
319 lines
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2024-04-16 03:43:29 +00:00
!/!Current Restrictions:
!/!Maximum Line Length: 1024 characters
!/!Maximum Number of Lines Per String: 8 Lines
!/! Lines that begin with:
!/! !/! == comments (optional)
!/! !=! == English version of string
!/! !G! == German version of string
!/! !S! == Spanish version of string
!/! !I! == Italian version of string
!/! !F! == French version of string
!/! Note to localizers: All text when translated should stay very near the length of the
!/! English version, unless otherwise noted.
!/! Note to localizers: All %s,%d,%f and similar tokens MUST stay in the string, they will get replaced by:
!/! %s = another string
!/! %d = an integer value
!/! %f = a floating point number (a number with a decimal point)
!/! They may be moved around the string, but MUST stay in the same order (i.e. "%s got %d points" the %s must always come before %d)
!/! \t = insert a tab
!/! \n = force a newline
!/! \0-\255 = insert the number directly into byte
!/!========================= HUD Death Messages =================================================
!/! Note: if it states that victim is first, then the first %s will be replaced by the nickname of the victim,
!/! else the first nickname will be the name of the killer.
!/!0:%s got blasted by %s (victim first)
!=!%s got blasted by %s
!G!%s wurde von %s abgeschossen
!S!%s ha sido abatido por %s
!I!%s <20> stato abbattuto da %s
!F!%s a <20>t<EFBFBD> d<>truit par %s.
!/!1:%s knows %s is his god (victim first)
!=!%s knows %s is his god
!G!%s weiss, dass %s ihm <20>berlegen ist
!S!%s sabe que %s es su dios
!I!%s sa che %s <20> il suo dio
!F!%s v<>n<EFBFBD>re %s comme son dieu.
!/!2:%s sucks %s's milk (victim first)
!=!%s sucks %s's milk
!G!%s muss %ss F<>sse lecken
!S!%s muerde el polvo gracias a %s
!I!%s morde la polvere grazie a %s
!F!%s l<>che les pompes de %s.
!/!3:%s realizes %s's power (victim first)
!=!%s realizes %s's power
!G!%s bemerkt %ss Macht
!S!%s es consciente del poder de %s
!I!%s <20> conscio della forza di %s
!F!%s sous-estimait %s.
!/!4:%s got killed by %s (victim first)
!=!%s got killed by %s
!G!%s wurde von %s get<65>tet
!S!%s ha sido asesinado por %s
!I!%s <20> stato ucciso da %s
!F!%s a <20>t<EFBFBD> tu<74> par %s.
!/!5:%s begs for %s's mercy (victim first)
!=!%s begs for %s's mercy
!G!%s bittet %s um Gnade
!S!%s pide piedad a %s
!I!%s chiede piet<65> a %s
!F!%s supplie %s de l'<27>pargner.
!/!6:%s realizes %s is a better player (victim first)
!=!%s realizes %s is a better player
!G!%s erkennt, dass %s ein besserer Spieler ist
!S!%s comprende que %s es mejor jugador
!I!%s si rende conto che %s <20> un giocatore migliore
!F!%s admet que %s est le meilleur.
!/!7:%s was no match for %s (victim first)
!=!%s was no match for %s
!G!%s ist %s nicht gewachsen
!S!%s no estaba a la altura de %s
!I!%s non era all'altezza di %s
!F!%s ne peut lutter contre %s.
!/!8:%s wishes he was as good as %s (victim first)
!=!%s wishes he was as good as %s
!G!%s w<>nschte, er w<>re so gut wie %s
!S!A %s le gustar<61>a ser tan bueno como %s
!I!%s vorrebbe essere in gamba quanto %s
!F!%s aimerait <20>tre aussi bon que %s.
!/!9:%s got messed up by %s (victim first)
!=!%s got messed up by %s
!G!%s wurde von %s bearbeitet
!S!%s se ha metido en problemas por culpa de %s
!I!%s si <20> messo nei guai per colpa di %s
!F!%s s'est fait oblit<69>rer par %s.
!/! ----------------------- Suicide Messages -------------------------
!/!10:%s blasts himself
!=!%s blasts himself
!G!%s vernichtet sich selbst
!S!%s se vuela por los aires
!I!%s si fa saltare in aria
!F!%s s'est suicid<69>.
!/!11:%s Bursts his own bubble
!=!%s Bursts his own bubble
!G!%s bricht sich die eigenen Fl<46>gel
!S!%s hace estallar su propia burbuja
!I!%s fa scoppiare la propria bolla
!F!%s s'est roussi le caillou.
!/!12:%s doesn't know his own strength
!=!%s doesn't know his own strength
!G!%s kennt die eigene St<53>rke nicht
!S!%s no es consciente de su propia fuerza
!I!%s non <20> conscio della propria forza
!F!%s ne conna<6E>t pas sa propre force.
!/!13:No prize for %s
!=!No prize for %s
!G!Keine Pr<50>mie f<>r %s
!S!No hay premio para %s
!I!Niente premio per %s
!F!Pas de prix pour %s.
!/!14:%s doesn't wish to live anymore
!=!%s doesn't wish to live anymore
!G!%s m<>chte nicht mehr leben
!S!%s no quiere seguir viviendo
!I!%s <20> stanco di vivere
!F!%s veut en finir avec la vie.
!/!15:%s SUCKS!
!=!%s SUCKS!
!I!%s FA PENA!
!F!%s est nul !
!/! ------------------------------------------------------------------
!/!16:Stats (Column label in stats screen)
!/!17:%s Team (Column label in stats screen)
!=!%s Team
!G!%ses Team
!S!Equipo %s
!I!Squadra %s
!F!Equipe %s
!/!18:%s Team: (Column label in stats screen) Note the semicolon
!=!%s Team:
!G!%ses Team:
!S!Equipo %s
!I!Squadra %s
!F!Equipe %s:
!/!19:Welcome to Team Anarchy %s! (HUD Message on join)
!=!Welcome to Team Anarchy %s!
!G!Willkommen zu Team Anarchie, %s!
!S!Bienvenido al equipo %s de Anarqu<71>a
!I!Benvenuto nella squadra Anarchy, %s
!F!Bienvenue dans l'Anarchie Collective, %s !
!/!20:You're on the %s Team (HUD Message on join)
!=!You're on the %s Team
!G!Sie sind im %sen Team
!S!Est<73>s en el equipo %s
!I!Sei nella squadra %s
!F!Vous <20>tes dans l'<27>quipe %s.
!/!21:%s has joined the %s Team (HUD Message on join)
!=!%s has joined the %s Team
!G!%s hat sich dem %sen Team angeschlossen
!S!%s se ha unido al equipo %s
!I!%s <20> entrato nella squadra %s
!F!%s a rejoint l'<27>quipe %s.
!/!22:Pilot (Column label in stats screen)
!/!23:Kills (Column label in stats screen)
!/!24:Deaths (Column label in stats screen)
!G!Verlorene Leben
!/!25:Suicides (Column label in stats screen)
!/!26:Points (Column label in stats screen)
!/!27: Name of the game (shouldn't be localized probably)
!=!Team Anarchy
!G!Team Anarchie
!S!Equipo Anarqu<71>a
!I!Squadra Anarchia
!F!Anarchie Collective
!/!28: Score label
!/!29: ping label
!/!30: Saved game stats header
!=!Team Anarchy\nGame: %s\nLevel: %d\n
!G!Team Anarchie\nSpiel: %s\nLevel: %d\n
!S!Equipo Anarqu<71>a\nPartida: %s\nNivel: %d\n
!I!Squadra Anarchia \nPartita: %s\nLivello: %d\n
!F!Anarchie Collective\nPartie: %s\nNiveau: %d\n
!/!31: Saved game stats header
!=!Current Level Rankings\n
!G!Derzeitiger Levelrang\n
!S!Clasificaciones de nivel actual\n
!I!Classifica del livello corrente\n
!F!Classements Niveau Actuel\n
!/!32: Saved game stats header
!=!Rank Name Score Kills Deaths Suicides
!G!Rang Name Punkte Absch<63>sse Verl. Leben Selbstmorde
!S!Nombre de rango Puntuaci<63>n Bajas Muertes Suicidios
!I!Pos Nome Punt Ucc Morti Suicidi
!F!Rang Nom Score Victimes Morts Suicides
!/!33: Saved game stats header
!=!\nIndividual Stats\n
!G!\nIndividuelle Statistik\n
!S!\nEstad<61>sticas individuales\n
!I!\nStatistiche individuali\n
!F!\nStats Personnelles\n
!/!34: Time in game generated string (%s already localized in dmfc.str)
!=!Total Time In Game: %s
!G!Gesamte Spielzeit: %s
!S!Total de tiempo en partida: %s
!I!Tempo totale partita; %s
!F!Dur<75>e de la partie: %s
!/!35: Saved game stats header
!=!Callsign: Kills: Deaths:
!G!Erkennungsname: Absch<63>sse: Verl. Leben:
!S!Llamada: Bajas: Muertes:
!I!Chiamata: Ucc: Morti:
!F!Indicatif: Victimes: Morts:
!/!36: Hud message when stats are saved
!=!Stats saved
!G!Statistik gespeichert
!S!Estad<61>sticas guardadas
!I!Statistiche salvate
!F!Stats enregistr<74>es
!/!37: Name of the game used in stats screen
!=!Team Anarchy
!G!Team Anarchie
!S!Equipo Anarqu<71>a
!I!Squadra Anarchia
!F!Anarchie Collective
!/!Shorted versions of Kills,Deaths,Suicides