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synced 2025-01-23 12:08:56 +00:00
Reorganizing hog generation for Linux and macOS.
234 lines
6.0 KiB
234 lines
6.0 KiB
!/!Current Restrictions:
!/!Maximum Line Length: 1024 characters
!/!Maximum Number of Lines Per String: 8 Lines
!/! Lines that begin with:
!/! !/! == comments (optional)
!/! !=! == English version of string
!/! !G! == German version of string
!/! !S! == Spanish version of string
!/! !I! == Italian version of string
!/! !F! == French version of string
!/! Note to localizers: All text when translated should stay very near the length of the
!/! English version, unless otherwise noted.
!/! Note to localizers: All %s,%d,%f and similar tokens MUST stay in the string, they will get replaced by:
!/! %s = another string
!/! %d = an integer value
!/! %f = a floating point number (a number with a decimal point)
!/! They may be moved around the string, but MUST stay in the same order (i.e. "%s got %d points" the %s must always come before %d)
!/! \t = insert a tab
!/! \n = force a newline
!/! \0-\255 = insert the number directly into byte
!/!========================= HUD Death Messages =================================================
!/! Note: if it states that victim is first, then the first %s will be replaced by the nickname of the victim,
!/! else the first nickname will be the name of the killer.
!/!0:%s got butchered by %s (victim first)
!=!%s got butchered by %s
!G!%s wurde von %s abgeschlachtet
!S!%s masacrado por %s
!I!%s viene massacrato da %s
!F!%s a été massacré par %s.
!/! ---------------------------- Suicide Messages --------------------------------------
!/!1:%s shags himself
!=!%s shags himself
!G!%s vernichtet sich selbst
!S!%s se mata
!I!%s si uccide
!F!%s se débrouille seul.
!/!2:Pilot (Stats column label)
!/!3:Kills (Stats column label)
!/!4:Deaths (Stats column label)
!G!Verlorene Leben
!/!5:Suicides (Stats column label)
!/!6:Score (Stats column label)
!/!7:%s Lost The HyperOrb!!! (HUD Message)
!=!%s Lost The HyperOrb!!!
!G!%s hat die Hyperkugel verloren!!!
!S!%s ha perdido el hiperorbe
!I!%s Ha perso l'iperglobo!!!
!F!%s a perdu l'HyperGlobe !
!/!8:%s Has The HyperOrb!!! (HUD Message)
!=!%s Has The HyperOrb!!!
!G!%s hat die Hyperkugel!!!
!S!%s tiene el hiperorbe
!I!%s Ha l'iperglobo!!!
!F!%s a l'HyperGlobe !!
!/!9:%s racks up another %d points! (HUD Message)
!=!%s racks up another %d points!
!G!%s erzielt weitere %d Punkte!
!S!%s ha conseguido %d puntos más
!I!%s ha guadagnato altri %d punti!
!F!%s ramasse %d points de plus !
!/!10:Stats (Stats column label)
!/!11:Welcome to Hyper Anarchy %s! (HUD Message)
!=!Welcome to Hyper Anarchy %s!
!G!Willkommen zur Hyperanarchie, %s!
!S!Bienbenido a Hiperanarquía, %s
!I!Benvenuto nell'Iper Anarchia, %s!
!F!Bienvenue dans l'Hyper Anarchie %s!
!/!12:%s has joined the Hyper Anarchy! (HUD Message)
!=!%s has joined the Hyper Anarchy!
!G!%s hat sich der Hyperanarchie angeschlossen!
!S!%s se ha unido a Hiperanarquía
!I!%s è entrato nell'Iper Anarchia!
!F!%s a rejoint l'Hyper Anarchie !
!/!13: Name of the game (shouldn't be localized probably)
!I!Iper Anarchia
!F!Hyper Anarchie
!/!14: Name of the game in the stats screen
!/!15: Ping label
!/!16: on-screen menu option for hud score colors
!=!HUD Score Colors
!G!CPA Farbe der Punkte
!S!Colores de puntuación del presentador
!I!Colori del punteggio del collimatore
!F!Couleurs Score
!/!17: on-screen menu sub-option to use player ship colors
!=!Player Colors
!S!Colores del jugador
!I!Colori del giocatore
!F!Couleurs Joueur
!/!18: On screen menu sub-option to use normal colors
!/!19: Saved game stats header
!=!Hyper-Anarchy\r\nGame: %s\r\nLevel: %d\r\n
!G!Hyperanarchie\r\nSpiel: %s\r\nLevel: %d\r\n
!S!Hiperanarquía\r\nPartida: %s\r\nNivel: %d\r\n
!I!Iper Anarchia\r\nPartita: %s\r\nLivello: %d\r\n
!F!Hyper Anarchie\r\nPartie: %s\s\nNiveau: %d\r\n
!/!20: Saved game stats header
!=!Current Level Rankings\r\n
!G!Derzeitiger Rang\r\n
!S!Clasificaciones del nivel actual\r\n
!I!Classifica del livello corrente\r\n
!F!Classement Niveau Courant\r\n
!/!21: Saved game stats header
!=![Rank] [Name] [Score] [Kills] [Deaths] [Suicides] [Time In Game]
!G![Rang] [Name] [Punkte] [Abschüsse] [Verl. Leben] [Selbstmorde] [Spielzeit]
!S![Rango][Nombre] [Puntuación][Bajas] [Muertes] [Suicidios][Tiempo de partida]
!I![Pos] [Nome] [Punt] [Ucc] [Morti] [Suicidi] [Tempo gioco]
!F![Rang] [Nom] [Score] [Victimes] [Morts] [Suicides] [Durée de jeu]
!/!22: Saved game stats header
!=!\r\nIndividual Stats\r\n
!G!\r\nIndividuelle Statistik\r\n
!S!\r\nEstadísticas individuales\r\n
!I!\r\nStatistiche individuali\r\n
!F!\r\nStats Personnelles\r\n
!/!23: Time in game string (%s is built and already localized from dmfc.str)
!=!Total Time In Game: %s
!G!Gesamte Spielzeit: %s
!S!Tiempo total de partida: %s
!I!Tempo totale partita: %s
!F!Durée de la partie: %s
!/!24: Saved game stats header
!=!Callsign: Kills: Deaths:
!G!Erkennungsname: Abschüsse: Verl. Leben:
!S!Llamada: Bajas: Muertes:
!I!Chiamata: Ucc Morti
!F!Indicatif: Victimes: Morts:
!/!25: Hud message when the game stats are saved
!=!Stats saved to file
!G!Statistik in Datei gespeichert
!S!Estadísticas guardadas en archivo
!I!Statistiche salvate
!F!Stats enregistrées
!/!26: Shortened Kills
!/!27: Shortened Deaths
!/!28: Shortened Suicides
!F!S |