
311 lines
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2023-11-10 04:06:00 +00:00
# by DSR! from https://github.com/xchwarze/wifi-pineapple-cloner
declare -a ARCHITECTURE_TYPES=("mips" "mipsel")
declare -a FLAVOR_TYPES=("nano" "tetra" "universal")
if [[ ! -d "$ROOT_FS" ]] || ! grep -q "$ARCHITECTURE" <<< "${ARCHITECTURE_TYPES[*]}" || ! grep -q "$FLAVOR" <<< "${FLAVOR_TYPES[*]}"; then
echo "Run with \"fs-patcher.sh [ARCHITECTURE] [FLAVOR] [FS_FOLDER]\""
echo " ARCHITECTURE -> must be one of these values: mips, mipsel"
echo " FLAVOR -> must be one of these values: nano, tetra, universal"
echo " FS_FOLDER -> folder containing the fs to use"
exit 1
ROOT_FS="$(realpath $ROOT_FS)"
FILES_FOLDER="$(realpath $(dirname $0)/../files)"
common_patch () {
echo "[*] Device detection fix"
# fix "unknown operand" error
sed -i 's/print $6/print $1/' "$ROOT_FS/etc/hotplug.d/block/20-sd"
sed -i 's/print $6/print $1/' "$ROOT_FS/etc/hotplug.d/usb/30-sd"
sed -i 's/print $6/print $1/' "$ROOT_FS/etc/init.d/pineapple"
sed -i 's/print $6/print $1/' "$ROOT_FS/etc/rc.button/BTN_1"
sed -i 's/print $6/print $1/' "$ROOT_FS/etc/rc.button/reset"
sed -i 's/print $6/print $1/' "$ROOT_FS/etc/rc.local"
sed -i 's/print $6/print $1/' "$ROOT_FS/etc/uci-defaults/90-firewall.sh"
sed -i 's/print $6/print $1/' "$ROOT_FS/etc/uci-defaults/91-fstab.sh"
sed -i 's/print $6/print $1/' "$ROOT_FS/etc/uci-defaults/92-system.sh"
sed -i 's/print $6/print $1/' "$ROOT_FS/etc/uci-defaults/95-network.sh"
sed -i 's/print $6/print $1/' "$ROOT_FS/etc/uci-defaults/97-pineapple.sh"
sed -i 's/print $6/print $1/' "$ROOT_FS/sbin/led"
# force setup
sed -i 's/..Get Device/device="NANO"/' "$ROOT_FS/etc/rc.button/BTN_1"
sed -i 's/..Get Device/device="NANO"/' "$ROOT_FS/etc/rc.button/reset"
sed -i 's/..Get Device/device="NANO"/' "$ROOT_FS/etc/rc.local"
sed -i 's/..Get Version and Device/device="TETRA"/' "$ROOT_FS/etc/uci-defaults/90-firewall.sh"
sed -i 's/..Get Version and Device/device="NANO"/' "$ROOT_FS/etc/uci-defaults/91-fstab.sh"
sed -i 's/..Get Version and Device/device="NANO"/' "$ROOT_FS/etc/uci-defaults/95-network.sh"
sed -i 's/..Get Version and Device/device="NANO"/' "$ROOT_FS/etc/uci-defaults/97-pineapple.sh"
sed -i 's/..Get device type/device="NANO"/' "$ROOT_FS/etc/uci-defaults/92-system.sh"
#sed -i 's/..led (C) Hak5 2018/device="NANO"/' "$ROOT_FS/sbin/led"
echo "[*] Correct OPKG feed url"
cp "$FILES_FOLDER/$ARCHITECTURE/customfeeds.conf" "$ROOT_FS/etc/opkg/customfeeds.conf"
echo "[*] Install panel fixes and improvements"
# update panel code
rm -rf "$ROOT_FS/pineapple"
wget -q https://github.com/xchwarze/wifi-pineapple-panel/archive/refs/heads/wpc.zip -O updated-panel.zip
unzip -q updated-panel.zip
cp -r wifi-pineapple-panel-wpc/src/* "$ROOT_FS/"
rm -rf wifi-pineapple-panel-wpc updated-panel.zip
chmod +x "$ROOT_FS/etc/init.d/pineapd"
chmod +x "$ROOT_FS/etc/uci-defaults/93-pineap.sh"
chmod +x "$ROOT_FS/pineapple/modules/Advanced/formatSD/format_sd"
chmod +x "$ROOT_FS/pineapple/modules/Help/files/debug"
chmod +x "$ROOT_FS/pineapple/modules/PineAP/executable/executable"
chmod +x "$ROOT_FS/pineapple/modules/Reporting/files/reporting"
cp "$FILES_FOLDER/common/pineapple/favicon.ico" "$ROOT_FS/pineapple/img/favicon.ico"
cp "$FILES_FOLDER/common/pineapple/favicon-16x16.png" "$ROOT_FS/pineapple/img/favicon-16x16.png"
cp "$FILES_FOLDER/common/pineapple/favicon-32x32.png" "$ROOT_FS/pineapple/img/favicon-32x32.png"
# fix docs size
truncate -s 0 "$ROOT_FS/pineapple/modules/Setup/eula.txt"
truncate -s 0 "$ROOT_FS/pineapple/modules/Setup/license.txt"
echo "[*] Enable ssh by default"
sed -i 's/\/etc\/init.d\/sshd/#\/etc\/init.d\/sshd/' "$ROOT_FS/etc/rc.local"
echo "[*] Change root password to: root"
cp "$FILES_FOLDER/common/etc/shadow" "$ROOT_FS/etc/shadow"
echo "[*] Fix uci-defaults"
cp "$FILES_FOLDER/common/etc/92-system.sh" "$ROOT_FS/etc/uci-defaults/92-system.sh"
cp "$FILES_FOLDER/common/etc/95-network.sh" "$ROOT_FS/etc/uci-defaults/95-network.sh"
cp "$FILES_FOLDER/common/etc/97-pineapple.sh" "$ROOT_FS/etc/uci-defaults/97-pineapple.sh"
echo "[*] Fix pendrive hotplug"
cp "$FILES_FOLDER/common/etc/20-sd-universal" "$ROOT_FS/etc/hotplug.d/block/20-sd-universal"
rm "$ROOT_FS/etc/hotplug.d/block/20-sd"
rm "$ROOT_FS/etc/hotplug.d/usb/30-sd"
echo "[*] Add support for reflash"
mkdir -p "$ROOT_FS/lib/upgrade/keep.d"
cp "$FILES_FOLDER/common/lib/pineapple.keep" "$ROOT_FS/lib/upgrade/keep.d/pineapple"
echo "[*] Fix airmon-ng listInterfaces()"
mkdir -p "$ROOT_FS/usr/sbin"
cp "$FILES_FOLDER/common/usr/airmon-ng" "$ROOT_FS/usr/sbin/airmon-ng"
chmod +x "$ROOT_FS/usr/sbin/airmon-ng"
echo "[*] Add wpc-tools and service"
cp "$FILES_FOLDER/common/etc/wpc-tools" "$ROOT_FS/etc/init.d/wpc-tools"
cp "$FILES_FOLDER/common/usr/wpc-tools" "$ROOT_FS/usr/bin/wpc-tools"
chmod +x "$ROOT_FS/etc/init.d/wpc-tools"
chmod +x "$ROOT_FS/usr/bin/wpc-tools"
echo "[*] Other fixs"
# clean files
rm -f "$ROOT_FS/etc/pineapple/changes"
rm -f "$ROOT_FS/etc/pineapple/pineapple_version"
# default wifi config
cp "$FILES_FOLDER/common/lib/mac80211.sh" "$ROOT_FS/lib/wifi/mac80211.sh"
# fix wifi detection
cp "$FILES_FOLDER/common/etc/30-fix_wifi" "$ROOT_FS/etc/hotplug.d/usb/30-fix_wifi"
# copy clean version of led script
cp "$FILES_FOLDER/common/sbin/led" "$ROOT_FS/sbin/led"
chmod +x "$ROOT_FS/sbin/led"
# add setup support for routers that do not have a reset button but do have wps
# this modified the package "hostapd-common" wps button script
mkdir -p "$ROOT_FS/etc/rc.button"
cp "$FILES_FOLDER/common/etc/wps" "$ROOT_FS/etc/rc.button/wps"
chmod +x "$ROOT_FS/etc/rc.button/wps"
# add new banner
cp "$FILES_FOLDER/common/etc/banner" "$ROOT_FS/etc/banner"
mipsel_patch () {
echo "[*] Add mipsel support"
2023-11-10 16:59:26 +00:00
if [ ! -f "$ROOT_FS/usr/sbin/sniffer" ]; then
2023-11-10 15:31:47 +00:00
echo "[!] Attention!"
echo ""
echo "File '/usr/sbin/sniffer' was not found."
echo "If you want to generate a mipsel-compatible build you must first perform the following steps:"
echo " 1. Download the firmware v1.1.1 of the Mark VII"
echo " 2. Execute the mass copy script with the mipsel-support.filelist list"
echo " tools/copier.sh lists/mipsel-support.filelist rootfs-mk7 rootfs true"
echo ""
exit 1
2023-11-10 16:59:26 +00:00
# use old name for sniffer
rm "$ROOT_FS/usr/sbin/http_sniffer"
mv "$ROOT_FS/usr/sbin/sniffer" "$ROOT_FS/usr/sbin/http_sniffer"
2023-11-10 04:06:00 +00:00
nano_patch () {
# correct python-codecs version (from python-codecs_2.7.18-3_mips_24kc.ipk)
mkdir -p "$ROOT_FS/usr/lib/python2.7/encodings"
cp "$FILES_FOLDER/$ARCHITECTURE/python/encodings/__init__.pyc" "$ROOT_FS/usr/lib/python2.7/encodings/__init__.pyc"
cp "$FILES_FOLDER/$ARCHITECTURE/python/encodings/aliases.pyc" "$ROOT_FS/usr/lib/python2.7/encodings/aliases.pyc"
cp "$FILES_FOLDER/$ARCHITECTURE/python/encodings/base64_codec.pyc" "$ROOT_FS/usr/lib/python2.7/encodings/base64_codec.pyc"
cp "$FILES_FOLDER/$ARCHITECTURE/python/encodings/hex_codec.pyc" "$ROOT_FS/usr/lib/python2.7/encodings/hex_codec.pyc"
# panel changes
# sed -i "s/\$data = file_get_contents('\/proc\/cpuinfo')/return 'nano'/" "$ROOT_FS/pineapple/api/pineapple.php"
cp "$FILES_FOLDER/common/pineapple/config.php.nano" "$ROOT_FS/pineapple/config.php"
# other changes
sed -i "s/exec(\"cat \/proc\/cpuinfo | grep 'machine'\")/'nano'/" "$ROOT_FS/usr/bin/pineapple/site_survey"
# fix banner info
sed -i 's/DEVICE/NANO/' "$ROOT_FS/etc/banner"
tetra_patch () {
# correct python-codecs version (from python-codecs_2.7.18-3_mips_24kc.ipk)
mkdir -p "$ROOT_FS/usr/lib/python2.7/encodings"
cp "$FILES_FOLDER/$ARCHITECTURE/python/encodings/__init__.pyc" "$ROOT_FS/usr/lib/python2.7/encodings/__init__.pyc"
cp "$FILES_FOLDER/$ARCHITECTURE/python/encodings/aliases.pyc" "$ROOT_FS/usr/lib/python2.7/encodings/aliases.pyc"
cp "$FILES_FOLDER/$ARCHITECTURE/python/encodings/base64_codec.pyc" "$ROOT_FS/usr/lib/python2.7/encodings/base64_codec.pyc"
cp "$FILES_FOLDER/$ARCHITECTURE/python/encodings/hex_codec.pyc" "$ROOT_FS/usr/lib/python2.7/encodings/hex_codec.pyc"
# panel changes
# sed -i 's/tetra/nulled/' "$ROOT_FS/pineapple/js/directives.js"
# sed -i 's/tetra/nulled/' "$ROOT_FS/pineapple/modules/ModuleManager/js/module.js"
# sed -i 's/tetra/nulled/' "$ROOT_FS/pineapple/modules/Advanced/module.html"
# sed -i 's/nano/tetra/' "$ROOT_FS/pineapple/html/install-modal.html"
# sed -i 's/nano/tetra/' "$ROOT_FS/pineapple/modules/Advanced/module.html"
# sed -i 's/nano/tetra/' "$ROOT_FS/pineapple/modules/ModuleManager/js/module.js"
# sed -i 's/nano/tetra/' "$ROOT_FS/pineapple/modules/Reporting/js/module.js"
# sed -i 's/nano/tetra/' "$ROOT_FS/pineapple/modules/Reporting/api/module.php"
# sed -i "s/\$data = file_get_contents('\/proc\/cpuinfo')/return 'tetra'/" "$ROOT_FS/pineapple/api/pineapple.php"
cp "$FILES_FOLDER/common/pineapple/config.php.tetra" "$ROOT_FS/pineapple/config.php"
# other changes
sed -i "s/exec(\"cat \/proc\/cpuinfo | grep 'machine'\")/'tetra'/" "$ROOT_FS/usr/bin/pineapple/site_survey"
# fix banner info
sed -i 's/DEVICE/TETRA/' "$ROOT_FS/etc/banner"
universal_patch () {
# panel changes
cp "$FILES_FOLDER/common/pineapple/config.php.tetra" "$ROOT_FS/pineapple/config.php"
# other changes
sed -i "s/exec(\"cat \/proc\/cpuinfo | grep 'machine'\")/'tetra'/" "$ROOT_FS/usr/bin/pineapple/site_survey"
# fix banner info
sed -i 's/DEVICE/OMEGA/' "$ROOT_FS/etc/banner"
2023-11-12 19:40:47 +00:00
elf_patch () {
echo "[*] Patch elf files"
if [[ "$ARCHITECTURE" == "mips" ]]; then
xxd "$ROOT_FS/usr/bin/pineap" "$ROOT_FS/usr/bin/pineap.hex"
sed -i 's/6361 7420 2f70 726f 632f 636d 646c 696e/6563 686f 2027 5049 4e45 4150 504c 452d/' "$ROOT_FS/usr/bin/pineap.hex"
sed -i 's/6520 7c20 6177 6b20 277b 2073 706c 6974/5445 5452 4127 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020/' "$ROOT_FS/usr/bin/pineap.hex"
sed -i 's/2824 312c 782c 223d 2229 3b20 7072 696e/2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020/' "$ROOT_FS/usr/bin/pineap.hex"
sed -i 's/7420 785b 325d 207d 2700 0000 5749 4649/2020 2020 2020 2020 2000 0000 5749 4649/' "$ROOT_FS/usr/bin/pineap.hex"
sed -i 's/6420 7379 6e74 6178 2065 6e61 626c 6564/6420 5B57 5043 2056 4552 5349 4F4E 5D20/' "$ROOT_FS/usr/bin/pineap.hex"
xxd -r "$ROOT_FS/usr/bin/pineap.hex" "$ROOT_FS/usr/bin/pineap"
rm "$ROOT_FS/usr/bin/pineap.hex"
xxd "$ROOT_FS/usr/sbin/pineapd" "$ROOT_FS/usr/sbin/pineapd.hex"
sed -i 's/7065 6e64 0000 0000 6361 7420 2f70 726f/7065 6e64 0000 0000 6563 686f 2027 5049/' "$ROOT_FS/usr/sbin/pineapd.hex"
sed -i 's/632f 636d 646c 696e 6520 7c20 6177 6b20/4e45 4150 504c 452d 5445 5452 4127 2020/' "$ROOT_FS/usr/sbin/pineapd.hex"
sed -i 's/277b 2073 706c 6974 2824 312c 782c 223d/2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020/' "$ROOT_FS/usr/sbin/pineapd.hex"
sed -i 's/2229 3b20 7072 696e 7420 785b 325d 207d/2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020/' "$ROOT_FS/usr/sbin/pineapd.hex"
sed -i 's/2700 0000 646d 6573 6720 7c20 6865 6164/2000 0000 646d 6573 6720 7c20 6865 6164/' "$ROOT_FS/usr/sbin/pineapd.hex"
sed -i 's/2079 5b31 5d7d 2700 646d 6573 6720 7c20/2079 5b31 5d7d 2700 6563 686f 2027 4152/' "$ROOT_FS/usr/sbin/pineapd.hex"
sed -i 's/6865 6164 202d 6e34 207c 2061 776b 2027/3933 3434 2072 6576 2720 2020 2020 2020/' "$ROOT_FS/usr/sbin/pineapd.hex"
sed -i 's/464e 5220 3d3d 2034 207b 2070 7269 6e74/2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020/' "$ROOT_FS/usr/sbin/pineapd.hex"
sed -i 's/2824 352c 2024 3629 207d 2700 2564 2d25/2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2000 2564 2d25/' "$ROOT_FS/usr/sbin/pineapd.hex"
xxd -r "$ROOT_FS/usr/sbin/pineapd.hex" "$ROOT_FS/usr/sbin/pineapd"
rm "$ROOT_FS/usr/sbin/pineapd.hex"
xxd "$ROOT_FS/usr/bin/pineap" "$ROOT_FS/usr/bin/pineap.hex"
sed -i 's/6420 7379 6e74 6178 2065 6e61 626c 6564/6420 5B57 5043 2056 4552 5349 4F4E 5D20/' "$ROOT_FS/usr/bin/pineap.hex"
xxd -r "$ROOT_FS/usr/bin/pineap.hex" "$ROOT_FS/usr/bin/pineap"
rm "$ROOT_FS/usr/bin/pineap.hex"
xxd "$ROOT_FS/usr/sbin/pineapd" "$ROOT_FS/usr/sbin/pineapd.hex"
sed -i 's/3030 3a30 3000 0000 202d 2000 6865 6164/3030 3a30 3000 0000 202d 2000 6563 686f/' "$ROOT_FS/usr/sbin/pineapd.hex"
sed -i 's/202d 6e32 202f 7072 6f63 2f63 7075 696e/2027 4861 6b35 2057 6946 6920 5069 6e65/' "$ROOT_FS/usr/sbin/pineapd.hex"
sed -i 's/666f 207c 2074 6169 6c20 2d6e 2031 207c/6170 706c 6520 4d61 726b 2037 2720 2020/' "$ROOT_FS/usr/sbin/pineapd.hex"
sed -i 's/2061 776b 2027 7b70 7269 6e74 2824 332c/2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020/' "$ROOT_FS/usr/sbin/pineapd.hex"
sed -i 's/2434 2c24 352c 2436 2c24 3729 7d27 0000/2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 0000/' "$ROOT_FS/usr/sbin/pineapd.hex"
sed -i 's/6865 6164 202d 6e31 3020 2f70 726f 632f/6563 686f 2027 5b30 7830 6666 632c 2030/' "$ROOT_FS/usr/sbin/pineapd.hex"
sed -i 's/6370 7569 6e66 6f20 7c20 7461 696c 202d/7830 6666 632c 2030 7830 6666 622c 2030/' "$ROOT_FS/usr/sbin/pineapd.hex"
sed -i 's/6e20 3120 7c20 6177 6b20 277b 2070 7269/7830 6666 625d 2720 2020 2020 2020 2020/' "$ROOT_FS/usr/sbin/pineapd.hex"
sed -i 's/6e74 2824 392c 2431 302c 2431 312c 2431/2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020/' "$ROOT_FS/usr/sbin/pineapd.hex"
sed -i 's/3229 3b20 7d27 0000 6865 6164 202d 6e35/2020 2020 2020 0000 6563 686f 2027 3338/' "$ROOT_FS/usr/sbin/pineapd.hex"
sed -i 's/202f 7072 6f63 2f63 7075 696e 666f 207c/352e 3834 2720 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020/' "$ROOT_FS/usr/sbin/pineapd.hex"
sed -i 's/2074 6169 6c20 2d6e 2031 207c 2061 776b/2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020/' "$ROOT_FS/usr/sbin/pineapd.hex"
sed -i 's/2027 7b70 7269 6e74 2824 3329 7d27 0000/2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 0000/' "$ROOT_FS/usr/sbin/pineapd.hex"
xxd -r "$ROOT_FS/usr/sbin/pineapd.hex" "$ROOT_FS/usr/sbin/pineapd"
rm "$ROOT_FS/usr/sbin/pineapd.hex"
2023-11-10 04:06:00 +00:00
# implement....
echo "Wifi Pineapple Cloner v4"
echo "by DSR!"
echo "******************************"
echo ""
# apply patches in order
if [[ "$ARCHITECTURE" == "mipsel" ]]; then
2023-11-10 16:59:26 +00:00
2023-11-12 19:40:47 +00:00
2023-11-10 04:06:00 +00:00
echo "[*] Setting target as: $FLAVOR"
if [[ $FLAVOR = 'nano' ]]
elif [[ $FLAVOR = 'tetra' ]]
elif [[ $FLAVOR = 'universal' ]]
echo "[*] Done!"
echo ""