Daniel Dayley 8ac4d52d5f More stuff, can't really remember
I need to finish up some of the F5 features but I'm starting on Aruba anyway
2019-12-09 15:23:44 -07:00

147 lines
5.8 KiB

from servicebase import ServiceBase
import requests
import sys
import re
import json
import urllib3
class ServiceDelegate(ServiceBase) :
return_payload = {}
hosts = None
_partition = 'Common'
def get_arguments(cls) :
return ['-cg', '--vip', 'store_true', "Return VIP information about the subject"]
def startup(self) :
for requirement in ['hosts','username','key'] :
if requirement not in self.config or (requirement in self.config and self.config[requirement] is ''):
self.error.appendupdate('Missing required config option ' + requirement)
self.hosts = self.config['hosts']
self._debug("Logging into F5's and searching for hosts, this make take some time.",1)
def perform_lookup(self,host_tuple) :
self.return_payload = {}
logincandidates = self.choose_host(host_tuple)
if logincandidates == {} :
# Idk what to do here, do we give up or do we log in to all of them?
self.error.append('Unable to find an LB to log into to check host ' + str(host_tuple))
return self.return_payload
for host in logincandidates.keys() :
auth_header = self.get_iq_auth_header(host,self.config['username'],self.config['key'])
if not auth_header :
self.error.append('Unable to log in to ' + host)
# Get all VIPs
if 'vip' not in self.return_payload :
vips = self.get_vip(host,auth_header);
# If it's a VIP, return it and the host and let's be done
if vips :
self._debug("Got vips from " + host,3)
vip_match = [ x for x in vips if x['destination'].split('/' + self._partition + '/')[1].startswith(host_tuple[2][0])]
all_vips = [ x['destination'] for x in vips ]
if len(vip_match) > 0 :
selected_vip = vip_match[0]
self.return_payload.update({'vip': selected_vip})
pool_name = selected_vip['pool'].split('/' + self._partition + '/')[1]
pool_info = self.get_pool(host,auth_header,pool_name)
if pool_info :
else :
self._debug("Unable to find VIP in VIPs from host " + host,2)
else :
self._debug("Unable to get VIPs from " + host,2)
# If it's a VIP, return it and the host and let's be done
# Otherwise, get all nodes.
# If it's in the nodes, we have to start all over and find where.
# Take all vips and get all pools
# Check if address is in the pool. If it is, return the node, pool, vip, and host.
if self.return_payload == {} :
self.return_payload = None
return self.return_payload
def shutdown(self) :
def get_iq_auth_header(self,host,username,password) :
assumed_login_provider = "tmos"
token = None
try :
payload = { "username" : username, "password" : password, "loginProviderName" : assumed_login_provider }
login = requests.post('https://' + host + '/mgmt/shared/authn/login', json=payload,verify=False,timeout=2)
if 'token' in json.loads(login.text) :
token = json.loads(login.text)['token']['token']
except Exception as exception:
self._debug("Exception getting auth header for host " + host + ": \n" + str(exception),2)
return None
if token :
return { "X-F5-Auth-Token" : token }
else :
return None
def get_vip(self,host,header) :
"""Given a host and an authorization header, gets all the vips for that host"""
# Please don't give me empty auth headers, I don't want to check it everywhere
self._debug("Trying VIP info for " + host,2)
try :
vips = requests.get("https://" + host + '/mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual',headers=header,verify=False,timeout=10)
if vips.status_code == 200 :
return json.loads(vips.text)['items']
self._debug("Response not OK for " + vips.history[0].url,3)
return None
except Exception as exception :
self._debug("Exception getting VIPs for host " + host + ": \n" + str(exception),2)
return None
def get_pool(self,host,header,pool) :
"""Given a host, auth header, and pool, return the pool and it's members from the host"""
try :
pools = requests.get("https://" + host + "/mgmt/tm/ltm/pool/~" + self._partition + "~" + pool,headers=header,verify=False,timeout=5)
if pools.status_code == 200 :
poolobj = json.loads(pools.text)
members = requests.get("https://" + host + "/mgmt/tm/ltm/pool/~" + self._partition + "~" + pool + "/members",headers=header,verify=False,timeout=10)
if members.status_code == 200 :
membersobj = json.loads(members.text)['items']
return {'pool':poolobj,'members':membersobj}
return {'pool':poolobj}
elf._debug("Response not OK for " + pool.history[0].url,3)
return None
except Exception as exception:
self._debug("Exception getting pool for host " + host + ": \n" + str(exception),2)
return None
def choose_host(self,host_tuple) :
"""Given a host_tuple, return the host that we suspect is responsible for the VIP resides in."""
hosts = {}
# Guess based on hostname
dcmatch = re.search('^[a-zA-Z]*-([a-zA-Z0-9]*)(-.*)*$',host_tuple[0])
if dcmatch :
potentialdc = dcmatch.group(1)
else :
potentialdc = None
if potentialdc :
for host in self.hosts.keys() :
if potentialdc.lower() in host.lower() :
if hosts != {} :
return hosts
# No hostname match, maybe we have info from bluecat?
if 'bluecat' in self.data and host_tuple in self.data['bluecat'] and self.data['bluecat'][host_tuple]['object'] :
if 'locationCode' in self.data['bluecat'][host_tuple]['object'] :
potentialdc = self.data['bluecat'][host_tuple]['object']['locationCode'].split(' ')[-1]
elif 'parent' in self.data['bluecat'][host_tuple] and 'name' in self.data['bluecat'][host_tuple]['parent'] :
potentialdc = self.data['bluecat'][host_tuple]['parent']['name'].split(' ')[0]
for host in self.hosts.keys() :
if potentialdc.lower() in host.lower() :
return hosts
return hosts