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synced 2025-01-22 19:55:23 +00:00
D3 used to support Aureal 3-Dimensional sound cards, providing 3D spatial audio. The hardware and drivers is outdated, so all support in code has been removed, including UI mixer setting. Read more about A3D here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aureal_Semiconductor#A3D
307 lines
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307 lines
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* Descent 3
* Copyright (C) 2024 Parallax Software
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* $Logfile: /DescentIII/Main/D3Launch/D3Launch.h $
* $Revision: $
* $Date: 2003-08-26 03:56:51 $
* $Author: kevinb $
* $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
* 40 6/18/99 4:42p Nate
* Added non-LaserLock ROW version
* 39 6/17/99 1:57p Nate
* Enabled italian for ROW builds
* 38 6/09/99 2:46p Nate
* Minor changes for different builds
* 37 5/21/99 3:38p Nate
* Added changes for Rest of World release (new update directory path)
* 36 5/20/99 12:53p Nate
* Added GLSetup window, EAX mixer support, and CHFlight+Mouseman Mode
* options
* 35 5/19/99 12:29p Nate
* Fixed openGL crash, changed Network speed default, changed OpenGL
* detection to default to unchecked, and removed config file parsing from
* US version
* 34 5/07/99 11:23a Nate
* Added support for a launcher config file
* 33 5/05/99 11:38p Nate
* Disabled Language selection for US release builds
* 32 5/02/99 12:38p Nate
* Disabled GLSetup for final release
* 31 4/27/99 10:42p Nate
* Added vsync enabling when direct3d is chosen
* 30 4/15/99 12:03p Nate
* Added "Descent 3 Demo 2" build type
* 29 4/08/99 1:13p Nate
* Added Pentium III detection
* 28 3/29/99 3:14p Nate
* 27 3/19/99 10:18a Nate
* Added OEM_GENERIC compile type
* 26 3/12/99 3:29p Nate
* Added more multi-language support
* 25 3/02/99 5:45p Nate
* Lots of little changes/fixes
* 24 2/26/99 12:50p Nate
* Changed OEM_Voodoo3 names
* 23 2/24/99 8:37p Nate
* Various little dialog changes, added "Install Drivers" dialog
* 22 2/24/99 1:46p Nate
* Added multi-language support
* 21 2/17/99 2:23p Nate
* Added some OEM changes
* 20 2/05/99 3:51p Nate
* Added conditional compilation directives for OEM support
* 19 11/30/98 3:00p Nate
* Added StringToLower()
* 18 10/15/98 7:30p Nate
* 17 10/15/98 11:31a Nate
* Added Launcher Sound toggling
* 16 10/08/98 6:23p Nate
* Fixed a few bugs.
* 15 10/02/98 7:09p Nate
* 14 9/30/98 1:59p Nate
* Added Version constants for demo and full builds
* 13 9/29/98 6:05p Nate
* Added the functionality to update the game version from a text file.
* 12 9/22/98 3:33p Nate
* Added conditional compiling to help system (can toggle between HTML and
* standard windows help)
* 11 9/21/98 6:06p Nate
* 10 9/21/98 5:40p Nate
* Incorporated the new HTML help system
* 9 9/16/98 3:23p Nate
* Added m_straight_to_setup detection
* 8 9/03/98 6:57p Nate
* Fixed StretchBlt() problem by doing some 256 color conversions
* 7 9/02/98 6:42p Nate
* Added improved sound support.
* 6 9/01/98 7:15p Nate
* Major Revision #2
* 5 8/31/98 6:44p Nate
* Major Revision
* 4 8/24/98 7:06p Nate
* Added new AutoUpdate features, and fixed display glitches
* 3 8/10/98 10:44a Nate
* Added Language selection support
* 2 8/05/98 11:54a Nate
* Initial Version
* $NoKeywords: $
// D3Launch.h : main header file for the D3LAUNCH application
#if !defined(AFX_D3LAUNCH_H__9149CF38_207D_11D2_8CBD_00A0C96ED60D__INCLUDED_)
#define AFX_D3LAUNCH_H__9149CF38_207D_11D2_8CBD_00A0C96ED60D__INCLUDED_
#if _MSC_VER >= 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER >= 1000
#ifndef __AFXWIN_H__
#error include 'stdafx.h' before including this file for PCH
** The Launcher Version ID's **
// Uncomment this if you want to use the HTML help system for the launcher
// Uncomment one of the following if you want to do a special build
//#define DEMO
//#define DEMO2
//#define OEM_GENERIC
//#define OEM_VOODOO3
//#define OEM_KATMAI
// Uncomment this if you are doing an initial UK version build
// Uncomment this if you are doing a non-LaserLock version (full ROW variation)
// Uncomment this is you are doing an OEM_VOODOO3 build but want it to support all API's
// Uncomment this if you want multi-language support
// Uncomment this if you want Italian to be a selectable language
// Uncomment this if you want GLSetup to be a non-selectable option
// Macro for computing a "comparable" version ID
#define VER(major, minor, build) (100*100*major+100*minor+build)
// Comment char to be used in version files
#include "resource.h" // main symbols
// Help Files
#define MAIN_MENU_HELP "D3L_hlp1.htm"
#define UPDATE_HELP "D3L_hlp2.htm"
#define DIRECTXTAB_HELP "D3L_hlp3.htm"
#define VIDEOTAB_HELP "D3L_hlp4.htm"
#define AUDIOTAB_HELP "D3L_hlp5.htm"
#define JOYSTICKTAB_HELP "D3L_hlp6.htm"
#define SPEEDTAB_HELP "D3L_hlp7.htm"
#define NETWORKTAB_HELP "D3L_hlp8.htm"
#define KEYBOARDTAB_HELP "D3L_hlp9.htm"
// CD3LaunchApp:
// See D3Launch.cpp for the implementation of this class
class CD3LaunchApp : public CWinApp
HINSTANCE m_hDefResInst;
CBitmap m_bkBmap;
CPalette m_palette;
CBitmap m_bkBmapBig;
int m_straight_to_update; // NOTE : this is for going right to the autoupdate feature from the PXO screen
// it should only ever be set from the command line parser
int m_straight_to_setup; // NOTE : this is for going straight to the setup if this is
// the first time (after D3 is installed) that the
// launcher has been run
BOOL FirstInstance();
// parse for special (outrage) command-line arguments
void OutrageParseCommandLine();
// Overrides
// ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
virtual BOOL InitInstance();
virtual int ExitInstance();
// Implementation
// NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove member functions here.
// DO NOT EDIT what you see in these blocks of generated code !
extern CD3LaunchApp theApp;
void help_launch(char *help_filename);
void url_launch(char *url);
BOOL PlayResource(LPSTR lpName, bool WaitUntilDone);
BOOL GetBitmapAndPalette(UINT nIDResource, CBitmap *bitmap, CPalette *pal);
BOOL GetBitmapAndPalette(LPCTSTR lpszResourceName, CBitmap *bitmap, CPalette *pal);
void DeferMessages(void);
int GetDirectXVersion(void);
bool GetDirectXVersionViaDLL(DWORD *version, DWORD *revision);
void StringToLower(char *string);
void SetLauncherTitleString(void);
void Register(bool wait_until_done);
void CopyHelpFiles(bool should_overwrite);
void ReadConfigFile(void);
bool SupportsCPUID();
bool SupportsKatmai();
extern bool LanguageSelectionEnabled;
extern bool EregEnabled;
extern int LauncherSoundEnabled;
extern bool VideoCardsDetected;
extern bool DetailLevelConfigured;
extern bool NewLanguageSelected;
extern bool RenderersDetected;
extern bool GlideInited;
extern int Dx_version;
extern HINSTANCE Dd_dll_handle;
extern HINSTANCE opengl_dll_handle;
extern double DlgWidthModifier;
extern double DlgHeightModifier;
// Microsoft Developer Studio will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line.
#endif // !defined(AFX_D3LAUNCH_H__9149CF38_207D_11D2_8CBD_00A0C96ED60D__INCLUDED_)