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synced 2025-01-22 19:55:23 +00:00
Reorganizing hog generation for Linux and macOS.
285 lines
6.5 KiB
285 lines
6.5 KiB
!/!Current Restrictions:
!/!Maximum Line Length: 1024 characters
!/!Maximum Number of Lines Per String: 8 Lines
!/! Lines that begin with:
!/! !/! == comments (optional)
!/! !=! == English version of string
!/! !G! == German version of string
!/! !S! == Spanish version of string
!/! !I! == Italian version of string
!/! !F! == French version of string
!/! Note to localizers: All text when translated should stay very near the length of the
!/! English version, unless otherwise noted.
!/! Note to localizers: All %s,%d,%f and similar tokens MUST stay in the string, they will get replaced by:
!/! %s = another string
!/! %d = an integer value
!/! %f = a floating point number (a number with a decimal point)
!/! They may be moved around the string, but MUST stay in the same order (i.e. "%s got %d points" the %s must always come before %d)
!/! \t = insert a tab
!/! \n = force a newline
!/! \0-\255 = insert the number directly into byte
!/!0:This is the Local Area Network Client
!=!This is the Local Area Network Client
!G!Dies ist der lokale Netzwerk-Client
!S!Éste es el cliente de la red local
!I!Questo è il client della LAN
!F!Ceci est le client réseau local.
!/!1:Use this to play games via TCP/IP
!=!Use this to play games via TCP/IP
!G!Verwenden Sie diesen, um Spiele über TCP/IP zu spielen
!S!Usa esto para jugar con el protocolo TCP/IP
!I!da usare per giocare via TCP/IP
!F!Utilisez-le pour jouer en TCP/IP.
!/!2:Return to main menu
!=!Return to main menu
!G!Zurück zum Hauptmenü
!S!Regresar al menú principal
!I!Torna al menu principale
!F!Retour au menu principal
!/!3:Game Name\002\43Game Type\02\69Mission\02\96Level\02\109Players\02\126Ping
!=!Game Name\002\43Game Type\02\69Mission\02\96Level\02\109Players\02\126Ping
!S!Nombre de juego\002\43Tipo de partida\02\69Misión\02\96Nivel\02\109Jugadores\02\126Ping
!I!Nome della partita\002\43Tipo di partita\02\69Missione\02\96Livello\02\109Giocatori\02\126Ping
!F!Nom Partie\002\43Type\02\69Mission\02\96Niveau\02\109Joueurs\02\126Ping
!/!6:Join Selected
!=!Join Selected
!S!Unirse a partida seleccionada
!I!Entra nella partita selezionata
!/!7:Start a New Game
!=!Start a New Game
!G!Neues Spiel starten
!S!Comenzar una partida nueva
!I!Inizia nuova partita
!F!lancer une partie
!/!8:Search for Games at Address:
!=!Search for Games at Address:
!G!Spiele unter dieser Adresse suchen:
!S!Buscar partidas en la dirección:
!I!Cerca partite all'indirizzo:
!F!chercher parties à l'adresse :
!/!9:Scan for Local Games
!=!Scan for Local Games
!G!Nach lokalen Spielen suchen
!S!Buscar partidas locales
!I!Cerca partite locali
!F!recherche de parties locales
!/!10:Game Name:
!=!Game Name:
!S!Nombre de la partida:
!I!Nome della partita:
!F!Nom de la partie :
!/!11:Mission Name:
!=!Mission Name:
!S!Nombre de la misión:
!I!Nome della missione:
!F!Nom de la mission :
!/!12:Game Type:
!=!Game Type:
!S!Tipo de partida:
!I!Tipo di partita:
!F!Type de partie :
!/!13:Start game
!=!Start game
!G!Spiel starten
!S!Empezar partida
!I!Inizia partita
!F!demarrer partie
!/!14:Multiplayer Options
!=!Multiplayer Options
!S!Opciones multijugador
!I!Opzioni multigiocatore
!F!Options multijoueurs
!/!16:Time Limit
!=!Time Limit
!S!Límite de tiempo
!I!Limite di tempo
!F!Limite de temps
!/!17:Goal Limit
!=!Goal Limit
!S!Límite de objetivo
!I!Limite dell'obiettivo
!F!objectif limite
!/!18:Packets per second
!=!Packets per second
!G!Pakete pro Sekunde
!S!Paquetes por segundo
!I!Pacchetti al secondo
!F!Paquets par seconde
!/!19:Configure Allowed Ships/Items
!=!Configure Allowed Ships/Items
!G!Konfigurieren zugelassener Schiffe/Objekte
!S!Configurar naves/objetos permitidos
!I!Configura navi/oggetti consentiti
!F!Configurer vaisseaux/objets autorisés
!/!20:Server mode
!=!Server mode
!S!Modalidad de servidor
!I!Modalità server
!F!Mode serveur
!S!Entre iguales
!/!23:Ships Allowed:
!=!Ships Allowed:
!G!Zugelassene Schiffe:
!S!Naves permitidas:
!I!Navi consentite:
!F!Vaisseaux autorisés:
!/!24:Respawn Rate
!=!Respawn Rate
!S!Velocidad de resurrección
!I!Velocità di ricomparsa:
!F!Taux de régénération
!/!26:TCP/IP is not active on your system!
!=!TCP/IP is not active on your system!
!G!TCP/IP ist auf Ihrem System nicht aktiviert!
!S!TCP/IP no se encuentra activo en el sistema
!I!Il protocollo TCP/IP non è presente sul tuo sistema!
!F!TCP/IP n'est pas actif sur votre système !
!/!27:Save Settings
!=!Save Settings
!G!Einstellungen speichern
!S!Guardar configuración
!I!Salva impostazioni
!F!Enregistrer paramètres
!/!28:Load Settings
!=!Load Settings
!G!Einstellungen laden
!S!Cargar configuración
!I!Carica impostazioni
!F!Charger paramètres
!/!29:Use rotational velocity
!=!Use rotational velocity
!G!Drehgeschwindigkeit verwenden
!S!Utilizar velocidad de rotación
!I!Usa la velocità di rotazione
!F!Utiliser vitesse rotationnelle
!/!30:Movement averaging
!=!Movement averaging
!S!Cálculo del movimiento
!I!Calcolo del movimento
!F!Lissage mouvement
!/!31:No game was selected to join!
!=!No game was selected to join!
!G!Es wurde kein Spiel zum Teilnehmen ausgewählt!
!S!No se ha seleccionado una partida a la que unirse
!I!Non è stata selezionata una partita a cui partecipare
!F!Sélectionnez la partie que vous souhaitez rejoindre !
!/!32:Direct TCP/IP Games
!=!Direct TCP/IP Games
!G!Direkte TCP/IP-Spiele
!S!Dirigir juegos TCP/IP
!I!Partite Direct TCP/IP
!F!Parties TCP/IP Direct
!/!34:Max. Players
!=!Max. Players
!G!Max. Spieleranzahl
!S!Máximo de juegadores
!I!Num max giocatori
!F!Nb max de joueurs
!/!35:%c Use Accurate weapon collisions
!=!%c Use Accurate weapon collisions
!G!%c Exakte Waffenkollisionen verwenden
!S!%c Utilizar colisiones exactas de armas
!I!%c Utilizza collisioni di armi precise
!F!%c Utiliser collisions d'arme précises
!/!36:Bright player ships
!=!Bright player ships
!G!Helle Spielerschiffe
!S!Naves de jugador iluminadas
!I!Navi giocatori luminose
!F!Joueurs lumineux