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352 lines
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#include "RendererConfig.h"
#if defined(WIN32)
#include <windows.h>
#include <gl/gl.h>
#include "dyna_gl.h"
#include "IMeshBuilder.h"
#include "pserror.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <vector>
#if defined(WIN32)
#include "win/arb_extensions.h"
#if defined(WIN32)
namespace RZ {
namespace Renderer {
class OpenGLMeshBuilder : public IMeshBuilder {
// Begin
// Begins the generation of a mesh. You must supply
// the primitive type, size of the vertex buffer, and
// the number of primitives.
// vertexFlags are a combination of VertexType values
// that represent what data should be stored in the verts.
void Begin(PrimitiveType type, unsigned int vertexFlags, unsigned int numPrims, unsigned int numVerts,
bool autogenNormals);
// End
// Ends the build process which will cause the generation of the mesh data.
// Returned will be a handle to the mesh
RZ::Renderer::MeshHandle End(void);
// SetStreamData
// Stores stream data for one or more vertex fields.
// streamId: Which field we are setting data for
// startVertIndex: Which vertex in vertex buffer are we starting at
// numVerts: How many full verts of data are we processing
// dataPtr: Incoming data. All data is float based.
// elementsPerField: How many floats-per-field for this data.
// NOTE: This is for verification purposes. Positions and
// Normals are 3 elements. Texture UVs are 2 elements. Colors
// are 4 elements.
// stride: The number of bytes from the START of one field to the next on the incoming stream.
void SetStreamData(VertexType streamId, unsigned int startVertIndex, unsigned int numVerts, const float *dataPtr,
unsigned int elementsPerField, unsigned int stride);
// AddPrimitive
// Adds another primitive to the buffer.
void AddPrimitive(unsigned int numVerts, unsigned int *vertexIndices);
void Reset();
struct RawVertexData {
float m_position[3];
float m_color[4];
float m_uv[2];
float m_normal[3];
typedef std::vector<RawVertexData> RawVertexDataVector;
typedef std::vector<unsigned int> PrimitiveIndexVector;
typedef std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>> PrimitiveDefinitionVector;
RawVertexDataVector m_rawVertex;
PrimitiveIndexVector m_rawIndicies;
PrimitiveDefinitionVector m_rawPrims;
PrimitiveType m_primType;
unsigned int m_vertexFlags;
unsigned int m_numPrims;
unsigned int m_numVerts;
bool m_autoGenNormals;
bool m_isBuilding;
class OpenGLMesh : public IMeshHandle {
// execute the drawing process
void Draw(void);
friend class OpenGLMeshBuilder;
typedef boost::scoped_array<float> ScopedFloatArray;
typedef boost::scoped_array<unsigned int> ScopedUIntArray;
ScopedFloatArray m_arrayPositions;
ScopedFloatArray m_arrayNormals;
ScopedFloatArray m_arrayColors;
ScopedFloatArray m_arrayTexture1;
ScopedUIntArray m_arrayPrimSizes;
ScopedUIntArray m_arrayIndices;
GLenum m_mode;
unsigned int m_numPrims;
} // namespace Renderer
} // namespace RZ
using namespace RZ;
using namespace RZ::Renderer;
void OpenGLMesh::Draw(void) {
float *ptr;
// positions
if (ptr = m_arrayPositions.get()) {
glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, ptr);
} else {
// colors
if (ptr = m_arrayColors.get()) {
dglColorPointer(4, GL_FLOAT, 0, ptr);
} else {
// normals
if (ptr = m_arrayNormals.get()) {
dglNormalPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, ptr);
} else {
// texture
if (ptr = m_arrayTexture1.get()) {
oglClientActiveTextureARB(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB + 0);
dglTexCoordPointer(4, GL_FLOAT, 0, ptr);
} else {
oglClientActiveTextureARB(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB + 0);
// draw all the primitives
unsigned int i, indexOffset = 0, *indexList = m_arrayIndices.get();
for (i = 0; i < m_numPrims; ++i) {
unsigned int numVerts = m_arrayPrimSizes[i];
dglDrawElements(m_mode, numVerts, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, &indexList[indexOffset]);
indexOffset += numVerts;
OpenGLMeshBuilder::OpenGLMeshBuilder() : m_isBuilding(false) {}
void OpenGLMeshBuilder::Reset(void) {
m_isBuilding = false;
// Begin
// Begins the generation of a mesh. You must supply
// the primitive type, size of the vertex buffer, and
// the number of primitives.
// vertexFlags are a combination of VertexType values
// that represent what data should be stored in the verts.
void OpenGLMeshBuilder::Begin(PrimitiveType type, unsigned int vertexFlags, unsigned int numPrims,
unsigned int numVerts, bool autogenNormals) {
ASSERT(m_isBuilding == false);
ASSERT(vertexFlags & kPosition); // position must be set
// initialize
m_primType = type;
m_vertexFlags = vertexFlags;
m_numPrims = numPrims;
m_numVerts = numVerts;
m_autoGenNormals = autogenNormals;
m_isBuilding = true;
// prepare our data
m_rawIndicies.reserve(m_numPrims * 4); // rough estimate
// End
// Ends the build process which will cause the generation of the mesh data.
// Returned will be a handle to the mesh
RZ::Renderer::MeshHandle OpenGLMeshBuilder::End(void) {
// make sure we are building
// TODO: auto-generate normals if we are supposed to
// create a mesh
OpenGLMesh *glMesh = new OpenGLMesh;
MeshHandle meshHandle(glMesh);
// allocate the data
if (m_vertexFlags & kPosition) {
glMesh->m_arrayPositions.reset(new float[m_numVerts * 3]);
if (m_vertexFlags & kNormal) {
glMesh->m_arrayNormals.reset(new float[m_numVerts * 3]);
if (m_vertexFlags & kColor) {
glMesh->m_arrayColors.reset(new float[m_numVerts * 4]);
if (m_vertexFlags & kTexture1) {
glMesh->m_arrayTexture1.reset(new float[m_numVerts * 2]);
glMesh->m_arrayPrimSizes.reset(new unsigned int[m_numPrims]);
glMesh->m_arrayIndices.reset(new unsigned int[m_rawIndicies.size()]);
// initialize the data
unsigned int i;
for (i = 0; i < m_numVerts; ++i) {
RawVertexData &rvd = m_rawVertex[i];
if (m_vertexFlags & kPosition) {
memcpy(glMesh->m_arrayPositions.get() + (m_numVerts * 3), rvd.m_position, 3 * sizeof(float));
if (m_vertexFlags & kNormal) {
memcpy(glMesh->m_arrayNormals.get() + (m_numVerts * 3), rvd.m_normal, 3 * sizeof(float));
if (m_vertexFlags & kColor) {
memcpy(glMesh->m_arrayColors.get() + (m_numVerts * 4), rvd.m_color, 4 * sizeof(float));
if (m_vertexFlags & kTexture1) {
memcpy(glMesh->m_arrayTexture1.get() + (m_numVerts * 2), rvd.m_uv, 2 * sizeof(float));
for (i = 0; i < m_numPrims; ++i) {
glMesh->m_arrayPrimSizes.get()[i] = m_rawPrims[i].second;
memcpy(glMesh->m_arrayIndices.get(), &m_rawIndicies[0], m_rawIndicies.size() * sizeof(unsigned int));
switch (m_primType) {
case kTriangle:
glMesh->m_mode = GL_TRIANGLES;
case kTriangleFan:
glMesh->m_mode = GL_TRIANGLE_FAN;
case kTriangleStrip:
glMesh->m_mode = GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP;
m_numPrims = m_numPrims;
// we don't need the temporary data anymore
// return the mesh handle
return meshHandle;
// SetStreamData
// Stores stream data for one or more vertex fields.
// streamId: Which field we are setting data for
// startVertIndex: Which vertex in vertex buffer are we starting at
// numVerts: How many full verts of data are we processing
// dataPtr: Incoming data. All data is float based.
// elementsPerField: How many floats-per-field for this data.
// NOTE: This is for verification purposes. Positions and
// Normals are 3 elements. Texture UVs are 2 elements. Colors
// are 4 elements.
// stride: The number of bytes from the START of one field to the next on the incoming stream.
void OpenGLMeshBuilder::SetStreamData(VertexType streamId, unsigned int startVertIndex, unsigned int numVerts,
const float *dataPtr, unsigned int elementsPerField, unsigned int stride) {
// make sure we are building
// make sure one, and only one, bit is set in the stream Id
ASSERT((streamId != 0) && ((streamId & (streamId - 1)) == 0));
// make sure it is expected
ASSERT(streamId & m_vertexFlags);
// make sure we don't go beyond our vertex limit
ASSERT(((startVertIndex + numVerts) <= m_numVerts));
// check input pointers
ASSERT(dataPtr != NULL);
ASSERT(stride != 0);
unsigned int offset = 0;
switch (streamId) {
case kPosition:
offset = 0;
ASSERT(elementsPerField == 3);
case kColor:
offset = 3;
ASSERT(elementsPerField == 4);
case kTexture1:
offset = 7;
ASSERT(elementsPerField == 2);
case kNormal:
offset = 9;
ASSERT(elementsPerField == 3);
// start looping through and updating the verts
unsigned int vertIdx;
for (vertIdx = 0; vertIdx < numVerts;
++vertIdx, dataPtr = (const float *)(((const unsigned char *)dataPtr) + stride)) {
// get to the vert
RawVertexData &rvd = m_rawVertex[vertIdx + startVertIndex];
float *rawFloat = &rvd.m_position[0];
// fill in the data
memcpy(rawFloat, dataPtr, elementsPerField * sizeof(float));
// AddPrimitive
// Adds another primitive to the buffer.
void OpenGLMeshBuilder::AddPrimitive(unsigned int numVerts, unsigned int *vertexIndices) {
// make sure we are building
// don't blow the buffer
ASSERT(m_rawPrims.size() < m_numPrims);
// check input pointers
ASSERT(vertexIndices != NULL);
ASSERT(numVerts >= 3);
// what is the index offset?
unsigned int indexOffset = m_rawIndicies.size();
// add all the vertex indices
unsigned int i;
for (i = 0; i < numVerts; ++i) {
unsigned int index = vertexIndices[i];
ASSERT(index < m_numVerts);
// add the primitive
m_rawPrims.push_back(std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>(numVerts, indexOffset));
RZ::Renderer::IMeshBuilder *rend_CreateMeshBuilder(void) { return new RZ::Renderer::OpenGLMeshBuilder; }