2018-09-22 14:15:41 -03:00

209 lines
8.6 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# This file is part of Responder
# Original work by Laurent Gaffie - Trustwave Holdings
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import utils
import ConfigParser
from utils import *
__version__ = 'Responder 2.3'
class Settings:
def __init__(self):
self.ResponderPATH = os.path.dirname(__file__)
self.Bind_To = ''
def __str__(self):
ret = 'Settings class:\n'
for attr in dir(self):
value = str(getattr(self, attr)).strip()
ret += " Settings.%s = %s\n" % (attr, value)
return ret
def toBool(self, str):
return str.upper() == 'ON'
def ExpandIPRanges(self):
def expand_ranges(lst):
ret = []
for l in lst:
tab = l.split('.')
x = {}
i = 0
for byte in tab:
if '-' not in byte:
x[i] = x[i+1] = int(byte)
b = byte.split('-')
x[i] = int(b[0])
x[i+1] = int(b[1])
i += 2
for a in range(x[0], x[1]+1):
for b in range(x[2], x[3]+1):
for c in range(x[4], x[5]+1):
for d in range(x[6], x[7]+1):
ret.append('%d.%d.%d.%d' % (a, b, c, d))
return ret
self.RespondTo = expand_ranges(self.RespondTo)
self.DontRespondTo = expand_ranges(self.DontRespondTo)
def populate(self, options):
if options.Interface is None and utils.IsOsX() is False:
print utils.color("Error: -I <if> mandatory option is missing", 1)
# Config parsing
config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
config.read(os.path.join(self.ResponderPATH, 'Responder.conf'))
# Servers
self.HTTP_On_Off = self.toBool(config.get('Responder Core', 'HTTP'))
self.SSL_On_Off = self.toBool(config.get('Responder Core', 'HTTPS'))
self.SMB_On_Off = self.toBool(config.get('Responder Core', 'SMB'))
self.SQL_On_Off = self.toBool(config.get('Responder Core', 'SQL'))
self.FTP_On_Off = self.toBool(config.get('Responder Core', 'FTP'))
self.POP_On_Off = self.toBool(config.get('Responder Core', 'POP'))
self.IMAP_On_Off = self.toBool(config.get('Responder Core', 'IMAP'))
self.SMTP_On_Off = self.toBool(config.get('Responder Core', 'SMTP'))
self.LDAP_On_Off = self.toBool(config.get('Responder Core', 'LDAP'))
self.DNS_On_Off = self.toBool(config.get('Responder Core', 'DNS'))
self.Krb_On_Off = self.toBool(config.get('Responder Core', 'Kerberos'))
# Db File
self.DatabaseFile = os.path.join(self.ResponderPATH, config.get('Responder Core', 'Database'))
# Log Files
self.LogDir = os.path.join(self.ResponderPATH, 'logs')
if not os.path.exists(self.LogDir):
self.SessionLogFile = os.path.join(self.LogDir, config.get('Responder Core', 'SessionLog'))
self.PoisonersLogFile = os.path.join(self.LogDir, config.get('Responder Core', 'PoisonersLog'))
self.AnalyzeLogFile = os.path.join(self.LogDir, config.get('Responder Core', 'AnalyzeLog'))
self.FTPLog = os.path.join(self.LogDir, 'FTP-Clear-Text-Password-%s.txt')
self.IMAPLog = os.path.join(self.LogDir, 'IMAP-Clear-Text-Password-%s.txt')
self.POP3Log = os.path.join(self.LogDir, 'POP3-Clear-Text-Password-%s.txt')
self.HTTPBasicLog = os.path.join(self.LogDir, 'HTTP-Clear-Text-Password-%s.txt')
self.LDAPClearLog = os.path.join(self.LogDir, 'LDAP-Clear-Text-Password-%s.txt')
self.SMBClearLog = os.path.join(self.LogDir, 'SMB-Clear-Text-Password-%s.txt')
self.SMTPClearLog = os.path.join(self.LogDir, 'SMTP-Clear-Text-Password-%s.txt')
self.MSSQLClearLog = os.path.join(self.LogDir, 'MSSQL-Clear-Text-Password-%s.txt')
self.LDAPNTLMv1Log = os.path.join(self.LogDir, 'LDAP-NTLMv1-Client-%s.txt')
self.HTTPNTLMv1Log = os.path.join(self.LogDir, 'HTTP-NTLMv1-Client-%s.txt')
self.HTTPNTLMv2Log = os.path.join(self.LogDir, 'HTTP-NTLMv2-Client-%s.txt')
self.KerberosLog = os.path.join(self.LogDir, 'MSKerberos-Client-%s.txt')
self.MSSQLNTLMv1Log = os.path.join(self.LogDir, 'MSSQL-NTLMv1-Client-%s.txt')
self.MSSQLNTLMv2Log = os.path.join(self.LogDir, 'MSSQL-NTLMv2-Client-%s.txt')
self.SMBNTLMv1Log = os.path.join(self.LogDir, 'SMB-NTLMv1-Client-%s.txt')
self.SMBNTLMv2Log = os.path.join(self.LogDir, 'SMB-NTLMv2-Client-%s.txt')
self.SMBNTLMSSPv1Log = os.path.join(self.LogDir, 'SMB-NTLMSSPv1-Client-%s.txt')
self.SMBNTLMSSPv2Log = os.path.join(self.LogDir, 'SMB-NTLMSSPv2-Client-%s.txt')
# HTTP Options
self.Serve_Exe = self.toBool(config.get('HTTP Server', 'Serve-Exe'))
self.Serve_Always = self.toBool(config.get('HTTP Server', 'Serve-Always'))
self.Serve_Html = self.toBool(config.get('HTTP Server', 'Serve-Html'))
self.Html_Filename = config.get('HTTP Server', 'HtmlFilename')
self.Exe_Filename = config.get('HTTP Server', 'ExeFilename')
self.Exe_DlName = config.get('HTTP Server', 'ExeDownloadName')
self.WPAD_Script = config.get('HTTP Server', 'WPADScript')
self.HtmlToInject = config.get('HTTP Server', 'HtmlToInject')
if not os.path.exists(self.Html_Filename):
print utils.color("/!\ Warning: %s: file not found" % self.Html_Filename, 3, 1)
if not os.path.exists(self.Exe_Filename):
print utils.color("/!\ Warning: %s: file not found" % self.Exe_Filename, 3, 1)
# SSL Options
self.SSLKey = config.get('HTTPS Server', 'SSLKey')
self.SSLCert = config.get('HTTPS Server', 'SSLCert')
# Respond to hosts
self.RespondTo = filter(None, [x.upper().strip() for x in config.get('Responder Core', 'RespondTo').strip().split(',')])
self.RespondToName = filter(None, [x.upper().strip() for x in config.get('Responder Core', 'RespondToName').strip().split(',')])
self.DontRespondTo = filter(None, [x.upper().strip() for x in config.get('Responder Core', 'DontRespondTo').strip().split(',')])
self.DontRespondToName = filter(None, [x.upper().strip() for x in config.get('Responder Core', 'DontRespondToName').strip().split(',')])
# Auto Ignore List
self.AutoIgnore = self.toBool(config.get('Responder Core', 'AutoIgnoreAfterSuccess'))
self.CaptureMultipleCredentials = self.toBool(config.get('Responder Core', 'CaptureMultipleCredentials'))
self.AutoIgnoreList = []
# CLI options
self.LM_On_Off = options.LM_On_Off
self.WPAD_On_Off = options.WPAD_On_Off
self.Wredirect = options.Wredirect
self.NBTNSDomain = options.NBTNSDomain
self.Basic = options.Basic
self.Finger_On_Off = options.Finger
self.Interface = options.Interface
self.OURIP = options.OURIP
self.Force_WPAD_Auth = options.Force_WPAD_Auth
self.Upstream_Proxy = options.Upstream_Proxy
self.AnalyzeMode = options.Analyze
self.Verbose = options.Verbose
self.CommandLine = str(sys.argv)
if self.HtmlToInject is None:
self.HtmlToInject = ''
self.Bind_To = utils.FindLocalIP(self.Interface, self.OURIP)
self.IP_aton = socket.inet_aton(self.Bind_To)
self.Os_version = sys.platform
# Set up Challenge
self.NumChal = config.get('Responder Core', 'Challenge')
if len(self.NumChal) is not 16:
print utils.color("[!] The challenge must be exactly 16 chars long.\nExample: 1122334455667788", 1)
self.Challenge = ""
for i in range(0, len(self.NumChal),2):
self.Challenge += self.NumChal[i:i+2].decode("hex")
# Set up logging
logging.basicConfig(filename=self.SessionLogFile, level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(message)s', datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p')
logging.warning('Responder Started: %s' % self.CommandLine)
logging.warning('Responder Config: %s' % str(self))
Formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(message)s')
PLog_Handler = logging.FileHandler(self.PoisonersLogFile, 'w')
ALog_Handler = logging.FileHandler(self.AnalyzeLogFile, 'a')
self.PoisonersLogger = logging.getLogger('Poisoners Log')
self.AnalyzeLogger = logging.getLogger('Analyze Log')
def init():
global Config
Config = Settings()