnum) = 0;
// ConvertServerToLocalObjnum
// Given an objnum from the server, this function will convert the objnum to your local objnum
// It will return -1 on error
virtual int ConvertServerToLocalObjnum(int objnum) = 0;
// DMFCBase::ShouldIDisplayHUDName
// Given a player num, it will determine if the callsign should be drawn on the HUD
virtual bool ShouldIDisplayHUDName(int pnum) = 0;
// DMFCBase::SetDeathMessageFilter
// Sets the death message filter
virtual void SetDeathMessageFilter(int level) = 0;
// DMFCBase::IAmDedicatedServer
// Returns true if we are a dedicated server
virtual bool IAmDedicatedServer(void) = 0;
// DMFCBase::IsPlayerDedicatedServer
// Returns true if the passed in pnum/playerrecord is a dedicated server
virtual bool IsPlayerDedicatedServer(int pnum) = 0;
virtual bool IsPlayerDedicatedServer(player_record *pr) = 0;
// Displays dedicated server help
virtual void DisplayInputCommandHelp(const char *s) = 0;
// DMFCBase::GetPlayerTeam
// Returns the team of the this instead of accessing .team directly
virtual int GetPlayerTeam(int pnum) = 0;
// DMFCBase::SetTeamName
// Sets the team name for a given team
// team: integer value of the team to change
// name: new name for the team
// announce: if this is true, and we are the server, it will tell all the clients about the change
virtual bool SetTeamName(int team, const char *name, bool announce) = 0;
// DMFCBase::ConvertHUDCoord
// Given an x,y based on a virtual 640x480 screen, this will convert it to the x,y that should be
// used based on the current screen size
virtual void ConvertHUDCoord(int x, int y, int *rx, int *ry) = 0;
// DMFCBase::GetPlayerLogoBmp
// Given a player_num, it will return a bitmap handle to that player's ship logo, or
// -1 if they don't have a logo for their ship.
// if is_vclip comes back as true, than it is not a bitmap handle, but a handle
// to a vclip (animated bitmap). It is an index into the DLLGameVClips[].
virtual int GetPlayerLogoBmp(int player_num, bool *is_vclip) = 0;
// DMFCBase::EnableShipLogos
// Disables or enables logo displaying for the client
virtual void EnableShipLogos(bool enable) = 0;
// DMFCBase::AreLogosEnabled
// returns true if ship logos are enabled
virtual bool AreLogosEnabled(void) = 0;
// DMFCBase::EnableAudioTaunts
// Disables or enables audio taunts
virtual void EnableAudioTaunts(bool enable) = 0;
// DMFCBase::AreTauntsEnabled(void)
// returns true if audio taunts are enabled
virtual bool AreTauntsEnabled(void) = 0;
// DMFCBase::EnableTimelimitCountdown
// Enables/Disables the timelimit countdown (if there is a level time limit)
// Optionally you can specify what time to start the count down.
virtual void EnableTimelimitCountdown(bool enable, int seconds = 10) = 0;
// DMFCBase::RespawnPlayer
// Takes the given player and respawns his at a random start point (in a team game, team respawn
// points are taken into consideration, so make sure the player is on the correct team before you
// respawn him. spew_everything, if false, will override spew_energy_and_shields
virtual void RespawnPlayer(int pnum, bool spew_energy_and_shield, bool spew_everything) = 0;
// If you are going to create submenus you MUST use this function. along with:
// void SetState(int state);
// bool SetStateItemList(int count, ... ); for MIT_STATE items
// or
// bool SetStateItemListArray(int count, char **array); for MIT_STATE items
// virtual MenuItem *CreateMenuItem(const char *title,char type,uint8_t flags,void (*fp)(int), ... ) = 0;
// DMFCBase::ReadInHostsAllowDeny
// Reads in the hosts.allow and hosts.deny files (if available)
virtual void ReadInHostsAllowDeny(void) = 0;
// DMFCBase::FreeHostsLists
// Frees all the memory allocated for the host allow/deny lists
virtual void FreeHostsLists(void) = 0;
// DMFCBase::RehashAllowDeny
// Flushes and reloads the hosts.allow/.deny lists
virtual void RehashAllowDeny(void) = 0;
// DMFCBase::AnnounceTeamChangeDeny
// Tells a player that team change request was denied
virtual void AnnounceTeamChangeDeny(int pnum) = 0;
// DMFCBase::SetMaxPlayerHardLimit
// Sets a hard limit to the max number of players allowed in the game
// changing the number of players can never go above this...defaults
virtual void SetMaxPlayerHardLimit(int max) = 0;
// DMFCBase::WasPlayerInGameAtLevelEnd
// Given a player record it returns the pnum of the player at that slot
// IF (and only if) the player was in the game at level end, else it
// returns -1.
virtual int WasPlayerInGameAtLevelEnd(int prec) = 0;
// DMFCBase::SelectNextCameraView
// This function, given which window (corresponds to left, middle, right), switches the
// current view of the small camera windows on the screen
virtual void SelectNextCameraView(int window) = 0;
// =======================================================
// The following Set_ functions are to be used to set callback
// to event handlers. If you set a callback for an event handler
// the callback will be called instead of the default handler.
// It is your responsibility to also call the default handler
// inside of your callback, to insure proper processesing.
// ========================================================
virtual void Set_OnServerPlayerKilled(void (*callback)(object *killer_obj, int victim_pnum)) = 0;
virtual void Set_OnServerPlayerExploded(void (*callback)(int player_num)) = 0;
virtual void Set_OnServerCollide(void (*callback)(object *me_obj, object *it_obj)) = 0;
virtual void Set_OnServerCollide(void (*callback)(object *me_obj, object *it_obj, vector *point, vector *normal)) = 0;
virtual void Set_OnServerPlayerChangeSegment(void (*callback)(int player_num, int newseg, int oldseg)) = 0;
virtual void Set_OnServerObjectChangeSegment(void (*callback)(object *obj, int newseg, int oldseg)) = 0;
virtual void Set_OnServerPlayerEntersGame(void (*callback)(int player_num)) = 0;
virtual void Set_OnServerPlayerDisconnect(void (*callback)(int player_num)) = 0;
virtual void Set_OnServerGameCreated(void (*callback)(void)) = 0;
virtual void Set_OnServerLevelChange(void (*callback)(void)) = 0;
virtual void Set_OnServerLevelStart(void (*callback)(void)) = 0;
virtual void Set_OnServerLevelEnd(void (*callback)(void)) = 0;
virtual void Set_OnServerObjectShieldsChanged(void (*callback)(object *obj, float amount)) = 0;
virtual void Set_OnServerIsAddressBanned(bool (*callback)(network_address *addr, const char *tracker_id)) = 0;
virtual void Set_OnServerWallCollide(void (*callback)(object *obj, float hitspeed, int hitseg, int hitwall,
vector *hitpt, vector *wall_normal, float hit_dot)) = 0;
virtual void Set_OnServerObjectKilled(void (*callback)(object *obj, object *killer)) = 0;
virtual void Set_OnServerObjectDestroyed(void (*callback)(object *obj)) = 0;
virtual void Set_OnClientPlayerKilled(void (*callback)(object *killer_obj, int victim_pnum)) = 0;
virtual void Set_OnClientPlayerExploded(void (*callback)(int player_num)) = 0;
virtual void Set_OnClientCollide(void (*callback)(object *me_obj, object *it_obj)) = 0;
virtual void Set_OnClientCollide(void (*callback)(object *me_obj, object *it_obj, vector *point, vector *normal)) = 0;
virtual void Set_OnClientPlayerChangeSegment(void (*callback)(int player_num, int newseg, int oldseg)) = 0;
virtual void Set_OnClientObjectChangeSegment(void (*callback)(object *obj, int newseg, int oldseg)) = 0;
virtual void Set_OnClientPlayerEntersGame(void (*callback)(int player_num)) = 0;
virtual void Set_OnClientPlayerDisconnect(void (*callback)(int player_num)) = 0;
virtual void Set_OnMeDisconnectFromServer(void (*callback)(void)) = 0;
virtual void Set_OnClientGameCreated(void (*callback)(void)) = 0;
virtual void Set_OnClientObjectShieldsChanged(void (*callback)(object *obj, float amount)) = 0;
virtual void Set_OnWeaponFired(void (*callback)(object *weapon_obj, object *shooter)) = 0;
virtual void Set_OnClientLevelChange(void (*callback)(void)) = 0;
virtual void Set_OnClientLevelStart(void (*callback)(void)) = 0;
virtual void Set_OnClientLevelEnd(void (*callback)(void)) = 0;
virtual void Set_OnClientWallCollide(void (*callback)(object *obj, float hitspeed, int hitseg, int hitwall,
vector *hitpt, vector *wall_normal, float hit_dot)) = 0;
virtual void Set_OnClientObjectKilled(void (*callback)(object *obj, object *killer)) = 0;
virtual void Set_OnClientObjectDestroyed(void (*callback)(object *obj)) = 0;
virtual void Set_OnPlayerEntersObserver(void (*callback)(int pnum, object *piggy)) = 0;
virtual void Set_OnPlayerExitsObserver(void (*callback)(int pnum)) = 0;
virtual void Set_OnCanChangeTeam(bool (*callback)(int pnum, int newteam)) = 0;
virtual void Set_OnSpecialPacket(void (*callback)(void)) = 0;
virtual void Set_OnInterval(void (*callback)(void)) = 0;
virtual void Set_OnHUDInterval(void (*callback)(void)) = 0;
virtual void Set_OnPLRInterval(void (*callback)(void)) = 0;
virtual void Set_OnPLRInit(void (*callback)(void)) = 0;
virtual void Set_OnKeypress(void (*callback)(int key)) = 0;
virtual void Set_OnInputString(void (*callback)(char *input_string)) = 0;
virtual void Set_OnPlayerChangeTeam(void (*callback)(int player_num, int newteam, bool announce,
bool spew_everything)) = 0;
virtual void Set_OnGameStateRequest(void (*callback)(int pnum)) = 0;
virtual void Set_OnSaveStatsToFile(void (*callback)(void)) = 0;
virtual void Set_OnPlayerReconnect(void (*callback)(int player_num)) = 0;
virtual void Set_OnPlayerConnect(void (*callback)(int player_num)) = 0;
virtual void Set_OnControlMessage(void (*callback)(uint8_t msg, int from_pnum)) = 0;
virtual void Set_OnAllowObserverChange(bool (*callback)(bool turnonobserver)) = 0;
virtual void Set_OnClientShowUI(void (*callback)(int id, void *user_data)) = 0;
virtual void Set_OnPrintScores(void (*callback)(int level)) = 0;
virtual void Set_OnDisconnectSaveStatsToFile(void (*callback)(void)) = 0;
virtual void Set_OnLevelEndSaveStatsToFile(void (*callback)(void)) = 0;
virtual void Set_OnGetHudCallSignColor(ddgr_color (*callback)(int playernum)) = 0;
virtual void Set_OnTeamChangeName(void (*callback)(int team, char *oldname, char *newname)) = 0;
virtual void Set_OnDoControls(void (*callback)(game_controls *controls)) = 0;
virtual void Set_OnPlayAudioTaunt(void (*callback)(int pnum)) = 0;
virtual void Set_OnGetTokenString(void (*callback)(char *src, char *dest, int dest_size)) = 0;
// ========================================================
// The following Call functions are to be used to simulate
// an event, you can call them wherever, if there is a call
// back set for what you call, it will executed, else the
// default handler will be called. DO NOT CALL THE
// ========================================================
virtual void CallOnServerPlayerKilled(object *killer_obj, int victim_pnum) = 0;
virtual void CallOnServerPlayerExploded(int player_num) = 0;
virtual void CallOnServerCollide(object *me_obj, object *it_obj) = 0;
virtual void CallOnServerCollide(object *me_obj, object *it_obj, vector *point, vector *normal) = 0;
virtual void CallOnServerPlayerChangeSegment(int player_num, int newseg, int oldseg) = 0;
virtual void CallOnServerObjectChangeSegment(object *obj, int newseg, int oldseg) = 0;
virtual void CallOnServerPlayerEntersGame(int player_num) = 0;
virtual void CallOnServerPlayerDisconnect(int player_num) = 0;
virtual void CallOnServerGameCreated(void) = 0;
virtual void CallOnServerLevelChange(void) = 0;
virtual void CallOnServerLevelStart(void) = 0;
virtual void CallOnServerLevelEnd(void) = 0;
virtual void CallOnServerObjectShieldsChanged(object *obj, float amount) = 0;
virtual bool CallOnServerIsAddressBanned(network_address *addr, const char *tracker_id) = 0;
virtual void CallOnServerWallCollide(object *obj, float hitspeed, int hitseg, int hitwall, vector *hitpt,
vector *wall_normal, float hit_dot) = 0;
virtual void CallOnServerObjectKilled(object *obj, object *killer) = 0;
virtual void CallOnServerObjectDestroyed(object *obj) = 0;
virtual void CallOnClientPlayerKilled(object *killer_obj, int victim_pnum) = 0;
virtual void CallOnClientPlayerExploded(int player_num) = 0;
virtual void CallOnClientCollide(object *me_obj, object *it_obj) = 0;
virtual void CallOnClientCollide(object *me_obj, object *it_obj, vector *point, vector *normal) = 0;
virtual void CallOnClientPlayerChangeSegment(int player_num, int newseg, int oldseg) = 0;
virtual void CallOnClientObjectChangeSegment(object *obj, int newseg, int oldseg) = 0;
virtual void CallOnClientPlayerEntersGame(int player_num) = 0;
virtual void CallOnClientPlayerDisconnect(int player_num) = 0;
virtual void CallOnMeDisconnectFromServer(void) = 0;
virtual void CallOnClientGameCreated(void) = 0;
virtual void CallOnClientObjectShieldsChanged(object *obj, float amount) = 0;
virtual void CallOnWeaponFired(object *weapon_obj, object *shooter) = 0;
virtual void CallOnClientLevelChange(void) = 0;
virtual void CallOnClientLevelStart(void) = 0;
virtual void CallOnClientLevelEnd(void) = 0;
virtual void CallOnClientWallCollide(object *obj, float hitspeed, int hitseg, int hitwall, vector *hitpt,
vector *wall_normal, float hit_dot) = 0;
virtual void CallOnClientObjectKilled(object *obj, object *killer) = 0;
virtual void CallOnClientObjectDestroyed(object *obj) = 0;
virtual void CallOnPlayerEntersObserver(int pnum, object *piggy) = 0;
virtual void CallOnPlayerExitsObserver(int pnum) = 0;
virtual bool CallOnCanChangeTeam(int pnum, int newteam) = 0;
virtual void CallOnSpecialPacket(void) = 0;
virtual void CallOnInterval(void) = 0;
virtual void CallOnHUDInterval(void) = 0;
virtual void CallOnPLRInterval(void) = 0;
virtual void CallOnPLRInit(void) = 0;
virtual void CallOnKeypress(int key) = 0;
virtual void CallOnInputString(char *input_string) = 0;
virtual void CallOnPlayerChangeTeam(int player_num, int newteam, bool announce, bool spew_everything) = 0;
virtual void CallOnGameStateRequest(int pnum) = 0;
virtual void CallOnSaveStatsToFile(void) = 0;
virtual void CallOnPlayerReconnect(int player_num) = 0;
virtual void CallOnPlayerConnect(int player_num) = 0;
virtual void CallOnControlMessage(uint8_t msg, int from_pnum) = 0;
virtual bool CallOnAllowObserverChange(bool turnonobserver) = 0;
virtual void CallOnClientShowUI(int id, void *user_data) = 0;
virtual void CallOnPrintScores(int level) = 0;
virtual void CallOnDisconnectSaveStatsToFile(void) = 0;
virtual void CallOnLevelEndSaveStatsToFile(void) = 0;
virtual ddgr_color CallOnGetHudCallSignColor(int playernum) = 0;
virtual void CallOnTeamChangeName(int team, char *oldname, char *newname) = 0;
virtual void CallOnDoControls(game_controls *controls) = 0;
virtual void CallOnPlayAudioTaunt(int pnum) = 0;
virtual void CallOnGetTokenString(char *src, char *dest, int dest_size) = 0;
// dllinfo *Data; //Current event's data
virtual dllinfo *GetDLLInfoCallData(void) = 0;
// int *Highest_room_index; //the highest room index (for room number validation)
virtual int GetHighestRoomIndex(void) = 0;
// int *Game_window_w; //visible screen width
virtual int GetGameWindowW(void) = 0;
// int *Game_window_h; //visible screen height
virtual int GetGameWindowH(void) = 0;
// int *Game_window_x; //visible screen top-left x
virtual int GetGameWindowX(void) = 0;
// int *Game_window_y; //visible screen top-left y
virtual int GetGameWindowY(void) = 0;
// int *Game_fonts; //array of fonts
virtual int *GetGameFontTranslateArray(void) = 0;
// int hBitmapObserver; //Bitmap handle for the 'in observer mode' icon
virtual int GetObserverModeBitmap(void) = 0;
// float *Frametime; //how long it took the last frame to display
virtual float GetFrametime(void) = 0;
// float *Gametime; //how long the game has been running
// gametime doesn't pause in the wait for players dialogs
virtual float GetGametime(void) = 0;
// Gets the 'true' gametime...which maybe paused if the server is in the wait for players
// dialog
virtual float GetRealGametime(bool *ispaused = NULL) = 0;
// float *ShieldDelta; //array of player's...server update's their shields based on this array
virtual float *GetShieldDeltaArray(void) = 0;
// float *Hud_aspect_x,*Hud_aspect_y;
virtual float GetHudAspectX(void) = 0;
virtual float GetHudAspectY(void) = 0;
// char *LocalD3Dir; //Path to the root of the Descent3 installation directory
virtual const char *GetLocalD3Dir(void) = 0;
// tMission *Current_mission; //the current mission
virtual const tMission *GetCurrentMission(void) = 0;
// room *Rooms; //rooms array
virtual room *GetRooms(void) = 0;
// object *Objects; //objects array
virtual object *GetObjects(void) = 0;
// terrain_segment *Terrain_seg; //Terrain segment array
virtual terrain_segment *GetTerrainSegs(void) = 0;
// netgame_info *Netgame; //Netgame info
virtual netgame_info *GetNetgameInfo(void) = 0;
// player *Players; //Player's array
virtual player *GetPlayers(void) = 0;
// netplayer *NetPlayers; //NetPlayer's array
virtual netplayer *GetNetPlayers(void) = 0;
// ship *Ships; //Ship's array
virtual ship *GetShips(void) = 0;
// weapon *Weapons; //Weapon's array
virtual weapon *GetWeapons(void) = 0;
// texture *GameTextures; //Texture's array
virtual texture *GetGameTextures(void) = 0;
// poly_model *Poly_models
virtual poly_model *GetGamePolyModels(void) = 0;
// vclip *GameVClips; //VClip array
virtual vclip *GetGameVClips(void) = 0;
// ddgr_color *Player_colors;
virtual ddgr_color *GetPlayerColors(void) = 0;
// game_controls Last_game_controls; // The last frame's set of control data
virtual game_controls GetLastGameControls(void) = 0;
// int PilotPicBmpHandles[DLLMAX_PLAYERS];
virtual int *GetPilotPicBitmapHandles(void) = 0;
// object *Viewer_object; //object the player's view is from
virtual void GetViewerObjectPtr(object **v_obj) = 0;
virtual void SetViewerObjectPtr(object *v_obj) = 0;
// float *Render_zoom;
virtual float GetRenderZoom(void) = 0;
// MenuItem Menu;???
virtual IMenuItem *GetOnScreenMenu(void) = 0;
// game_api API;??
virtual tOSIRISModuleInit *GetOsirisModuleData(void) = 0;
// get viseffect data
virtual vis_effect *GetVisEffectArray(int **Highviseptr = NULL) = 0;
// get current level information (watch for NULL return), although it should never be
virtual level_info *GetLevelInfo() = 0;
// gets the argument at the index passed
virtual char *GetGameArg(int arg) = 0;
// returns the current state of the camera window
virtual int GetCameraViewType(int window) = 0;
// Given a generic object (OBJ_POWERUP,OBJ_ROBOT,OBJ_BUILDING or OBJ_CLUTTER) id
// in the range of 0 to MAX_OBJECT_IDS, this returns a pointer to its information (see objinfo.h)
// It returns NULL if an invalid id is given (or it's not used)
virtual object_info *GetObjectInfo(int objinfo_id) = 0;
virtual ~IDMFC() = default;
This is the interface class to Version 1.0 of MenuItem class (for OnScreenMenus)
class IMenuItem : public IObject {
virtual bool AddSubMenu(IMenuItem *p) = 0;
virtual bool DetachSubMenu(IMenuItem *p) = 0;
virtual bool Forward(void) = 0;
virtual bool Back(void) = 0;
virtual bool Up(void) = 0;
virtual bool Down(void) = 0;
virtual void Execute(void) = 0;
virtual void Draw(int x, int y, int height, int backgroundbmp, float *ratio = NULL) = 0;
virtual void SetInputFocus(void) = 0;
virtual void LoseInputFocus(void) = 0;
virtual bool GetFocus(void) = 0;
virtual const char *GetTitle(void) = 0;
virtual int GetCustomSubMenuCount(void) = 0;
virtual void CallFunc(int value) = 0;
virtual bool HasSubMenus(void) = 0;
virtual char GetType(void) = 0;
virtual void SetState(int state) = 0;
virtual bool SetStateItemList(int count, ...) = 0;
virtual bool SetStateItemListArray(int count, char **array) = 0;
virtual ~IMenuItem() = default;
This is the interface class to Version 1.0 of the CDmfcStats class
class IDmfcStats : public IObject {
// initialization member function, must be called first
virtual bool Initialize(tDmfcStatsInit *init_info) = 0;
// enables/disables the displaying of the stats screen
virtual void Enable(bool enable) = 0;
// returns the state of the stats manager
virtual bool IsEnabled() = 0;
// the do-it-all function, call once per frame
virtual void DoFrame() = 0;
// scrolls the player list down one
virtual void ScrollDown() = 0;
// scrolls the player list up one
virtual void ScrollUp() = 0;
// returns true if the player list can scroll down any more
virtual bool CanScrollDown() = 0;
// returns true if the player list can scroll up any more
virtual bool CanScrollUp() = 0;
virtual ~IDmfcStats() = default;
#endif // #ifdef USECLASSES
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
Class creation interface functions
DLLEXPORT IMenuItem DLLFUNCCALLPTR CreateMenuItemWArgs(const char *title, char type, uint8_t flags, void (*fp)(int),
tCustomMenu *custom_menu = NULL);
DLLEXPORT IDmfcStats DLLFUNCCALLPTR CreateDmfcStats(void);
IDMFC 1.0 Interface functions
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALLPTR IDMFC_Dynamic_Cast(IDMFC *instance, const char *pszType);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_DuplicatePointer(IDMFC *instance);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_DestroyPointer(IDMFC *instance);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_LoadFunctions(IDMFC *instance, int *api_func);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_GameInit(IDMFC *instance, int teams);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_OnServerPlayerKilled(IDMFC *instance, object *killer_obj, int victim_pnum);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_OnServerPlayerExploded(IDMFC *instance, int player_num);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_OnServerCollideA(IDMFC *instance, object *me_obj, object *it_obj);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_OnServerCollideB(IDMFC *instance, object *me_obj, object *it_obj, vector *point,
vector *normal);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_OnServerPlayerChangeSegment(IDMFC *instance, int player_num, int newseg,
int oldseg);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_OnServerObjectChangeSegment(IDMFC *instance, object *obj, int newseg,
int oldseg);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_OnServerPlayerEntersGame(IDMFC *instance, int player_num);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_OnServerPlayerDisconnect(IDMFC *instance, int player_num);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_OnServerGameCreated(IDMFC *instance);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_OnServerLevelChange(IDMFC *instance);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_OnServerLevelStart(IDMFC *instance);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_OnServerObjectShieldsChanged(IDMFC *instance, object *obj, float amount);
DLLEXPORT bool DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_OnServerIsAddressBanned(IDMFC *instance, network_address *addr,
char *tracker_id);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_OnServerWallCollide(IDMFC *instance, object *obj, float hitspeed, int hitseg,
int hitwall, vector *hitpt, vector *wall_normal,
float hit_dot);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_OnServerObjectKilled(IDMFC *instance, object *obj, object *killer);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_OnServerObjectDestroyed(IDMFC *instance, object *obj);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_OnClientPlayerKilled(IDMFC *instance, object *killer_obj, int victim_pnum);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_OnClientPlayerExploded(IDMFC *instance, int player_num);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_OnClientCollideA(IDMFC *instance, object *me_obj, object *it_obj);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_OnClientCollideB(IDMFC *instance, object *me_obj, object *it_obj, vector *point,
vector *normal);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_OnClientPlayerChangeSegment(IDMFC *instance, int player_num, int newseg,
int oldseg);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_OnClientObjectChangeSegment(IDMFC *instance, object *obj, int newseg,
int oldseg);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_OnClientPlayerEntersGame(IDMFC *instance, int player_num);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_OnClientPlayerDisconnect(IDMFC *instance, int player_num);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_OnMeDisconnectFromServer(IDMFC *instance);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_OnClientGameCreated(IDMFC *instance);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_OnClientObjectShieldsChanged(IDMFC *instance, object *obj, float amount);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_OnWeaponFired(IDMFC *instance, object *weapon_obj, object *shooter);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_OnClientLevelChange(IDMFC *instance);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_OnClientLevelStart(IDMFC *instance);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_OnClientWallCollide(IDMFC *instance, object *obj, float hitspeed, int hitseg,
int hitwall, vector *hitpt, vector *wall_normal,
float hit_dot);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_OnClientObjectKilled(IDMFC *instance, object *obj, object *killer);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_OnClientObjectDestroyed(IDMFC *instance, object *obj);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_OnPlayerEntersObserver(IDMFC *instance, int pnum, object *piggy);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_OnPlayerExitsObserver(IDMFC *instance, int pnum);
DLLEXPORT bool DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_OnCanChangeTeam(IDMFC *instance, int pnum, int newteam);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_OnSpecialPacket(IDMFC *instance);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_OnKeypress(IDMFC *instance, int key);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_OnInputString(IDMFC *instance, char *input_string);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_OnPlayerChangeTeam(IDMFC *instance, int player_num, int newteam, bool announce,
bool spew_everything);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_OnGameStateRequest(IDMFC *instance, int pnum);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_OnPlayerReconnect(IDMFC *instance, int player_num);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_OnPlayerConnect(IDMFC *instance, int player_num);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_OnControlMessage(IDMFC *instance, uint8_t msg, int from_pnum);
DLLEXPORT bool DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_OnAllowObserverChange(IDMFC *instance, bool turnonobserver);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_OnClientShowUI(IDMFC *instance, int id, void *user_data);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_OnPrintScores(IDMFC *instance, int level);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_OnDisconnectSaveStatsToFile(IDMFC *instance);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_OnLevelEndSaveStatsToFile(IDMFC *instance);
DLLEXPORT ddgr_color DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_OnGetHudCallSignColor(IDMFC *instance, int playernum);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_TranslateEvent(IDMFC *instance, int eventnum, dllinfo *data);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_OnTeamChangeName(IDMFC *instance, int team, char *oldname, char *newname);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_OnDoControls(IDMFC *instance, game_controls *controls);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_OnPlayAudioTaunt(IDMFC *instance, int pnum);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_DisplayPlayerInfo(IDMFC *instance, int background_bmp = -1,
bool dedicated_server = false);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_SwitchPlayerInfoDisplay(IDMFC *instance, int pnum);
DLLEXPORT int DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_DisplayingPlayerInfo(IDMFC *instance);
DLLEXPORT int DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_GetTeamFromString(IDMFC *instance, char *str);
DLLEXPORT bool DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CheckPlayerNum(IDMFC *instance, int player_num);
DLLEXPORT bool DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_PacketCheckPlayerNum(IDMFC *instance, int player_num);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CallClientEvent(IDMFC *instance, int event, int me_objnum, int it_objnum,
int destination, bool parms = false);
DLLEXPORT bool DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_GetTimeLeft(IDMFC *instance, float *time);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_WarpToLevel(IDMFC *instance, int lev);
DLLEXPORT bool DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_GetScoreLimit(IDMFC *instance, int *limit);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_AutoTimeLimit(IDMFC *instance, bool turnon);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_AutoDeathMessage(IDMFC *instance, bool turnon);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_AddDeathMessage(IDMFC *instance, const char *string, bool victim_first = true);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_AddSuicideMessage(IDMFC *instance, const char *string);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_DoRandomDeathMessage(IDMFC *instance, int killernum, int victimnum,
uint32_t hash = -1);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_RegisterPacketReceiver(IDMFC *instance, uint8_t id, void (*func)(uint8_t *));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_StartPacket(IDMFC *instance, uint8_t *data, uint8_t id, int *count);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_SendPacket(IDMFC *instance, uint8_t *data, int size, int destination);
DLLEXPORT int DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_GetTeamForNewPlayer(IDMFC *instance, int player_num, int num_teams);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_SetNumberOfTeams(IDMFC *instance, int teams);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_AutoTeamSelect(IDMFC *instance, bool turnon);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_SendTeamAssignment(IDMFC *instance, int playernum, int team,
bool spew_on_respawn);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_GetTeamAssignmentPacket(IDMFC *instance, uint8_t *data);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_GetChangeTeamPacket(IDMFC *instance, uint8_t *data);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_GetGameStateRequest(IDMFC *instance, uint8_t *data);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_SendChangeTeamRequest(IDMFC *instance, int newteam, bool spew_onchange);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_GetDMFCGameInfo(IDMFC *instance, uint8_t *data);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_SendDMFCGameInfo(IDMFC *instance, int player);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_RequestTeamChange(IDMFC *instance, int team, int pnum, bool spew_on_respawn);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_RequestGameState(IDMFC *instance);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_AddHUDItemCallback(IDMFC *instance, int type, void (*func)(struct tHUDItem *));
DLLEXPORT char DLLFUNCCALLPTR IDMFC_GetTeamString(IDMFC *instance, int team);
DLLEXPORT ddgr_color DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_GetTeamColor(IDMFC *instance, int team);
DLLEXPORT bool DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_AllowTeamChange(IDMFC *instance);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_SwitchAllowTeamChange(IDMFC *instance, bool turnon);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_GetSortedPlayerSlots(IDMFC *instance, int *sortedindex, int maxsize);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_GetSortedPlayerSlotsByEfficiency(IDMFC *instance, int *sortedindex,
int maxsize);
DLLEXPORT float DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_ConvertHUDAlphaFloat(IDMFC *instance, float normal);
DLLEXPORT uint8_t DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_ConvertHUDAlphaByte(IDMFC *instance, uint8_t normal);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_ClipString(IDMFC *instance, int width, char *string, bool arrow);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_DisplayOutrageLogo(IDMFC *instance);
DLLEXPORT int DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_SetTimerInterval(IDMFC *instance, void (*func)(void), float intval,
float longevity, void (*onkill)(void) = NULL);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_KillTimer(IDMFC *instance, int handle);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_SwitchShowHudCallsignLevel(IDMFC *instance, uint8_t level, bool announce = true);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_SwitchServerHudCallsignLevel(IDMFC *instance, uint8_t level);
DLLEXPORT int DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_GetCounterMeasureOwner(IDMFC *instance, object *robot);
DLLEXPORT int DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CFGOpen(IDMFC *instance, char *filename);
DLLEXPORT int DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CFGCreateKey(IDMFC *instance, char *name);
DLLEXPORT int DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CFGLookupKey(IDMFC *instance, char *name);
DLLEXPORT int DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CFGLookupRecord(IDMFC *instance, char *record, void *data);
DLLEXPORT int DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CFGCreateRecord(IDMFC *instance, char *name, char type, void *data);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_DecryptData(IDMFC *instance, uint8_t *data, int size);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_EncryptData(IDMFC *instance, uint8_t *data, int size);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_VersionCheck(IDMFC *instance, int pnum);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_UpdatePInfo(IDMFC *instance, int victim, int killer, int amount);
DLLEXPORT bool DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_SetWeaponDeathMessage(IDMFC *instance, const char *weapon_name, const char *message, bool victim_first);
DLLEXPORT char DLLFUNCCALLPTR IDMFC_GetWeaponDeathMessage(IDMFC *instance, int index, bool *victim_first);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_AddWeaponHash(IDMFC *instance, const char *parent, int count, char **array);
DLLEXPORT int DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_SetupPlayerRecord(IDMFC *instance, int sizeof_individual_data,
int (*pack_callback)(void *user_info, uint8_t *data),
int (*unpack_callback)(void *user_info, uint8_t *data));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALLPTR IDMFC_GetPlayerRecordData(IDMFC *instance, int pnum);
DLLEXPORT player_record DLLFUNCCALLPTR IDMFC_GetPlayerRecord(IDMFC *instance, int slot);
DLLEXPORT player_record DLLFUNCCALLPTR IDMFC_GetPlayerRecordByPnum(IDMFC *instance, int pnum);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_SendRequestForPlayerRecords(IDMFC *instance);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_ReceiveRequestForPlayerRecords(IDMFC *instance, uint8_t *data);
DLLEXPORT bool DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_IsPlayerBanned(IDMFC *instance, int pnum);
DLLEXPORT bool DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_IsAddressBanned(IDMFC *instance, network_address *addr, const char *tracker_id);
DLLEXPORT bool DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_RemoveBan(IDMFC *instance, int index);
DLLEXPORT char DLLFUNCCALLPTR IDMFC_GetBannedPlayerCallsign(IDMFC *instance, int index);
DLLEXPORT int DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_GetNumBannedPlayers(IDMFC *instance);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_BanPlayerFromGame(IDMFC *instance, int pnum);
DLLEXPORT bool DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_IsPlayerAlive(IDMFC *instance, int pnum);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_SendControlMessageToPlayer(IDMFC *instance, int pnum, uint8_t msg);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_ReceiveControlMessage(IDMFC *instance, uint8_t *data);
DLLEXPORT bool DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_FindPInfoStatFirst(IDMFC *instance, int slot, tPInfoStat *stat);
DLLEXPORT bool DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_FindPInfoStatNext(IDMFC *instance, tPInfoStat *stat);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_DoDamageToPlayer(IDMFC *instance, int pnum, int type, float amount,
bool playsound = true);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_StartUIWindow(IDMFC *instance, int id, void *user_data);
DLLEXPORT int8_t DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_AddInputCommand(IDMFC *instance, const char *command, const char *description,
void (*handler)(const char *));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_EnableStatisticalMessages(IDMFC *instance, bool on);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_EnableOnScreenMenu(IDMFC *instance, bool turn_on);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_EnableAutoSaveLevelEnd(IDMFC *instance, bool enable);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_EnableAutoSaveDisconnect(IDMFC *instance, bool enable);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_GenerateStatFilename(IDMFC *instance, char *filename, const char *root,
bool end_of_level);
DLLEXPORT bool DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_IsPlayerObserver(IDMFC *instance, int pnum);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_EnableOnScreenMenuBackground(IDMFC *instance, bool enable);
DLLEXPORT float DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_GetTimeInGame(IDMFC *instance, int slot);
DLLEXPORT char DLLFUNCCALLPTR IDMFC_GetTimeString(IDMFC *instance, float sec);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_DisplayNetGameInfo(IDMFC *instance, int background_bmp = -1,
bool dedicated_server = false);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_SwitchNetGameInfoDisplay(IDMFC *instance, int on);
DLLEXPORT bool DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_IsDisplayingNetGameInfo(IDMFC *instance);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_DatabaseRegister(IDMFC *instance, char *name);
DLLEXPORT bool DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_DatabaseReadA(IDMFC *instance, const char *label, char *entry, int *entrylen);
DLLEXPORT bool DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_DatabaseReadB(IDMFC *instance, const char *label, void *entry, int wordsize);
DLLEXPORT bool DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_DatabaseReadC(IDMFC *instance, const char *label, bool *entry);
DLLEXPORT bool DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_DatabaseWriteA(IDMFC *instance, const char *label, const char *entry,
int entrylen);
DLLEXPORT bool DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_DatabaseWriteB(IDMFC *instance, const char *label, int entry);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_SendNetGameInfoSync(IDMFC *instance, int to_who = SP_ALL);
DLLEXPORT bool DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CompareNetworkAddress(IDMFC *instance, network_address *one,
network_address *two, bool use_port = true);
DLLEXPORT bool DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_IsMasterTrackerGame(IDMFC *instance);
DLLEXPORT int DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_ConvertLocalToServerObjnum(IDMFC *instance, int objnum);
DLLEXPORT int DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_ConvertServerToLocalObjnum(IDMFC *instance, int objnum);
DLLEXPORT bool DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_ShouldIDisplayHUDName(IDMFC *instance, int pnum);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_SetDeathMessageFilter(IDMFC *instance, int level);
DLLEXPORT bool DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_IAmDedicatedServer(IDMFC *instance);
DLLEXPORT bool DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_IsPlayerDedicatedServerPnum(IDMFC *instance, int pnum);
DLLEXPORT bool DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_IsPlayerDedicatedServer(IDMFC *instance, player_record *pr);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_DisplayInputCommandHelp(IDMFC *instance, const char *s);
DLLEXPORT int DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_GetPlayerTeam(IDMFC *instance, int pnum);
DLLEXPORT bool DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_SetTeamName(IDMFC *instance, int team, const char *name, bool announce);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_ConvertHUDCoord(IDMFC *instance, int x, int y, int *rx, int *ry);
DLLEXPORT int DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_GetPlayerLogoBmp(IDMFC *instance, int player_num, bool *is_vclip);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_EnableShipLogos(IDMFC *instance, bool enable);
DLLEXPORT bool DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_AreLogosEnabled(IDMFC *instance);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_EnableAudioTaunts(IDMFC *instance, bool enable);
DLLEXPORT bool DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_AreTauntsEnabled(IDMFC *instance);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_RespawnPlayer(IDMFC *instance, int pnum, bool spew_energy_and_shield,
bool spew_everything);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_ReadInHostsAllowDeny(IDMFC *instance);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_RehashAllowDeny(IDMFC *instance);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_AnnounceTeamChangeDeny(IDMFC *instance, int pnum);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_SetMaxPlayerHardLimit(IDMFC *instance, int max);
DLLEXPORT int DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_WasPlayerInGameAtLevelEnd(IDMFC *instance, int prec);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_Set_OnServerPlayerKilled(IDMFC *instance,
void (*callback)(object *killer_obj, int victim_pnum));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_Set_OnServerPlayerExploded(IDMFC *instance, void (*callback)(int player_num));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_Set_OnServerCollideA(IDMFC *instance,
void (*callback)(object *me_obj, object *it_obj));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_Set_OnServerCollideB(IDMFC *instance,
void (*callback)(object *me_obj, object *it_obj,
vector *point, vector *normal));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_Set_OnServerPlayerChangeSegment(IDMFC *instance,
void (*callback)(int player_num, int newseg,
int oldseg));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_Set_OnServerObjectChangeSegment(IDMFC *instance,
void (*callback)(object *obj, int newseg,
int oldseg));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_Set_OnServerPlayerEntersGame(IDMFC *instance, void (*callback)(int player_num));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_Set_OnServerPlayerDisconnect(IDMFC *instance, void (*callback)(int player_num));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_Set_OnServerGameCreated(IDMFC *instance, void (*callback)(void));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_Set_OnServerLevelChange(IDMFC *instance, void (*callback)(void));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_Set_OnServerLevelStart(IDMFC *instance, void (*callback)(void));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_Set_OnServerLevelEnd(IDMFC *instance, void (*callback)(void));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_Set_OnServerObjectShieldsChanged(IDMFC *instance,
void (*callback)(object *obj, float amount));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_Set_OnServerIsAddressBanned(IDMFC *instance,
bool (*callback)(network_address *addr,
char *tracker_id));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_Set_OnServerWallCollide(IDMFC *instance,
void (*callback)(object *obj, float hitspeed,
int hitseg, int hitwall, vector *hitpt,
vector *wall_normal, float hit_dot));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_Set_OnServerObjectKilled(IDMFC *instance,
void (*callback)(object *obj, object *killer));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_Set_OnServerObjectDestroyed(IDMFC *instance, void (*callback)(object *obj));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_Set_OnClientPlayerKilled(IDMFC *instance,
void (*callback)(object *killer_obj, int victim_pnum));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_Set_OnClientPlayerExploded(IDMFC *instance, void (*callback)(int player_num));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_Set_OnClientCollideA(IDMFC *instance,
void (*callback)(object *me_obj, object *it_obj));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_Set_OnClientCollideB(IDMFC *instance,
void (*callback)(object *me_obj, object *it_obj,
vector *point, vector *normal));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_Set_OnClientPlayerChangeSegment(IDMFC *instance,
void (*callback)(int player_num, int newseg,
int oldseg));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_Set_OnClientObjectChangeSegment(IDMFC *instance,
void (*callback)(object *obj, int newseg,
int oldseg));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_Set_OnClientPlayerEntersGame(IDMFC *instance, void (*callback)(int player_num));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_Set_OnClientPlayerDisconnect(IDMFC *instance, void (*callback)(int player_num));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_Set_OnMeDisconnectFromServer(IDMFC *instance, void (*callback)(void));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_Set_OnClientGameCreated(IDMFC *instance, void (*callback)(void));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_Set_OnClientObjectShieldsChanged(IDMFC *instance,
void (*callback)(object *obj, float amount));
void (*callback)(object *weapon_obj, object *shooter));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_Set_OnClientLevelChange(IDMFC *instance, void (*callback)(void));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_Set_OnClientLevelStart(IDMFC *instance, void (*callback)(void));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_Set_OnClientLevelEnd(IDMFC *instance, void (*callback)(void));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_Set_OnClientWallCollide(IDMFC *instance,
void (*callback)(object *obj, float hitspeed,
int hitseg, int hitwall, vector *hitpt,
vector *wall_normal, float hit_dot));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_Set_OnClientObjectKilled(IDMFC *instance,
void (*callback)(object *obj, object *killer));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_Set_OnClientObjectDestroyed(IDMFC *instance, void (*callback)(object *obj));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_Set_OnPlayerEntersObserver(IDMFC *instance,
void (*callback)(int pnum, object *piggy));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_Set_OnPlayerExitsObserver(IDMFC *instance, void (*callback)(int pnum));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_Set_OnCanChangeTeam(IDMFC *instance, bool (*callback)(int pnum, int newteam));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_Set_OnSpecialPacket(IDMFC *instance, void (*callback)(void));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_Set_OnInterval(IDMFC *instance, void (*callback)(void));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_Set_OnHUDInterval(IDMFC *instance, void (*callback)(void));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_Set_OnPLRInterval(IDMFC *instance, void (*callback)(void));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_Set_OnPLRInit(IDMFC *instance, void (*callback)(void));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_Set_OnKeypress(IDMFC *instance, void (*callback)(int key));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_Set_OnInputString(IDMFC *instance, void (*callback)(char *input_string));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_Set_OnPlayerChangeTeam(IDMFC *instance,
void (*callback)(int player_num, int newteam,
bool announce, bool spew_everything));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_Set_OnGameStateRequest(IDMFC *instance, void (*callback)(int pnum));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_Set_OnSaveStatsToFile(IDMFC *instance, void (*callback)(void));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_Set_OnPlayerReconnect(IDMFC *instance, void (*callback)(int player_num));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_Set_OnPlayerConnect(IDMFC *instance, void (*callback)(int player_num));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_Set_OnControlMessage(IDMFC *instance,
void (*callback)(uint8_t msg, int from_pnum));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_Set_OnAllowObserverChange(IDMFC *instance,
bool (*callback)(bool turnonobserver));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_Set_OnClientShowUI(IDMFC *instance, void (*callback)(int id, void *user_data));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_Set_OnPrintScores(IDMFC *instance, void (*callback)(int level));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_Set_OnDisconnectSaveStatsToFile(IDMFC *instance, void (*callback)(void));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_Set_OnLevelEndSaveStatsToFile(IDMFC *instance, void (*callback)(void));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_Set_OnGetHudCallSignColor(IDMFC *instance,
ddgr_color (*callback)(int playernum));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_Set_OnTeamChangeName(IDMFC *instance,
void (*callback)(int team, char *oldname, char *newname));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_Set_OnDoControls(IDMFC *instance, void (*callback)(game_controls *controls));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_Set_OnPlayAudioTaunt(IDMFC *instance, void (*callback)(int pnum));
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CallOnServerPlayerKilled(IDMFC *instance, object *killer_obj, int victim_pnum);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CallOnServerPlayerExploded(IDMFC *instance, int player_num);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CallOnServerCollideA(IDMFC *instance, object *me_obj, object *it_obj);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CallOnServerCollideB(IDMFC *instance, object *me_obj, object *it_obj,
vector *point, vector *normal);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CallOnServerPlayerChangeSegment(IDMFC *instance, int player_num, int newseg,
int oldseg);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CallOnServerObjectChangeSegment(IDMFC *instance, object *obj, int newseg,
int oldseg);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CallOnServerPlayerEntersGame(IDMFC *instance, int player_num);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CallOnServerPlayerDisconnect(IDMFC *instance, int player_num);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CallOnServerGameCreated(IDMFC *instance);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CallOnServerLevelChange(IDMFC *instance);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CallOnServerLevelStart(IDMFC *instance);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CallOnServerLevelEnd(IDMFC *instance);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CallOnServerObjectShieldsChanged(IDMFC *instance, object *obj, float amount);
DLLEXPORT bool DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CallOnServerIsAddressBanned(IDMFC *instance, network_address *addr,
char *tracker_id);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CallOnServerWallCollide(IDMFC *instance, object *obj, float hitspeed,
int hitseg, int hitwall, vector *hitpt,
vector *wall_normal, float hit_dot);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CallOnServerObjectKilled(IDMFC *instance, object *obj, object *killer);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CallOnServerObjectDestroyed(IDMFC *instance, object *obj);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CallOnClientPlayerKilled(IDMFC *instance, object *killer_obj, int victim_pnum);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CallOnClientPlayerExploded(IDMFC *instance, int player_num);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CallOnClientCollideA(IDMFC *instance, object *me_obj, object *it_obj);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CallOnClientCollideB(IDMFC *instance, object *me_obj, object *it_obj,
vector *point, vector *normal);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CallOnClientPlayerChangeSegment(IDMFC *instance, int player_num, int newseg,
int oldseg);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CallOnClientObjectChangeSegment(IDMFC *instance, object *obj, int newseg,
int oldseg);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CallOnClientPlayerEntersGame(IDMFC *instance, int player_num);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CallOnClientPlayerDisconnect(IDMFC *instance, int player_num);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CallOnMeDisconnectFromServer(IDMFC *instance);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CallOnClientGameCreated(IDMFC *instance);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CallOnClientObjectShieldsChanged(IDMFC *instance, object *obj, float amount);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CallOnWeaponFired(IDMFC *instance, object *weapon_obj, object *shooter);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CallOnClientLevelChange(IDMFC *instance);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CallOnClientLevelStart(IDMFC *instance);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CallOnClientLevelEnd(IDMFC *instance);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CallOnClientWallCollide(IDMFC *instance, object *obj, float hitspeed,
int hitseg, int hitwall, vector *hitpt,
vector *wall_normal, float hit_dot);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CallOnClientObjectKilled(IDMFC *instance, object *obj, object *killer);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CallOnClientObjectDestroyed(IDMFC *instance, object *obj);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CallOnPlayerEntersObserver(IDMFC *instance, int pnum, object *piggy);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CallOnPlayerExitsObserver(IDMFC *instance, int pnum);
DLLEXPORT bool DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CallOnCanChangeTeam(IDMFC *instance, int pnum, int newteam);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CallOnSpecialPacket(IDMFC *instance);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CallOnKeypress(IDMFC *instance, int key);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CallOnInputString(IDMFC *instance, char *input_string);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CallOnPlayerChangeTeam(IDMFC *instance, int player_num, int newteam,
bool announce, bool spew_everything);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CallOnGameStateRequest(IDMFC *instance, int pnum);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CallOnSaveStatsToFile(IDMFC *instance);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CallOnPlayerReconnect(IDMFC *instance, int player_num);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CallOnPlayerConnect(IDMFC *instance, int player_num);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CallOnControlMessage(IDMFC *instance, uint8_t msg, int from_pnum);
DLLEXPORT bool DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CallOnAllowObserverChange(IDMFC *instance, bool turnonobserver);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CallOnClientShowUI(IDMFC *instance, int id, void *user_data);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CallOnPrintScores(IDMFC *instance, int level);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CallOnDisconnectSaveStatsToFile(IDMFC *instance);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CallOnLevelEndSaveStatsToFile(IDMFC *instance);
DLLEXPORT ddgr_color DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CallOnGetHudCallSignColor(IDMFC *instance, int playernum);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CallOnTeamChangeName(IDMFC *instance, int team, char *oldname, char *newname);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CallOnDoControls(IDMFC *instance, game_controls *controls);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_CallOnPlayAudioTaunt(IDMFC *instance, int pnum);
DLLEXPORT int DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_GetHighestRoomIndex(IDMFC *instance);
DLLEXPORT int DLLFUNCCALLPTR IDMFC_GetGameFontTranslateArray(IDMFC *instance);
DLLEXPORT int DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_GetObserverModeBitmap(IDMFC *instance);
DLLEXPORT float DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_GetFrametime(IDMFC *instance);
DLLEXPORT float DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_GetRealGametime(IDMFC *instance, bool *ispaused = NULL);
DLLEXPORT float DLLFUNCCALLPTR IDMFC_GetShieldDeltaArray(IDMFC *instance);
DLLEXPORT tMission DLLFUNCCALLPTR IDMFC_GetCurrentMission(IDMFC *instance);
DLLEXPORT terrain_segment DLLFUNCCALLPTR IDMFC_GetTerrainSegs(IDMFC *instance);
DLLEXPORT netgame_info DLLFUNCCALLPTR IDMFC_GetNetgameInfo(IDMFC *instance);
DLLEXPORT netplayer DLLFUNCCALLPTR IDMFC_GetNetPlayers(IDMFC *instance);
DLLEXPORT texture DLLFUNCCALLPTR IDMFC_GetGameTextures(IDMFC *instance);
DLLEXPORT poly_model DLLFUNCCALLPTR IDMFC_GetGamePolyModels(IDMFC *instance);
DLLEXPORT ddgr_color DLLFUNCCALLPTR IDMFC_GetPlayerColors(IDMFC *instance);
DLLEXPORT game_controls DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_GetLastGameControls(IDMFC *instance);
DLLEXPORT int DLLFUNCCALLPTR IDMFC_GetPilotPicBitmapHandles(IDMFC *instance);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_GetViewerObjectPtr(IDMFC *instance, object **v_obj);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_SetViewerObjectPtr(IDMFC *instance, object *v_obj);
DLLEXPORT vis_effect DLLFUNCCALLPTR IDMFC_GetVisEffectArray(IDMFC *instance, int **Highviseptr = NULL);
DLLEXPORT level_info DLLFUNCCALLPTR IDMFC_GetLevelInfo(IDMFC *instance);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_SelectNextCameraView(IDMFC *instance, int window);
DLLEXPORT int DLLFUNCCALL IDMFC_GetCameraViewType(IDMFC *instance, int window);
DLLEXPORT object_info DLLFUNCCALLPTR IDMFC_GetObjectInfo(IDMFC *instance, int objinfo_id);
IMenuItem 1.0 Interface functions
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IMenuItem_Delete(IMenuItem *instance);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALLPTR IMenuItem_Dynamic_Cast(IMenuItem *instance, const char *pszType);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IMenuItem_DuplicatePointer(IMenuItem *instance);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IMenuItem_DestroyPointer(IMenuItem *instance);
DLLEXPORT bool DLLFUNCCALL IMenuItem_AddSubMenu(IMenuItem *instance, IMenuItem *p);
DLLEXPORT bool DLLFUNCCALL IMenuItem_DetachSubMenu(IMenuItem *instance, IMenuItem *p);
DLLEXPORT bool DLLFUNCCALL IMenuItem_Forward(IMenuItem *instance);
DLLEXPORT bool DLLFUNCCALL IMenuItem_Back(IMenuItem *instance);
DLLEXPORT bool DLLFUNCCALL IMenuItem_Up(IMenuItem *instance);
DLLEXPORT bool DLLFUNCCALL IMenuItem_Down(IMenuItem *instance);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IMenuItem_Execute(IMenuItem *instance);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IMenuItem_Draw(IMenuItem *instance, int x, int y, int height, int backgroundbmp,
float *ratio = NULL);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IMenuItem_SetInputFocus(IMenuItem *instance);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IMenuItem_LoseInputFocus(IMenuItem *instance);
DLLEXPORT bool DLLFUNCCALL IMenuItem_GetFocus(IMenuItem *instance);
DLLEXPORT const char DLLFUNCCALLPTR IMenuItem_GetTitle(IMenuItem *instance);
DLLEXPORT int DLLFUNCCALL IMenuItem_GetCustomSubMenuCount(IMenuItem *instance);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IMenuItem_CallFunc(IMenuItem *instance, int value);
DLLEXPORT bool DLLFUNCCALL IMenuItem_HasSubMenus(IMenuItem *instance);
DLLEXPORT char DLLFUNCCALL IMenuItem_GetType(IMenuItem *instance);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IMenuItem_SetState(IMenuItem *instance, int state);
DLLEXPORT bool DLLFUNCCALL IMenuItem_SetStateItemList(IMenuItem *instance, int count, char **array);
IDmfcStats 1.0 Interface functions
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDmfcStats_Delete(IDmfcStats *instance);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALLPTR IDmfcStats_Dynamic_Cast(IDmfcStats *instance, const char *pszType);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDmfcStats_DuplicatePointer(IDmfcStats *instance);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDmfcStats_DestroyPointer(IDmfcStats *instance);
DLLEXPORT bool DLLFUNCCALL IDmfcStats_Initialize(IDmfcStats *instance, tDmfcStatsInit *init_info);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDmfcStats_Enable(IDmfcStats *instance, bool enable);
DLLEXPORT bool DLLFUNCCALL IDmfcStats_IsEnabled(IDmfcStats *instance);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDmfcStats_DoFrame(IDmfcStats *instance);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDmfcStats_ScrollDown(IDmfcStats *instance);
DLLEXPORT void DLLFUNCCALL IDmfcStats_ScrollUp(IDmfcStats *instance);
DLLEXPORT bool DLLFUNCCALL IDmfcStats_CanScrollDown(IDmfcStats *instance);
DLLEXPORT bool DLLFUNCCALL IDmfcStats_CanScrollUp(IDmfcStats *instance);
#ifdef __cplusplus