4. Create a folder called `login` on the same folder as the script and put your `cookies.txt` and `token.txt` files there
* You can get your cookies by using this Google Chrome extension on Apple Music website: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/cookies-txt/njabckikapfpffapmjgojcnbfjonfjfg. Make sure to export it as `cookies.txt` and put it on the `login` folder as described above.
* You can get your token by looking at the network requests on Apple Music website.
* On Google Chrome, you can do this by pressing F12 on Apple Music website and clicking on the "Network" tab. Then, start navigating throught Apple Music website, filter the requests by "amp-api" and click on one that has `authorization` on the "Request Headers" section. Copy the value of the `authorization` header, paste it on a text file and save it as `token.txt` on the `login` folder.
* If you have previously used the old version of this script, you can just copy your `cookies.txt` and `token.txt` files from the old version to the `login` folder. You will have to add `Bearer ` before your token on the `token.txt` file.